Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 772: Blood wash Wuzong?

"This Wuzong is very big." At this time, the master of the rudder entered Wuzong.

"It is said that the ancestor of this Emperor Wuzong once gained the opportunity to invade the sky, only to open a school here!" Qin Wanli said with a smile.

Now entering Wuzong, he didn't mean to relax, but his eyes flickered, but he seemed extremely vigilant.

Even he was a little bit scared, did he feel that he was too reckless?

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So hastily entered Wuzong, will it be directly ridiculed here?

"The name of Wu Zong has also been heard before." It seemed that Qin Wanli was worried, and the master of the rudder said with a twitch.

"These factions of the ancient schools are indeed very strong, but I have already entered the Zongmen, and the power of the formation is less."

The same is true, he will choose to enter it silently.

As long as you enter this martial art, you are tantamount to cutting into the enemy's belly. It is not so easy for the opponent to fight back.

"However, Wu Zong Na Wu Jing is weird," Qin Wanli nodded, then said with a little solitude.

Hearing this, then Qin Longtian and others also looked dignified.

"Wu Jing?" The main rudder's eyes flashed, "I have heard of the name of this ancient scripture, but it is said that as long as the people in Wuzong can't take the initiative to provoke the ancient scripture, the force of the Wu Jing It's also limited, so don't worry too much. "

Qin Wanli nodded, and he had a bit of understanding about it.

Of course, it would be daunting to let him break into the Wu Zong by himself.

But now with this rudder master here, he feels a little more confident.

"Furthermore, Wu Zong's people have limited strength. Even if he has the treasure, how much power can he play?" Said Master Zhuo. , Also have to start from this seat. "

His words seemed extremely cold.

"Zhīdào." Qin Wanli nodded, but he was thinking, "I hope the master of the rudder will solve Ren Tianyuan and others first."

That was his purpose.

As for what little girl, it is another matter.

At this time within Wu Zong, several of the elder pupils suddenly shrank.

"What!" The elder rose, with a dignified appearance in his eyes, "Someone broke into Wuzong?"

"Not good, quickly call the doormen!" The second elder also got the news.

On the top of Wu Feng, the eyes of any suzerain opened, and an ancient breath began to condense on his body.

"Sure enough, these people are coming!" The lines of God flowing in his eyes seemed to penetrate the void and see things in the distance.

At this moment he stood up arrogantly, his face deep like water.

The next moment, Ren Zongzhu stepped forward and stepped out of Wufeng.

"Who are you waiting for, they have come to my Wuzong privately!" A low voice rang out in Wuzong's void.

The practitioner of the shadow gate walked slightly.

Qin Longtian and others were slightly nervous.

"Is it found out?" The master of rudder asked for a trace of radian.

Then his eyes rose and he stood in the air.


The sound of breaking air sounded, and Buddhism came from all directions in Wu Zong.

There are nine infants, but most of them are practitioners in the half-step palace palace and quasi palace palace.

"Let your lord come out to speak!" Seeing the monks coming, the lord's eyes flickered, and his sleeves fluttered.


A faint blue light bloomed, as if the breeze was blowing across the country.

The monks who came in suddenly felt suffocated, and swept across the sky, then they were shaken by kilometers.


Several of the elders' footsteps were empty, their bodies were shaking, and they almost fell.

They stared forward, and a deep dread appeared in those eyes.

"So strong!"

"Is this a monk in the palace?" The elders of Wu Zong were all indifferent faces.

The comers were just flicking their sleeves, so that they could not move forward. Imagine what state the cultivation should have reached.

"It's those people." The elder also came at this time, affected by the vast wave of waves, his body backed up again and again.

When he held his body and looked, he saw the torch next to the master of the rudder.

He also discovered Qin Wanli.

"Sirius Mountains, it's you!"

Seeing this, there was a cold light in the elder's eyes.

The elders of Wu Zong are also one of the closest enemies.

"Bùcuò, I was waiting." Qin Wanli sneered.

"Why are you here?" The elder asked with a somber face.

"Why is this here?" Qin Wanli's eyes appeared with a stern light, "You have to ask this sir."

He turned towards the rudder master next to him.

"These people?" The elder's eyes moved, and he turned toward the rudder master and then toward the torch.

"You don't seem to be people in my southern border?" The elder asked.

"Bùcuò." Master Zhuo said lightly.

"Then why are you here at Wuzong?" The elder asked.

"Take someone!" Master Ruduo's tone was cold, and his words were like gold. He emptied his fingers.


With the tap of the main finger of the rudder, the void light pattern in front flickered, and a figure appeared.

It was a blue-haired girl.

"This is Miss Ren!" See this. Many elders of Wu Zong flashed their eyes and recognized the girl.

"Xin'er?" The elder's eyes lightened and he was surprised, and it seemed that they didn't understand why they said that.

"Give this girl over, otherwise I'll set foot on Wuzong!" Master Zhuo said, his voice was full of unquestionable taste.

When the words fell, he could only see his steps moving forward, and took a step when empty.


When his feet fell, the void was trembling with ripples, and the ripples exuded a horror.

A wave of terrible breath swept away, and the elders and others felt a dangerous breath.

The void was trembling, and heaven and earth seemed to collapse.

At the moment everyone backed away, and there was fear in their eyes.

The other party didn't, it was just a step, there was such terrible momentum, what kind of state should it be?

An anxiety began to haunt everyone.

"You are here indeed." Just then, the void moved slightly, a breeze came, and a middle-aged man strolled.

Ren Tianyuan appeared.

He walked in the air, walking step by step, at first he seemed to be ten thousand meters away.

But as he moved forward, only two breaths appeared in this world.


Then his sleeves flicked, and an invisible wave swept away, offsetting all the horror from the rudder master.

In this way, Wu Zong's talent feels a little less oppressive.


Seeing the presence of the Emperor, everyone saluting, the sound of the waves.

The eyes of these people are full of color.

Now they have to rely on this suzerain to preside over the big picture.

Otherwise, even the elders feel powerless in the face of strong men of that level.

"You are the master of Wu Zong?" Zhuo Du, the eyes of the master, condensed, and turned towards Ren Zong.

"Exactly!" Ren Zongzhu strolled away, standing in front of Wu Zong's elders, and a powerful breath wave permeated. As a result, the people resisted the oppression from the front. The lines of his eyes flowed and looked around. The people ahead.

"Three statues of the palace, one quasi-infant market, it seems that you have been preparing for this trip for a long time!" Ren Zongzhu said.

Just a glance, he saw the strength of these people.

"?" Master Ruduo's eyes flashed, "It seems that girl is your descendant?"

He also saw the foundation of Ren Zongzhu.

"Who are you?" Ren Zongzhu was carrying his hands on his shoulders without answering.

"It doesn't matter who we are, what's important is that if you don't hand over that girl, I'll wait for the blood to wash Wuzong!"

Master Ruduo said in a cold tone, saying, "Take the life of one person for the life of the sect, I think this is the most Hōode result for you, huh, but I do not know that you, the Lord, are willing to do this Out of Xīshēng? "

"Bloodwashing Wuzong?" After hearing the words, Wuzong's elders were all shocked.

"Junying market?" At the same time, the elders and others set off a stormy sea.

Just now they heard Ren Zongzhu's words.

Who can compare with this realm?

"Of course, even if you don't want to surrender the girl, we will take it down."

The rudder's voice was somber, and said quietly.

When the words came down, Takezong's atmosphere became extremely dignified.

The elders and the elders set their eyes on Ren Zongzhu.

What will happen next depends on the decision of the Lord.

"You are the shadow gate people?" Ren Zongzhu blinked and continued to ask.

"You Zhīdào us?" Master Luo Du's eyes sank.

"At that time, my people were killed by the shadow gate, and only I escaped." Ren Zong's eyes were slightly stunned, and the color of remembrance emerged. "I don't want me to leave the tribe and come to the southern border of this day, but Still haven't escaped fate. "

Ren Zongzhu smirked, and sadness appeared in his eyes.

"That's the way it is." Master Ruduo's eyes lightened coldly, "Since you are the means of shadow gate, then you must surrender that girl, you have to be Zhidi, but no one can be seen by my shadow gate You can escape, so don't do that futile revolt. "

"Oh, shadow gate?" Ren Zongzhu smiled from the sky, sound waves shocked, the sound seemed a bit scary, scary.

"What's the matter with the suzerain?" Seeing this calmly suzerain suddenly chuckles to the sky ~ ~ If the madness, Wu Zong's elders feel a little frightened, as if the day seemed to collapse. This ominous premonition sprang up.

"Your shadow door, specifically capture the inheritance of those who have no time to cultivate?" Suddenly, the mad laughter stopped, the purple crown scattered on Ren Zong's head, and a long blue hair fluttered in the wind. Pervasive.

The blue light flashed in his eyes, staring at the rudder master coldly like a devil.

"This is not something your little man can know."

The rudder's eyes lightened coldly, and said, "I'll give it to you again, or give up that girl, otherwise I'll wait for the blood to wash Wuzong!"

"I want my daughter's original imprint, unless you stepped on my body." Ren Zong's eyes flashed, and there was a violent atmosphere on that body, "At that time, your shadow door was in order to take my family A genius who has a complete origin, hesitates to kill. "

Ren Zongzhu's eyes reveal the color of memory.

[A monthly ticket, the big story is coming, everyone is bursting, cast a monthly ticket to help the old demon burst the chrysanthemum in front]

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