Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 821: Tianyou Mountains

Xiao Yun entered an unknown channel through the Yin and Yang Baojian.

This channel seems to communicate to one side of the world.

Within this passage, Xiao Yun was also a little stunned.

Because he does n’t know if the place he wants to reach is Tianduyu.

Within the cyclone, there is endless darkness.

Wrapped in the yin and yang atmosphere at first, Xiao Yun was pulled by the yin and yang **** pattern, but he was not raged by the force of that space. "Fiction" novel chapter updated fastest

But I do n’t know when, he feels that his connection with that yin and yang baojian is getting weaker and weaker, and there is a turbulent flow of space nearby. His robes are hunting, and if his skin is cutting, it is also his physique. Otherwise, most of them are in danger.

"It's too dangerous in the turbulence of this space." Xiao Yun looked blankly, and in this darkness he tried to urge Zhenyuan to protect himself, not only that, at that time he wore a royal-level armor , To protect yourself from drowning.

Rao is so, his blood vein muscles have been hit hard.

Hiding in the Tuntian Tower and sensing everything outside is also frightening.

Yi Yi was heartless and heartless, eating some heaven and earth.

Xiao Yun had planned to bring some strange beasts out, but unfortunately he couldn't bring them out.

Those strange beasts were turned into powder directly in the swallowing tower.


Time passed quietly.

To the outside, this is a splendid mountain range.

There was a faint cloud nearby, which turned into a terrifying cyclone.

This cyclone agitated like a magic dragon, and seemed to be able to engulf the Quartet.

There were almost no birds or beasts nearby.

This is the famous Tianyou Jueyuan.

Legend has it that a king entered the cyclone by mistake and was completely swallowed up.

Some people also saw some powerful strange beasts stray into them and were directly smashed.

This abyss is regarded as a jedi by nearby people.

Just this day, a flash of light shone through the abyss, and a young man flew forward through the cyclone.

The young man looked like a rainbow and fell towards the forest ahead.

Waiting until he landed, his figure receded.

Looking closely, the young man's clothes were split, leaving only a set of red gold armor.

This young man is like Xiao Yun who came out.


Xiao Yun fell to the ground, his body was as heavy as a mountain, and the ground shivered as soon as his feet touched the ground, and the ground cracked.

The armor of his body swayed slightly, making a noise.


A bite of blood was also spit out from Xiao Yun's mouth.

At this moment, his breath was weak and he looked embarrassed.

"Finally came out!" Glancing at the Quartet, a little light appeared in Xiao Yun's eyes.

In that space cyclone, he was suffering from turbulence, and seemed to be ridiculed at any time.

That feeling makes people's spirits collapse.

It was also Xiao Yun's mental fortitude and strong background that allowed him to survive the chaos of space.

Of course, the most important thing is that the space cyclone is not the terrible space crack.

Now that I can see the sky, Xiao Yun feels happy even if he is in a bad state.


He took a deep breath.

"This air is similar to Tianduyu, and the vitality in it is obviously stronger than that in the Southern Wilderness." After taking a breath, Xiao Yun was calm and determined. From this heaven and earth's vitality, he should be located in a place similar to Tianduyu However, he was not sure about a mountain here.

"You have to change your clothes first and adjust your breath." Xiao Yun's eyes lightened and he glanced forward.

After flying a hundred miles, he found a cave.

This is a wide canyon.


There is a monster in the cave. When Xiao Yun enters, the demon bear rushes, and the huge palm tears the air to kill Xiao Yun.

"?" Gently glanced at this monster, Xiao Yun's mouth evoked a smile, the finger tapped, piercing the heart of this demon bear, this level of demon monster is simply unbearable for Xiao Yun today. hit.

Xiao Yun then stepped inside the cave.

"This time, the turbulence in the space caused the disorder of my body and the bones were broken. Fortunately, I have this suit of armor."

Entering the cave, Xiao Yun sensed the condition in his body, and his brows could not help but frown slightly. Even if the body armor of World War I was still injured under the continuous turbulence, it was also repaired constantly. Ordinary practitioners have long been ridiculed.

"My momentum is only comparable now." Xiao Yun frowned slightly.

But okay.

His injuries were not serious, and with his life Wuhun was enough to recover.

At the moment, Xiao Yun drew down his armor and swallowed up the tower.

This set of armor is extraordinary and emits powerful fluctuations.

If worn on the body will be found by the strong.

In addition, wearing this armor will also affect Xiao Yun's actions.

Because the weight of this imperial armor is really terrifying.

After a refreshing change of clothes, Xiao Yun crossed his knees and began to heal.

Inside the sea, the soul of life martial arts bloomed with dazzling light, penetrated into his muscles and meridians.

Those broken bones, flesh and blood began to recover a little bit.

At the same time, Xiao Yun sinks his mind into the Tower of Swallowing Sky.

Inside, he had prepared a lot of heaven and earth.

But many of them were turned into powder when they entered the Yin-Yang cyclone.

"In it, there are only some Origin Crystals!"

Xiao Yun frowned.

There are now 3,000 Siyuan Spar.

This is the base of the Siyuan clan, all of whom were taken out by him.

As for those monsters, their bodies are turned into powder.

Fortunately, there are a lot of heaven and earth.

It's just that these spirit extracts are not many in number. Some of the old ones are also affected by the power of the rules and turned into powder.

"Let's restore strength with this."

Xiao Yun's eyes lightened, he took out some heaven and earth spirits and started to take them.

These spirits are more than a thousand years old, and they contain the spirit of origin.

As time passed, the day passed quietly.

At this time, it was dusk, and Xiao Yun's repair was restored from Yuan Ying to the peak of Yuan Ying.

"Yuanying double." Xiao Yun blinked, preparing to continue to adjust his breath.

At this moment, he raised a brow and his spiritual knowledge extended forward.


Xiao Yun's eyes moved slightly.

In the distance, a team of men and women are approaching here.

"Okay, just ask these people where they are."

Xiao Yun's eyes flashed, and he stopped practicing.

At this point, the meridian bones in his body recovered as much as possible.

"Let's take a rest here today!" A group of monks walked into the valley.

Headed by a middle-aged man.

Twelve followers followed.

Two of them are particularly prominent.

One was a man wearing a robe.

The man was slender, with star-brows, staring eyes, and a pair of dark eyes twinkling.

He looks like he's only about nineteen years old, but he exudes an extraordinary breath.

This fluctuation has suddenly reached the five levels of Yuan Ying.

There is also a wonderful young woman beside this youth.

The woman's skin was snowy, and she was wearing a dark green dress, which completely outlined the uneven body.

But she has a beautiful face, a pair of big eyes, and she looks like a mist, which makes people see it at first glance, such as a spring breeze, an inexplicable feeling, but this woman is not young but the breath is Is not weak, it suddenly reached the peak of Yuan Ying's quadruple.

In addition, the people around them are extraordinary, and most of them have reached the Yuanying Realm.

"They are all Yuan Yingjing practitioners!" Xiao Yun's consciousness went away. After discovering the cultivation of these people, he couldn't help but be surprised. Yuan Yingjing was also a master among ordinary forces. See, only forces like Wu Zong can be common.

"There is a cave in front." These people came and their eyes fell into the cave where Xiao Yun was.

"There is already someone inside." The delicate woman frowned slightly, and then hurried towards the young man next to her. "Let's camp in this canyon and leave tomorrow!" She didn't seem to want to disturb the cave rashly Xiao Yun.

The next few practitioners groaned slightly and nodded immediately.

After a short while, the group began to camp.

"Everyone is vigilant. It belongs to the depths of the Tianyou Mountains. From time to time, there are powerful herds in and out of the clan. Someone in the clan comes here with me, and it should be reached tomorrow. As long as it is today, it will be safe. "

Said the headed middle-aged man.

This person's strength is slightly higher, and it seems that he has the perfect cultivation of Yuanying Jiuzong, which is the strongest person here.

The youths next to him were all staring.

This time deep into the Tianyou Mountains, they have learned a lot, not only to prevent the monsters from coming, but also to be careful about the enemies.

Next to a camp, six young people gathered together and raised a fire.

"This time we obtained the Millennium Phantom Flower. If we use it to make a pill, we will definitely raise the shadow ghost of Han Yufeng and Miss Dong'er again, so even if we enter the source of God and participate in the 10,000 race The war will be a little bit more. "

One of the young eyes narrowed and smiled.

His eyes stared at the young man in a robe and a crown on his head.

"Battle of all races!"

Hearing this, fiery colors emerged from the eyes of several young people nearby.

This is a grand event that the heavenly pride of the whole heavenly region can participate in.

If you can stand out among them, it will be famous.

Of course, even if you can't stand out, as long as you can live in it, you can also have great gains.

Because of legend, the forbidden area has the remains of God.

Therefore, when it comes to this matter, the young people next to him are all hot.

"There are countless geniuses in the sky. How easy is it to stand out among them?" The man in the robe moved his eyes slightly.

Han Yufeng looks into the void ~ ~ with great ambition.

It's just that Zhīdào, how difficult it is to stand out in the forbidden area.

"This time, our pulse has occupied two places. If Han Gongzi and Miss Donger can receive the goods in it, our pulse will definitely occupy a place in the Han family in Tianyou City. Even the homeowner's pulse cannot Hesitated at us. "

Several young people laughed.

They are full of this.

"Um." Han Yufeng nodded slightly, and those dark eyes looked into the distance in the void.

"Han of Tianyou City?" In the cave not far away, Xiao Yun raised a brow, a smile arose from the corner of his mouth, and murmured, "Isn't the Battle for the Races of the Thousands of Nations a grand event in Tianduyu? ? Am I in the midst of heaven? "

Thinking of this, Xiao Yun's hanging heart finally let go.

As long as you are in heaven, everything is easy to say.

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