Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 657: Who will fight me?

Tens of thousands of people in the school opened their mouths, and the sound waves were shaking. Almost everyone had Xiao Yun to fight.

Some people even speculate that Xiao Yun did not show up because of avoiding war.

This made many people dissatisfied that this young man was not qualified to enter the Tianwu Pavilion.

"How can the crown of the Xuanyuan battlefield be comparable to my Wuzong genius? If he enters the Tianwu Pavilion, he will not be enough."

"Let him come out for a fight." Various voices sounded.

The people on the field are not aimed at Xiao Yun.

But the position of the Lord of Tianwu Pavilion is too important.

This represents entering the East Palace!

This young man will have the opportunity to lead the entire Wuzong in the future.

But who wants to lead a person who doesn't know the details?

In order to command Wuzong, the style of being the king and the king is the only one who can master the heroes!

Shrinking like Xiao Yun, what is that posture?

"If Xiao Yun is afraid, I can send someone who is in the same realm to fight against one another!" Someone even said, there is no need to send strong men to fight, as long as the same realm and the same background, they are more talented than martial arts accomplishments To win that Xiao Yun convinced orally.

In this way, no one will bully new people.

Seeing the emotions of the disciples in the field, the deacon on the ranking stage smiled bitterly, and turned to the high platform opposite.

In this regard, Ren Zongzhu looked indifferent.

When he established Xiao Yun as the master of the Tianwu Pavilion, he expected that Wu Zong's disciples would experience emotional fluctuations.

After all, the disciples of Tianwuge in the past were already well-known in Wuzong and recognized as strong.

There are too few people like Xiao Yun who settled in Tianwu Pavilion before they started.

I'm afraid it's the same for thousands of years.

But at this time, the monarch did not speak.

As the Lord of Wu Zong, he has a distinguished status, and there is no need to be personal.

At this moment, when the crowd was angry, the elder got up, his eyes glowed like a sun, with a dazzling light.

His eyes only glanced around, and the hustle and bustle of the field calmed down, because everyone felt a strong momentum, and the momentum covered the audience, making those young people trembled and afraid to make trouble.

"Everyone be calm and calm. Xiao Yun's ability to join the Tianwu Pavilion is extraordinary. Your old man can understand how he feels at the moment. Now he is in the forbidden area of ​​the fire, and it will be here in the near future. See his style. "

Seeing that everyone was not speaking, the elder said in a deep voice.

If it had been before, he would have been too lazy to speak.

However, after learning that Xiao Yun had penetrated into the forbidden area of ​​Huoyuan for 2,800 meters, he was so satisfied with this young man.

Such a genius, I am afraid that few of the contemporary young people in Wuzong can match it!

Now he also looks forward to this young man's continued surprise.

"Have you gone to the place of fire?" Wen Yan said that the people in the field were stunned first.

Then a loud noise sounded.

"Not all of those who went to the place of fire depths came out. Why did Xiao Yun not come out?"

Although many people did not go to the place of fire.

But they saw all the people who went to the place of fire deep here.

Now listening to the explanation from the elders, I believe that Xiao Yun is avoiding war.

"I think Xiao Yun is using this as an excuse to avoid war!" Someone said, his eyes glowed with redness.

"Good." Many people immediately agreed.

"This Xiao Yun is simply a coward. If he is defeated because of insufficient realm, we will not look down on him, as long as his talent is good, but now how can he enter the Tianwu Pavilion? It is the disgrace of my take-on. "

Some people felt distressed and thought that Xiao Yun was the disgrace of Wu Zong.

Such a scene really made the elders laugh.

In fact, they had previously suspected that Xiao Yun was avoiding war.

Therefore, these disciples understand this emotion.

There was an uproar in the field, and those young people were clamoring Xiao Yun.

The top ten rankings, as well as Zhou Qing, Liu Chunyang and others were smiling.

If Xiao Yun is really such a coward, I am afraid that the main transposition of Wuge that day.

Of course, many people are bitter at this time.


Those who had penetrated into the forbidden area of ​​the Fire Deeps secretly wondered, "Will those who go into the 2,800 meters of the Fire Forbidden Area be cowards?"

Everyone shook his head.

Fire forbidden ground, even if there is a strong attainment to the fire path, dare not rush into it.

Inside, every courage to go one meter deep requires courage.

Because every meter, the intensity of the flame will change.

It is likely that when you step out of this meter, you will be burned to nothing by the demon fire.

So they know deeply what it is to go deeper into the 2,800 meters.

Such a character is definitely a demon.

Also a cruel man!

This kind of character makes people think that their hair is scalp.

Only at this time in the field tens of thousands of people were talking about Xiao Yun, and their voices were obviously difficult to change everyone's views.

The only way is to let Xiao Yun stand up!

"Coward? Avoid war?" Not far away, Xiao Yun hadn't reached the top of the mountain, and he heard the kind of sound wave in the distance.

At this time, the clouds and mists of the Quartet were scattered by the hustle and bustle of sound waves.

In this regard, Xiao Yun smiled bitterly.

Fortunately, I walked out of the land of fire in time, otherwise I would definitely have to bear this coward and avoid the pollution of war.

"Oh, you don't need to care, everyone wants to see your strength." Beside Xiao Yun, a few deacon heard this sound wave for a moment, but they also understood the mood of these people. After all, they were not very good at first Bullish on Xiao Yun.

But at this moment, they showed respectful faces one by one. When they looked at Xiao Yun, they seemed to be looking at a future king.

That kind of esteem comes from the heart. If it is seen by ordinary practitioners, it must be startled.

You know, these people are the strong Yuanyuan Realm!

Just a breath, Xiao Yun and several deacons appeared over the mountain top of the game.


"It's Xiao Yun here!" When Xiao Yun appeared, it immediately attracted the attention of numerous practitioners.

When he started, Xiao Yun accepted the most solemn introductory ceremony, so many people knew him.

"Is this guy finally here?" When Xiao Yun appeared, many people looked scornful.

"Well, this time we have to look at his genius to come out of the Xuanyuan battlefield, what's so great!" Someone dismissed.

"Yes, just because he wants to join the Lord Tianwu Pavilion? I think in Wu Zong, only Brother Wu Wufan has this qualification!"

The uproar sounded, and even though Xiao Yun appeared, many people still spoke, and he was very welcome.

Hearing those people's voices, Xiao Yun raised a slight smile on his mouth. Now he also knows that he wants to accept these people, but it can't be solved by relying on a few words. The only way is to show recognition Strength.

"Let's call on the Sovereign first!" Deacon Yang said to Xiao Yun.

"Um." Xiao Yun shrugged, and ignored the nearby talk.


Xiao Yun and others strolled in the air and headed for the high platform in front.

"Is this Xiao Yun?" The genius in the ranking, at this moment his eyes narrowed slightly, staring at Xiao Yun with a little curiosity.

Of course, it's more provocative.

"This is finally here!" On the high platform, the elders and others narrowed their old eyes, but they were full of joy.

After waiting so long, I finally saw this guy!

Xiao Yun landed on the edge of the platform and walked forward step by step.

At this time, Xiao Yun's breath was restrained, and he had an inexplicable Tao Yun permeating.

Although he cultivated himself as Yuandan Jiuzhong, the Xuanming Wuhun has reached the stage of half-step infant.

It is the third-degree fulfillment of the God of Destruction.

Today, his temperament has become more misty.

He walked on the high platform, but it gave people a hard-to-see feeling.

"This guy ..." Seeing Xiao Yun coming, he didn't panic, quite a bit of the taste of a great master, Ren Kexin glanced at his mouth, a little dissatisfied in his heart, and muttered, "Hum, arrogant guy, don't Do you know that the elderly are sitting here? "

Although whispering in his mouth, Ren Kexin had an inexplicable worry in his heart.

Because from this youth, she felt something called unfathomable.

Seeing Xiao Yun's temperament, the elders were all slightly stubborn and very satisfied.

"Xiao Yun has seen the lord, and the elders, the lord of the palace!"

Xiao Yun walked to three meters in front of the elders and stopped, then immediately bowed and hugged fists.

"No need to be courteous." Ren Zongzhu's eyes moved slightly, and there was a divine pattern appearing. He glanced at Xiao Yun, and flicked his hands after a little induction. In his eyes, a little satisfaction appeared, just a glance, He saw the change of the youth.

"Yes." The elder and others also spoke.

These people are strong, and can naturally sense the change in Xiao Yun's breath at this time.

Compared with two months ago, today's youth have undergone a qualitative change!

Xiao Yun stood up, still looking indifferent.

But his eyes lightened with a hint of surprise.

Because at this time Yi Yi was in Ren Kexin's arms.

"Yeah!" Seeing Xiao Yun coming, Yi Yi first showed shyness, then turned into a snowball, and rushed towards Xiao Yun.

"Beast, you ..." Seeing this, Ren Kexin's brows rose sharply, and the delicate face showed a complex expression.

This beast, has betrayed?

Alas, alas!

Yi Yi fell on Xiao Yun's shoulder. The guy first rubbed Xiao Yun to show his intimacy, and then his paw stroked his belly to explain why he was with Ren Kexin. The explanation was simple because it was hungry.

In this regard, Xiao Yun only smiled slightly, and was not surprised at all.

This beast is so cunning, how easy is it to abduct?

"Animal, are you cheating?" Seeing Yi explained, Ren Kexin was almost dizzy. What kind of animal is this!


Yi Yi's paw covered her cheek, revealing her face shy, she wanted to argue, but she had been cheating and drinking for so long.

So the guy is also a little embarrassed.

"This beast ..." Seeing Yi Yi, many elders on the platform were surprised.

Such a spirit beast is too rare to see.

"Xiao Yun, someone is going to challenge you at this time, do you think you should fight?" Ren Zong smiled and said.

"Thanks to the great love of the suzerain ~ ~ Xiao Yun won the honor of being admitted to the Tianwu Pavilion. Since there are some challenges, the disciples will definitely answer each one.

Xiao Yun held his fist.

"Okay." Ren Zongzuo was quite satisfied with the young man's words.

The elders were expectant.

After the words fell, Xiao Yun turned around, the eyes glanced around, and finally set his sight on the front stage.

"Who are you going to fight against me?" Xiao Yun was carrying his hands on his back, his robes moved without wind, his eyes were dazzling, as the king looked down at the world.

Who will fight me!

A few words were powerful, ringing like a thunder.

There was an inexplicable domineering in that discourse.

That's a kind of self-confidence, the style of the king!

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