Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 596: Slightly

"King Xiao Wu's fist can break the mountains and rivers, and if Wu's artistic conception reaches the extreme, it can also turn against the sky!" Xiao Yun murmured in his heart, his eyes narrowed, as if he was perceiving, as if he was merging. It looks extremely indifferent.

But in Xiao Yun, there was an inexplicable mood.

That is a martial arts mood.

When this mood permeated, the void air seemed to freeze for it.

"This is a kind of artistic conception?" The genius eyelids in the field jumped.

That Zhao Zixuan, Chen Haolong and others narrowed their eyes and put away the mentality of watching a theater.

As geniuses, they have a better perception of this mood than anyone else.

They can even feel the weakness of the artistic conception that everyone understands.

"This mood is natural, he seems to have realized the true meaning of the Tao." Li Changsheng's face was calm, with wise light flashing in his eyes. He stared at Xiao Yun, muttering to himself, and his face also appeared with a clear color. It seems that at this moment he really started to pay attention to this young man.


The true meaning of martial arts united, Xiao Yun had a natural feeling of Taoism.

He stood on the spot like that, facing Mu Yulong's sharp sword without fear.


Jian Guang had been stabbed, and in the near distance, Xiao Yundong was about to penetrate.

But at this moment Mu Yulong's eyes flickered, with a hint of strange colors emerging.

"This breath?"

He also felt the change of breath in Xiao Yun's body.

That kind of natural rhyme made him feel a little daunted.

This kind of artistic conception is obviously not available to ordinary Yuandan practitioners.

"Wu Shan Shan He!" Just when Jian Guang flickered, when Xiao Yun appeared, his eyes were still slightly frozen.

Waiting for a light drink, Xiao Yun's palm slowly stretched out.

This process is slow, random, and makes people feel too slow.

The distant practitioners couldn't help but feel that Xiao Yun was sweating.

Because in people's view, when Xiao Yun took the shot, I was afraid that Jian Guang had already killed it.

However, in the eyes of the strong man who has truly reached a certain level, the pupil is suddenly shrinking, knowing the mystery of it.

"Such rhyme ..." If that Li Changsheng, he took a deep breath and stared tightly forward after muttering.

Chen Haolong's eyes flickered, and his face was astonished.

These real geniuses felt a tremendous pressure from Xiao Yun's slow action.

In this atmosphere, other geniuses also held their breaths and stared tightly forward.

It seems that they also feel the extraordinaryness of Xiao Yun's hand!

The battle between the two sides should have been fierce, but at this time the audience was extremely quiet.

In this weird atmosphere, everyone clearly saw that Xiao Yun in Yanwutai lifted his palm and finally clenched it into a fist. Some fire patterns emerged on his fist, and finally turned into the armor of a **** armor. Cling to fists.

After the fire pattern emerged, the flashing fist slammed and blasted forward.

This is a simple punch, which seems to be very slow, as opposed to Mu Yulong's sharp sword.

But when this fist came out, the sword had not yet been stabbed, as if the space had been frozen for it.

Time is still.

This illusion is somewhat inexplicable and even incredible.

But real people know that this is Xiao Yun's comprehension of Dao Yun, and a simple punch has become natural.

This seemingly slow punch was actually incredibly fast, reaching an astonishing point.

It is only the inexplicable Taoyun that confuses people's hearts, which will cause such an illusion.


The fist burst, the light bloomed, and the terrible power shook the void in front.

As the fists passed, the void seemed to be twisted, forming a cyclone.

Finally, Jianguang flashed forward and stabbed at this fist!

All this seems to have happened for a long time, but in fact it is between electric light and flint.

Long sword stabbed, extremely sharp.

This is a precious sword that is inherited from the Mu family.

Once the sword comes out, the spirit can be broken!

The flash of blue light and the boxing clash, and everyone can clearly see that the tyrant's boxing light flashes, defeating the sword light.

Then the fist and the sharp sword completely collided.


A crisp sound sounded, as if the iron and iron were fighting, the sound wave could penetrate the gold cracking stone.

There was a burst of fire in Xiao Yun's fist.

From a distance, it really looks like a golden iron strike.

When the sound was heard, a vast martial truth really raged like a torrent.

All I saw was the long sword trembling, a buzzing sound, and then Zhenfei flew out.

The mighty martial arts raged on, and drowned Mu Yulong.


Mu Yulong trembled, and as the long sword was shaken out, there was a huge force on his wrist.

In the collision just now, his bones all made a crisp sound, so it was almost unbroken!

"Such martial arts power?" Mu Yulong was frightened, the body was shocked, Dan Yuan flowed around his body, and a powerful force was issued before he could shake the impact back.


Rao is so, his body is still hesitating and retreating, quite embarrassingly landing, backed up by seventeen meters to stop his figure.

After stopping his figure, he slowly raised his head, and looked at the young man in front of him with a serious face.

Although he didn't take all his efforts just now.

But as a strong man in Yuandan Eighth Realm, it should be enough to crush Xiao Yun in Yuandan Seventh Realm.

But this is not the case.

This Xiao Yun did not use any magic weapon, nor did he use the precious treasure, but repelled him with a pair of meat fists.

This result completely exceeded Mu Yulong's expectations.

"This Xiao Yun can resist Mu Yulong's sword with a pair of meat fists? Such a combat power is really amazing." Zhao Zixuan's eyes flashed, slightly surprised.

What surprised him most was that the long sword just hit Xiao Yun's fist, and the latter's fist was not damaged at all.

It is hard to imagine how powerful this youth of Yuandan is.

"It really is a genius." Many people in the field nodded slightly, showing shocked faces.

In fact, before this confrontation, many people on the field did not recognize Xiao Yun very much.

Because very few people would believe that the youth of Yuandan Seventh Realm can compete with the power of Yuandan Eighth Realm.

As for the practitioners who have cut through Yuandan's nine-fold realm, I am afraid that they also resorted to external forces or treasures left by their predecessors.

So everyone didn't have that kind of awe of Xiao Yun.

But after just shooting, these people began to change their views.

The same is true of Chen Haolong and Li Changsheng.

With a punch, Xiao Yun did not chase after winning.

At this moment his eyes stood slightly in place.

He seemed to be perceiving and wondering.

"What seems to be a bit worse for this blow?" Xiao Yun felt it in his heart and kept thinking.

This is the first time he has made a real shot since he fully realized the true meaning of Martial arts.

Therefore, the use of martial arts is not perfect.

He was pondering, verifying with the situation just shot and his own feelings with the situation when King Xiao Wu shot.

Only then can he continue to improve.

"The true meaning of martial arts! I didn't expect that you started to have your own Tao. It is indeed a genius, but your realm is worse, so now, you want to be above me and wait, just not that easy . "

Mu Yulong stabilized his body, his eyes twinkled, staring at Xiao Yun in front of him, and he sank.

"So let me see your true strength next."

After waiting for a bit of cold words, Mu Yulong's eyes flashed, and the eyebrows had a light pattern.

If you look closely, you can see that there is a mist in his eyes at this moment, and there seems to be a spirit snake dancing in it, an ancient breath originating from ancient times, beginning to diffuse from his eyes.

Under the blessing of this breath, Mu Yulong became imposing.

In him, there seems to be a pervasive breath of the king, and that momentum gives people an irresistible feeling.

Double Snake Martial Arts!

Even in ancient times, it is definitely a powerful martial spirit, and it cannot be underestimated.

"Is Mu Yulong going to spur Wuhun?"

Seeing this, the eyes of the people in the field showed excitement and stared forward.

Zhao Zixuan and others also showed an expression of interest on their faces.

Everyone knows that this is the real confrontation.

The obscure fluctuations permeated Xiao Yun, who was thinking about it.

As soon as his eyes condensed, he saw the twinkling snake shadow in Mu Yulong's eyes.

"Is it the two snakes and martial spirits?" The snake shadow appeared in Mu Yulong's eyes, Xiao Yun's eyes condensed, and a slight smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. He wanted to see the ancient Wu souls from ancient times. Place.

At the same time, he also has an ancient atmosphere of volatility.

It was a kind of warfare.

The war fright was different, but there was a bit of an ancient breath in it.

Now Xiao Yun's Zhan Wu soul has not been fully awakened, but has become more solid.

At this time, a light drink came out of Mu Yulong's mouth.

Concentrating on the power of my martial spirit, the two snakes appear!

I saw Mu Yulong's eyes gleam, the eyebrows had runes flickering, an obscure pattern permeated, and the long sword in his hand was injected. Under the injection of this ancient grain, his blue sword, the snake The scales began to twist.

A vast wave of volatility spread.

This sword is the treasure of the Mu family. It is made from the green snake and Momang's demon spirit and refined by blood. It can be urged by the power of the martial spirit.

After the power of the martial spirit was poured into it, the pair of snakes on the sword began to squirm.

The two snakes seemed to have turned alive.

The two snakes moved, full of spirituality, and seemed to leave the sword at any time.

"With the soul of Wuhun, urge the spirit in the sword?" Seeing this, Xiao Yun smiled slightly.

This is nothing but Doyle.

Spirit snake double line!

Mu Yulong's sword moved in the hands of ~ ~ swiftly to Xiao Yun.

The sword provoked blossoming sword flowers, and the sound of that sword sounded like a snake.

The sound was strange, deep and powerful, like the sound of a dragon.


Suddenly, there were two snakes bursting out of the sword light, turning into a green, two inks lingering towards Xiao Yun.

When the two snakes were dispatched, the green snake opened its mouth and evolved into a giant cyan light vein, which was going to devour Xiao Yun.

The ink snake's pupils glowed, as deep as the abyss, and filled with terrible runes, the breath seemed to be captivating.

When the two snakes were dispatched, Mu Yulong's palm sword also turned into a green awn and followed him.

This is tantamount to a double attack, one after the other, one step at a time.

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