Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 2044: Alarmed 2 Big Clan

Xiao Zhantian's blood pulse hit ninety-three percent. The blood on the bloodstone monument soared into the sky, and the condensed phoenix lasted for a long time.

This pushed the atmosphere in the school to its peak.

"Congratulations to Brother Zhantian, take it one step further!" Beside, Ruoxi little girl blinked those long eyelashes, and congratulated Xiao Zhantian with joy on her face.

"Ninety-three percent ... This is just the beginning!" Looking at the heritage value, Xiao Zhantian evoked a faint smile.

He seemed very indifferent to this.

He won the phoenix nirvana, and he has long been full of confidence in stimulating blood.

At this point, he only performed a turn of the Phoenix, and his blood was raised again.

If he made nine turns of Phoenix, how much should he improve?

"Hee hee, Brother Zhan Tian is so powerful, I feel so stressed!" Feng Ruoxi blinked those long eyelashes, and his eyes were raised, staring at his brother Zhan Tian with a venerable smile. Her words were indeed from her heart, because Xiao Zhantian's progress was too great.

Standing next to the bloodstone monument, Feng Yufei's face was gloomy, and he had no idea what to say.

"Well, what about blood veins going against the sky? If you can't enter the congenital realm before the age of eighteen, the future is limited, but the blood veins are wasted." Feng Yuchen snorted coldly and chuckled. In Tianwu mainland, the blood veins are indeed It's important, but that cultivation talent is even more important.

If Xiu Xiu is limited, no matter how strong the blood is, there is only a treasure in it, but it cannot be opened.

Of course, more people admire Xiao Zhantian.

At this moment, few people dare to underestimate this boy.

After all, Xiao Zhantian at this time is completely condensed by his own ability!

Stuck on him, the ancient inscription carved by Ji Qingwu has already been stripped out along with that bloodline.

"Go!" Finally, Xiao Zhantian walked down the mountain with confidence.

Uh ...

After Xiaozhan battled the world, he went to practice martial arts and improved his strength.

He has long been indifferent to the promotion of that blood.

Only, the news that his bloodline broke to 93% was spread all over the wind.

Even after half an hour, Lin and Jin, one of the three major clans in Chishan City, knew the news.

After hearing the news, the people of the two major clans were restless.

At this time, several families of Lin's mansion had gathered together for a long time, and all of them looked restless.

"Ninety-three percent of the heritage blood is too scary. This Xiao Zhantian wants to surpass his mother!"

"At that time, the inheritance value of Fengtian Yao and Fengtianyu's blood veins reached 91% and they have left our Tiannan domain, making Feng's pressure on our flame mad lion Lin's for 30 years. Now this Xiao Zhan Tian's blood is stronger than that. If he is allowed to grow up, we Lin's day will never be in its prime! "

"Now the Chiyan Mountains are agitated, and a lot of spiritual extracts have begun to emerge. It seems that there are strange treasures born. Let's fight, don't fight!"

In the grand hall, the clan of the mad Lion Lin clan was anxious.

"Jianxiong, how does your father think about this?" At last, everyone set their sights on Uncle Lin!

This is the eldest son of Father Lin, Jianxiong Lin.

This Lin Jianxiong has a bear-backed waist and is as strong as an iron tower. His eyebrows are slightly protruded, his eyes are sunken, and a fierce coldness is hidden in it.

That looks like a fatal blow at any moment.

"My father is retreating, preparing to impact the Great Yuan Dan Realm. When he succeeds in the Great Yuan Dan Realm, naturally he will not be afraid of the old man." Lin Jianxiong looked calm, and there was a kind of control when his eyes moved. He looked at the elders in the hall and said lightly.

"As for Xiao Zhantian, he is just a genius who has not grown up."

"Without growing up, there is no threat!" At the end, there was a pervasive killing in his eyes.

A junior who hasn't grown up and wants to kill, it's too easy!

"Is the father hitting the Great Yuan Dan Realm?"

"Great, if the old man enters the Great Yuan Dan Realm, we will not be afraid of that Fengshi!"

"Oh, in this way, even if there is a strange treasure in the Chiyan Mountains, we can share a cup."

Suddenly, those elders' frowning frowns could not help loosening.

Over the years, they have been crushed by Feng's head everywhere, and their hearts have been breathless for a long time.

In the past seven days, the Chiyan Mountains have mutated, and the energy of the fire is obviously twice as strong as before.

Not only that, between the mountains, vegetation grows, and various spiritual extracts and spiritual fruits emerge, which is much faster than before.

Such a vision made these people feel like they had a strange treasure born.

Or there are monuments open!

You know, their wild lion Lin will choose to settle down in Chishan City, because their ancestors got a message that there is a heritage heritage in the Chiyan Mountains. Unfortunately, thousands of years later, their wild lion Lin searched the entire Chiyan No mountain monuments were found in the mountains.

But ...

The visions of the past seven days have made many ethnic groups reluctant to think together, remembering what happened thousands of years ago.

But they are also very jealous of Feng's.

So these clan elders want to know the meaning of their patriarch.

Now I heard that the patriarch was smashing into the Great Yuan Dan Realm, and there was a little bit of confidence in his heart.

No matter what, they have to fight for those spirits.

Only in this way can their descendants grow up.

Otherwise, their wild lion Lin's will never be in their prime.

This kind of day is extremely depressing to them!

Uh ...

In the hall of the King's Mansion, many old people of the King's family are also gathered.

"You don't need to worry. My father is already hitting the Great Yuan Dan Realm, and soon he will be able to successfully complete the customs. At that time, why should we be afraid of the Wind?" Jin Jiuying smiled and calmed the elders in the clan The elders of the clan were also worried about Xiao Zhantian's affairs just now.

Hearing this, the people of King's were relieved.

Uh ...

Xiao Xiao Zhantian did not know that the improvement of his bloodline inheritance value has caused the panic of the two thousand-year-old clan of Chishan Lin and Jin.

"Phoenix flutters its wings!"

"Phoenix strikes for nine days!"

Uh ...

Walking in a courtyard, Xiao Zhantian is constantly practicing the 13th strike of the Phoenix!

"Phoenix beckons the golden bell!" Only nine days after he struck the phoenix in one stroke, the body turned in a volley, his right hand clenched into a beak of the phoenix, and between those five fingers, a slight phoenix flame emerged. At this time, Xiao Zhantian seemed to be Stimulated the Phoenix blood, concentrated on these five fingers for attack.


Immediately, as a phoenix, he flew towards a boulder ahead.

He only saw his right claws close together, like a phoenix pecking at a huge rock facing forward.

Xiao Xiao Zhantian's shot was extremely fast, but in an instant, the phoenix that turned into his right hand was hit on the boulder.


Then a dull noise sounded.

Immediately, Xiao Zhantian's body flashed, and he landed right there.

After he landed, his eyes moved towards the boulder ahead.


At this moment, I saw the center of the boulder, guided by a gravure falling from the phoenix, and cracks began to spread.

It was just momentary, and the extremely hard rock broke apart, turned into rubble, fell to the ground, and fell into a pile.

Even, there is a hot flame on the stone, and there are signs of being melted by the flame.

"Yes, martial arts. Focus on it. Only by intention can we dig out the essence of martial arts!" Seeing this, the old gentleman Feng nodded slightly and said, "You just hit this blow, you are in the shape, and the gas is there, but There is a lack of potential, a potential of Phoenix, a potential of smashing heaven and earth! "

"Lack of momentum?" Xiao Zhantian Mulu asked.

"Yes, momentum, momentum!" Father Feng nodded, and then his eyes flashed, locking another huge stone in front.

"Look at me!" Suddenly, when Feng Feng moved, he swept towards the void in front of him, and his fingers, like a beak, hit the boulder.

At this moment, there is a powerful momentum on Master Feng. The momentum is shocking, just like a **** of war, it contains a trend of killing, a trend of defeating the opponent. Under the momentum, human souls are throbbing.

Xiao Xiao Zhantian looked at it as if he saw a fierce phoenix from ancient times to kill his enemy.

That momentum seems to have given Wu Xue the soul, so that it is not as simple as that simple move.

The entire yard was completely filled with a spirit of killing.

Xiao Xiao Zhantian couldn't help but be respectful.

This is the first time he has seen such grandeur in his grandfather.


After a while, Father Feng hit his finger on the boulder.

He heard only a loud noise, and the boulder collapsed and was directly crushed into a powder by a powerful momentum.

的 The boulder up to Zhang Xu has long disappeared!

"It's strong ... is this momentum?" Xiao Zhan's heart was inexplicably excited. The momentum that the old man just shot made him hard to forget.

"This is the potential, the potential is sent by intention, and the ideological martial arts can make such a powerful blow." Father Feng turned and said to Xiao Zhantian.

"You can do this as long as you have reached the unity of heaven and man."

"Congenital state!" After hearing that, Xiao Zhantian could not help but clenched his fists.

This exercise by Grandpa Grandma let him truly understand the mysteries of martial arts, and let him know that martial arts can reach such a point!

At the same time ~ ~ he is full of longing for this martial arts road.

He wants to unveil this mysterious martial art world step by step.

"You have to remember, it's your intention!"

"The potential comes from your will, that is, the thought ... As far as the meaning goes, it can change a lot!"

"Wu Youzhao, can be invisible, everything moves with your heart!" Father Feng said word by word.

At this moment, he is like a master of martial arts, explaining the true meaning of martial arts.

"Your level is still low, you can slowly comprehend it!" The old man smiled slightly, then let Xiao Zhantian realize slowly.

"Thank you for your advice!" Xiao Zhantian nodded.

外 The grandfather just said, it is enough to make him useful.

Xiao Zhantian then left, intending to realize the kind of mood that the grandfather had just exercised.

"I hope he can understand the mystery in it, and I can do only that!" Seeing Xiao Zhantian leaving, Father Feng slightly stroked his beard, his eyes were full of anticipation.

He is a strong man in Yuandan Realm. He naturally knows that when he martial arts, he can only understand it, but he can't teach it by words.

Even if he has already practiced what he has just realized, he may or may not realize it, everything depends on his personal understanding!

Sophistication is also the most critical factor that determines the achievement of a warrior!

Two people, even if they are as strong as blood, it is natural to say that the person with strong understanding has a better future!

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