Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 779: Blood stained in the sky

The messenger of Yin's eyes flickered, and her face froze.

"This Xiao Yun is the person of my Tiangong. You take him against my Tiangong." After taking a deep breath, the messenger Yin said, "So I am Baoding this youth." As the messenger of Tiangong, He also has his own dignity.

"Are you Baoding?" The light of the strong man in the shadow gate said coldly, "I'm afraid you don't have this ability yet."

At the moment, he stepped forward, his eyebrows twinkled, and evolved into a giant sword with a black awn. "Fiction" novel chapters are updated the fastest

The sword is a hundred meters long, with a magical light flashing on it, and a shocking wave spreads across the whole world. The Wuzong practitioner was shocked. Now that the three palace palaces are shot, the palace emissary can resist that day Come down?


The torch is also a step forward, the palm of the palm has a flash of fire.

Qin Wanli frowned slightly, although he did not take any action, but locked his eyes behind Xiao Yun and Ren Kexin.

Looking at this, he obviously wanted to wait for the messenger Yin and the torch to fight during the war.

"Protect them!" Seeing this, the messenger Yin frowned, and the palm of his hand was also violently rolled, and a powerful momentum began to spread. As for him, there were eight monks in the palace palace who took With Xiao Yun and Ren Kexin burst out.

"Shoo!" The torch made Ji Guang look cold and stared at the next palace powerhouse, then shot suddenly.


I saw a flash of light and shadow in the void, a long knife cut the void, and fell towards the heavenly angel.

The blade of cold light flickered, exuding heart-warming waves. When the blade fell, the void was crumbling, and it seemed like a mountain.

The kind of fluctuations made the practitioners of the 11-party forces watching from a distance feel that the scalp was a hair.

At the same time, the torch fired, and the big hand flipped, as if a sea of ​​fire capsized.

The fiery and flaming flames raged, distorting the void.

"The person I want to protect in Tiangong, you want to take it, it's not that simple." When the angel of Yin looked cold, the light of the palm flickered, and a palace-like light appeared, and the flash of this spiritual artifact was floating in the air and swept forward. go with.


The palace is suspended, blooming in a colorful light, with lines flowing.

Then everyone saw the palace, which was originally the size of a palm, magnified instantly, like a real fairy palace floating in the sky, and blooming in lavish color on the giant hall, and there was an inexplicable collection of momentum. Contains heaven and earth.


As soon as the messenger of Yin was seen, the palace was suppressed towards the sword and fire palm.


The giant hall fell, and a ray of light fell down, submerging one side of the void, and only saw that the dagger was gradually dimmed in this light, even the torch made the momentum of fire in the palm of the hand also dimmed in these light, the vast waves tremble At the beginning, both of them retreated.

"This guy still has this card?"

The torch caused shock to retreat and reveal his dread.

The eyes of the strong man in the palace palace flickered, and his eyes were surprised.

The opponent actually fought them both by one person.

"This is the token of Tiangong messenger. It is the messenger's device."

The angels of the heavenly palace, when they reach a certain level, all have this treasure as a token.

Legend has it that this token can pull the ‘potential’ of Tiangong extremely powerful.

A glance now looks so.

With a single blow, the messenger Yin strolled through the air and forced them towards the torch.

"Open the formation and send Xiao Yun!" At the same time, he also whispered to those subordinates.

"Yes!" Tiangong's messenger took Xiao Yun back quickly, leaving this place.

Xiao Yun was holding Ren Kexin tightly and refused to let go.

He Zhīdào, if this girl is left, it will definitely be difficult.

With Wu Zong's strength, it was impossible to compete with that shadow gate.

Now I have to enter that palace.

"Want to go?" The torch frowned. At the moment he moved, the cape extended to cover one side of the world.

This cloak is defensive and a horrible treasure.

If anyone is shrouded in this cape, the power in it can erode all power.


When the cape appeared, the torch shot and killed the messenger Yin.

Another strong man in the palace realm slashed away.

The messenger Yin frowned, urging the giant hall to suppress down.

However, when the Giant Hall fell, he was resisted by the cloak.

He simply couldn't deal with that torch directly.

On the contrary, when he shot out, another man in a black robe in the palace realm flickered, and a sword was cut.


The messenger Yin only had to take a head-on shot.


Under the powerful impact, the messenger Yin shook his body and backed up hundreds of meters.

At this moment, the torch made a lot of hands, and a pattern of fire flickered, as if the sea of ​​fire generally melted the heavens and the earth.

In haste, the messenger Yin quickly recalled the giant hall to resist it.

"Chief Qin, haven't you shot yet?" Torch made Lengheng.

"Yes!" Qin Wanli flashed his eyes, chasing after Xiao Yun and others.

At this time, Xiao Yun and others just came to the place where the array law was.


Still in the distance, Qin Wanli shot.

With a big movement of his hand, he turned into a dew claw, and leaned towards Xiao Yun and Ren Kexin.

From a distance, this is a giant claw that can only have a hundred long, with gleams of glimmering hair on it. The giant claw flashes like a sharp blade. He tears the void and leaves a ripple, only momentarily. Appeared behind Xiao Yun and others.

An extremely shocking wave pervaded, even the distant practitioners were shocked.

"Brother Xiao Yun!" In the distance, Yan Shiyan Qiong wrinkled her nose, excelled in her eyebrows, and exclaimed, there was mist in the bright eyes of the little girl, and the jade hand could not help but tremble. Her heart seemed to jump out.

"Xiao Yun!"

Even Yan Shifei, who had always been calm, could not help but exclaim.

There was a gloom in her charming eyes.

This happened so suddenly that they caught them by surprise.

Yesterday Xiao Yun also said he was going to Tiangong, but this happened today.

"Sister Yan Shimei, don't be impulsive." The two women suddenly exclaimed, and Yang Haixin next to him quickly grabbed the two, fearing that they would rush forward and get involved in the battlefield. At this time, there were a lot of houses in the city collapsed. If you are affected, you will die.

Now the practitioners of the 11 forces have withdrawn from the South City and watched from a distance.

The elders of all factions feel inexplicable about this change.

"Are you here?" The wolf paw came in, bringing a shadow, Xiao Yun frowned slightly, and couldn't help turning his head.

I saw Qin Wanli's shot and he had already been killed.

"Brother Xiao, I'm afraid!"

At this moment, Ren Kexin's jade hand clenched tightly, and her blue eyes turned towards Xiao Yun.

Xiao Shimei's eyelashes trembled, and she felt an unknown hunch.

"Don't be afraid, as long as I'm here, I won't let you touch you." Xiao Yun said firmly holding Xiao Shimei's hand, Mu Lu resolutely said.

Looking at this originally lively and lovely teacher and sister, now Dai Mei frowns, he also feels a little distressed.

Especially in the Fuyun Mountains, the girl in the valley resisted the scene in front.

His heart moved.

If it weren't for this sister and sister, I'm afraid Xiao Yun was also killed by that Qin Tianzhao.

Now that Xiao Shimei is in trouble, how can Xiao Yun give up?

Ren Kexin nodded slightly, but stared at the young man in front of him, not knowing what he was thinking.

After saying a word, Xiao Yun turned to the giant claw.


The Giant Claw has not come yet, in the distance.

But that horrible power had fallen down like a rough sea.

Under this momentum, Xiao Yun's robes rolled up, her long hair was flying, and her face was fanning, as if a sharp blade was cutting.

"The prestige of the palace." When Qin Wanli shot, Tianguo's quasi-Gongfu defenders who supported Xiao Yun were all dignified.

In haste, the crowd sacrificed a defensive weapon.

But even if the spirit sacrifice comes out and turns into a shield, they still don't have a loose heart to wait for things to come forward.

Because the strong palace realm is far from their quasi palace realm.

"Dead!" Just then, a deep voice sounded.

In the distant void, a beam of light passed by, and it appeared instantly in this world.


I saw light and shadow flicker, and the giant palm was directly penetrated.


Qin Wanli exclaimed, the whole man was engulfed by a powerful aftershock, the blue light was stirred, and it seemed to be chaotic, causing his extremely defensive body to be torn into cracks, in the void, There was blood flowing down.

"It's strong!" Many people were shocked to see this.

It's hard to imagine what kind of character can penetrate the mighty Qin Wanli's wolf arm.

When everyone looked back, Ren Tianyuan's eyes flashed, urging the lore to strike.

Although fighting with the master of the rudder, Ren Tianyuan has always been concerned about the situation of his daughter.

Only he succeeded, the master of the rudder issued a fierce attack, flying it hundreds of meters.


There was blood spit in Ren Tianyuan's mouth.

However, he quickly stabilized his momentum, and the long hair flew up and fought again.

Not only that, his combat power became more and more powerful, and in his eyes seemed to have the original rune burning.

"The husband actually used the power of the source, it was crazy." The torch frowned, feeling a little strange.

In the half-step infant market, the practitioners burned the power of the original battle, and the rudder master in the prospective infant market would be difficult to resist!

If it is not careful, Ren Tianyuan will be in trouble.

At the moment, he and the man in the black robe shot all out.


The two shot, pushing Yin Envoy back.

"Come on!" Seeing this, several envoys from Tiangong quickly took Xiao Yun into the place.


Unfortunately, just as they arrived, several shadow palace monks from the Shadow Gate killed.

Helpless those people rushed to resist ~ ~ Fortunately, Qin Wanli was already seriously injured at this time, his breath was weak, otherwise he shot, relying on these people could not compete with them.

And Xiao Yun and Ren Kexin had only two people to guard it.

"Kill!" Qin Longtian killed in the distance.

Such an opportunity is rare, how can he give up?

As long as Xiao Yun is killed, it is tantamount to breaking Wu Zong's rising opportunity.

Qin Longtian was also surrounded by several practitioners who lived in the palace.

A total of six people.

"Do you Sirius Mountain really resist my Temple?"

A monk in the quasi-palace of Tiangong Lengheng.

At this time, he was also a little hairy in the face of these people's siege.

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