Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 619: Metaplasia

"I challenge!" Finally, someone got up and started challenging.

But it was Montage that challenged that Yintai.

The two men fought in a horrifying battle, and Yintai was extraordinary. He was not afraid of Montgic's gravity.

After two hundred rounds of war, Monty was defeated.

"Can anyone still challenge?" Nayu said again.

"I challenge!" Chen Haolong stood up, and there seemed to be a dragon rolling in his eyes. "Fiction" novel chapters are updated the fastest

Now that he is sixth, he will naturally challenge.

"You?" Asked the domain minister.

"Challenge the first three, Gu Feiyang!" Chen Haolong said.

Waiting for the words to fall, Chen Haolong stood up and challenged Gu Feiyang.

After adjusting interest rates at this time, Chen Haolong's injury was almost the same.

"Gu Feiyang, do you want to fight?" The domain envoy asked.

"Challenge!" Gu Feiyang stood up, without fear of a battle.

Finally, the two logged in to the challenge station and started the war.

Only once they shot, they showed their unique skills.

The fused Gu Feiyang was so imposing that he was as aggressive as God of War.

But Chen Haolong was more powerful, and dispatched, defeating Gu Feiyang, and even the dragon body did not condense.

He won the battle and became third.

"Are you going to fight yet?" Asked Yu Shi.

Chen Haolong shook his head and did not mean to challenge.

Since losing to Xiao Yun, he has no intention to fight Li Changsheng.

"Who else is going to fight?" Yu Shi continued to ask.

The audience was silent and no one spoke.

After several battles at this time, everyone has shown their strength and there is no need to challenge.

After a short silence, everyone turned their eyes on the young man who secretly adjusted his breath.

"Did anyone challenge it?" Xiao Yun's eyelids moved slightly, and his eyes opened.

At this point he had stabilized his breath.

Xiao Yun's eyes narrowed to the side. At this moment, the crowd was calm and restless, and they all focused on their own body.

He smiled slightly, and Zhīdào's final qualifying was set.

"Then let me go to the final battle!" Xiao Yun smiled in his eyes, then rose up slightly lazily, but in his eyes, there was a sharp light emerging. This battle will be It is a battle of great significance.

Xiao Shen, the audience's eyes followed.

"Is he finally going to challenge?" Everyone held their breath.

Li Changsheng seemed to feel, and his closed eyes opened slowly.


The eyes turned, the two eyes gathered together, and the void shuddered.

"Oh, Brother Li, I have heard that you are born with spiritual roots and you are the East Sea King. I wonder if you can teach me!" Xiao Yunlang laughed.

"Brother Xiao is talented and I want to learn a couple of things." Li Changsheng stood up, his figure was slender, his face looked like a crown, and he wore a green robe with a crown on his head. Dust, his words are very light, but it gives a feeling of being intimate.

At this moment, he is like a **** who has set foot on earth, and it is awe-inspiring.

Xiao Yun clenched his fists, then moved, walked in the air, and landed on the challenge platform in front.

Li Changsheng's clothes fluttered and he fell to the ground.

Suddenly, two youths stood opposite each other!

At this time, everyone in the audience gathered their sights here.

These are two true Tianjiao, who can be the first?

The two eyes were opposite each other, and they didn't talk much, just stood there quietly.

For Xiao Yun, Li Changsheng also has a certain understanding.

Although he had it, he didn't mean to scorn the other party.

After all, Xiao Yun's ability to take this step is enough to show his extraordinaryness.

Moreover, judging from a few shots just now, this Xiao Yun obviously hasn't done his best.

So at this time Li Changsheng looked completely ashamed, he was condensing to get himself to the best state.

For Li Changsheng, Xiao Yun knew nothing about it.

Because few people here have ever seen Li Changsheng's shot, only his undefeated myth spread in the battlefield of Xuanyuan.

Not to mention the other, a genius of Yuandan Jiuzhong Realm is enough for Xiao Yun to take it seriously.

Xiao Yun is also condensing, and the power of knowing the war soul in the sea is constantly spreading.


The whole stage was surprisingly quiet.

The atmosphere in the field was suppressed to an extreme.

"Who do you say will win?" There has been no war yet, and some people have already begun discussions.

"I think it should be Li Changsheng!" Someone said, "However, Li Changsheng has Yuandan Jiuzhong, would he fail?"

Both are geniuses, and it is difficult to cross a realm.

Many people nodded and thought so.

It's just that everyone is looking forward to what extent Xiao Yun can do his best in the war.

"Brother Xiao will surely win!" But the members there were full of confidence, and they were not worried from the beginning.

"He will win?" Someone sneered, "Even if Xiao Yun is a natural talent, but Li Changsheng is also extraordinary. Once he uses the hole card, will the combat power be as simple as Yuan Dan Jiu Zhong? I'm afraid to reach the major achievement Even the peak combat power? "

If so, it can be crushed before stepping into Yuan Dan's eighth Xiao Yun.

"You look at it." In this regard, the people of the Famine League smiled slightly and did not say more.

Li Changsheng stood on the spot, and the robe danced inexplicably giving people a sense of ethereality.

From a distance, he seemed to be immersed in the void, ready to take the wind.

He had adjusted his condition to the best at this moment, and there was an inexplicable Taoyun in his breath.

Xiao Yun's face was grim, and he could not see the emotional fluctuations. It was just in front of him that the vast war intentions were constantly condensing.


In the end, the warfare was so intense that it seemed that the tide was sweeping, causing ripples in the void ahead.

Xiao Yun's eyes flashed and he stepped forward.

Wu Sui Shan He!

I waited for a drink and then came out, and I saw the void in front of me. A flashing fist with a vast fleeing attacked the Li Changsheng. With such a punch, the void seemed to be broken. Fighting against the vastness seems to crush everything.


The fist flickered, and the sound of a sonic boom kept ringing.

Such a blow is enough to horrify many powerful men in Yuandan Yae Realm.

At this moment, everyone held their breaths and stared tightly forward.

The Hundred Sects War has been going on for a long time, and many geniuses have demonstrated their extraordinaryness, but Li Changsheng did not take any action, so the people now are extremely successful in this first Hundred Sects, and they want to see his unique style.

Now Xiao Yun shot, punched out, and aggressive.

Seeing Xiao Yun's shot, Li Changsheng looked indifferent, his eyes narrowed, and he stared at the front lightly.


He moved his hands and drew an arc in the air.

There was a faint luster in his hand, and an obscure wave permeated it.

"This is the wave of Tian Linggen." Someone blinked, feeling the wave from Li Changsheng's hand.


Only the ripples of the void rose, and the mysterious lines turned into a circle.

The circle trembled, like a curtain of water, and like a sea evolving, it just shook and swept forward.


When Li Changsheng flicked his hands, the void moved for a while, and it seemed to turn into an inexplicable water curtain.


At this moment, the light flashed and bombarded the water curtain.


With a muffled noise, Xiao Yun felt that his punch seemed to hit the sea, but there was a ripple in the void in front, which seemed to be able to blow the void, but at this time it was just a ripple, and then a wave The obscure fluctuations permeated even to dissolve his punches.


In this case, Xiao Yun's strength completely dissipated, and his body shuddered.

He felt like he was punching, but he didn't focus.

"What means is this?" Xiao Yun was startled, apparently not expecting that his blow would become so unbearable.

Just when he was surprised, Li Changsheng's palm changed suddenly.

His slender grip turned into a sharp claw, protruded from the ripples, and grabbed Xiao Yun.

This hand is very simple, just like Black Tiger, but the momentum is shocking.

Even Xiao Yun was surprised and hurried back.

This Li Changsheng's shots are like clouds and flowing water, which contains Dao Yun, but the simple style has caught people's weaknesses.

When Xiao Yun stepped back, his giant claws had been caught.


Seeing the giant claw coming, Xiao Yun flickered in front of him, and evolved a flame armor.


As soon as the giant claws moved, they fell on the armor, and even if there was a gurgling noise, there was still a firelight blooming.

The fire pattern flickered to dissolve the power of this claw.

But that claw was too strong, which was a hit by Yuan Dan's Nine-Strength Repairer.

One claw fell, and it seemed to cut gold and jade.

Xiao Yun could even feel that Yan Shen's armor was about to crack that day.

Under that dragon, his flesh and blood seemed to be broken.

"Soul Yuan Blade!" In a hurry, Xiao Yun's mind moved quickly and evolved a soul Yuan Blade.


The soul yuan blade was cut off, that Li Changsheng's brows frowned slightly, the claws quickly withdrew, and a flick of his finger hit the soul yuan blade together.


A crisp sound came out, the soul yuan blade trembled, and was even broken by a finger of Li Changsheng.


The vast waves swept away, and Xiao Yun shuddered and retreated dozens of meters away.

When he stabilized his body, his face was somber.

This Li Changsheng is truly extraordinary, raising his hands and throwing his feet into the sky seems to be able to motivate the world, reaching an astonishing point.

"Xiao Yun was hit?" Many people exclaimed, shocked.

Only shot, how can Xiao Yun be so easily hit?

Is he intentionally so?

The strength of Li Changsheng is beyond many people's expectations ~ ~ No, Li Changsheng repairs it and can resolve all attacks, so Xiao Yun's blow can be easily resolved. "

Someone said.

"Chemistry?" After hearing the words, many eyes were surprised.

"It is said that only the practitioners of Tianlinggen can practice this metamorphosis. I did not expect that Li Changsheng has obtained such a magic skill!"

Even the elders of the seven major schools on the platform were surprised.

"This metamorphosis originates from the ancient times, it is indeed extraordinary!" Zou Yu made his eyes narrow, and seemed to listen to the prestige of metamorphism.

"Chemistry?" Xiao Yun's eyes twinkled, his face dimmed.

After a blow just now, he has already become extraordinary about Li Changsheng.

Now it seems that he must have been related to this metamorphosis just as he punched in the sea just now.

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