Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 654: See you in 800 ...

Four hundred people gathered on the competition table and started preparing for the game.

The first is a knockout!

Two people duel will eliminate 200 people!

The start of the war attracted many people's attention, and those disciples outside were even more excited.

It's rare to be able to see the genius who can see the inside door when you are outside.

Although it was the first monstrous match, the excitement was also amazing! "Fiction" novel chapter updated fastest

There are too many geniuses in Wu Zong. All kinds of physiques, martial arts spirits, and amazing fighting spirits have all demonstrated extraordinary combat power.

After the improvement of strength, Zhao Zheng's Wuhun fell down on the scene, and the momentum was amazing, with the breath from ancient times.

Although the inheritance value of Wutian Wuhun is not high, but because Wuhun is very strong, it is also quite famous in ancient times, so once he released Wutian Wuhun, he can suppress some existence of high inheritance value. This is Wuhun The strength brings strength.

In the first match, Zhao Zheng encountered a fellow practitioner and was lucky to win.

Silence is even more extraordinary at this time.

Shown, the atmosphere permeates the Quartet, making the Quartet silent, making people tremble.

Although the value of this desolate martial spirit is only eighty-two, he can crush many common martial spirits.

In ancient times, the pure barren martial art soul and the dead martial art soul, but the powerful martial art soul that made many people scare the wind!

In this battle, he also won.

The luck of Yintai and Yinling was also Bùcuò, and they did not meet those powerful men, and they also won.

They stand out from the battlefield of Xuanyuan, and they have all gone through hundreds of battles. The rich experience in combat is not comparable to ordinary people.

So, they rushed into the first two hundred.

It's a pity that we won't be so lucky in the later games.

Silently encountered a half-step strong, still defeated after a hard fight.

Zhao Zheng, Yin Ling, and Yin Tai were all defeated.

There are too many geniuses in Wuzong.

Most of the people who went to Huoyuan last time stepped into the half-baby realm.

Many of them were restricted and did not come to participate in this competition.

Because these people have already traveled to a forbidden area and obtained one more resource, the difficulty of continuing to participate in the competition will increase. Only 20 of these 100 people will be able to participate in this competition.

Otherwise, these people will participate in this competition, but it is a bit unfair to some people who have not obtained the qualifications for the ancient banned cultivation, because the land of fire depths is already a rare inheritance banned area in Wuzong. It's hard to come by.

Then Liu Chaoyan, Chen Yanfeng, Duan Yu and others were qualified to participate in this competition.

And they are very strong, and every time they encounter an opponent, they almost beat others by a crushing attitude.

After going deep into the fire abyss and obtaining the intense demon fire, the strength of these people has reached a rather amazing level.

"This Chen Yanfeng and others Bùcuò." The head of the host slightly nodded, and was very satisfied with the performance of these people.

"This Chen Yanfeng has penetrated nearly 1,900 meters into the Fire Pagoda, Liu Chaoyan has penetrated more than 1,700 meters, and the section Yu has more than 1,600 meters. Such a talent is quite rare. With that demon fire, presumably few people You can fight with them. "

A temple master laughed.

"This Chen Yanfeng is 1,900 meters deep?" Ren Zongzhu nodded slightly, "That is indeed Bùcuò."

"This person has a fire spirit body, and the inheritance value is 97%!" The master of the temple laughed.

Such a spiritual value is already hard to come by.

"It's a talent that can be created!" Ren Zong nodded, glancing at Chen Yanfeng more.

"It is said that Xiao Yun also went to the place of fire, I don't know what he is doing now?" Mentioned, the elder's eyes moved slightly and asked, "Why hasn't he appeared yet? In this competition, he will be ready to accept that Top ten people! "

Every time the top ten can challenge.

There are very few disciples in Wu Dian, and not everyone can enter the Wu Dian before every Zongmen match.

Only once every five years!

Otherwise, the top ten disciples must challenge the Wudian disciples to succeed in order to obtain the qualification to enter the Wudian.

Of course, this time it happened that the Wudian disciples were selected once every five years.

Therefore, the top ten people can enter the martial arts hall.

However, if they succeed in disciplining Wudian, they will receive more treatment.

This is an opportunity for these people to show themselves.

In general matches, the suzerain may not appear!

If the suzerain fancy, then his position in Wuzong will naturally take precedence over the general.

"By the way, how is Xiao Yun now?" Seeing the elder mentioned Xiao Yun, Ren Zong also asked.

For this young man, he is more at ease.

Possessing rebellion, he has magical abilities that many people never had.

God's eyes move, you can mess with the sky and the earth!

Moreover, it is rumored that the ancient God who had a god's eye in ancient times could move the law of everything with the movement of the eye.

Although Ren Tianyuan was not an ancient strong, he reached such a state and became more and more skilled in controlling the power of that god's eye.

When I met Xiao Yun that day, his eyes moved slightly, and some pictures evolved inexplicably.

That's the picture of Wèilái!

So he didn't worry about Xiao Yun's Wèilái at all.

Everything is allowed to develop.

"This Xiao Yun is still out of the land of fire." Said the owner of the Xuanwu Palace.

"Still in the land of fire?" Ren Zong frowned slightly. "Why is this?"

"Isn't he going to open the forbidden area?" Several elders next to him were also surprised.

"This Xiao Yun is not afraid that someone will challenge him, will he avoid the war by deliberately hiding in that place of fire?" Said the elder.

The elders next to him nodded and thought the explanation was reasonable.

In fact, it was not only the elder who had this idea. At this time, those who wanted to see Xiao Yun at this time also had such an idea after discovering that the youth did not appear. Most of the young people who joined the Tianwu Pavilion It is fear of fighting with others.

So the best way is to avoid war.

And hiding in that place of fire is probably the best way to avoid war.

In this way, others have nothing to say.

"Avoid war?" After hearing the words, the palace master of Xuanwu Palace could not help but smile bitterly.

At the beginning, he also thought that Xiao Yun was avoiding war.

But when he learned the truth, he was really taken aback.

Seeing the different expressions of the master of the Xuanwu Palace, the elders were all surprised.

"What's wrong?" The elder asked.

As an elder, I don't ask too much about these things, and this time I will only ask about Xiao Yun.

"This Xiao Yun has penetrated the 2,800 meters of the forbidden area of ​​Huoyuan, and now most of them are trying to break through." Xuanwu Palace said with a bitter smile.

At first, he was not optimistic about Xiao Yun.

Because Chen Yanfeng of his Xuanwu Palace went to the place of fire, he was very concerned about the matter, and asked the results of the crowd, but the results obtained surprised him.

He went deep into the fire for 1,800 meters, and finally went deeper into the tens of meters. Chen Yanfeng, who was close to 1,900 meters, was not the first, which shocked his heart. When he learned that the first person had penetrated two thousand Eight hundred meters later, he was almost shocked by the news.

After hearing that the young man was Xiao Yun, he felt even more dizzy.

Because all this is incredible.

So when it comes to this matter, the owner of Xuanwu Palace has a strange expression.

He then turned towards the others.

"Oh, two thousand eight hundred meters." The elder said calmly and quietly.

It seems that he doesn't care much about this matter, presumably he thinks Xiao Yun won't have any achievements.

But when the words came out, he thought for a moment, and his eyes began to become interesting.

"What! Two thousand and eight hundred meters, are you sure?" The elder asked with a look of relief, staring back at the master of the Xuanwu Palace.

The three elders next stared at the boss.

"Did I get old and heard wrong?" Several elders looked suspicious.

But this shouldn't be!

They are very tall, clear-eyed, and not too old now.

"Two thousand and eight?" Ren Zong's brow frowned, and she was surprised.

The place where the fire is coming is very large, it is amazing to go two kilometers deep.

Two thousand eight?

This is going against the sky!

Everyone roared.

Seeing those elders' surprised and shocked expressions, the owner of the Xuanwu Palace was inexplicably happy, because at the beginning he was shocked and lost the elder's style, and now he has seen so many people, so he has balanced so much.

"It's true!" But at this moment he still looked blank, holding back the smile in his heart, and said.

"It's so powerful?" Wen Yan said, several elders looked at each other and were all in the same place.

"Deep into the 2,800 meters? This ... How many years ago was this?" The elder said, rubbing his temples.

At this point he felt dizzy and about to faint.

"Eight hundred years ago, a Gaishi genius named Yang Tianjun once penetrated 2,800 meters, and then he became famous in Tiandu."

The master of the Xuanwu Palace still looked completely indifferent, trying his best to keep his heart calm, and said lightly.

In fact, his heart was beating when he mentioned it.

He couldn't help yelling.

I go, a genius once in 800 years, this turned out to be a genius once in 800 years!

He really wanted to growl so much!

"I endure, I continue to endure." The owner of this temple secretly murmured.

But at this moment in order to see the shocked expression of these old guys, he put up with it.

"Did anyone reach this point eight hundred years ago?" Several elders took a deep breath.

At this point the crowd completely ignored the game ahead.

The news was too shocking.

That being said, Wu Zong has a peerless life!

"Eight years?" The elder was also shocked.

"I go, since it's a rare genius for 800 years ~ ~ Why don't you call him out? What if you miss the opening of the Wujing forbidden area? Such a genius, if you understand the meaning of Wujing again, then What a stunning look? I'll go ... "

After a moment, his eyes were fierce, and he could not help growling.

The elder must have white hair, and that white eyebrow is very long.

At this moment he blew the beard high and was about to be mad at the rabbits.

He stared at the master of the Xuanwu Palace with a look of disdain, wishing to slap the old boy to the ground.

The Wujing, an ancient scripture, is quite famous in the sky.

The other three elders rolled their eyes and stared at the master of the Xuanwu Palace with a look of contempt.

Such a genius, grab it, let him go to enlighten Wujing!

Apparently, Xiao Yun was already at this time.

[Thank you for the two thousand books that have been rewarded with the wind, and thank you readers for the reward]

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