Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 807: Yin-yang qi?

One of the three ethnic groups is willing to follow Xiao Yun.

It was only when Xiao Yun's eyes were swept away that the others were hiding.

Going to Shiyuan Ding is too aggressive. If there is a little carelessness, it will be consumed by the body, so these people dare not bet.

"Okay, just the three of you."

Xiao Yun's eyes were slightly condensed.

At the moment, the light lines on his eyebrows flickered, and an ancient pattern swept out, wrapping the three men.


After waiting for a light drink, Xiao Yun swept towards the mouth of Siyuanding.

Gu Xiaoman, Bai Youlan, and a Jinwu ethnic genius named Jin Jiuyang followed Xiao Yun into the Siyuanding.

These are the pride of the heavens of all races, and they all have extremely strong blood of God, and their future is limitless.

They dared to walk with Xiao Yun, showing how extraordinary their courage.


When grappling into Siyuanding, Jin Jiuyang's eyes turned bright.

I thought it would touch Si Yuan Ding and trigger a forbidden pattern. I didn't want them to be fine.

This is a surprise.

When you are on top of Ding, look around, and you can see that the bottom of Siyuan Ding is full of endless Qi of Qi.


Inside, Siyuan's Qi whistled, as if a huge cyclone communicated with Jiuyou.

"Will there be a way out?"

Looking at the source of that roar, Jin Jiuyang could not help but jump.

This tripod emits horrible waves that seem to devour everything in the world.

Facing this tripod, he didn't even dare to release him.

"Siyuan Dingyun Yin and Yang?"

Xiao Yun stared at Si Yuanding.

Since Siyuan Shenling refers to this tripod, there must be some mystery in it.

Right now, he releases his mind.

"Endless, you can't see the end." The mind penetrated into it, and Xiao Yun's brow was a pick.

"I can't control that much." When he was at a loss, Siyuan's blooming light wrapped the three of Gu Xiaoman and did not go to Siyuan Ding.


Four of them flickered and fell into Siyuan Ding.

The next moment, the atmosphere of Siyuan was agitated, as if they were swallowed up by a space-time tunnel.

The howling hurricane whistled and hunted, an astonishing wave pervaded, with the power to shatter everything.

That fluctuation made Gu Xiaoman and others' faces change.

Fortunately, at this time, Siyuan caused a light pattern to bloom and shrouded the crowd to resist the horrible cyclone.

"Where are we going?" The crowd looked blank.

"Is this the way to leave?" Jin Jiuyang looked happy.

After a while, the power of the agitated cyclone began to weaken.

In return, it was almost an avenue.


Before his eyes flashed, Siyuan Cyclone dissipated, and all of them came to a strange place lightly.

It's a vast expanse here, without seeing the end, like a space.

As far as the eyes are, it is surrounded by endless light lines.

These light patterns appear black and white.

Even the lingering hazy atmosphere is black and white.

"Yin and Yang are hidden in the tripod, is this the yin and yang atmosphere?" Xiao Yun's eyes groaned as he looked at the lingering air flow above his head.

"This is where?"

Gu Xiaoman Mou asked.

There is only a clear black and white air flow here, there is no way out.

Both Bai Youlan and Jin Jiuyang were surprised.

"Chaos is born of yin and yang!" Xiao Yun didn't answer the crowd's inquiries. At this moment, he released his mind to sense the atmosphere nearby, and slightly sensed, there was a little light in his eyes, and the air flow here The Tao Yun contained in it is richer than that of Siyuan.

"Is this yin and yang?"

Xiao Yun's heart was dark.

Immediately he went forward step by step.

Ahead of him he felt a richer rhyme.

There seemed to be a secret when it broke ground.

Seeing Xiao Yun walking forward, Gu Xiaoman, Bai Youlan and others followed.

Walking in this heaven and earth is like being in the avenue.

The cells in Xiao Yun's body, Wu Hun are madly absorbing the yin and yang air here.

After absorbing these breaths, he felt that his martial spirit had been sublimated.

"That's the eye of yin and yang?"

Suddenly, Xiao Yun's footsteps paused, his eyes staring forward.

There is an altar ahead.

The air of yin and yang lingering above the altar turned into a Tai Chi figure.

One yin and one yang, two air flows, as if to communicate the world.

"I did not expect such a place in Siyuanding."

Seeing this, Gu Xiaoman and others were shocked.

"That breath is the legendary yin and yang air?" Jin Jiuyang's eyes were skeptical.

The spirit of yin and yang is a legendary existence.

Jin Jiuyang is the royal blood of the Jinwu tribe. He has read ancient books in the tribe since he was a child.

Although the ancient yin and yang qi were mentioned in the ancient books, there was very little ink, just a stroke.

"Chaos is born of yin and yang, and the atmosphere of yin and yang is all-encompassing, with great mystery." Xiao Yun walked forward, his eyes glowing.

The voice of the avenue from Siyuan Ling once came out, and those who got yin and yang could reverse the chaos and control the world for nine days and ten days.

Xiao Yun walked under the altar.

The altar is tall and can be 999 meters.

The yin and yang cyclone above seemed to communicate for nine days and ten places.

But there is obviously a restraint on the altar.

Some yin and yang gas turned into runes, blocking the entire altar.

"Is this the place to leave?"

Gu Xiaoman's eyes flickered, and there was a little fiery emergence.

"There is a boulevard atmosphere here, it seems to communicate for nine days and ten places, and definitely leave the passage of the condemned place."

Jin Jiuyang's eyes were hot, and the pace moved toward the altar.

Seeing this, he seemed to be leaving.

Bai Youlan next to her eyes blinked, her face was cold and she didn't rush away.

Although Gu Xiaoman's eyes were hot, he did not leave.


Only Jin Jiuyang had not touched the altar, and a light pattern appeared in it, covering him.

The crowd then saw his sin appearing.

A force of condemnation was condensing on the altar ahead.

"Not good!" Seeing this, Gu Xiaoman and Bai Youlan were both frightened, and they hurried back.

It would be miserable if the power of condemnation that day aroused the crime in them.

"Power of condemnation?" Jin Wuyang was about to step on the steps of the altar at this moment. When he felt the crime in his body emerged, a force of condemnation locked him in his eyes. Started with a strong sense of fear.

"Really looking for death." The power of condemnation emerged, even if Xiao Yun's brows were raised, he glanced at the Jin Jiuyang next to him, and then a flash of rune swept out of the eyebrows, and quickly wrapped the Jin Jiuyang .

After this rune wrapped Jin Jiuyang, the power of condemnation that day had locked up his vitality actually dissipated.

Without a goal, the power of condemnation would have no place to fall that day.


Ripples rose in the void, and the power of condemnation dissipated.

"Dissipated?" Seeing this, Jin Jiuyang's tense nerve was relaxed.

But his heart was still beating.

It's a little bit short, and he's going to snarl here.

After taking a deep breath, Jin Jiuyang's eyes turned and turned towards Xiao Yun next to him.

"Thank you for your life-saving grace." Jin Jiuyang held his fist towards Xiao Yun, his eyes filled with gratitude.

Although this young man's cultivation is not high, but if there was no Xiao Yun's shot just now, his Jin Jiuyang was afraid that he had already fallen.

"Without my orders, you must act lightly, otherwise no one can save you."

Xiao Yun's tone was cold.

"Yes, yes!" Jin Jiuyang nodded, still at a loss.

"This altar contains the power of condemnation, and I can't touch it at all. Gong Xiao, can you try it out?"

Bai Youlan turned towards Xiao Yun.

At this moment she was also full of awe of the youth.

"I'll try it." Xiao Yun's eyes lightened and he looked up at the altar ahead.

The yin and yang cyclone above the altar made him yearn for it.

Somehow, he felt there was a huge mystery between heaven and earth.

On both sides of the altar, there are steps to climb to the top.

Xiao Yun stepped into the altar from the left.

He strode forward, and his feet fell on the steps that surrounded the yin and yang.


There were light lines on the steps, and a force of restraint pervaded.

A force of resistance emerged from the force of the ban.

Siyuan Order!

Xiao Yun's mind moved, urging Siyuan Ling.

Siyuan made a light pattern bloom.

At the moment, the power of restraint on the steps under the lingering of that light pattern was dissipated.


With a muffled sound, Xiao Yun's feet landed safely.

"Stand on the steps?" Seeing this, Jin Jiuyang's eyes turned bright.

Just now, his feet had triggered crimes before he even touched the steps.

Had it not been for Xiao Yun to suppress the crime with the order of Si Yuan, he would have been dead.

Now that Xiao Yun has survived safely, then this shows that this young man has the opportunity to reach the summit.

Xiao Yun continued to move forward when one step landed.

One step, two steps, three steps ...

Under the altar, Gu Xiaoman's eyes continued to rise, watching Xiao Yun's figure rise.

It didn't take long for Xiao Yun to reach the top of the altar.

The yin and yang atmosphere lingered there, as if to drown it.


At last Xiao Yun moved slightly and appeared at the top of the altar.

"Are you on the top of that altar?" Gu Xiaoman's eyes showed the light of Greek wings.

"Yin and Yang circulate, which is inherent in nature?" Xiao Yun landed on the altar, he stared forward, his eyes groaning.

In front of him was a huge Yin-Yang Tai Chi.

The flow of yin and yang there resembles two swimming fish.

One yin and one yang, clear and distinct, is like the chaotic universe that has not yet been opened up.

"There is a ban ahead."

Only Xiao Yun's eyes moved slightly, and his brows frowned tightly.

There was a formation in front of that yin and yang cyclone that blocked the way.

This prevented him from moving forward.

"How many eyes?"

His eyes flickered and he discovered a few bursts of eyes.

"Is there anything needed to start the formation?"

Xiao Yun groaned secretly ~ ~ In this world, there is only Siyuanjing. "

Finally, his eyes moved slightly, and he looked down at the altar, and his eyes fell on Gu Xiaoman.

The woman took out the Siyuan Spar when she entered Siyuan Shem.

Xiao Yun frowned slightly and walked off the altar.

"Did you find anything on it?" Gu Xiaoman, Bai Youlan, Jin Jiuyang, and others all looked fiercely and asked quickly.

"There is a formation on it." Xiao Yun turned his eyes and asked the three of them, "Do you have Siyuanjing?"

"Siyuanjing?" Bai Youlan and Jin Jiuyang both shook their heads.

"I still have it here." Gu Xiaoman started, taking out an ancient artifact.

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