Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 709: Xing Shi confess!

"Sirius Mountains?" After hearing the words, Wu Zong's Tiewei frowned, and immediately said, "What's wrong with you here?"

"Less nonsense, don't let your elder Wu Zong come to greet me and wait!" Qin Longtian snorted coldly, and his eyes were trembling.

"Hurry up and inform the elders," said a Tiewei head, with a look of relief.

At the moment, someone informed the elders of Wu Zong.

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After a while, the second elder walked out of Wuzong.

Dean Yang followed him.

"What's the matter with everyone who is so enthusiastic about bringing me to Wuzong?" The second elder said coldly.

He already knew about the Fuyun Mountains, so why is the Ziīdào Sirius Mountain here, so the tone is not polite.

"What's up with you, Wu Zong?" Qin Longtian blinked his eyes and snorted coldly. "You're less dressed here, Xiao Yun chopped my child's daylight in the Fuyun Mountains. Now I'm here to ask for someone, and quickly remove that Xiao Yun Hand it over, otherwise I will never stop in Sirius. "

Qin Longtian stepped forward, a powerful momentum burst out.

The momentum made the iron guard blood of Wu Zong rolling.

"His words are bad." The second elder looked stern, his sleeves flicked, and a ripple rolled away to resolve the momentum.

Takezong's Tiewei felt all the pressure immediately.

"In the Battle of the Fuyun Mountains, the old man also heard about it. This is your Sirius Mountain ’s failure to abide by the rules first, but the dignified Yuanying Realm is going to the descendants of Junyuan Baby Realm. This has violated the agreement of the parties in the southern region. . "

"Furthermore, the Yuanying Jingyuan practitioners were beheaded against my prospective Yuanying Jingyuan disciples. This is not as good as others. How can you blame me?"

The second elder said verbatim.

Although this old looks very old, there is a sharp light in those eyes.

Facing the Sirius Mountains, he had no sign of shrinking.

"Although my son has done it, he won't be guilty of death. Xiao Yun's fierce shot is undoubtedly contempt of me. If I don't cut him off, how will I get a foothold in this area after Sirius's pulse? I don't talk nonsense if you take Wuzong No one, we have only one battle! "

Qin Longtian's eyes were cold and humming.

His sound is like thunder, and if he carries it through, it is clear that the distant practitioners can hear it.

The powerful bloodline also spread from him.

As the patriarch's son, Qin Longtian's blood is also very strong.

At the same time, the elders who followed accompanied one another with fierce eyes.

"For the tranquility of our two forces, Guizong still handed over Xiao Yunge!" The elder of Sirius Mountain said.

This is an elder with a white beard.

Although old, these old eyes are like wolves, with a bloodthirsty suffocation.

"Why can't your Sirius Mountain stand on my Wuzong?" The second elder retorted, "Xiao Yun is the master of my Wuzong Tianwu Pavilion and has a distinguished status. Furthermore, he is not at fault. If you take it away, I will set Wuzong. Where is his face? "

"If you want to move him, you must first ask my 100,000 disciples of Wuzong!"

The elder's voice sounded like thunder, and it sounded incomparable.

"So Wu Zong is going to be the enemy of my Sirius Mountain?" Qin Long's eyes were gloomy, and his deep voice sounded through the sky.

"Do n’t you come to the door, don't you just want to fight?" The second elder voice was cold and stern, and a violent breath wafted from his body. An inexplicable Tao rhyme pervaded and shrouded the whole void. Of solidification.

In the void, the atmosphere was dignified, and the war broke out.

Seeing the two elders so strong, everyone in Sirius Mountain has a lunar calendar.

"Huh!" Qin Longtian's eyes flickered, and there seemed to be anger emerging.

At this point, he really wanted to go to war!

It is just that the Sirius Mountains are not richer than Wu Zong's heritage. Once the war begins, it is difficult to please.

Finally, his eyes flashed, and he stared at the elder with a fight.

"What's your opinion on the torch?" Qin Longtian asked with a heartfelt voice.

After reaching the Yuanying Realm, the practitioners can convey their voices with their hearts, and no one else can hear them.

"Give them time to consider, if you don't, fight!" The torch caused the eyes to flash, and there seemed to be a fire and purgatory tumbling. The cold and faint voice came into Qin Longtian's mind, but the outsider could not see the man's emotion fluctuation.

So he stood in the void, like someone else.

"Give you two quarters of an hour to consider. If you don't surrender Xiao Yun, I will never stop!" Qin Longtian snorted coldly.

There was a suffocation in him, and that kind of breath made Wu Zong's descendants descend into the distance.

Reaching this level is that the released momentum can crush one side.

"Two quarters!" The elder frowned.

"Tell this thing to the lord." He spoke to Deacon Yang.

Deacon Yang even passed the message to Zongmen.

The second elder had a cold face and stood in the void, staring coldly at the Sirius Mountains.

For these people, he has no hint of favor.

At this time, Takezonai.

"What, Sirius comes to ask for someone, to surrender Xiao Yun?"

"Where is Sirius when I am Takeshi?"

"Abominable, unless Xiao Yun has a strong foundation, I'm afraid that he has been chopped by that Qin Tianzhao. Sirius Mountain is the fault!"

The news of Sirius Mountain coming soon spread throughout the gate.

Chen Yanfeng, Duan Yu, and others who had gone to the Fuyun Mountains experienced anger after hearing the words.

The people in the Sirius Mountains were aggressive at first. How many times did Xiao Yun not chop them? Are they waiting to be chopped?

If not for Xiao Yun's generous means, otherwise Xiao Nuo would be the only one to be ridiculed at this moment.

But now, the Siren Mountains have instead filed a lawsuit and killed Wu Zong.

This makes it impossible to swallow the bad breath.


Suddenly, many young people in Wuzong heard the news.

Youth is always the most upright and hot-blooded existence.

In order to breathe, they can throw their heads and sprinkle blood!

When I heard that Sirius Mountain came to the door again, no one stood still.

Everyone who was not in retreat came out.

"Little girl, you can be diligent recently!" On a mountain peak in Wuzong, a tall woman in the courtyard of Linyuan blinked, and her eyes were full of coquettishness when she looked forward, facing her , Ren Kexin is bored fiddle with several jade bottles.

The open woman has seven points of similar appearance, with long blue hair and blue eyes.

It's just that the woman's long hair is not as dark as Ren Kexin's long hair, she is just a touch of blue.

Although it is light blue, it makes it a bit more refined and refined, with a noble temperament.

Although the woman was laughing, it was not difficult to see the loneliness deep in her eyes.

There seemed to be something in her heart that kept her from being really happy.

"I have been very diligent, OK!" Ren Kexin opened her mouth when she saw the woman in front of her, and said with a little conviction, "Look, I am now in the Zhunyuan infant realm. It won't be long before I can step in Yuan Ying Jing. "

Just yesterday, Ren Kexin stepped into Zhunyuan infant territory.

The beautiful woman in front of her was her sister Ren Keying.

"Hee hee, sister, I will definitely come up later and surpass you." At the end, the little girl smiled, her brows crooked, but she held the jade bottle in her hand, absent-minded. There seems to be something in mind.

"You!" Seeing Ren Kexin's appearance, Ren Keying smiled, and then his face was full of astonishment in his pale blue eyes, "What are you doing with two jade bottles?" See my sister playing with two jade bottles With an absent-minded look, she looked confused.

This girl is usually lively and playful, and rarely frowns. It is even rarer to look so full of heart.

"No, nothing." Seeing my sister asking, Ren Kexin's eyes flickered, and her pretty face was reddish and slightly shy.

"Nothing?" After hearing the words, Ren Keying was even more suspicious.

"I heard that the other day you went to the Fuyun Mountains with Xiao Yun, who was in charge of the Tianwu Pavilion, how was his talent?"

Although Ren Keying was suspicious, his sister didn't ask much if she didn't say it, and then she shivered casually.

"Can he be qualified for this position?" Ren Keying was also concerned about this.

The Lord of Tianwu Pavilion is not an ordinary person.

So after hearing this, she also had some interest in the new cabinet owner.

If the person was not up to the task, she wouldn't mind shooting over the location.

"He?" After hearing her sister's sudden mention of Xiao Yun, Ren Kexin's heartbeat suddenly accelerated, and her ears were ashamed.

"What's the matter with you?" Seeing this, Ren Keying was suspicious. Why is his sister a little abnormal today?

For a while I was absent-minded, and my face was crimson. What happened?

Ren Keying felt like he didn't know this sister anymore.

But she has only been in retreat for less than six months!

Looking left and right, her sister just grew a little taller, and didn't seem to have changed much.

This made Ren Keying doubtful.

"Nothing." Seeing her sister scowling, Ren Kexin said quickly as if she were a thief.

But when her jade hand fiddled with the jade bottle, her heart throbbed.

She seemed to have something in mind, for fear of her older sister, Zīdào.

"This girl." Ren Keying shook her head slightly, always feeling that her little girl was a bit wrong.

call out!

At this moment, several youths came towards this.

It was Guo Ziwen and Liu Yu.

"I've seen Sister Keying!" When a few people fell down, they saw that Ren Keying who appeared here was a fist salute.

Both looked extremely respectful.

"Have you come to see Sister Kexin?" Ren Keying said lightly.

"Well ~ ~ Guo Ziwen smiled a little," Sister Keying went out of the customs, presumably required a lot of improvement! "

He also seemed careful when he spoke.

He admires and respects this sister.

"Do you have anything here?" Ren Kexin glanced at these people a little, still looking absent-minded.

This surprised Liu Yu a little.

This little girl was not like this before!

"It's from the Sirius Mountains that I want Wu Zong to surrender Xiao Yun." Guo Ziwen said, "We're here to inform Shimei."

"What, people from the Sirius Mountains are here?" Wen Yan said that even when Ren Kexin stood up, his eyes were full of surprise.

"Exactly," Guo Ziwen said, "they came fiercely. Several elders came down in person, and they looked like they were going to fight at any time. This time I was afraid it was not good. Xiao Yun. "

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