Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 815: Re-enter Siyuan Mountain

Above the mountain, Xiao Yun was comprehending the heaven.


Jieyun condensed, stirred the void, and a mighty Tianwei condensed.

This kind of Tianwei is much stronger than the original Tianjie.

There was a general rally in the whole place of condemnation.

That kind of shock surprised every race.

"This robbery seems to be stronger than before!"

The elders of the three major protoss stand on a mountain, looking at the condensed robbery clouds above the sky, all with a look of solitude.

Now Jieyun condenses, even the three chiefs are alarmed.

Xiao Yun is related to the future of the three races in the place of condemnation, so these people are also full of expectations for this young man.

I also want to know more about this epigenesis.

Jieyun condenses, Tianwei keeps accumulating.

"That robbery seems to contain some mystery!"

Some elders stared forward, their eyes were surprised.

At this time, the cloud robbery in the void seemed to contain the mysteries of heaven and earth.

Soon after, Tianjie finally fell.


Tianwei was vast, and the thunder fell, like an electric snake.

This thunderbolt fell and the world was silent.

In that thunderstorm, there is a flow of yin and yang, which contains the power of the avenue.

This is the real power of the avenue.

Under this prestige, even those kings were frightened and gave birth to a sense of smallness.

"It ’s such a terrible disaster, you should be a god!"

The swallowing bird's eyes flashed, and his heart was shocked.

Xiao Yun's temptations this time have surpassed many geniuses.

The thunderstorm fell, Xiao Yun passed through smoothly.

At this time he was completely immersed in that avenue.

Boom, boom!

There is a constant fall.

This time, forty-five scourges were dropped.

Such frequent natural disasters make the practitioners of the three major protoss fear.

But Xiao Yun let the sky fall.

He was quenching his bones with force.

His bones and meridians were shining with radiance, and he was completely baptized.

It is not difficult to imagine whether ordinary spirits can break his bones when he is split on him?

Forty-five Tianjies have fallen, and Tianjies have not dissipated.

Soon afterwards, the battle martial spirit, the martial arts soul of life appeared one after another.

There are forty-five Tianqiangs in each Tianqiang.

In this day of condemnation, the sound of landmines continued, and Tianwei's vastness made people tremble.

Looking at the young man submerged by Lei Guang, the elders of all ethnic groups were inexplicably angry.

"This youth is extraordinary!"

Some elder eyes blinked, so open.

Because they felt a sense of uprightness from the disaster.

Although this breath is very weak, it is obviously much stronger than the last time.

With the improvement of this young man's cultivation, the jealousy will be perfect.


With the robbery of cloud robbery, a comprehensive sky robbery fell.

This time, not in a minefield.

Nine starts to fall.

Some of the calamity was accompanied by the mystery of ice and fire.

That kind of upright benefit Xiao Yun.

It took half an hour for Tianjie to clear up the storm, and Wei disappeared that day.

It was only in Xiao Yun's body that there were residual zigzag patterns flashing.

At this moment, his eyes were narrowed, and he was carefully sensing the kind of robbery.

A strong breath fluctuation also began to slowly improve on Xiao Yun's body.

"This guy turned out to be two consecutive robbers again." Seeing Xiao Yun's breath kept rising, swallowing Tianque's eyelids revealing a touch of envy, "No, I also have more accumulation, and I have to cross two robbers again, Tianye is so wise Shenwu, how can you lose to this kid? "

"Yuanying is five-fold, and he crosses two robberies in a row." After an hour, the embarrassing pattern in Xiao Yun's body was fused, and his eyes opened, and a smile arose at the corner of his mouth. This increase in strength made him full of confidence. Life Wuhun, War Wuhun, Binghuo Wuhun, Tianyou Pu, have all improved a lot.

This improvement makes his heritage undoubtedly a little bit more.

"This time I crossed the two calamities because I absorbed a lot of yin and yang energy in Siyuan Ding last time, and realized the avenue and righteousness. If I want to have this speed next time, I'm afraid the difficulty will increase." Robbery, but Xiao Yun was not proud of himself.

He is analyzing his situation.

"I have been here for three months now, haven't I?" Xiao Yun frowned and smiled.

In just three months, he went directly from Yuanying One to Yuanying Five, and he is also the strongest tempest to cross. If this speed is placed outside, it is enough to shock the world. After all, he wants to cross the strongest tempo. If you do n’t have a certain accumulation, you ca n’t do it!

"Shadow Gate, Sirius Mountains, one day, I will destroy you!"

At this time, Xiao Yun was full of confidence in the future.

Then he strolled and landed on the mountainside.

"Congratulations." Gu Xiaoman's long eyelashes blinked, and her bright eyes turned towards Xiao Yun. At this time, a little smile appeared on her always cold jade face, and she could even see from her eyes A little hidden love.

Today Xiao Yun is so shocked that he is absolutely gorgeous.

Such a catastrophe is shocking enough to show his extraordinaryness.

So even though Gu Xiaoman is very strong, he is still deeply impressed by this young man.

It is not difficult to imagine that in time, this mortal from a foreign tribe will surpass her so-called descendant of God.

"It's early." Xiao Yun spread his palms and smiled slightly.

Yuanying Wuzhong is indeed very strong, and his soul is constantly strengthening.

That extermination method has reached a perfection.

It's just that this is too bad for him.

Not only Sirius Mountains, but also Shadow Gate, but it's not easy!

"You have to find a way to go out first." Xiao Yun secretly thought.

"When will Shi Yuanjing get together?" Xiao Yun asked after a few words of humiliation with Gu Xiaoman.

"About ten days," Gu Xiaoman said, "this time my family intends to gather more Siyuanjing to ensure that we can find a way out."

"Alright." Xiao Yun nodded.

Then he began to do some secret training.

"Soul Mark?" On this day, Xiao Yun was studying the mystery of soul.

"Yinlings are much stronger than Nanyou Wang on the soul road." At this moment, he held a jade slab in his hand, and after taking a deep breath, a bit of contentment appeared in the eyebrows, and he was just right. He observed some of the mysteries of the ghost family.

This Yinling tribe is not only good at hiding, but also extraordinary in the soul.

They can make people sink with a single look.

You can also control your soul with one eye.

Of course, Nan You Wang is also extraordinary.

It is just the Yin Seals of the Yin Ling Clan that can ignore many restraints and get people's hearts directly.

For example, when the people of the Yin tribe shot to Xiao Yun, the soul directly penetrated into his sea of ​​knowledge, and even the imprint left by the Nanyou King could not be blocked. This is the extraordinary thing of the Yin tribe. This can be said to be one This kind of divination has surpassed many spiritual martial arts.

For ten days, Xiao Yun was studying the martial arts of the three major ethnic groups.

The Jinwu tribe is astonishing and seems to burn the sky.

The Siyuan clan also has extraordinary accomplishments in archery.

It is rumored that the ancient ancestors of the Siyuan clan could shoot the sun in the sky.

During the period, the Skyfinch successfully crossed the robberies and also crossed two robberies in succession.

Yi Yi ate fiercely every day, and the strength of the little guy is constantly soaring, and that speed is faster than Xiao Yun and swallowing sky tits.

Look at this, there is no bottleneck for the little ones to cultivate.

When he swallowed his **** and prepared to show off his strength, he suddenly found that Yiyi also had such strength.


Yi Yi held Baoding and swallowed the sky **** to fly.


Then his little paw fluttered and bound the swallowtail.

"Yeah, yeah!" Yi Yi took the swallowing **** before him, and then the little boy took the Baoding round and hit the swallow constantly.

It kept talking.

That looks like saying, let you bother me to eat, let you bother me to eat.

Because when the swallow was just shot, it was enjoying the spiritual fruit beautifully.

"Oh my God, you are going to abuse the birdie!"

Swallowing groaning, looking very depressed.

Nirvana's Yi Yi practices too fast.

At this time, under various resources, the speed is jealous.

"Xiao Gongzi." Outside Xiao Yun's courtyard that day, Gu Xiaoman moved the slender one and walked slowly.

"Is there something?" Xiao Yun's eyes moved slightly, and he asked toward the tall woman who was walking outside.

"Siyuanjing has already made it up." Gu Xiaoman walked up with a smile on his mouth. "My grandfather asked you if you have time to discuss re-entering Siyuanshan."

"Is Siyuanjing ready?" Wen Yan said, Xiao Yun's eyes lighted up, and Huo Rong stood up and said, "Okay, I'll go now."

He was also full of expectations for this.

"This time, my family prepared a total of 6,000 Siyuan spar." Said the elders of the Siyuan in a large hall.

"Six thousand?" Xiao Yun frowned, and said, "So much Siyuanjing should be enough."

"Then when are you going to leave?" The old patriarch asked.

"Three days," Xiao Yun said, "you can leave in three days."

"Okay, I'll inform all the races," said the old patriarch, excited.

"Um." Xiao Yun nodded.

Three days later.

The elders of the three major protoss are once again gathered in the hall outside the Siyuan tribe.

Only this time, Xiao Yunyun was sitting on the throne above the palace.

Elders of all races are seated in the square of the throne.

"God, I don't know if we can enter the mountain with you this time?" Jin Jiuxiao said. There were a few periods of eyes appearing in the pair of eyes that glowed like the sun, and he was full of expectations.

"Enter the mountain together?" Xiao Yun frowned.

"I'll never mess you up."

The patriarch of the necromancer next to him also spoke.

She also wanted to visit Siyuan Mountain.

"So, that's fine." Xiao Yun groaned slightly, then nodded.

Siyuan Mountain is the sacred mountain in the land of condemnation.

There is not only a vast sky power, but also an artifact.

Once these people have two hearts, Xiao Yun can use the artifact to stimulate the sin in these people to kill them.

"Then when do we leave?" Wen Yan said, the elders of all races were glowing.

"Now." Xiao Yun's eyes lightened, Shen said.

"Okay!" Everyone was happy.

At this point, they didn't want to wait any longer.

"Get off!" Xiao Yun came out with a drink, Xiao Yun strolled out.

Behind him, the patriarchs of the three major clans closely followed ~ ~ followed closely by the people of each tribe.

Almost men, women and children followed.

The team was huge and mighty, with more than 100,000 people.

If such a battlefield is placed outside, it will be feared by Tiangong.

This is enough to sweep the Quartet.

You know, there are many emperors among the three races.

Even the old patriarch has transcended the realm of the emperor.

call out!

After a while, the men and women of the three races appeared near Siyuan Mountain.

"Siyuan Mountain?" Looking at the ancient mountain, everyone's eyes were full of fiery.

[Start now, one change in the morning and one change around 5pm] ()

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