Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 755: South Earthquake

Yan Xing Tu Shi unfolded, trapping the practitioners of the three parties.

Star formations dangled within the space of the formation law, with a terrifying coercion overturning.

At this point, Xiao Yun stepped into the realm of robberies, and could have initially motivated the power of this Yanxing map.

In the void, if there were stars flickering, there was still a galaxy.

As the Xinghe lingers, a strange wave emanates, and it starts to bind the true element trapped inside the practitioner. "Fiction" novel chapter updated fastest

"This is the formation method?" Yan Xingtu overturned, but there was no way to see the road ahead, just a vast area. When he saw this behind the scenes, Qin Tian asked his eyes to be frightened, and those practitioners who were just leaving felt more Despair, now trapped in formation, how can I escape?

"The true element in my body seems to be bound by the power of the formation." Some people even found that their power was bound.

Originally possessed the fighting power of Yuanying Realm, which could be drastically reduced after being restrained.

This feeling made them even more afraid.


Fearing in the eyes of everyone, when looking at the Quartet, the light and shadow of this array of law space flickered, and a practitioner stepped in.

"Xiao Yun!" After seeing this person, the hearts of those in the formation were shuddering.

Xiao Yun appeared, stepped towards those people, and there was a strong momentum in him.

That momentum made the three major practitioners frightened one by one.

At this time even Qin Tianwen and others were frightened.

Although Qin Tian asked himself to be extraordinary, he deeply understood the gap between Zhīdào and Qin Tianchen.

Even Qin Tianchen was ridiculed, how can he compete with Xiao Yun?

"Xiao Yun, what do you want to do?" Seeing Xiao Yun's eyes chilling, someone was frightened, and yelled boldly.

"What?" Xiao Yun's mouth evoked a radian.

To this day, these people still ask such Wèntí?

"Xiao Yun, no, Xiao Xiao, I have no resentment and resentment against you. This time I came here to be coerced by Gu Feiyang, please be merciful."

"Yes, we are all coerced by Gu Feiyang, please don't kill me." Xuan Tianzong's disciples of Yuan Yingjing cried out.

"It's ridiculous, are there any people being coerced to kill?" Xiao Yun said coldly, his eyes lightened, glanced at these humanities, "Did you not kill one by one when I crossed the robbery, should you take the opportunity to cut me here? Why now? forgotten?"

When he was going to the robbery, these people were all proud and looked like they could kill him at any time.

So for these people, Xiao Yun naturally wouldn't take it to heart.

"This ..." Hearing words, those people were speechless, I don't know what to do.

"Brother Xiao, we don't dare in the future, please give a chance," said a young man.

"It's late." Xiao Yun looked cold and moved forward.

"Well, don't be proud." A monk said with eyes closed, "Let's be afraid that we can't deal with him alone?"

"Bùcuò." Suddenly, more than a dozen yuan repairing infants were exposed.

First, Qin Tianwen tried his best to stimulate the bloodline.

Wuyuan and others also sacrificed themselves.

"Uncontrollable!" Xiao Yun's mouth evoked a cold arc.

Then emerged in front of him.

He was agitated and a drop came out of it.

An extremely cold air filled with it.

"Kill!" At this time, Qin Tianwen evolved Sirius' giant claws and killed Xiao Yun.

Qin Tianye and others shot.

Fourteen Yuan Yingjing practitioners shot together and were aggressive.

Although these people are not as good as Qin Tianchen, they shot together, and that strength is not as strong as Qin Tianchen.

The attack dropped, and the entire array space was trembling.

This kind of fluctuation is that the practitioners in Yuanying's dual realm are afraid to shake it.

"Icebound!" Xiao Yun was so cold, his heart moved, and a drop of water droplets wrapped by the forbidden pattern swept across the void. Even if it was attacked by the sky, the forbidden pattern broke and it was extremely cold The air permeated from it.

Tian You Han Shui was carrying a force of terror towards the front.

The cold air was permeating, and it was clear that Qin Tianwen had stagnated the giant claws in the air.

Then the ice crystals condensed, and his giant claws gave a meal.

"It's so cold!" Qin Tian asked, feeling that his heart was all cold, and there was a strong fearfulness in those eyes.

At the same time, he finally understood why Qin Tianchen would be frozen.

Because the next moment, an extremely cold air swept through, the blood in his body solidified, and the whole person was frozen.

Not only was Qin Tianwen asked, but at the same time, Qin Tianye was also frozen.

At this time in the formation space, the people of the three parties almost watched the people next to them frozen.

"Ah!" Someone exclaimed when the cold air hit.

Only very quickly, the cold was frozen, making it impossible to speak.

"I hate it, why are you here?" Wuyuan sighed sadly, his eyes filled with fear.

Waiting sadly came out, the next moment he was frozen.

When it was frozen, the cold water splashed that day and fell on everyone.

Although it was a drop of cold water, but it erupted at this time, it seemed that there were countless thin water drops.

The thin water was misty and hazy, so that those repairs were shrouded.

In the end, under the corrosion of the cold and cold water, these people turned into nothingness.

Yuan Ying was destroyed, and there was no bone left.

"The cold fruit is overbearing this day." Looking at the scene in front of him, even Xiao Yun was a bit shocked.

If you do n’t have the aid of the forbidden pattern, otherwise you will not be able to catch the cold water of the sky.

Rao is so, every time he takes only a small drop of it.

"Unfortunately, these people are corroded, and there are no storage bags left." Xiao Yun sighed gazing at the void ahead.

The sky is cold and overbearing, and it has the power to freeze and corrode everything.

The practitioners of these three forces have no bones left.

This is the real cold water in the sky, which is dozens of times stronger than the cold water in the sky.

After a slight sigh, Xiao Yun's mind moved and Yanxing's picture disappeared into the sea of ​​knowledge.

His body then appeared in the void.

"Is it over?" At this moment, the practitioners in the Valley of the Wind all stared forward.

What happened just now is too sudden.

From Heiyunyu, when Xuantianzong's people were going to retreat, the sky was covered by the starry sky.

This makes people unresponsive at all.

So they were all wondering what kind of war would happen within that array of dharma.

However, at this moment, light and shadow flashed, and the large array disappeared, leaving only Xiao Yun alone.

"Those people?" Many monks were surprised, their eyes flickered, and they wanted to find the practitioners of the three parties.

But where are those people!

"Are you stunned?" Everyone looked at each other.

"Fourteen practitioners were all beheaded?" At this point, Chen Haolong and Li Changsheng couldn't help but take a breath.

How long has it been, but between the two breaths.

But all those practitioners scoffed.

Who can do this?

Fourteen Yuanyuan practitioners shot together. The power is that the Yuanyuan practitioners can hardly bear it!

Besides, Qin Tian asked, Qin Tianye and Wuyuan were all genius figures.

But that's the truth.

Fourteen monks have been ridiculed.

"This Xiao Yun is so strong!"

"In this way, who among the 11 forces can compete with it?"

"This Xiao Yun is destined to become king!"

The onlookers nearby lamented.

After three consecutive robberies, he also beheaded two geniuses, and now he alone cuts out fourteen Yuanying strong men.

Who can compare with this record?

Xiao Yun's eyes flickered and he glanced around, and his brows frowned slightly, then walked towards Ren Kexin and others.

"Brother Xiao Yun, you are amazing!" Seeing Xiao Yun stepping forward, Yan Shiyan showed her face full of worship.

Xiao Yun was in danger several times just now, which worried her.

But in the end the young man turned the danger and made her happy.

"Hehe, Brother Xiao, I haven't seen you for half a year, but you left me far behind!" At this moment, Chen Haolong walked up and looked at Xiao Yun up and down, with a smile on his face. Ben is a genius of the same level.

But I haven't seen it for half a year, and I can't stand at a high level with this young man.

"Brother Xiao, you are so prestigious!" Monty smiled loudly and kept looking at Xiao Yun.

It seems that it is also difficult for him to imagine that this young man who came out of the battlefield of Xuanyuan together would be so powerful.

As for Zhao Zheng and others, they were full of emotion.

"Everyone is grateful for your help this time." Xiao Yun held his fists towards Chen Haolong, Li Changsheng, and others. His eyes were full of gratitude. At this critical moment, how many people wanted to look at his joke, how many people wanted Downhole.

But these people came here to support, this friendship should be remembered.

"Hehe, Brother Xiao is polite." Chen Haolong laughed loudly, "I just shot it without wanting you to be ridiculed, leaving you as an opponent, but now it seems that I can no longer be your opponent!" In his tone It was full of booing.

"Xiao Xiong has different talents and must rise up in Tiandu. He will be king in the vast Wutai. I look forward to this day."

Li Changsheng said very little, but his eyes were full at this time.

Tianduyu has countless geniuses, and it is difficult to rise among them, but at this time he seems to really see Xiao Yun's rise.

"You all have the opportunity." Xiao Yun said to the crowd.

"Oh, don't worry, we won't be lazy, even if we can't compare with you, we should make some famous names in Tianduyu."

Chen Haolong smiled, and his eyebrows were wide-eyed ~ ~ There is a king in the eyebrows. Although he is not as good as Xiao Yun, he is still full of confidence. After all, the genius who has reached his level is also Not everywhere.

"Um." Xiao Yun nodded, Shen said, "So, I'll wait for an appointment and rise together in Tiandu."

"Okay, rise together in Tiandu!"

Chen Haolong, Li Changsheng, Meng Tianqi and others were all cheering.

"Rising from the sky!" Zhao Zheng and others also heard the enthusiasm.

This is the goal of all of them.

With the fall of the practitioners from the tripartite forces, those who watched in the Valley of the Wind also gradually dispersed.

Xiao Yun and Ren Kexin also left, planning to gather with Wu Zong's people.

However, the battle of Tianfeng Valley soon spread across the entire South You.

This battle shocked countless people, and Xiao Yun also became a demon-level figure known to all the 11 forces.

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