Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 728: Medicine garden

The soul ancestors slumped, and Wu Zong's disciples on the soul lotus began to cross their knees and adjust their injuries.

"This soul beast is very powerful, but Cheng Youming's soul collapses but he cannot control it!"

At this point, Xiao Yun was looking at the soul beast.

Soul Beast.

They have similarities with You, both of which can be controlled by the mind.

It's just that Xiao Yun knows nothing about this and doesn't know how to control the soul beast. "Fiction" novel chapter updated fastest

"Controlling souls and beasts requires a special secret method, otherwise it is easy to be counterattacked rashly," advised.

"Um." Xiao Yun nodded, and did not rush to control the soul beast.

After all, this soul beast is not so simple.

This is a living being, with its own soul.

Finally, Xiao Yun obliterated the soul beast.


A day later, the light and shadow flashed on the soul lotus, and a charming woman appeared.

This person is Yan Shifei.

At this time, Yan Shifei's eyes were like a galaxy.

"Take that step too?" Xiao Yun's eyes opened and he greeted the beauty in front of him, a joy in his heart now.

Just a little induction, he found that Yan Shifei had undergone metamorphosis.

Yan Shifei strolled, nodded slightly, and seemed to admit it to Xiao Yun.

She knew everything about the other person's mind.

Half a day later, Yan Shiyan also stepped out of it.

In the same way, she also took that step when she practiced the spiritual path.

This surprised Xiao Yun.

Cross the robbery.

This requires strong willpower!

It is hard to imagine that this usually weak and cute girl could take this step.

At this time, all the monks in Wuzong also adjusted their interest rates.

"It's time to leave." When Sister Yan Shi stepped out, Xiao Yun looked around and said to Wu Zong's brothers.

"Well." Wu Zong's disciples nodded, and now that he is fully satisfied here, it is time to leave.

After a battle with Soul Sect disciples, everyone's desire for strength became extremely strong.

If they have stepped in, why fear these people?

"There is still a relic of Nanyou King, there is a legacy left by Nanyou King." After exiting the soul lotus, leaving Xiaoyun's eyes flashed, said, "There is a piece there, it is said that there are many spirits, but Help you enter a successful situation. "

"Okay, then go there." Wu Zong's disciples nodded.


At this time in Nanyou, the monks of all factions have gained something.

"Zhunyuan Baby Realm is completely complete, it's time to cross over!" In a gorge, the eyes of a man in a gold robe blinked and dazzled, and his eyes were like two rounds of the sun. At this time, a horrible atmosphere fluctuated in him.

That kind of breath has an ancient taste, and it contains a powerful power that can shock people.

These fluctuations have infinitely approached Yuanyingjing.

This man is Gu Feiyang.

"Congratulations, Brother Gu, for its completeness." A few young men showed respectful smiles beside him.

"Brother Gu has the blood of the ancient warfare. Once entering the Yuanying Realm, the power of the blood will be fully stimulated, and the combat power will soar, even if the body of the golden body cannot be achieved immediately, it should also be a genius who sweeps the same level and becomes The king of one side dominates the four sides. "

A young man said with charming eyes.

Gu Feiyang, who has an ancient war body, is also extraordinary in Xuan Tianzong.

"Yuan Yingjing?" Gu Feiyang's eyes twinkled, looking at the distant void, and murmured, "When I step into Yuan Yingjing, my strength will soar. When you have it, how can you fight with me? I will I don't believe you are reversible. "

In Gu Feiyang's eyes, there is pervasiveness.

At that time, the battle in Xuanyuan battlefield made him unforgettable.

Xiao Yun has always been a pain in his heart.

"You protect the law for me!" Then Gu Feiyang said to his brothers in the canyon.

This is a squad he leads.

"Yes!" Xuan Tianzong's people nodded, all with respect.

Although this ancient master has a short introduction time, his talent is also outstanding among the contemporary young disciples of Xuan Tianzong.

With the exception of a few people, few can compete with them.

In addition, on the other side of the South Forbidden City, there is a practitioner who penetrates into an ancient battlefield filled with anger.

This is a person from Sirius Mountains.

"This is a plant called Sirius, which contains the essence and blood of the ancient power of the wolf tribe.

Qin Tianchen's slender palm had a bright red spirit, and there was a fiery light in those eyes.

A long time ago, he got the news.

Now he finally got this spirit extract in this forbidden area.


Within the ruins of King Nan You.

This is a huge medicine garden, misty and quiet inside.

But there is support in the medicine garden, and few people can enter it.

Of course, the pharmacy is big.

At this time, many people are trying to find the broken barriers in the medicine garden to enter.

When Xiao Yun and others came here, practitioners of various factions had gathered near this medicine garden.

There are five elements, there are black cloud magpies, and there are souls.

That Leng Jiuxiao and others came here unexpectedly.

"This is the medicine garden." Xiao Yun was in the void, glancing at the huge misty medicine garden in front of him.

"Brother Zhou, they are there, too."

Ren Kexin's eyes narrowed and she found some familiar figures.

"Did you all come here?" Xiao Yun released his spiritual knowledge and saw many disciples of Wu Zong.

Then, as they moved, they fell towards the medicine garden ahead.

This medicine garden is located in a mountainous area, which is very wide inside.

However, because of the existence of a ban, many people cannot tear the ban and enter it.

But this did not cause these people to leave because they were waiting.

According to the information, the ban on this pharmacy will have a weak period every half month.

This will be an opportunity.

"Brother Xiao." When Xiao Yun and others came here, Zhou Qing and Liu Chunyang came.

Xiao Yun glanced at the crowd, but found that no one had stepped into the Yuanying Realm.

Obviously, they are still saving.

The practitioner of Heiyunyan came towards Xiaoyun, but did not leave.

Leng Jiuxiao of Soul Sect.

The Five Elements and others stood indifferently, standing aside.

All four forces chose a position.

This is the weakness they have found.

"There is strong vitality here, and there should be a rare spirit extract in it." Xiao Yun eyes exposed.

For this medicine garden, even those disciples of the past were also highly rated.

If you are saving, you can cross the robbery and enter the Yuanying Realm.

Although Xiao Yun's soul has improved, he is not yet a true Yuan Yingjing strong.

He still needs to improve.

Only with the improvement of one's own realm can various potentials be continuously stimulated.

One day later, at midnight, the power of the drug garden's restraint began to weaken.

There are more and more monks gathered here.

"The prohibition is weak, and we can enter it." Ren Kexin's blue eyes flickered, gazing ahead.

At this moment, her eyes moved, it seemed that she could see through all the delusions.

The slight fluctuations in the restraint could not escape her power.

"Okay." Zhou Qing nodded, a strong breath permeated the entire body.

He has saved for a long time and can enter the Yuanying Realm at any time, but he is not shocked.

In order to wait for an opportunity.

"This medicine garden is very mysterious, and there are still restrictions in it. You should not take it lightly even if you enter it."

Zhou Qing said to Wu Zong's disciples.

"Yes!" Many nodded.

Xiao Yun's eyes were slightly condensed, full of expectations.

At this time, in Xiao Yun's swallowing tower, Yi Yi did not show up and landed on his shoulder.

The little guy also seems to have good things.

"Rebellion!" Ren Kexin's eyes moved, with blue light ripples flowing, and an ancient cyclone permeated.

When she waited for her soft drink, a glance passed through the void, hitting the forbidden light pattern in front.

Pervasive, the surrounding atmosphere was disordered, and the forbidden light streaks squirmed.

Looking closely, you can see that some lines are directly decomposed.

The last crack was torn by the light of Ren Kexin's eyes.

"Get in quickly." Seeing this, Zhou Qing said.


Wu Zong's disciples were all immersed in Yaoyuan.

At this time, the disciples who entered Wuzong gathered almost here.

Even Chen Yanfeng arrived.

"Follow me." Xiao Yun was not in a hurry to enter, and he said Yan Shifei's hand when everyone was inside.

Then he took a step forward and went inside.

Yan Shiyan and Yang Haixin followed.

"Hmm." Seeing Xiao Yun pulling Yan Shifei, Ren Kexin murmured secretly, looking unhappy.

"Zhīdào let others tear up this prohibition." Xiao Shimei's mouth was squinting, feeling very wronged.

In the medicine garden, Wu Zong's disciples entered one after another.

Presenting in front of me is a medicine circle.

Unfortunately, there are very few herbs in it, even if there are some herbs that are not enough for some years.

Therefore, everyone quickly ignored the herbs around them and walked forward.

At the end of the medicine garden, there was a glimmer of light, and there were floating stone platforms.

By detail, there are nearly a thousand of these stone platforms.

On these stone platforms, the mist was so foggy that we could see that there were some spiritual extracts in it.

This is the spirit extract that was cultivated by King Nan You at that time, and is protected by the formation. To obtain the spirit extraction, the formation must be broken.

But this pattern is dangerous and can kill people.

Many people scorned that year.

Others have obtained medicinal materials that are nearly 2,000 years old, thus making them happy.

The same is true, so many people want to come here to try their luck.


At this time, people kept entering the medicine garden.

People from all factions have come to the area where this stone platform is located ~ ~ countless fiery eyes staring at those stone platforms.

"Sure enough, the data said." Xiao Yun looked at those stone platforms, and a little smile appeared in his eyes.

"Haha, that's a strain of Tianzhizhi!" After entering it, the swallowing bird laughed wildly, and it saw a spirit extract.

"Tianhunzhi?" Xiao Yun's eyes lightened and he immediately discovered something.

"Shiba leaves have a soul pattern condensate. The year has exceeded 1,000 years, and it should be 1,200 years!"

A little induction, Xiao Yun was also a joy.

After millenniums of these spirits, every hundred years, the years will strengthen a lot of medicine.


At this time, Yiyi's saliva was also hot.

There are so many herbs here that the little guy can't wait to shoot immediately.

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