Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 694: I did not do it on purpose

"You will be fine!" Xiao Yun took a deep breath and let the girl hold her tightly.

The real fire in Xiao Yun's body permeated, so as not to let the cold air invade Ren Kexin's body.

At the same time, there is a strong spirit of life permeating from the life and soul of the consciousness of the sea.

Under the nourishment of real fire and life essence, Ren Kexin's frown finally stretched out a little bit.

Time passed by a little, Xiao Yun just let Ren Kexin hold it. "Fiction" novel chapter updated fastest

Both breaths can be clearly felt.

Even Xiao Yun can feel the softness brought by the other party.

But at this time Xiao Yun's mind was completely dragged by the other's breath fluctuations.

Every point of Ren Kexin's breath promoted him to be happy.

In particular, the black lines on the eyebrows of the latter continued to weaken, and Xiao Yun's tense nerves relaxed a little.

"The blood in her body is fully awake!"

Xiao Yun sensed by heart, and found that there was an ancient breath in Ren Kexin's blood veins like that of a volcano.

In this breath continually condensed, gathered together, turned into the imprint of the blood source, and began to integrate into her.

This breath is too similar to that of the god's eyes, even more ancient and majestic.

At this point Xiao Yun can be completely sure that the little sister is awakening to the source.

As a result, his nervous heart was relaxed a little bit.

"If Yuanyuan awakens, she should be able to expel that evil spirit by herself."

Xiao Yun breathed a sigh of relief.

With the passage of time, Ren Kexin's frowning black lines finally dissipated.

At this time, the breath in her body condensed and became extremely powerful.

Even there was a divine power in her, which made Xiao Yun's breath turbulent.

"Is this the power of God's eyes?" Xiao Yun's face was so calm, that breath made him feel palpitated.

I was just afraid that his rash move would affect the integration of Xiaoshimei, and he had to support it hard.

Hum! .

A strong breath permeated from Ren Kexin.

Suddenly, as soon as her eyes moved, her eyelids finally opened.

"Awake?" Seeing this, Xiao Yun was glad.

This is Ren Kexin's eyes opened, in which there are blue lines flowing, those lines lingering like gods.

An obscure breath wave permeated it.

The dark veins that had gathered in her shameful atmosphere had long since dissipated, at this time a blue rune was replaced.

This is an ancient rune, which seems to contain infinite mysteries, which cannot be seen through.

In this rune, Xiao Yun felt an almost avenue breath.

That breath is so amazing, it gives a feeling of facing the power of ancient times.

"How can this breath be so powerful?" Xiao Yun's mood was difficult to calm.

At the beginning, he did not seem to be so powerful in the Awakening of Wuhun!

"Isn't it enough for me to inherit the origins of the Wuhun Soul?" Xiao Yun looked suspicious.

Because I do n’t know about Zhan Wuhun, and because he was lucky enough to be able to awaken the origin, he does n’t have much inheritance value. Now it seems that he should not have achieved perfection. The peak of martial arts?

This makes Xiao Yun feel a little dignified.

Regarding Zhan Wuhun, he only had to wait until he went to the Xiao Family of Wucheng City.


As Xiao Yun groaned, an exclamation sounded.

The sound was crisp and sharp, causing his eardrums to crack.

It was only after his voice sounded that Xiao Yun felt a little vague in his heart.

"Little Shimei is completely awake."

At first he had such an idea in his mind.

"I still seem to be held by her!" Then another thought came to his mind.

Ren Kexin became clear at this time, and her soul became stronger.

The wicked spirit invaded the sea of ​​knowledge just now, and it must rot the mind.

In this case, the blood in her body was just excited, causing the seal to be broken.

In this way, Ren Kexin fully awakened the source.

After being sober, Ren Kexin's various sensations were all restored. Her blue eyes felt a strong masculinity in the blink of her eyes, and even a body temperature clearly felt like she was being held by a person?

"How is this going?"

With a little suspicion, the little girl blinked her eyes when she saw a man holding herself.

And the touch seemed intimate.

"Rogue!" Just a little induction, Ren Kexin found his anomaly, and could not help yelling.

At this point her clothes were taken off, and it became clear that something had just happened.


When an exclamation came out, under the reaction of her instinct, the lines of her eyes moved, and two rays of light flew out.

When the light faded out, the nearby space moved and the air flow became disordered.

A horrible wave pervaded Xiao Yun's mind.

"What a powerful breath!" Xiao Yun was startled, but he seemed to have anticipated this scene. Before the little girl, he broke free, and a huge force shook the latter's own jade hand away. A blast drifted to the side.

In the place, just leaving a residual image of Xiao Yun.


The eyes flashed, extremely fast, and the phantom left by Xiao Yun was penetrated.

It is not difficult to imagine that if Xiao Yun did not respond quickly, he would suffer.

"Sister Shimei's strength really increased after awakening the source!" Xiao Yun stepped aside at this time, but she was surprised.

Today Ren Kexin obviously has a qualitative transformation, and her strength has become extremely powerful.

It made him feel a headache.

This little girl is always thinking about being a sister!

Now that she has doubled her strength, is that okay?

"Is it a little master?" When Xiao Yun broke free and moved to the side, Ren Kexin's eyes flickered, as if she thought of something.

She stared at Xiao Yun, her eyes reminiscing.

She blinked, her face warm and furious when she found her feather coat next to her and a robe just worn.

"What are you doing to me?" Ren Kexin was anxious, his face flushed, and Xiao Yun stared at her at a loss.

Looking at her eyes toward Xiao Yun, she seemed to be staring at a wolf.

Being stared at by Xiao Shimei, Xiao Yun rolled her eyes and felt very wronged.

You know you haven't done anything well?

"Oh, Xiaoshimei, you have been invaded by the evil spirit and the wound is festering. I just healed you!"

Xiao Yunxi smiled, stared at Ren Kexin like this, he felt a big head for a while.

The last time he accidentally hit the little girl, he was remembered for a long time.

This time things seemed more serious, would she remember to hate her forever?

"Invaded by the evil spirit?" Ren Kexin's eyes blinked, her eyes thoughtful.

At this point she was sober, and after some contemplation, many of the pictures were recalled one by one.

From the time she resisted the attack from Zhu Changyin, to Xiao Yun leading her to be hunted down by a group of snow bears, and then to this cold cave.

Many pictures appeared in my mind.

Although she recalled only a few fragments, she also had everything.

"This ... me, you!" When some of the clips were recalled, Ren Kexin's face became even more blushed.

Looking at herself at this time wearing Xiao Yun's robe, she was also Zhīdào.

Although Xiao Yun was kind, but he seemed to be seen?

The little girl's eyes twinkled, her thoughts were full, and she was silent for a long time.

"How else am I to be a sister!" Ren Kexin froze Xiao Yun, feeling very depressed.

"Ahem, younger sister, I'll go and see if there is any spiritual extract nearby." Seeing Ren Kexin's eyes blink, showing a depressed expression, Xiao Yun also seemed quite embarrassed, and now he was preparing to walk towards the front of the cave To resolve the embarrassment.

"Are you going to leave me?" When Xiao Yun turned around, Ren Kexin got up, his eyes blinked and stared at Xiao Yun tightly.

The eyes looked pitiful.

After the trial just now, the little girl seemed to become weak.

The feeling of loneliness and helplessness made her hard to forget.

It was just that the robe on her body slipped down.

"Why would I leave you." Xiao Yun smiled slightly and turned to Ren Kexin.

Just by this look, the white mountains and flawless skin were not in the eyes.

For a while.

Xiao Yun's breathing changed.

Seeing that Xiao Yun's expression had changed, Ren Kexin's face was miserable.

Only when a chill penetrated into the skin, she seemed to find something.

On the next look, she was going crazy.

"Ah!" Exclaimed, "Rogue!"

"I didn't do it on purpose." Xiao Yun looked embarrassed and quickly ran away.

If you don't run, it is estimated that the little girl will kill herself!

Seeing Xiao Yun running away, Ren Kexin recovered from that mood.

At this time, her skin was white, but there was still some black skin on her skin.

"Fortunately, there are no scars." The little girl carefully peeled off some black skin, and saw her flawless skin slightly relieved. Immediately, her jade hands moved, and the space between her fingers flashed. Long skirts emerged.

She put on her clothes.

He looked at his proud body and his fullness, and his face was slightly blushed.

Just now, that guy seemed to stare for a long time.

Thinking of this, she was ashamed, and she stayed there for a long time.

It was just that figure of that young man appeared in that mind.

"How can I think about this hooligan?" Ren Kexin pursed her mouth, feeling a little strange.

But she couldn't help but think back.

My mind returned to the beginning of the cold.

At that time, she fell into Han Yuan, and before she was unconscious, she saw Xiao Yun's anger soaring into the sky, and she sacrificed herself to the battlefield.

In the end, she was hugged by Xiao Yun vaguely, and she could vaguely see the latter's nervous expression.

Then enter Hanyuan.

Chased by a snow bear ...

Then she was silently caring for her when she awakened.

"He doesn't seem to be so abominable?" Ren Kexin murmured with his hands and cheeks ~ ~.

The little girl's eyes flickered, and there was a rare softness in it.

Many details were recalled by her.

Although she had been injured and lost her consciousness before, she has a divine eye, and she can always remember it by just looking at it.

Xiao Yun refined her elixir for her.

When she applied her medicine and gave various spiritual extracts, the scenes emerged.

That kind of pure worry, care made the little girl feel warm, and the corner of her mouth also unconsciously evoked a smile.

"People?" She raised her eyebrows slightly as she raised her eyes and wanted to search for Xiao Yun's whereabouts.

At this time, Xiao Yun walked forward, and no one was seen.

She wanted to look for it, but remembered what had happened just now, and her face looked a little overwhelmed with hotness.

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