Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 810: Assassination?

"Marriage?" Xiao Yun heard that, but hesitated.

Beside, Gu Xiaoman's eyes were also in shock.

However, her eyes blinked, and Zhu Zhu's lips were light and she didn't open her mouth. Instead, her eyes turned to Xiao Yun secretly.

On this beautiful face of this ruthless woman, there was a bit of coyness at this moment.

"Isn't your friend unwilling?" Seeing Xiao Yun's expression stunned, Gu Lao frowned slightly and asked. "Fiction" novel chapters are updated the fastest

Xiao Yun spread his palm and laughed, "I don't need to worry about this."

"Don't worry?" Gu Lao was a little lost.

He Zhīdào rejected the matter quite euphemistically.

But after thinking carefully, since there was no direct refusal, there was still a chance, so he was relieved.

"Refused?" It was Gu Xiaoman, who had an inexplicable loss in her eyes.

She has noble blood in the Siyuan clan, like the bloodlines of the royal family in the world.

I don't know how many young people in the Siyuan clan love him.

But this young man refused to marry him?

"But I don't know what the young friend has in mind?" The old patriarch was also slightly surprised, and asked now.

"First, I don't know if I can take you out of this place." Xiao Yun's eyes moved slightly, and he said to everyone, "Second, I still have many things to do outside the world, and you don't know me, so I married I think it's too hasty to make a decision at this time. "

Of course, Xiao Yun's remarks just don't want to lose the face of the Siyuan clan.

After all, this is a protoss and should not be neglected.

Having a good relationship with them today will be of great benefit in the future.

He needs an ally who will really help him.

"Little friends, rest assured that your affairs will be my family's affairs in the future. As for the marriage, there is no rush. I have many younger generations of the Siyuan family, so you can choose." , So to speak.

This is exactly a step down for both sides.

"Um." Xiao Yun nodded.

The attitude of the elders of the Shiyuan clan made him slightly satisfied.

A greeting, everyone dispersed.

Xiao Yun also returned to the house where he lived.

"Boy, why didn't you marry the old patriarch just now?" After I got the house, I blinked without rolling it out, rolled my eyes, and looked at Xiao Yun as if looking at a fool, despising, "This Siyuan But a big protoss, if you are them, it will be a great help. "

"By then, relying on this power will be enough to sweep the sky."

For this protoss, even swallowing larks is quite respected.

This is a true protoss, and you shouldn't belittle it, even if it's godless.

"Marriage?" Wen Yan said, but a bitter smile appeared on the corner of Xiao Yun's mouth.

His heart also couldn't help sinking into the swallowing tower.

At this time, Xiao Shimei's life and death are unknown. How does he have the intention to marry someone?

He vaguely remembered what Xiao Shimei said before she was unconscious.

In the afterlife, I will stay with you?

Xiao Yun, who had always been so cute and cute, actually did this to him and moved Xiao Yun.

Xiao Yun couldn't forget the promise of Xiao Shimei.

In this life, he must not fail this sister.

So now Xiao Yun only wants to leave here.

He focused on reviving the little sister and revenge for her.

"Well." Seeing Xiao Yun's sentimental look, he sighed gulpily.

The girl's behavior in Nanyou also surprised it.

"You can rest assured that even if they are not married, I can also win over the Siyuan clan and even control the other two clan.

Xiao Yun evoked a smile.

"Really?" The swallowing bird was surprised.

"You will know it later." Xiao Yun nodded, and didn't say much.

Next, Xiao Yun began to retreat.

A month passed quietly.

During the period, Xiao Yun asked the Siyuan people to look for soul-raising trees and fruit.

Unfortunately, there is no such spirit here.

This disappointed him.

"It looks like I have to look outside." Xiao Yun sighed slightly.


On this day swallowing the tower, a familiar voice was made.

"Are the little guy awake?" Xiao Yun smiled, his mind immediately sinking into the swallowing tower.

At this time, Yi Yi was full of colorful lights.

The little guy's eyes flickered, fluttered, and made a light sound.

Yi Yi has now arrived.

Re-Nirvana is unique in its cultivation and does not need to cross the robbery.

The little boy blinked in the tower, and saw the sleeping Ren Kexin stunned.

After seeing this beautiful sister, Yi Yi swept over, carefully sensing, and constantly shaking the latter, but Ren Kexin was still asleep.

Alas, alas!

Yi Yi kept calling, but Ren Kexin didn't seem to be able to hear it at all.

In the end, the little boy fell down, showing a trace of sadness.

"This beautiful sister just fell asleep, and she will wake up later." Seeing Yi Yi staring at Ren Kexin, the little paw still moved the blue green silk of the latter, Xiao Yun took a deep breath, and immediately passed on his heart. Sound, say so.


Seeming to hear Xiao Yun's voice, Yi Yi swept out of the tower with a slight whisper.

In the end it fell on Xiao Yun.

The little man gestured with his paw, and kept talking.

It is asking what happened.

"We encountered an accident, and we have now left Tiandu." Xiao Yun said briefly about Nanyou.


Yi Yi grinned his teeth, his eyes were fierce, and he waved his paws, as if to say that he was going to take revenge on the little sister.

"Yes, I will let those people pay the due price one day." Xiao Yun caressed Yi Yi's soft fluff, but in those eyes, it appeared with a sense of serenity. For Sirius Mountain, Shadow Gate The hatred is constantly condensing.

"Brother, shall we go catch the fish?" At this moment, a tender voice sounded.

But Xiao Yuanyuan saw a small step towards this.


Seeing someone coming, Yi Yi's eyes blinked, it jumped behind Xiao Yun and tried to hide.

"Don't be afraid." Xiao Yun smiled slightly and caressed Yi Yi.

"Yeah, elder brother, what a beautiful little beast!" Xiao Yuanyuan walked into the room and saw the lovely Yi Yi.

At this moment Yi Yi's small paw covered her eyes, and her face was shy.

It was just such a child's behavior, but it made Xiao Yuanyuan more happy.

She walked quickly, exposing her eyes, trying to hug Yi Yi.

"Brother, can I hold it?" Xiao Yuanyuan asked Xiao Yun, looking up at Xiao Yun.

"Um." Xiao Yun nodded and motioned to Yi Yi.

On the other side, Gu Xiaoman came.

This woman has a tall body and long jade legs, and her skin is as smooth as jade. There is a hazy mist around it, just like a goddess who comes to the dust. The descendants of this **** are inherently different and have a unique dusty temperament that cannot be seen by ordinary people.

Seeing this woman coming, Xiao Yun motioned slightly.

With a humor, the two got up and left the room.

"Catch the fish and go slightly." At this moment the swallowing larva burst out, his face full of excitement.

But Xiao Yuanyuan hugged Yi Yi and ignored the swallowing tit.

This hurts the Sky Finch.

"Huh, God is so handsome and handsome, this little girl is actually holding a little beast?"

The swallowing bird fell on Xiao Yun's shoulder and shook his head again and again, feeling hurt.

Soon after, Xiao Yun came to a long river outside the clan.

Xiao Yuanyuan took Yi Yi to catch the fish and had fun.

Seeing the runes circulating, Yi Yi was very sturdy and ate raw.

"Oh, this fish needs to be cooked to eat," Xiao Yuanyuan cautioned.

Alas, alas!

Yi Yi was pointing at her belly, Yi Yi kept on.

That looks like it's saying it's hungry.

"So you're hungry!" Seeing this, Xiao Yuanyuan blinked with big eyes and said, "Sister will take you to pick the spiritual fruit."


Yi Yi's squinting eyes lighted when she heard something to eat.

This really makes the next day swallowing bird very depressed.

After catching enough Siyuan fish, everyone went to pick the fruit.

Alas, alas!

When Linguo got her hand, Yi Yi couldn't help but swallow it, the corners of her mouth were full of crystal clear juice.

"Eat slowly, eat slowly, my sister can feed you every day afterwards." Xiao Yuanyuan was also very happy to see Yi Yi so cute.

"Yeah." Yi Yi nodded, but her mouth kept on blinking, her eyes blinked, her face was sly, she seemed to be saying that people would not eat slowly. If you were sleeping once, you would eat all the good things So little guys eat faster than anyone else.

Within a short while, everyone picked a lot of spirits.

"It's time to go back." After glancing at the sky, Gu Xiaoman raised a brow lightly, and said to Xiao Yun next to him.

Xiao Yun nodded and froze, his pupils suddenly shrank, and there was a strong chill in those eyes.


In the void not far away, the glimmer of light was like an abyss swallowing towards Xiao Yun.

Later, it can be seen that the man with two dark gray long hair in the void flew towards Xiao Yun.

Followed by a rune that looks like an abyss.

"This is a member of the ghost family!" Gu Xiaoman's eyes were surprised when he saw this.

The wrinkles in front of her eyes flickered, and a wave of horrible breath filled the air, even her soul was shivering.

The ghost family, like a ghost, is hard to find and is best at hiding.

Today, it's hard to guard.

Gu Xiaoman has the practice of nurturing a baby market.

But the comer is obviously a king-level existence.

"Yinling tribe, you really die and don't repent!" Seeing the gloom falling down, Xiao Yun's eyes appeared cold and cold, he stood in place, facing the two powerful king-level strong He didn't move, but he had a murderous cohesion on him.

I saw a flash of light in his eyes, and a flicker of light on his brows.

Then a divine order emerged.

Siyuan order, palm life and death!

When Siyuan Ling appeared, a light drink was also spit out from Xiao Yun's mouth.

I can only see that the origin of the light flashed, and even the potential of the vast world was released.


Under this immense power, the **** patterns released by the two kings of the Yinling tribe broke apart ~ ~ originally they intended to control this young man with Xiao Yun's mind.

It was only when the origin of the order came out that all attacks disappeared.

Not only that, when those attacks collapsed, Siyuan made a bright light.

A powerful machine locked the two kings.

Then, you can see the runes of the two kings frowning, and a sin appeared.

"Dead!" When the crime surfaced, Xiao Yun stepped forward, his mouth opened and closed, and the cold voice seemed to come from Jiuyou.

At this moment he was like a king who could live and die.

When the dead words were spit out, one of them's eyebrows flashed and exploded.


A loud noise came out, only to see the King of the Yinling clan turn into soot.

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