Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 635: Playful little sister

Unconsciously, it has been seven days since Xiao Yun's impact on the realm of soul.

At this point, he had taken all the elixir donated by Deacon Soul Sect Willow.

That Zhan Wuhun and Life Wuhun seem to be needed by Zhīdào Xiao Yun, and they are no longer ingesting a lot of soul elements.

In this way, he is left to continue to attack the God of Destruction.


In Xiao Yun, Yi Yi rang, but Yi Yi opened her eyes. "Fiction" novel chapter updated fastest

At this moment, the little boy was full of light, with an ancient light pattern blooming.

But these light streaks were fleeting and soon fell into its body.

The breath of the little guy has improved a lot, and it has suddenly reached.

Yi Yi's eyes opened, looking around, and when she found that Xiao Yun was still in retreat, she was full of frustration.


The little boy felt depressed, touching the belly.

It just broke through and needed a lot of vitality supply.

It's just that those heaven and earth vitality absorbs nothing, it has a special liking for Xiao Yun's elixir.

Sweet and fragrant, but delicious.

After waiting a moment, seeing Xiao Yun hasn't moved yet, the little guy's eyes light up at last.

It seemed to think of something, and his eyes grunted and turned into a white light and left the room.


A white light passed through the void, and the little one came.

At this time it was night and the light was dim.

When the little guy came to the medicine garden, the saliva would flow out.

It was just that when it came to the front, it had a piece.


The light flickered, stopping it ahead.

"What should I do?" Yi Yi's little paws dragged her face, showing a thoughtful face, when there was a restraint in front.

"Yeah!" Then his eyes lighted, and his claws moved forward.

A scratch fell across the void and landed on the ban.


The forbidden light flashed, with obscure fluctuations permeating.

But just as it was about to evolve a forbidden attack, Yi Yi's claws resolved all those runes.

Its small paw even broke the prohibition easily, tearing a hole, and disappeared into the medicine garden as soon as it moved.

Obviously, Yiyi possesses magical powers, can resolve many runes and attacks, and can easily.

After entering the pharmacy, the little gem-like eyes of the little boy bloomed with joy.


Looking at the elixir in the garden, Yiyi's saliva was going to flow out. After touching the little belly, he started to look for the elixir.

It has just broken through, and it is clearly in urgent need of medicinal materials to stabilize its realm.

The night was hazy, and Yi Yi ran happily in Tianwuge Medicine Garden watching the medicine in the garden.

The next day, early in the morning, the sun rose, and in the void of Wuge that day, there were several people walking.

First in front is a wonderful young woman wearing a strong animal skin.

The woman's skin was like snow, ice muscles and bones. She was wearing a strong outfit, exposing a pair of white stern arms. The short luster was shining, but she couldn't cover her graceful waist. The girl looked only sixteen years old. It's just, but it already has a nice figure.

Especially at this time, her hot clothes made her full of wild taste.

At this moment, the woman was rushing towards Tianwu Pavilion forward.

Behind her, four youths followed.

These young people are not very old, they are all 16 to 17 years old.

But their cultivation is all in Yuandan Jiuzhong, and they all have an extraordinary temperament.

These people are all talented disciples of Wu Zong.

After a short while, everyone came to Tianwu Pavilion.

Looking forward, the one floating in front is empty

"Sister Kexin, shall we just go in like this?" Several young people frowned, asking.

"Why are you scared?" The girl's jade foot slightly paused, and the movie turned over to the young people behind her, saying coldly.

A peerless face also appeared in the sight of everyone.

This is a young girl with pale blue eyes. Her long blue hair dances with the wind, and with the delicate face of the young girl, she looks like the midnight elf. Stare at those youths.

The taste had a bit of a savage princess.

It's just that although the girl's tone is slightly overbearing, the young people behind her don't have a look of anger.

Instead, everyone was afraid of the girl's angry look.

"No, how could you be afraid?" A young man in a blue brocade smiled and said, "It's just that there is a master in Tianwu Pavilion now, so we rush in, I'm afraid it's not good. If there is any conflict, the sovereign will be Blame you! "

"What kind of master is he?" The blue-haired girl muttered, with anger appearing in the eyes like gems, "This day Wuge is brother of Shaofeng. Do n’t even want to be a master. Huh, I want to See what this guy can do? "

Seeing the anger-like look of the girl, the young people beside her felt helpless.

It seems that the departure of that brother has made this girl lingering so far!

As a result, someone entered his residence at this time with such great emotions.

"It's just Xiner, it's really rude to go this way. Maybe we should teach him something in the future?"

Said the Jinyi youth.

This person is already seventeen, slightly calm.

"Guo Ziwen, you are a boneless guy!" The young girl glared at the Jinyi youth, and then hummed, "You don't go, I'll go by myself." Then she moved her jade foot, and hurled towards the Tianwu Pavilion in front. Fly away.

"Sister Xiner, wait for us!" The other three teenagers quickly followed.

The young man named Guo Ziwen shook his head and had to follow immediately.

call out!

"Well, no one?" The blue-haired woman rushed into Tianwu Pavilion, but found no trace of Xiao Yun.

"Who are you, is there anything to come here?" Several waitresses in charge of Tianwu Pavilion saw these people quickly.

"It's nothing, you step back." Several young men said coldly.

The maids' eyes blinked, but they didn't dare to say much.

Because judging from the costumes of these people, they are obviously disciples of the inside door.

These ordinary maids dare not mess with them at all.

"This Xiao Yun should be in retreat." Some young people next to him said, "Would you like to find him?"

"I'm afraid that's not right," said Guo Ziwen.

It's very impolite to come uninvited. It would be too absurd if it still disturbs the retreat.

If this matter is pursued, it will be difficult for them to escape.

In Wuzong, the most taboo disturbed the retreat.

"Are you retreating?"

The corner of the blue-haired woman's mouth was lifted, and the jewel-like eyes dripped slowly to reveal the sly taste of her face.

"Huh, you're retreating, so get some interest first."

The blue-haired woman's eyes twitched and looked eccentric.

The young people next to him were all curious and wondered if this little girl had any more ideas.

"Go." The blue-haired girl smiled at the corner of her mouth, turning away even if it was empty.

Just a moment later, everyone came to a mountain pass.

Here, there is a huge medicine garden.

"This is the medicine garden of Tianwu Pavilion. Shimei, are you here?" Guo Ziwen's eyes froze, and he asked with a little surprise.

The other three teenagers were also surprised.

"Hee hee, of course it's Cai Cai."

The blue-haired girl flickered with a long smile, and her blue eyes flickered with playful light.

It was said that the crowd was in shock for a while, what the girl was going to do.

The girl with blue hair and blue eyes looked extremely cute when she laughed.

She moved forward in steps, falling towards the medicine garden ahead.


Waiting until she walked to the medicine garden, even if there was a ripple feeling.

The ban on holding the pharmacy was touched.

"Who are you?" At this time, just a few medic girls came to take care of the pharmacy.

"It's nothing for you." A teenager stepped out, showing a powerful momentum.

The momentum spread, making the drug women almost paralyzed.

These medicine girls are only talented. How can they withstand the oppression of Yuandan's powerhouse?

A total of eight medicinal girls were all pale.

"This is the Tianwu Pavilion. Don't you be afraid to be punished if you come here rashly?" Said a medicine girl, frowning.

"Noise." The boy frowned, and snorted coldly, "Aren't you Zhiīdào who is she?"

He pointed at the blue-haired woman ahead.

"Blue hair, blue eyes, isn't she?" The medicine women showed hesitations.

"Bùcuò." But the boy said, "Let's step back."

The medicine women frowned and had to step back.

They have been in Wuzong for some years and still know some of them.

Just thinking for a moment, they made this girl's identity.

At that moment, the young girl's eyes were frozen, and the blue eyes had rune cohesion.


A ray of light burst out of her eyes, turning it into a sharp light to the forbidden light pattern.


The restrained light streaks trembled, and the force of restraint pervaded immediately.

It was just that the blue eyes were very weird. The flash of light seemed to have the meaning of rebellion, and soon the runes and lines on the light-line were banned. In this way, the power of the ban was Difficult to form for a while.

She had a jade hand and it was easy to tear a crack.

"Sister Kexin's pupils have become stronger and stronger." Guo Ziwen next sighed slightly.

Against the chaos, changing the world, such a divine power shocked him.

"Not yet." The blue-haired girl whispered a naughty smile to the teenagers behind her.

The teenagers with smiles entered the medicine garden.

Guo Ziwen shook his head and entered the room.

He has always been unable to refuse the words of this little girl.

"Hee hee." Little blue-haired sister, with a sly smile on her face, also entered the medicine garden.

"Look at me not sweeping all your medicinal herbs this time." Little girl brow crescent crooked and smiled very playfully.

"Pick me all those medicinal herbs that have been on the year." The little girl was very sturdy, and Yu entered with a hand on her hip and yelled.

Those teenagers smiled arrogantly ~ ~ Fiddian Fiddian went deep into the medicine garden.

Everyone seemed to be obedient to this little girl.

Guo Ziwen was with the blue-haired girl.

"Sweep all your herbs first. I see how you cultivate in the future?" The blue-haired girl smiled with a thief.


Just then, a light voice came out.


Then a scream came out.

"What's going on?" The blue scream suddenly surprised the blue-haired woman.

Hey, hey!

I saw a little white beast deep in the medicine garden twisting a five-light flashing Baoding and hitting a boy.

That scream came from the young man's mouth.

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