Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 743: Cloud Consolidation

The mountain breeze whistled, Ren Kexin, Yan Shifei and others were watching Xiao Yun silently.

Cross the robbery.

Do not disturb for any practitioner.

This is also extremely important.

"Heaven and earth are natural, there are thousands of avenues. Who am I ...?" Xiao Yun was clear-minded and completely immersed in an inexplicable realm. He was comprehending the heavens and the earth, pondering the avenue, and crossing the calamity was to make people realize. The pattern of Heaven and Earth Avenue tempers all bodies. "Fiction" novel chapters are updated the fastest

If the robbery is successful, it will embark on that vast avenue.

Yuan Yingcheng, Shouyuan will also increase.

As long as the source is not damaged, he can live 300 years.

Satisfied, even live 400 years.

Of course, some people hurt the foundation during the war, and Shou Yuan will fall.

The mountain breeze blew through Xiao Yun's hair, his eyes closed tightly, showing a peaceful face.

The clouds and mist on the mountain are misty. From a distance, the young man has a feeling of being integrated into the world.

A kind of Tao Yun kept permeating in Xiao Yun.

Obviously, he is constantly fulfilling.

At this time, this sky was passing by.


Where they were, a group of monks came.

"The spirit of the evil spirit is extremely rich, this is the Jiuling Yanmai." Qin Tianchen's eyes flickered, and those deep eyes glanced around.

When he came here, a little scarlet was flashing in his eyes.

It seems that he can't wait to kill the young man named Xiao Yun.

Gu Feiyang's eyes were like the sun, glancing towards the Quartet.

He was also a bit excited.

"That's the sea of ​​fire that Xiao Yun used to go to," said a disciple of Xuan Tianzong.

"Go and see." After hearing the words, Gu Feiyang moved and walked towards it.

This area is full of wickedness, and people can stay for a long time.

But Gu Feiyang has strong strength and extraordinary blood, and has no fear of this evil spirit.

Others sacrifice themselves to protect themselves.

Although there was some fear of these wicked spirits, they did not mean to retreat.

After all, both Gu Feiyang and Qin Tianchen are the most arrogant in the world.

It is also an honor to follow them.

Once they become true kings, the benefits will be unspeakable.

After a while, they appeared in the sea of ​​fire.

"Here is indeed the blood left by the monster." Gu Feiyang blinked his eyes, staring at the sea of ​​fire, looking at some traces, "It did not cause much fluctuation. It seems that Xiao Yun really did The fire crocodile was killed, the rumor was true. "

"Can spike infant Yuan exist?" Qin Tianchen also looked cold.

"He's not here anymore." Gu Feiyang frowned. "But I don't know where he will go?"

"Xiao Yun should have not yet completed the robbery, but he should gain something here, and now he should roam in some shielded places."

Said a young man.

"Is there any news for those sent out?" Gu Feiyang turned and asked a younger brother.

"Xiao Yun has not been found yet," said a young man.

"Haven't found it yet?" Gu Feiyang frowned slightly.

This Xiao Yun has been so strong at this time. If he is to improve his strength by one or two, it will be more difficult to deal with.

"Let me see." At this moment, the next Qin Tianchen's eyes condensed, and there was blood rolling in his body, and the runes flickered above his deep eyes and pupils, but only momentarily, his eyes and pupils completely turned into A pair of gloomy eyes.

Obscure fluctuations also permeated from this pupil.

"Is this Sirius?" Seeing this, Heiyun's Wuyuan's eyes were surprised.

It is said that Sirius is a god, and his eyes and pupils can be seen through the delusion.

There is even a powerful tracking technique, with which Sirius pupils can see some residual breath nearby.

After the wolf pupil evolved that day, Qin Tianchen's pupils seemed to be attached with a magical magical power.

The nearby airflow was completely perceptible to him.

The breath on these people was also differentiated one by one.

Even the fluctuations left a few days ago can be detected.

First, he looked at the breath fluctuations in the sea of ​​fire.

Because Xiao Yun was there, he can accurately determine those breath fluctuations.

"Twelve quasi-yuan babies, a fire crocodile." As Sirius moved, the air agitated within the sea of ​​fire seemed to play back everything that happened at that time. Qin Tianchen's mouth immediately evoked a cold smile. Fluctuations, one strong and three weak, and two special atmospheres, like a spirit beast, it seems that Xiao Yun has only three practitioners and two monsters beside him. "

"Cut off a fire crocodile and a fire wolf in a moment, but have some strength."

With the magical power running, Qin Tianchen accurately judged everything that happened.

That looks like he was there.

If Xiao Yun and others were here, they would be surprised.

"Go, he went over there." Then, Qin Tianchen's eyes narrowed and he locked a direction.

"Where?" Gu Feiyang looked a moment, but saw Qin Tianchen's look, without doubt.

"Get off!" When a light drink came out, Gu Feiyang left with Xuan Tianzong's disciples.

In the Sirius Mountains, dark clouds rushed out.

Tianfeng Valley is on top of the mountain.

"Cultivation is seeking, crossing the calamity is to touch the heaven." Xiao Yun stared at the light for a moment, and the light of wisdom shone in it.

"That being the case, then I have to see what the heavens are?" He stood up now, and his temperament changed suddenly.

An indomitable momentum permeated from him.

At the same time, he danced with long hair, and the whole man seemed to be flowing with dust.

At this point, he suddenly touched Yuan Ying Realm and sent him to the robbery.

"Are you going to robbery?" Yan Shifei's eyes condensed on the hill not far away, and there was a little tension in those beautiful eyes.

"Brother Xiao Yun is about to cross the robbery?" Yan Shiyan raised her fist, slightly excited.

As long as the robbery is successful, Xiao Yun is a strong man.


At this moment, the clouds changed in the void, the clouds stirred, and the blue sky began to gather patches of clouds.

Tianwei is also slowly condensing.

Looking at the condensed robbery clouds, Ren Kexin was also in a daze.

Finally waited for this moment!

"Tianfeng Valley, have these guys hid here?" At this time, Qin Tianchen brought a group of practitioners outside.

Just at this moment, the sky and clouds in the front agitated, with Tianwei condensing.

"How is this going?"

"Is it here?" Seeing this, some of the three forces showed their fear.

"No, this is robbery. Someone is crossing the robbery." Wu Yuan glazed and said.

"Crossing the calamity?" After hearing the words, many people moved slightly and carefully sensed away. "Bùcuò, that is indeed the fluctuation of the calamity."

"Are this guy going to rob?" Gu Feiyang twitched his lips, raising a touch of coldness, "Go."

Subsequently, the golden light on his body flashed like a **** of war, and he stepped directly into the vast storm ahead.

This hurricane did not dare to scorn even Yuanyuan repairers.

But Gu Feiyang went directly into it, and even the spirit device did not urge him. Such a feat surprised many people.

"Ancient warfare is truly extraordinary." Heiyun's heart was dark.

"This body is stronger than my Sirius Mountain?" Qin Tianye's eyes flashed, and he felt a powerful power from Gu Feiyang. The strength of the ancient warfare was far stronger than he imagined. Then, they also turned toward Did not go ahead.

Qin Tianchen stepped forward.

The glimmer of light all over him, and he did not activate the spirit, and directly countered the terrible storm with his body.

It's just that everyone else is different.

Everyone sacrificed an artifact to resist the violent hurricane.


At this time, in the valley of wind, the hurricane howled, and a repressive atmosphere shrouded the four sides.

The whole sky was dim, and the kind of Tianwei was so overwhelming that it was almost out of breath.

Sister Yan Shifei's face was dignified on the hillside not far away.

"This robbery seems to be very strong!" They had survived the robbery, but the kind of robbery and Xiao Yun at this time compared to this robbery but did not know how much difference, even the little girl next to her clenched her fists, Those blue eyes were full of worry.

Because the robbery cloud was still condensing and turned into a thick cloud layer, the power of the terrifying world became more vast.

It's not hard to imagine how amazing the momentum should be once the thunderstorms have fallen?

However, facing this kind of Tianwei, Xiao Yun was indifferent at this time, and there was no trace of emotional fluctuations on that face.

Even a little satisfaction appeared in his eyes.

Because Robbie can judge a person's potential.

If the sky is stronger when you cross the robbery, it means that your potential is higher.

Jieyun is condensing, and Tianwei is vast, radiating thousands of miles.

At this moment, some practitioners in the distance were startled.

"It's so powerful Tianwei, is anyone crossing the robbery?"

"So Tianwei, who is going through the calamity?" Many meditating practitioners got up and followed the wave.

"The power of the calamity is still condensing this day, what calamity is he going through?" At this moment, Ren Kexin's blue eyes blinked in surprise.

This power has surpassed the tolerance of others.

It was just that day that the monk in Yuanying's dual realm was shaken.

"Not good!" When Ren Kexin was surprised, her eyes turned and she glanced not far away.

There the figure flickered, and a man in a gold robe crossed the hurricane of the Valley of the Winds and came to the valley.

"Sure enough, he is crossing the calamity!" Gu Feiyang walked into the valley with golden light all over his body. The golden eyes blinked and his eyes fell on the top of the mountain in front of him. After Xiao Yun, his pupils suddenly shrank.

"What kind of power is this guy's calamity?"

Gu Feiyang looked dignified ~ ~ At the same time, there was an imperceptible expression of envy in his eyes.

He has survived Tianjie, and at that time, many disciples of Xuan Tianzong sighed.

It also made him proud.

But now entering this valley, after feeling the might of heaven and earth from Xiao Yun's head, Gu Feiyang couldn't calm down.

As a genius, he has always wanted to survive the strongest calamity, and naturally understand what the strength of calamity means when crossing the calamity.

But now, he is clearly compared with the young man named Xiao Yun.

"How can he be comparable to me?" Gu Feiyang felt a little unwilling.

He had the blood of an ancient war.

Why is Xiao Yun better than him?

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