Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 639: Mou Wei

The blue-haired girl was wearing short animal skin and perfectly set off her hot body.

At this moment, she was holding a whip, her mouth curled up, but she had a feeling that the beautiful woman was about to whipped the beast.

Looking at the blue-haired, blue-eyed, cute-looking young girl with a water-spiked spirit, Xiao Yun felt funny.

Well Hǎode a beautiful girl, why is it so rude?

"Little sister, I don't seem to have any enmity with you, do you?" Seeing this blue-haired girl with her lips pursed, a fierce look, Xiao Yun was a little surprised, why is this girl a bitter and bitter enemy? I don't seem to know her! "Fiction" novel chapter updated fastest

"Huh, look at the whip!" The blue-haired girl pursed her lips and looked very cute, but the whip in the jade hand was filled with obscure fluctuations, making her almost like a savage little princess, making people love Afraid again.

call out!

He did not wait for Xiao Yunduo to say that the girl's jade hand lifted, and the long whip fluttered, which was drawn towards him.

The long whip swept across the void, as the same red mang tore the void, at first it was just a ray of light, but after a whistling came out, a flame appeared, as if not out of the whip, carrying a terror His breath flew away.


A soft whistle sounded, and only a huge flame fluttered and flew towards Xiao Yun.

The fire was fierce, and the whole body was in flames, as if to wipe out everything.

The long whip fluttered, like the spirit snake fluttered, and the void seemed to be hollowed out.

It may not seem like a powerful attack, but the power contained in it is enough to discourage practitioners in Yuandan's ninefold realm.

This girl in blue suddenly reached the nine great achievements of Yuandan.

"Repair as Bùcuò, but this attack is a little worse." Xiao Yun smiled indifferently, facing the flashing whip and the fiery fire, he still looked very indifferent, and his sole stepped forward, Immediately, the palm slammed into the air.


Xiao Yun struck out with one palm, and heaven and earth seemed to move for it.

The flash of that palm, as if turned into a giant palm of the size of a hundred feet, will open up the world.

Just one palm, the flames in front of it collapsed, and the vast vitality of the world was exhausted.

Then, only a flash of the light was seen, and the fire flame disappeared into a flame.

Captain Dragon!

When the fire was broken, Xiao Yun's palm moved into the fire, and the look was like looking into the sea.

The next moment, Xiao Yun's palm shook, and the endless fire broke apart. A closer look revealed that he caught the fiery red whip in his hand, and the whip in his hand, and let the blue-haired girl work hard. It is impossible to escape.

At this moment, the blue-haired girl pursed her lips and looked very depressed.

I was the only one. As a result, the whip was captured by the opponent.

She pulled hard, but the whip seemed to be pinched by iron tongs, and she couldn't shake it for half a minute with any force.

"Hum, let go!" Said the blue-haired girl, frowning, angrily.

Xiao Yun smiled slightly, and his palm was loosened.


When the palm of his hand was loosened, the blue-haired girl's body suddenly blasted backwards under inertia.

She stepped back and almost fell to the ground, seeming terrified.

"Huh." The blue-haired girl stabilized her body, she glared at Xiao Yun.

Isn't this guy too fragrant?

"Little sister, go back and practice for a few years." Seeing that girl looked angry, Xiao Yun felt a little funny, said now.

"You just have to go back to practice for a few years." Being so scorned by Xiao Yun, the cheeks of the blue-haired girl became even more angry.

She glanced at Xiao Yun with a whip in her hand.

Phoenix dance nine days!

The woman in blue danced with a long whip and drew towards Xiao Yun.

Seeing this, Xiao Yun smiled lightly, striding forward, and repulsed the whip shadow with one palm.

Now that Zhan Wu's soul is blessed, Xiao Yun's combat power has reached an astonishing point.

There was an invincible momentum in his hands.

After repelling the whip shadow, Xiao Yun's palm was reversed, and he easily grasped the whip.

But when Xiao Yun grabbed the whip, the girl's eyes moved, and there seemed to be a divine pattern in her eyes.


An obscure breath wave permeated, seemingly reversible.

In the eyes of the blue-haired girl, the light patterns condensed and turned into a fascinating burst of hair.


The **** flashed through the void, like a star vector across the void.

It's just that this eye has a terrifying atmosphere.

The flickering light of God's mansions contains a strange light pattern. Wherever it passes, the void is distorted, and the vitality of that day is also disordered.

Xiao Yun felt an extremely dangerous breath.


With a bit of surprise, his clenched palm was quickly released, and then he reclined backwards.


However, the eye was very fast, Xiao Yun backed away, it had been bullied to the side, and it was about to penetrate through his chest and abdomen.

"So fast!" Xiao Yun was shocked. At this moment, he seemed to be integrated into the void. He knew all the fluctuations well. Even if he avoided it, his body and air had inexplicable pulses, and he could avoid others' attacks in time, but this time It's different.

This eye is too fast, and it also emits an obscure wave, which seems to be reversible.

Xiao Yun's perception became a little slow.


With his eyes passing, Xiao Yun's body moved slightly, as if gliding in the void, to avoid this blow.

Rao is so, his right arm is still struck by the energy carried by that light.


The clothes broke, revealing Xiao Yun's strong muscles.

There was a flash of fire on that skin.

"Good danger!" Xiao Yun was a little surprised.

The blow just now was too thrilling, and it was because he responded quickly, otherwise he would almost have ruined his arm.

Moreover, if he hadn't cultivated the Heavenly Flame Armor, it would have been enough energy to make his blood splattered.

"This girl, it's not easy!" Xiao Yun stumbled to the ground, and she couldn't help a little more when she looked at the blue-haired girl.

Just now the girl just flashed her eyes and almost hurt him, so amazing.

"What secret technique is this?" Xiao Yun secretly murmured.

"Avoided?" When Xiao Yun landed, he just broke his robe and didn't have any injuries. The blue-haired girl's eyes showed a lost expression. Her sudden shot was unexpected, but she didn't succeed. The chance will be small!


The blue-haired girl didn't say much, her long whip fluttered in her hand, and she drew towards Xiao Yun.


The fire crickets appeared, dancing in the void, to drown the Quartet.

"Hey, younger sister, can you change your style?" Xiao Yun was speechless about this attack. He shot it with one palm, sweeping the vastness, and directly blasting the dazzling fire, and the fire was dissipated Yu Kong.

As soon as Xiao Yun moved his palm, he caught the fire whip.

"Less proud." The fire whip was clawed, but the blue-haired girl raised her eyebrows and drank softly, and then those gem-like eyes were wriggling with a wrinkle, and an obscure breath was permeating. Fluctuations give a dangerous feeling.

"What magical power is this?" Xiao Yun shivered.

For some reason, when the rune condensed in the girl's eyes, he felt a tremor, feeling like a close enemy.


A blue light streak burst from the girl's eyes, and then these light streaks shrouded Xiao Yun like the sky.

Immediately afterwards, a beam of light emerged from the blue-haired girl's eyes like Hoshiya.

The blue light streaks bloomed, disturbing the breath fluctuations nearby.

Xiao Yun can clearly see the changes in the nearby airflow.

Those airflows are like rolling river water, rolling continuously.

Even Dan Yuan's body seemed to be affected.

That kind of power seems to be messy, messy, messy ...

It's amazing!

Beside, Liu Yu, Guo Ziwen and others all showed their solemn faces.

The magical power of this little girl is really getting stronger and stronger.

After feeling this breath, everyone had a feeling of self-defeating.

"Budao Yuchang!" Xiao Yun immediately urged Wudao Yuchang without any hesitation.

In the face of this girl's magical power, he did not dare to have a hint of coyness.


The strength of the martial arts field fell down, and Sùdù, the blue ripples flowing in the void, slowly slowed down.

At the same time, the blue eyes Sùdù also became dull.

The strength of the martial arts field can restrain people's power.

This supernatural power is also bound.

In the field, everything in the world will be affected.

"It's okay!" Xiao Yun was relieved to see that the strength of the martial arts field easily restrained that mysterious force.

"What kind of power is this?" Just when Xiao Yun was relieved, the blue-haired girl was surprised.

Her long eyelashes trembled gently, and the gem-like eyes were full of incredible light.

I just took a shot, but it was a magical talent. Few people can reasonably resist the force of rebellion!

But at this time, his power of rebellion failed, and even that light stopped.

Such a scene is too amazing.


Just when the blue-haired girl was surprised, when Xiao Yun stared forward, Xiao Yun's body moved, leaving a residual image in place, and soon she was deceived by the girl. The girl Wen Ruyu grabbed her wrist.

The heart of her wrist was locked, and the blue-haired girl was constrained and could not shoot.

"You!" The sudden change of surprise surprised the blue-haired girl.

When she felt the young man's heavy breathing in front of him and the strange feeling brought by the big hand clasping her wrist, the little girl's face turned red, and she felt a little shy, her heart beating, and she even twisted.

When she was so big, when was she touched by a guy like that?

"Little thief, let go of me!" The blue-haired girl panicked and shouted loudly, her ears turned red.

"Let go of you ~ ~ and let you do it again?" Xiao Yun's mouth smiled slightly.

For this girl, he felt very helpless.


At this moment, the girl's eyes moved, and the **** pattern bloomed again.


A beam of light flew through the void and shot at Xiao Yun.

In panic, Xiao Yun quickly avoided it.

It was also he who spurred the power of the martial arts field, otherwise he could not avoid such a close attack at all.

Seeing that Xiao Yun easily avoided her blow, the blue-haired girl felt a little lost.

It seems that I have some difficulty trying to get rid of this little thief.

"I don't think I will teach you a lesson, you won't be honest." Xiao Yun frowned, and turned to the girl.

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