Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 608: Challenge Gu Feiyang?

Xiao Yun's eyes moved slightly, and he looked towards Gu Feiyang.

At this time, Gu Feiyang looked gloomy and glanced at Xiao Yun.

Only in Gu Feiyang's eyes, there was a dodging meaning.

After the First World War in Tianwutai, Gu Feiyang felt great fear of Xiao Yun.

"Why is Xiao Yun soaring towards ancient Fei?" Seeing Xiao Yun's eyes so light, many people wondered.

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Gu Feiyang was frowning at this moment, showing his face groaning, wondering what he was thinking.

The rest of the practitioners' eyes were stunned as their eyes flowed.

At this point in the top ten here, except Xiao Yun, all stepped into the Yuandan Eighth Realm.

It can be said that everyone has the same strength, and whoever has the advantage is not big.

So these people want to see how others' plans are going.

After all, in this case, everyone is an adventure first.

Chen Haolong and Li Changsheng were both eyes closed and looked like nothing.

Now they are in the first place, no need to challenge anyone, just wait for others to challenge.

Gu Feiyang's eyes flickered and he was ready to speak.

He didn't expect him to speak, but Xiao Yun, who was sixth in the rankings, stood up stupidly.

"Since no one is challenging, let me challenge others first!" Xiao Yun stood up with a smile on his face.

"Who are you going to challenge?" Seeing Xiao Yun get up, the domain envoy asked.

The top ten people also turned their eyes to reveal the fiery light.

As we all know, Xiao Yun used to be fascinating, and everyone thinks he can be the first.

At this moment, he is going to challenge, presumably to challenge Chen Haolong and Li Changsheng?

It's been a long time since the battle between these people!

"I challenge the ninth, Gu Feiyang!" When everyone's eyes were out of expectation, Xiao Yun frowned and set his sight on Gu Feiyang. There was a little coldness in the corner of his mouth. People, I'm afraid that it will be difficult to have a chance in the future.

Because of this ancient flying strength, this person will definitely be able to set foot.

"Challenge Gu Feiyang?" Wen Yan said, all the practitioners in the audience were stunned.

Even the deacons on the high stage were limping.

A sixth to challenge the ninth is a bit inexplicable.

Is this head funny?

Many people murmured in their hearts, and then looked at Xiao Yun with a disdainful light.

"It seems that there is really a deep grudge between the two people!" Seeing this, some people with knowledge of the situation were stunned.

These people have long heard of some stories of Xiao Yun.

Among them was a section of Tianwutai where he was quilted.

Now it seems that this should be true.

Otherwise, will Xiao Yun challenge sixth Gu Feiyang as the sixth?

"This Xiao Yun intends to be ashamed of the past, and completely settle his grudges!" Someone said.

"I don't know how Gu Feiyang's combat power, I heard that he has blood and blood!"

After the people Zhīdào complained of Xiao Yun and Gu Feiyang, they were full of expectations for this battle.

Especially those who have heard of the prestige of warfare, they all want to see it, and at this time they just have a chance to see it.

"Gu Feiyang, do you want to fight?" The domain envoy was also a little surprised at first, because such a thing rarely happened in the Hundred Wars. Since someone challenged him, he had to preside.

Gu Feiyang's eyes flickered with hesitation.

In fact, when Xiao Yunzheng approached him, he vaguely felt that there would be such a scene.

But he was at a loss.

Because everyone has the opportunity to challenge, not what he can escape.

Of course, he can also refuse.

A top six person challenges a top nine person, and even if he fails, there seems to be no loss.

But if he refuses directly, he will find it difficult to gain a foothold and lose his reputation.

Not only that, if he is afraid, he will leave a shadow.

Because he has escaped once under Xiao Yun's hands. If he comes again, what situation should he fall into?

It was also because of escape, that caused a shadow in his heart at this time.

Otherwise, could Gu Feiyang dodge his eyes when he saw Xiao Yunzheng towards himself?

"How? Don't you dare?" Xiao Yun's eyes lighted up, and he flew towards Gu Fei, with a little coldness appearing between the corners of his mouth.

"Don't you dare?" Gu Feiyang groaned slightly, and then his eyes became cold, and a powerful momentum permeated from him.

He stood up arrogantly, and the long hair flickered with golden light.

The momentum of Yuan Dan's Yae Jing was swept out even from him.

Now entering Yuandan Yae, Gu Feiyang is stronger than before.

But the only thing that tangled him was that King Kong was considered a hole card, and he must not urge.

If this battle is considered a violation of the rules, it will be cancelled directly.

"Then let's fight!"

Xiao Yun blinked his eyes and said, "It's time to end your grudges."

This is the best opportunity to settle grudges.

Because once you step into Tiandu, who can guarantee to meet again?

That's why Xiao Yun was in a hurry to take the shot and challenge Gu Feiyang.

"I will fight one first, and then find a chance, so that others will not say that Gu Feiyang dare not fight!"

Gu Feiyang blinked his eyes, thinking secretly in his heart, "When I step into the realm of heaven, I am superbly golden, and it will never be too late, gentleman revenge, no later than ten years, what is the momentary success or failure? Go to the end Is the king. "

Soon Gu Feiyang's eyes were cold and cold, and he already had a certain number in his heart.

If he does not fight, he will be ridiculed, and he will become a stain of life in the future.

He lost in the First World War, and later he defeated Xiao Yun with the supreme golden strength. The world would only say that he was inspirational and a master of the world.

After making up his mind, Gu Feiyang moved, and fell towards the challenge platform ahead.

Xiao Yun frowned, and walked away.

The two of them moved and landed on the challenge platform ahead.

At this time, the people of the seven denominations on the high stage also showed their expectations.

In the top ten, they can see the most potential people from them.

So it's easy to decide who to fight for.

"How did Fei Yang seem to have some scruples just now? Couldn't he fight this Xiao Yun?" On the high platform, an elder of Xuan Tianzong's eyes condensed, and a little doubt appeared between his eyebrows. Definitely a natural talent.

At this point, the young man has stepped into the Yuandan Eighth Realm again, which should be enough to sweep the Yuandan Seventh Realm!

But just now he clearly saw a hint of fear in Gu Feiyang's eyes.

"It seems that they have been fighting for a long time!" Said another deacon of Xuan Tianzong.

"Cut off my ancient genius? This boy is so mad!" The deacon of the ancient surname was so moved that he immediately heard everyone's argument, and his face suddenly became gloomy, and there was even a horrible killing in his eyes.

"Anyway, entering Xuantianzong with a flying constitution is enough to get the key training." Another deacon said.

"That's it." Deacon Gu surrendered slightly, but there was a bit of sharpness in his eyes, and he stared tightly forward.

Where the figures flicker, Xiao Yun and Gu Feiyang have landed.

Facing Xiao Yun, Gu Feiyang showed his solemn face.

Even after entering the eight-fold realm of Yuandan, there is still not much confidence.

Because Gu Feiyang knew too much about this Xiao Yun, Zhiīdào the latter's profound knowledge must not be underestimated.

The two landed, facing each other.


Inexplicably, there is a suffocating breath on the challenge stage.

At this time, Xiao Yun's smile on his face completely converged, and there was a chill in his eyes, and a war of war began to condense on his body.

"This time, that's the end of your grievances!" Xiao Yun glared, Shen said.

"After all, I want to surpass you!" Gu Feiyang said coldly, word by word.

He seemed to persuade himself, as well as a declaration.

In fact, he has admitted in his heart that he cannot fight Xiao Yun at this time.

"No need to use all kinds of hole cards!" Xiao Yun said lightly, in response to this, he could crush Gu Feiyang without the most powerful hole cards. This is a kind of Zìxìn, a quality that a strong person should have, virtually. He has surpassed Gu Feiyang.

"Okay, I see how strong you are!" Gu Feiyang's eyes condensed, his body was filled with golden light, and a powerful vein of blood burst out. That was the power from the blood vein. The power was vast and magnificent. Only like the king.

"Is this the blood of the war?" When this momentum spread, many people were surprised.

This momentum even Mu Yulong and others frowned at it, feeling a bit shocked.

"Well worth fighting!" Many people were surprised.

I haven't shot yet, but I have felt the extraordinaryness of the war!

Some even doubt that Xiao Yun, who is in the seventh place of Yuandan, can fight with him.

Although Xiao Yun has a good reputation, only a few people have actually seen him.

Facing the trend of war, many people began to doubt Xiao Yun.

"Is the blood of the Warrior's body?" On the high platform, Zou Yu made the light of the eye condensed, but also exposed the light of a few minutes. Famous in the sky. "

Zou Yushi is the Tiangong Yushi, and is the leader of many Yuen Yuen in the Xuanyuan battlefield.

"Hehe, Feiyang has inherited 90% of the blood, and it has great potential." Elder Xuan Tianzong smiled.

"Ninety percent?"

Hearing that, Zou Yu surprised his face, and Guangguang Yining said, "If such a person is recommended, he can be admitted to the higher education."

"Unfortunately, the sky is too big. Those great teachers can't wait for me." Deacon Gu smiled bitterly.

In his words, he intended to stare at that Zou Yushi ~ ~. It seems that he wants to see if this person has the ability to make this referral?

"That's it," Wen Yan said, and Zou Yushi said, "Tiandu is very accessible, but if a genius will shine sooner or later."

"Oh, that's, that's it." The deacon of Gu Xing smiled, and from this remark, Zhódào, the Zou Yushi, was unable to introduce him.

At this moment, Xiao Yun was frightened, that long hair was automatic without wind, and it was amazingly pervading.

Although he hasn't stepped into Yuandan Yae, yet the oppression he has given at this time is not worse than the practitioners of Yuandan Yae.

"Is this a fight?"

On the high stage, a deacon of Wu Zong's eyes brightened, and he couldn't help touching the long beard, and murmured, "This son seems to have some accomplishments for martial arts!"

"This Xiao Yun is suitable for me Wu Zong!" Another deacon of Wu Zong also smiled slightly.

The war has not yet begun, and the deacons of these seven denominations have begun to find some talents suitable for their own denomination.

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