Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 563: Crushing Gu Tianlan


Chang Ge cracked, and the momentum was like a rainbow!

Xiao Yun's mind moved, controlling the animal beasts to attack.


The giant palm stretched out to confront that Changge, even when it was a dazzling light.

This time, the beast shivered, and the huge body leaned out of the air.

Immediately afterwards, a vast aftermath raged like a torrent, drowning Xiao Yun in the void.

"Does the strength increase after the integration of the spiritual soldiers?" Xiao Yun glanced at the light, facing the vast current, he didn't worry too much. When he moved his mind, he swallowed the heavenly tactics, and a huge cyclone evolved immediately Out, began to devour the torrent that swept across.

When those aftermaths hit him, the power had weakened, and it was enough to resist with the Tianyan God Armor.

The aftermath of the empty sky swept through, the momentum was strong, and a hurricane was rolled up, but Xiao Yun stood in the midst of it but remained safe.

"No effect?" Gu Tianlan was surprised at the young man standing in the air.

This powerful blow of his own mighty power is that the impact of the aftermath can hurt the practitioners of Yuandan Yaeguchi.

But Xiao Yun in the Seventh Realm of Yuandan has nothing to do with it?

"He ... he wasn't hurt?" Looking at Xiao Yun who was safe and sound, the youth of Xishan religion was even dumbfounded.

The strength of this youth is far beyond everyone's imagination.

Look at this, it's not that easy to win it!

In the void, Xiao Yun's fire pattern flickered all over, eliminating all the raging aftermath.

In front of him there is an animal beast standing on its feet, shining with a bright light pattern and resisting most of the impact.

"Is this your full blow?" At this moment, his eyes rose, his head slammed, and he said lightly.

Xiao Yun's voice was not loud, but a bit of evil charm emerged from the corner of his mouth.

Feeling the meaning in Xiao Yun's discourse, Gu Tianlan's eyes moved with a little uneasiness.

"Then let me do my best!" At this moment, Xiao Yun's feet moved and he took a step forward.


The beast maggots in front of the body were taken out first, and one palm pressed down toward that ancient Tianlan.

The giant palm fell, and the metal palm had an obscure light pattern, like a giant net to overthrow this ancient Tianlan.

"Is this your best shot?"

Gu Tianlan smiled coldly, seeing that the animal beast again shot.

Immediately the long Ge crossed the sky, and a cold voice sounded through the sky.

"Jinyang Tiange, broken!"


Jin Ge burst into the sky and chopped the light pattern.

Which is just when Gu Jinlan's Jin Ge swept through the void, Xiao Yun's mouth is a radian of evil charm. (Book haha ​​updated fastest and most stable)


A soft drink was also spit out from Xiao Yun's mouth.

All he saw was the twinkle of his eyebrows, and a vast soul element fell down like the curtain of the sky.

After the soul element fell down, it rolled away like a raging wave, to submerge the ancient Tianlan in the soul sea.

The soul element swept in, and the momentum was fierce, which directly shocked people.

This is not a simple soul attack. It also contains a mysterious charm, which is designed to shock people.

At this time, Xiao Yun and the swallowing sky sparrow's soul are connected, the strength is doubled, and the power of the soul sea monstrous mystery is also doubled.


When that soul element swept through, Gu Tianlan was trembling, and his eyes began to appear in terror.

Not only that, the breath on him at this time was also stopped because of the stagnation of the mind.

At first, his blow was so fierce that he was about to tear the light pattern that bloomed from the animal beast.

Unfortunately, the vitality of his body was introverted and he could not sustain his support at the critical moment, which made that power plummet.


The beasts of the institutions fell with one palm, and the vast fluctuations were suppressed like the sky.


Just listening to the murmuring sound, such a huge wave suddenly gave Gu Tianlan to Zhenfei.

Gu Tianlan's mind was awake when he got shocked.

"It's the soul shock!" When the soul awakened, Gu Tianlan showed his solemn face.

In the distance, the practitioners of the Xishan religion also discovered this sudden change.

"Brother Gu has encountered a sneak attack!" Gu Feihong looked blankly, and worries appeared as his eyes turned.

"So powerful soul fluctuations!" Gu Feiyang also looked blank, his eyebrows were raised, and a surprise appeared in his eyes. The kind of soul fluctuations made him feel extremely uneasy. Their fighting body was unparalleled, but they Can't defend the soul!

Unless it is the true body of King Kong that is not bad, otherwise it is inevitable that you will be attacked by surprise.

At this moment, Xiao Yun's mind moved, and a more immense soul wave swept out of his knowledge of the sea.

A short spear flashed out.

At this moment Xiao Yun suddenly spurred the most powerful killing move!

Destroy the spear!

call out!

The spear of extermination flashed out, it was extremely fast, as if the same gloomy hole penetrated the void, this ancient Tianlan was to be killed here.

As long as this person is resolved, the Xishan religion will sharply reduce its power.


The Spear of Destruction appeared and flickered away towards the ancient Tianlan. The vast soul wavered and the spirit of slaughtering and killing the spirit made Gu Tianlan frightened. A thick sense of fear was in his Emerging among the eyebrows.

For so many years in the battlefield of Xuanyuan, for the first time, he showed such a terrified expression.

"Not good!" When the spear of the **** of destruction appeared, Gu Feiyang also felt this horrible atmosphere fluctuation.

In a hurry, he took a step forward, and that Vajrayana was also urged by him.


King Kong is like the same Jin Mang, and across the void is to shoot at the spear of the **** of destruction.

"Want to step in?" Xiao Yilang's eyes flickered in the distance. When his iron sword flickered, Jianguang flickered away, cutting away towards Gu Feiyang.

This sword is extremely powerful, containing Xiao Shijiro's sword potential, how many times stronger than the hasty sword at the beginning.


This sword was cut out, which was enough to make Yuan Dan's Eightfold Realm frightened.

Although Gu Feiyang is extraordinary, he does not dare to entrust it.

But he didn't panic, but instead drew a golden seal in the palm of his hand.


The golden seal flashed like a shield floating in the air, resisting Xiao Yilang's sword.


Jianguang flashed and chopped on the golden seal.

By this time, the Vajrayana had attacked the spear of extermination.

But Xiao Yun also took precautions. The light flashed in front of him, and the animal beasts shot.


The loud noise came out, and two golden glittering giant palms clapped together.

When the golden light shone, I saw that there was a golden lake in the void, and there was a ripple in the lake, but the spear of God was still imposing, penetrated the void, and penetrated the golden light straight. Gu Tianlan.

The spear of God of Destruction flashed like a gloom, only ten meters from Gu Tianlan.

At this moment, Gu Tianlan was trembling and felt a dangerous breath fluctuation.

"Not good!" Gu Tianlan's eyes flashed sharply in horror.

Condensing My King Kong!

In a hurry, his blood was flowing all over his body, and the strength of his body swept through him.

A flash of light flickered into a guard aperture to hold him tightly.

At the same time, he moved a lot, and even the Dajin Xuanshou who fused with Tian Ge slashed at the spear of God.


The hand is like a sword, and like a blade.

The blow took place in the electric light flint, almost the goddess spear was about to deceive him.

But this ancient Tianlan had rich experience in battle. That day, Ge split, and he even hit the flashing extermination spear.


The sound of a golden stone clash sounded, that day Ge and the spear of extermination collided together. When even a dazzling flame of light collided, the collision did not last long, but it was instantaneous. Gu Tianlan felt that the opposite side was impossible. Resistance came.

Immediately after that, his body trembled, and his right hand was aching, and it seemed to break like this.

He could even see a crack appear on that arm.

This day Ge confronted the spear of the **** of destruction, and was hit to break.


At the same time, a huge force came from the clash and sent him thousands of kilometers away.


Gu Tianlan's figure flew upside down, blood spit out from his mouth, his hair was disheveled, and he looked extremely embarrassed.

"It was actually resisted!" Seeing that Gu Tianlan was Zhenfei, Xiao Yun was not happy, but there was a trace of loss in his heart. This shot, he was unexpectedly surprised to be able to deter Gu Tianlan with his soul. Already.

But after this time, this person will definitely take precautions, and it is not so easy to kill him unexpectedly.

Sure enough, when the ancient Tianlan figure receded, he sacrificed a bronze round bowl suspended above his head.

The round bowl flashed, and some of the ancient charms were activated. At this time, these charms fell down and completely held Gu Tianlan's protection. Obviously, after the war just now, Gu Tianlan had scruples about Xiao Yunxin, and he was afraid of being attacked again. Shocked by soul power.

At this time, Gu Feiyang moved, and quickly urged that Kongo Gang to come to Gu Tianlan.

The golden seal in front of him was floating, the light flashed, and he had a strong defense.

Xiao Shiro shot just now, but he did not break the golden seal.

"This guy has a lot of cards!" Xiao Yilang on the opposite side frowned, and he couldn't do anything about this ancient flying. This person not only had the Vajrayana that was rare in the Xishan religion, but also had an amazing defense. Ancient seal.

It is more difficult to kill it than to deal with Gu Tianlan.

At this point, the people in the Famine have also understood why this ancient Feiyang would take such a high pride, and never put people in his eyes.

Because he does have this background ~ ~ Even if it is only Yuandan Seventh, he can completely ignore the Yuandan Eightfold Realm.

"Brother, can you be fine?" Gu Fei raised his eyebrows and hurried to Gu Tianlan, asking.

"It didn't matter much."

Gu Tianlan stabilized his body at this moment. He took a deep breath into the void and said immediately after taking a deep breath.

It was only when he glanced at his right arm that there was still a feeling of lingering in his eyes.

At this moment his right arm flashed, and a shot of Tian Ge emerged.

This day Ge's body is made of flowing gold and is an extremely hard spirit soldier.

However, at this time, a crack appeared in Ge, which seemed to be a disabled soldier. This makes Gu Tianlan heartache. It took him a lot of effort to bring the spirit soldier into his body!

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