Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 796: Hope of Siyuan

Several kings and beasts stunned, but the condemned beasts were still hovering in the air.

"Will you leave?"

Xiao Yun frowned.

After five consecutive shots, Siyuan's energy in his body has almost exhausted.

His eyes narrowed, showing the tiredness.

However, if the condemned animals do not retreat these days, the safety of the people of the Siyuan clan will not be guaranteed. "Fiction" novel chapter updated fastest


Xiao Yun's eyes flickered, and he started to work.

Since there was not enough energy in the body, he pulled the air of heaven and earth to urge this source bow.

Siyuan Jue works, if Xiao Yun's mind is integrated into the world.

In the void, the Qi of Qiyuan galloped like a river and was led by Xiao Yun.

In the end, the Qi of Qiyuan was continuously injected into the bow of Qiyuan.


After the Qiyuan Qi was injected into the bow of Qiyuan, the runes on the ancient bow flickered, and a sound of low humming actually came out.

Suddenly, the sky and the earth were discolored, and the avenue was pulled by the ancient bow.

This general trend is cohesive and extremely vast, and the level of horror is not weaker than the power pervaded by the previous condemnation.

"Is this Tianwei?" After this earth and earth situation condensed, the people of the Siyuan clan were surprised.

"Tianwei, the legendary Siyuan bow is an artifact of my ancient ancestors, which can consolidate the power of this avenue of heaven and earth, but since our tribe is considered a sinner, no one can consolidate the power of this avenue of heaven and earth. Is this ancient bow resuscitated? "

Many old people burst into tears, remembering many memories.

Once upon a time, they were high above the protoss.

Unfortunately, it turned out to be a sinner.

At this time, everyone locked his eyes on Xiao Yun.

When the power of that day and place condensed, Siyuan bow revived, exuding amazing fluctuations.

Xiao Yun felt that he was in the middle of the road.

The bow and arrow flew open and fired.

Waiting for a blasting sound, a huge arrow smashed through the void, and attacked the condemned beasts.

This is an arrow that embodies the power of the avenue.

At this moment it bloomed endlessly, ten feet thick.


There was a loud noise, and the arrow was hit in the void, and a terror wave broke out.

Suddenly, the condemned beast mourned in the void, and numerous beasts were annihilated by the waves emitted by the ancient arrows.

The whole void shuddered for it.

Even in the distance, you can see that the void is completely penetrated as if penetrated.

"Good!" On the top of the mountain, the elders of the Siyuan clan took a deep breath.

After a while, the aftermath dissipated, and only a few condemned beasts survived in the void.


The beasts of heaven condemned with horror and darted away.

One resolution.

"The condemnation is finally gone!"

Seeing that the condemned beasts left, the people of the Siyuan clan were completely relieved.

When relieved, the people of the Shiyuan clan focused their eyes on the young man holding the ancient bow.

The elders looked at each other, and there was a deep joy in their eyes.

A foreigner, holding an ancient bow, condemned the beast.

Is this the person whom Gu Zu predicted?

At this point, the blood in the Siyuan people boiled.

Even those old people, the turbidity in their eyes dissipated, with a hot glow flashing.

"Is there any hope for my family to leave this place?"

Some elders were excited.

Even those younger generations remembered Guzu's prophecy.

In later generations, a foreigner will hold the Siyuan bow to save the Siyuan people in water and fire.

At that time, the people of the Shiyuan clan can leave the place and be free of sinners.

"So tired!" At this time, Xiao Yun was holding the ancient bow, his face was tired, he just felt that the sky was spinning, and his muscles were weak.

The next moment, his eyelids fell, and the ancient bow in his hand landed.


The ancient bow fell to the ground, and the mountains trembled with a loud noise.

Then Xiao Yun's man was about to fall.

"Not good." At the moment, a tall woman rushed in and embraced Xiao Yun.

This is Gu Xiaoman.

Although she is also weak and has blood, she is much better than Xiao Yun.

"So soft."

Xiao Yun felt himself falling into a soft spot, and then lost consciousness.

When he fell, an ancient text appeared on the eyebrow, and re-entered the ancient bow on the ground.

"What's up with him?"

Suddenly, many elders of the Siyuan clan came to see Xiao Yun's situation.

Today Xiao Yun is regarded as their savior, but no accident can be tolerated!

"It's okay, it's just exhausted too much Siyuan Jingqi, and now collapsed." Xiao Yuanyuan said after examining her grandpa for Xiao Yun.

"Take him for conditioning."


This is bound to be an unforgettable day.

In the land of condemnation, all three major clans have been condemned.

The Shiyuan clan suffered heavy losses, with 237 people deceased, 1,729 seriously injured, and 31,000 slightly injured.

Only relative to the loss this time, it is relatively minor.

The previous condemnation had to scold nearly a thousand people every time.

If it weren't for Xiao Yun's shot this time, there would certainly be more scorned people.

Even many children will scorn in the condemnation.

However, this loss of the Siyuan clan is not much.

Well, the casualties of the Nether spirits exceeded the previous one, which made them very injured.

Those elders closed their retreats and adjusted their breath, making the atmosphere in the place of condemnation a bit dull.

Of course, under this dullness, the people of the Siyuan clan are extremely happy, and there is no bright light.

The appearance of the destined person that the ancient ancestor predicted this time still held the source bow to defeat the beast of condemnation. Such a scene was exactly what the ancient ancestor said, allowing them to see the dawn and the hope to leave this place and stay away from the condemnation.

At this moment, Xiao Yun's house was already full of people.

The old chief of the Shiyuan clan held a walking stick and guarded himself for a day.

Yuanyuan and her grandfather were also watching Xiao Yun's breath fluctuations.

Even Gu Xiaoman was waiting here.

These people simply do not care for the wounds, they are waiting for Xiao Yun to wake up.

There are also some children carrying baskets filled with various spiritual fruits to give to this big brother who rescued them.

Xiao Yun's eyelids tilted on the bed, then slowly opened his eyes.

"Wake up, wake up." When Xiao Yun's eyes opened, there was a sound of joy immediately in his ears.

His eyes moved slightly to see that his house was full of people.

There are not only elders, but also many mothers.

Of course, there are some hot girls.

These people stared at Xiao Yun with concern.

Xiao Yun froze for a moment, remembering the situation before her coma.

"Did you condemn the beast that day?" Xiao Yun's eyes flickered, and he asked the person beside the bed.

"Retreat, all retreat!" Xiao Yuanyuan's grandfather nodded again and again, his face full of joy.

"Just retire." Xiao Yun was relieved when he heard that.

"Does your injury matter?" He then asked the old man.

"Oh, don't worry, you're used to it."

Xiao Yuanyuan's grandfather smiled narrowly.

Just from this laughter Xiao Yun could hear a little helplessness.

"This time, my tribe can repulse the condemned beast so easily, thanks to the little brother!"

The old patriarch holding a walking stick said with a kind face.

"Yeah, without you, I don't know how many people will be ridiculed." Many people took a deep breath and said.

They were still scared to think about yesterday.

For them, it doesn't matter if they die in battle, but those younger generations, those children cannot be ridiculed.

Because this is the hope of continued ethnicity.

The same is true, every time the children are condemned they will be protected.

And those adults have only survived condemnation.

Wait for those condemned beasts to exhaust themselves.

Many people thank Xiao Yun.

"You'll be born here to adjust your breath, and I'll send it to you when my clan has mined the Siyuan spar." It's full too!

Seeing that the people of the Siyuan clan were so enthusiastic, Xiao Yun was also a little embarrassed.

"Brother, can you take us away from here in the future?" Xiao Yuanyuan walked to Xiao Yun's bed, and those bright eyes blinked, filled with the color of expectations, in her arms, she was constantly eating All kinds of spirits, let alone happiness.

After Xiao Yun was considered to be a fate predicted by the ancient ancestors, the people of the Siyuan tribe were also kind to the bird.

When Xiao Yuanyuan spoke, many women in the room had their eyes open.

Even Gu Xiaoman blinked his eyes at this time, and Xiao Xiang had some expectations.

Obviously, she also wanted to leave this place.

"This ... I think it's a coincidence that I took out Siyuan Bow this time, and take you away from here. I don't think I have this ability yet."

Seeing everyone staring at him like this, Xiao Yun felt the pressure multiply, and now he said with an awkward smile.

After all, he didn't know how to go out, and how could he take these people out of here?

If at this time let these people have too much hope, but finally tell these people that he can do nothing, I am afraid that they will make people fall from the abyss of heaven, so, it ’s better not to say clearly when this is the case, so that these people have their own hearts Bottom.

"My ancient ancestors predicted that there will be foreigners holding Shiyuan bows to save me in the water and fire. You are a foreigner, and you also held Siyuan bows to fight off the condemned beasts and rescue our tribe. This is exactly the proof of ancient ancestors In other words, you can take us out. "

Xiao Yun's words were useless.

The people of the Shiyuan clan said Zìxìn.

Perhaps these words are also intended to give some confidence to their dark days.

In this way, there is hope that they can live longer.

Otherwise, it is boring to live in those kind of blank days.

Xiao Yun explained several times, but the people of the Shiyuan clan firmly believed in the words of the ancient ancestors.

In this regard ~ ~ Xiao Yun had to shake his head and smile, not to say much.

He Zhīdào, how important hope is to this people.

"Brother, this is Siyuan Zhuguo!"

"Brother, this is the purple-striped fruit!" Later, a group of children picked up a basket and handed various spirits to Xiao Yun.

These children are innocent and cute.

"Thank you." Xiao Yun smiled slightly, and he was also polite to pick up a spiritual fruit to start eating.

The spirit fruit came into his mouth, and his vitality immediately increased.

This made him sigh with emotion.

The spirit fruit here is indeed a panacea.

After a while, Xiao Yun recovered his strength.

The people in that room are also leaving.

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