Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 660: King style

Zou Wuji was defeated, leaving the audience silent.

Many practitioners stared ahead with incredible faces.

Everyone seemed unable to believe that this was true.

This Zou Wou-ki is a strong man in Zhunyuan, and he still has a body. Will he fail?

Just now he showed that lore!

Some people haven't even figured out how Zou Wou-ki failed. "Fiction" novel chapters are updated the fastest

"Zou Wuji just stabbed Xiao Yun with a sword. Why?" Someone was surprised.

Because he never saw how Xiao Yun won.

The war just happened suddenly.

From Zou Wou-Ki to failure, it seems to be just an instant thing.

"Yes!" Many people echoed, "How can Xiao Yun resist the sword of Zou Wuji?"

Many people were surprised.

This is the practitioner of Zhunyuan Baby Realm!

But at this time, Zou Wuji had blood in his mouth and was obviously injured.

This battle, he really lost!

This situation shocked the audience.

Not only these young people, but even those geniuses in the top ten are also surprised.

"This Xiao Yun won like this?" Many people looked at each other, and the battle just now was too bland!

From the beginning to the end, nothing seems to have happened!

A few geniuses looked at each other with a stern look, and when they looked at Xiao Yun, they looked dignified.

At this moment, everyone has to treat this young man carefully!


Zou Wuji was defeated and immediately ran to the rank.

"How did you lose?" Someone asked, asking.

Zou Wuji's eyes flashed, and he looked at several people nearby, then closed his eyes immediately.

This battle made him feel bad, unhappy, and too lazy to care about these people.

"Oh, Bùcuò, it seems that Xiao Yun really has some means!" On the high platform, the elder stroked his smile.

"The old man is Zhīdào. He has an extraordinary mind. How could he be self-disciplined? Sure enough, he intentionally exposed the obstacles and led Zou Wou-ki to shoot.

Several other elders nodded.

"This abominable little hooligan, it seems that his strength has really improved." Ren Kexin pursed her lips and looked unhappy.

At this point Xiao Yun stood on the competition table, his hands were on his back, and his robe moved with the wind.

"Who else is going to fight me?" Xiao Yun's eyes lighted up and said in a word.

Xiao Yun's voice was not high, but the tone was full of Zìxìn.

The words fell, all sides were silent.

Just now, when everyone heard Xiao Yun's words, they would certainly scoff and think that he was arrogant.

But after the First World War, Zou Wuji was defeated, and the people in the field also made this young man extraordinary!

Although there are still many people who don't know why Zou dào Zou Wou-ki failed, he still fears.

Moreover, this young man gave people an inscrutable feeling and did not dare to offend easily.

Of course, those who watched the battle outside dared not come out to fight.

Even Zou Wou-ki was defeated.

So everyone's eyes quickly gathered on the young men in the top ten.

Xiao Yun also focused on these people.

Because before these people belonged to him to have the highest voice.

Seeing Xiao Yun's eyes turned, everyone's faces were slightly uncomfortable.

Zou Wuji is already very strong, and few of them can compete with it.

Are they suitable now?

So in the top ten, no one spoke.

Everyone's eyes glanced at the people next to them, and they seemed to want others to go to war.

Just now they didn't really learn the strength of Xiao Yun, and someone still needs to go to the bottom.

As a result, the atmosphere in the field became a little weird.

Many people who watched the battle felt shameless.

Just now, everyone was still questioning Xiao Yun, thinking that he was avoiding war.

But now, this young man is standing here, but no one dares to fight!

Is this ending a face?

Many people feel hot.

Especially the top ten youths.

Guo Ziwen was also a little embarrassed.

However, he did not choose to do so.

Because even now, he is not sure enough to fight this young man.

That being the case, why not be silent.

"That being the case, let me fight you!" Seeing no one playing, Huang Tianxiao, who ranked second, stood up stunned.

He was tall and had a bit of fierce momentum between his eyebrows.

Although Huang Tianxiao lost to Chen Yanfeng's hand just now, he was slightly injured, but after some interest rate adjustment, he was almost better.

When Huang Tianxiao got up, the talents in the field showed some interest.

"This Huang Tianxiao is armed with the sword's martial arts spirit. The sword is shocking and strong, and he should be able to discover the foundation of Xiao Yun."

In this regard, the people in the field are also full of expectations.

Xiao Yun won too quickly in that battle.

Many people don't see how he shot.

So everyone felt like they were overwhelmed.

Huang Tianxiao's shot now can just make up for the shortcomings just now.

"Then, come up with a battle!" Seeing Huang Tianxiao getting up, Xiao Yun's eyes lightened and she cried.

For these geniuses of Wu Zong, he also wanted to learn more.


Huang Tianxiao was shocked and appeared on the stage.

"Huang Tianxiao, the sword soul!" Huang Tianxiao fell to the ground, his eyes were sharp, and there was a flash of light in it, which caught people like a knife edge, and a strong sense of sword permeated him, which made the void shake.

Sword intent, can seem to hurt people invisible!

The momentum of the Zhunyuan infant realm also spread.

Although Huang Tianxiao was defeated by Chen Yanfeng, no one dared to underestimate his combat power.

The sword is so sharp that even the distant practitioners are slightly shocked.

But Xiao Yun was indifferent. Today, he has reshaped the bones and muscles, and the physical strength has reached a level that cannot be imagined by ordinary people. This kind of sword can no longer cause him much pressure, so he is indifferent.

"Xiao Yun!" Xiao Yun said without saying too much.

Not that he didn't want to say.

It was because he had a strong background and didn't know what to say, so he didn't say anything.

Seeing Xiao Yun doing this, Huang Tianxiao's eyes flashed, and his powerful momentum was condensing.

The powerful momentum condenses, as if there is a strong wind on the stage.

That strong knife swelled the entire table.

Gradually, this stage seems to be turned into the home of Huang Tianxiao, completely overturned by the sword.

With a move of his palm, a long knife appeared.

This is a long, twinkling knife, which is made from the skeleton of any monster.

There was a horrible breath in it.

Tian Xuan cracked golden sword!

Huang Tianxiao's eyes flashed, and the step took a step towards him, holding a long knife and chopping off towards Xiao Yun.


With the movement of his body, the vast sword on the competition platform also overturned towards Xiao Yun.

Although such strong sword intentions are invisible, the void is distorted, and the terror is enough to crush any monk in the quasi-yuan infantry. Even under this sword intention, the mountains will collapse. Unstoppable.

But Xiao Yun just stood there, leaving Huang Tianxiao to cut it with a knife.


The robe was dancing in the wind, Xiao Yun stood upright, looking extremely indifferent.

Even if his face is aimed at the Yuan Yingjing strong, he is still so relaxed.

That style is quite a bit!

Seeing this, the disciples in the audience were shocked.

"Is Xiao Yun really so Zìxìn?" Many people were surprised.

This was the case with Xiao Yun during the first war with Zou Wuji.

But this is still the case with Huang Tianxiao.

Does he really have the heart to win!

Even the top ten geniuses were shocked.

This Xiao Yun's courage and attitude are very unique.

Tianluo cracks the sky, breaking the mountain!

At this moment, Huang Tianxiao's eyes flashed, the long knife flashed, the sensible sword light tore the void, and cut to Xiao Yun.


The knife light cracked and quickly.

Seen from a distance, as the same exercise tore the void, it was necessary to destroy everything.

The sharp sword stabbed the human soul for a while.

Many practitioners show their solemn faces.

It's not hard to imagine what would happen to yourself in the face of such a blow?

But Xiao Yun was very bland. He just stared at the sword lightly, and let the long sword split the sky and cut himself.


Even the savage gas pervaded his robe and hair.

But he was still very indifferent, the kind of expression that was light and cloudy, just like the king, he had control over the world.

Xiao Yun's sole was a sharp step forward until the long knife exuding a strong knife was only three meters away from him.

When Xiao Yun stepped forward, everyone in the audience held their breath and seemed to want to take a closer look at how this young man shot.

No one wants to miss that wonderful picture.


I saw Xiao Yun step forward, and there was a flame of light all over his body, and then the palm stretched out.

This is the palm that has been dangled in fire, and if you look closely, it evolved like flame.

The palms, flesh, and bones were filled with fire.

This fire pattern condenses, making it like an Adamantite firearm!

The palm of the hand was carrying a dazzling fire, and one was holding the knife.


In the void, a crisp sound came out, only to see that long knife, Xiao Yun caught it.

The dazzling fire burst out between the blade and the palm of the young man.


The sword raged, raging away, blowing Xiao Yun's hair backwards and dancing.

But Xiao Yun seemed to be flaming with fire, and an inexplicable power permeated to resist the sword.

"Caught!" Exclaimed suddenly.

This scene seemed to freeze on the stage.

The voice also sounded in the field!

"Tianla, grabbed the mysterious golden sword that day with five fingers?"

"Is he still a human? Huang Tianxiao's blow ~ ~ How could he resist so easily?" The exclaimed spectator screamed, the sound rang through the void, and shook the Quartet. They dared not imagine what they saw.

"Grip the knife with your fingers?" Even the top ten people were shocked.

The long knife was tightly held, and the power that could have split the mountain could not shake the young five fingers?

Is this still the practitioner of Yuandan Jiuzhong Realm?

At this moment, almost all the practitioners in the audience were stuck in place.

"So powerful flesh!" It was on the high platform, and the eyes of the elders were also bright.

"He should be tempering the bones with demon fire!" Said the elder, and there was also a flash of light in his eyes, and he carefully sensed the fluctuations in Xiao Yun's palm. In this way, even he was surprised by this. Huang Tianxiao was accurate. Yuan Yingjing strong!

[For a monthly ticket, Tianduyu is a very important plot, so you have to conceive a lot of things, layout a lot, write a little slow, stable two more]

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