Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 645: Fire Forbidden Ground

The dense sky inflammation permeated, and Xiao Yun began to gather the seals of all spirits.

This process of French-Indian cohesion is very troublesome.

First of all, he has to consolidate Tian Yan into a seal according to a specific law.

Then you must incorporate your mind into it to make it truly spiritual.

The process of integration is very difficult, and it is necessary to have strong control over Tian Yan and Yin Jue. "Fiction" novel chapter updated fastest

The first French seal was formed by Xiao Yun for half an hour.

At this moment, there was a French and Indian levitating light flashing in his hands.

The lines on this method flow, like a world, containing endless sky inflammation, and there is a heart-swelling wave in it. Feeling this wave, Xiao Yun's mouth began to have a little smile slowly emerging. .

"The first French-Indian success!" Xiao Yun rejoiced, trying to continue to consolidate the French-Indian on this basis.

The magic seal of the gods is the more powerful the French and Indian.

If there are literally tens of thousands of French seals, then the power is afraid that they can suppress their opponents to death.

One, two, three ...

One by one, the French and Indian seals were aggregated and suspended in front of Xiao Yun.

The horrible waves around him grew stronger.

It was only when Xiao Yun condensed the seventh French seal that his brows frowned.

At this time, he was no longer able to consolidate the eighth French Seal.

"Xuanming Wuhun Cai Yuandan's sevenfold realm is still too bad." Xiao Yun sighed slightly, and stopped condensing the seals.

At the same time, he flicked his fingers, and the condensed Fayin dissipated, turning it into a igniting pattern.

In this way, Xiao Yun's complexion is better.

"If you want to achieve a little success in the cultivation of this magical seal, you must first increase the power of Xuanming Wuhun."

Xiao Yun's heart was dark.

He then stood up arrogantly and walked out of the martial arts room.

"Blue sky seal, condensing the potential of the sky and earth, so as to transform the seal!" Xiao Yun walked to the top of the mountain, muttering as he looked at the sky in front of him.

The condensation of Qingtianyin is even more difficult than the magical seal of all heavens.

This requires a strong talent, and enough understanding of the power of heaven and earth to get started.

Otherwise, this seal cannot be condensed at all.

Meditate on the blue sky and gather the power of the sky and the earth!

Xiao Yun's eyes froze slightly, and he began to cultivate according to the Qingtian Yinjue.

Meditate, integrate yourself into the world, and communicate with the sky!

Xiaoyun stood in the midst of the breeze on the top of the mountain, his eyes narrowed, his clothes fluttering, giving a feeling of flowing dust, but as time passed, the void around him shuddered and burst into a burst Ripples, immediately his body seemed to dissipate in the air.


The clouds stirred, a force of heaven and earth began to gather on this mountain.

Xiao Yun in the mountain began to pull with both hands.

The power of heaven and earth condensed and turned into the seal of law, and a true meaning of martial arts also permeated from Xiao Yun.

France and India are condensed, the potential of heaven and earth is converging, and there is a dazzling blue light blooming in Xiao Yun's hands.

He was completely immersed in the Cohesion Law.


The endless forces of heaven and earth gathered, and the void seemed to become hazy, and there was a blue bloom on Xiao Yun's body.


When the ripples appeared, a cyan French seal was condensed.

This French seal is not large, but it is a cyan color, and the light ripples in it seem to contain a world.

The majestic breath was permeating, making the void ahead seem to be boiling.

"Blue Sky Seal!" Xiao Yun's eyes moved slightly, feeling the French seal formed by her.

"The potential of the blue sky is to crush everything." Xiao Yun's eyes turned, his heart darkened, "But what's so bad about this seal?"

This is because he has not completely united Qingtianyin.

He continued to realize that he must consolidate this seal of India.

As time passed, Xiao Yun continued to use his skills to consolidate the seal of law.

He understands the heaven and earth upright deeply, as well as the martial arts upright.

What is needed at this time is to combine the two into one seal.

Therefore, it is necessary to keep running and make this blue sky seal reach a perfect point.


This time Xiao Yun throbbed with his hands, the world was agitated, and a law seal was quickly formed between his hands.

Blue sky seal takes shape!

When the French and Indian condensed successfully, Xiao Yun pulled with both hands, a blue light bloomed, like a blue sky propped up, suspended in the air.

It was a huge French seal, like blue sky!


The law was in the air, and the void was trembling.

An immense breath of volatility pervaded, with the momentum of crushing everything in the world.

"That's how it feels." Xiao Yun showed joy in her eyes, and for a long time, finally completed the seal.

"As long as the realm is higher, the power of this Qingtianyin will be stronger!" After taking a deep breath, Xiao Yun no longer condensed the Fayin.

He raised a brow and stared at the sky in the distance.

There was a silhouette coming there.

Seeing this, Xiao Yun completely converged his breath.

The figure also seems to have discovered Xiao Yun, even when he came towards the mountain where he was.

The figure flashed, and there was an elder, Deacon Yang.

"Where is Deacon Yang here today?" Xiao Yun asked to Deacon Qin.

"Today is the opening day of Yanfeng, the place of fire, and I am here to lead you to Yanfeng." Deacon Yang smiled.

"Go to Yanfeng!" Xiao Yun was glad.

The suzerain mentioned this a few days ago and did not expect to enter the Yanfeng so soon.

"Exactly, I need to practice the Seal of All Spirits now." Xiao Yun was secretly secretive.

"Are you free now?" Deacon Yang asked with a smile.

"Yes," Xiao Yun said.

"All right, let's get started." Deacon Yang smiled.

"Um." Xiao Yun nodded, and was about to leave.

"Yeah!" Xiao Yun said just as Xiao Yun was about to leave.

It was Yi Yi who emerged from the Tuntian Tower.

The little guy's eyes are very bright, it seems that Zhīdào Xiao Yun is going to practice retreat.

It landed on Xiao Yun's shoulder, rubbing his neck.

"Aren't you going?" Xiao Yun stumbled for a while.

"Yeah, yeah!" Yi Yi's little paw gestured, as if to say, go to retreat, and I'll follow you to be hungry again.

Xiao Yun closed the retreat, and the little guy Zhīdào could not disturb himself, so there was no elixir to eat during this period.

"Hehe, you guy." Xiao Yun smiled slightly, and Zīdào realized the thought in Yiyi's heart.

"This little beast is so aura!" Deacon Yang froze slightly.

"Here are some elixir, you take it."

Xiao Yun took out some elixir and handed it to Yi Yi.

"You can stay here, but don't run around, it will be troublesome if you are abducted."

Since the little guy didn't want to leave, he didn't force it.

"Yeah, yeah!" Yi Yi put away the elixir, and smiled. When he heard the words behind him, the little boy's eyes stood up, and there was a flash of fierce light. That meaning seems to be saying, who dares to mess with me, I hit him with this tripod.

Seeing the fierce look of the little guy, Xiao Yun smiled slightly.

It's not so easy for ordinary people to deal with this guy.

"Is this a spirit beast?" At that moment, Dean Yang's eyes lit up.

It was the first time he had seen such a spirited beast.

"Be assured that few people in the Wuge Pavilion dare to come here, otherwise it will be a serious crime, and few people dare to come here to make trouble!"

Deacon Yang laughed after being slightly surprised.

Xiao Yun nodded.

Whenever something happens here, the elders of Wufeng will be Zhīdào, so few people dare to come here to find fault.

Last time, she was also the leader of Xiaoshimei. Otherwise, how could Liu Yu and others dare to break into Tianwu Pavilion?

"You have to be obedient." Xiao Yun bid farewell to Yi Yi.

Yi Yi's eyes narrowed, looking very well-behaved, looking up at Xiao Yun.

Finally, Xiao Yun and Deacon Yang departed.


When Xiao Yunzhang left Tianwu Pavilion, the little one said lightly, his eyes blinked, and flowers bloomed on his face.

It seemed to say that it was finally free.

His eyes grunted and turned into a ray of light, appearing in a mountain stream.

The little boy blinked, and after glancing at the Quartet, he used magical powers to tear it and entered it.


The little guy's eyes narrowed as he smelled the scent of the medicine, and he seemed to be intoxicated.

Obviously, the little guy stayed here to see this medicine garden.


"Yanfeng is a place of cultivation, and does not belong to any temple. The disciples in the four halls must pass the assessment if they want to enter the practice. This time the land of fire is opened, and the disciples in each hall have passed the assessment. Get this place. "

On the way, Deacon Yang introduced to Xiao Yun.

"You are the master of the Tianwu Pavilion, and you can enter it without being assessed." This is Xiao Yun's special right.

Xiao Yun nodded slightly.

The advantages of the Lord of Tianwu Pavilion can also be seen from it.

"What else is special about this place of fire?" Xiao Yun asked.

Since this land of fire can be classified, it must be something extraordinary.

"The legend of Fireland is a giant pit smashed by an ancient beast. After all, the remaining demon fire inside it raged and turned into a firefield. The strong Emperor Wuzong sealed it and made it a forbidden area. The demon fire inside is quite violent, and it can be resisted very much. "

Deacon Yang said.

"The demon fire left by the ancient demon?" Xiao Yun was surprised.

"Bùcuò." Deacon Yang said, "Not only that, if you do n’t understand the way of fire, even if the strong people do n’t dare to go deep into the fire depths two hundred meters, prospective practitioners are afraid to go deep into the fire depths four hundred meters. Further down, even the Yuanyingyuan practitioners should be shocked. "

"So powerful!" Xiao Yun asked with a dignified expression, "How deep is this fire?"

"It is said that there are thousands of meters deep!" Deacon Yang said with a look of relief.

"10,000 meters!" Wen Yan ~ ~ Xiao Yun couldn't help but take a deep breath, and the Zhunyuan infant repairer could only go deeper than 400 meters.

If you go deeper than ten thousand meters, what kind of realm should you need?

What is the demon fire left by the ancient demon?

This made him startled and had a crazy idea in his heart.

If you have absorbed the demon fire in the depths, will the Xuanming Wuhun transform?

Now Xuanming Wuhun has surpassed the ordinary Fire Wuhun. If it continues to transform, how powerful is it?

"It is said that the ridiculed ancient beast." Deacon Yang said, "In order to obtain this demon fire, there were many people who wanted to go deep into it. Among them, there were still many powerful demon beasts. Unfortunately, many people were stunned. So it became a part of the fire. "

"It wasn't until my ancestor of Wuzong Kaishan came here to establish the faction that he sealed this fire field, otherwise this fire field will definitely attract countless practitioners to step in and become an ancient forbidden place to seek." Deacon Yang who mentioned this fire field one Face awe.

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