Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 826: 3 goals

The battle for hegemony is an opportunity for the people of Tianduyu to prove themselves.

Anyone who can stand out among them can become the man of the day.

It can even be recruited by those great religions.

Furthermore, it is said that there is a relic of God in the battlefield of God Source, which contains the heavenly one and is longed for by the world.

At that time, Lan Chengfeng refused to Tiangong, which had the slightest meaning that he would participate in the battle for hegemony of various ethnic groups. "Fiction" novel chapters are updated the fastest

Because only in the battle with the geniuses of the various races, and through the trial of blood, can we become a true strongman.

Only then can he set foot on top.

Xiao Yunzhi wanted to go high and naturally wanted to participate.

"These races can go for hegemony." The voice of Tuntian Tower came.

"Oh?" Xiao Yun frowned.

"Within the battlefield, since we have the remains of God, we may be able to find some of the herbs we need."

Said the swallow.

"Bùcuò." After hearing the words, Xiao Yun's eyes brightened.

At this time he needed a lot of medicine.

The man was still waiting for him to lift the sin.

Not only that, Xiao Shimei also needs magic medicine at this time.

Such as that raising soul wood, soul soul fruit.

These things are not ordinary relics.

Only the relics of God have a chance to obtain them.

So this battle for ten thousand races must participate!

At this point in thinking, Xiao Yun's eyes began to appear a little hot.

Now coming out of the ground of condemnation, Xiao Yun has several purposes.

One is to wake up the little sister.

The second is to make yourself stronger, to find Sirius Mountain and Shadow Gate.

The third is to go to Tiandu Xiao and Yao to find clues to their parents.

Of course, after this is done, he has to visit his sister Xiao Linger and look for Ling Xi!

Originally, Xiao Yun could let Xiao Yun contact Xiao Tian and Yao Family in Tiandu.

It's just that Nanyou's change has made things change.

The battle for hegemony is clearly an opportunity today.

"Oh, this is my Korean house, Donger, you take Yao Gongzi to rest first, as for the race for the hegemony, I will tell the tribe later." Han Sanshu's eyes moved slightly, but also found Xiao Yun Something moved, and he smiled slightly at the moment.

Xiao Yun nodded slightly, his eyes glanced forward.

At this point they had entered the city and arrived in a huge mansion.

The wall of this mansion is tall and tall, and it is located in a treasure of Feng Shui in Tianyou City, with mountains and rivers.

"Yao, come with me!" Everyone entered the mansion, and Han Donger led Xiao Yun into a side courtyard.

Korea is very big, like a palace.

It's just that Han Donger's veins are not children of the siblings, so the courtyard where they live is located in a Han court.

Although it is partial, it is also extremely spacious.

The bridge is flowing with water and flowers.

Xiao Yun was arranged into a quiet courtyard.

"If Yao Yao needs it, he can order these subordinates."

Han Donger arranged a little and then retreated.

Her brother was poisoned during this trip, which made her difficult to relax.

Xiao Yun also understands the feelings of the Han clan, so he doesn't care much about it.

After entering the courtyard, he began to adjust his interest rate to restore strength.

Han family, in a hall.

"This Wu family is too arrogant, and they dare to ambush my Han family!" The old man with white hair flashed in the first place in the hall, showing a bit of cold light. This is a strong man in the palace palace. , For the elder Han Yufeng.

This old man is also Han Yufeng's grandpa.

Grandpa Han has been retreating, trying to impact the palace, but this time he heard that his grandson was killed.

"This Yufeng is quite poisoned!" The men next to him frowned.

"Now the battle for hegemony is about to begin. If Yufeng can't recover, I'm afraid he won't be able to participate in this grand event."

Han's elders are frowning.

"Old fourth, can you have a way to relieve this poison?" Father Han asked, his eyes twinkling.

At this moment in the hall, a middle-aged man was giving a pulse to Han Yufeng and others.

"Back to my father, this is an ancient alien species. The poisonous horror is that the monks in the palace are afraid to touch it. I just tried it in various ways just now, but I ca n’t pull the poison out. Expect! "

The fourth old man frowned.

Facing the poison, he was helpless.

"Would you like to ask the middle-aged in the clan?" A middle-aged man asked.

"Zhong Lao?" Wen Yan said, Han Sansan frowned, and said, "Zhong Lao is the owner of the family. The rise of Yu Feng made them worry. We are afraid that our pulse is in power. Go find them, and they never try their best. "

"Furthermore, although Zhong Lao is a teacher, he may not be able to release the poison of this dark poisonous bee."

The same Han clan, but there are also hidden fights.

Any clan will inevitably compete for power.

"We just told your owner about this, but they don't seem to care much." Han Tong said.

By this time, the owner had not sent anyone to watch Han Yufeng.

"These guys are afraid of Yufeng's ridicule!" Han second child sighed.

I heard that those elders were also frowning.

"Well." Father Han shook his head, he knew the evils of fighting within the clan.

But it was helpless.

Because who is in power means that his descendants can get the most resources.

Who would be a little selfish?

"My father is not worried." Han Laosan said, "Yu Feng was able to save his life because he met a stranger. He could pull out some poisonous substances. According to him, he should have the confidence to heal Yu Feng. I'll ask him later. "

"Oh?" Wen Yan said, the elders of Han's eyes were all bright, and said, "Will you not invite him over?"

"And such strange people?" The fourth old Han was surprised.

He's the elixir of this vein.

For quite experienced.

Even he can't pull the poison, who else can do it?

"Yes!" Lao Han nodded and immediately said, "This young man is only twenty, and his talent is also Bùcuò. I see that he also intends to participate in the race for hegemony. Father, I just have a recommended place in my vein. Just give this son? "

"There is only one place. As long as he can cure Yufeng, it is even more demanding." Father Han said.

This Han Yufeng awakened 97% of the inheritance value of Shadow Wuhun.

This talent is also the first person in Han's century.

If this son grows up, their pulse will become the ruler of the Han You of Tianyou.

Later, Uncle Han retreated, and he personally invited Xiao Yun.

Seeing this old invitation, Xiao Yun followed.

In the hall, several elders were shocked when they saw someone so young.

"Such a young man can really relieve the poison of that dark poisonous bee?" Almost all the elders of Han's eyes were suspicious.

"Please also ask Yao Yao, afterwards you will have to be thankful for the old age." However, the old Han was extremely stable.

"You're welcome." Xiao Yun clenched his fist slightly, and immediately flicked his sleeves, and walked to Han Yufeng and others.

Silver needles came out, blooming a little bit of light, and began to pull out the poison.

Just a moment later, poisonous blood overflowed.

This time Xiao Yun shot a bit longer, then Han Yufeng's eyelids tilted and he woke up.

"Yu Feng wakes up, wakes up!" Seeing this, several of Han's elders were all surprised.

"Oh, God bless my people!" Han Yufeng's uncles were extremely happy.

"Bùcuò, Bùcuò, there is hope when you wake up." Father Han nodded again and again, and seemed extremely excited.

For this grandson he is also quite doted.

Since childhood, Han Yufeng has been a lonely elder.

Because his father, the eldest son of the old man, ridiculed in a ruin early.

Han Yufeng woke up, and Xiao Yun incidentally gave a few other people a needle.

But those people didn't wake up.

"Everything has improved!" Although these people did not wake up, Father Han clearly felt that their breath was much smoother.

Suddenly, everyone in the hall turned to Xiao Yunshi with surprise.

An expression also emerged.

"Yao Gongzi is indeed a strange man." Father Han came and saluted Xiao Yun. "This old man owes you a favor. If you want to participate in the race for hegemony, I can recommend you in this vein. What do you need? May propose. "

"Thank you, Grandma."

Xiao Yun also clenched his fist slightly, and immediately said, "I want to completely pull out the poison of this Han Gongzi, but I have to be prepared."

"I'd like to hear the details." Father Han blinked.

"First of all, I give needles once a day to reduce the poison." Han Yu said, "Second, you have to prepare some millennium spirit extract, and then let me refine it into Dan, so you can expel these poisons in one fell swoop. When healed completely. "

"If Yao Yao needs any medicinal materials, don't mention it!" Said Father Han.

"Um." Xiao Yun nodded, listing Dan Fang.

"The other herbs are for me to restore my vitality." He prescribed the herbs he needed.

"Okay!" Taking a look at these herbs, Father Han said in a deep voice, "Older, go and prepare the herbs right away, and you must try your best to satisfy your son Yao."

"Yes!" The fourth old Han took the list and immediately quit.

Among the poisoned people, but the youth is his son!

The herbs were quickly made up.

Three days!

In just three days, Xiao Yun continued to detoxify, adding dew of life, refining and detoxifying Dan, which completely awakened Han Yufeng and others. Of course, as long as he was willing, in fact, one day, he could rely on the soul of life to fully restore these people.

It's just that this is too shocking, Xiao Yun doesn't want to.

This day ~ ~ five poisoned youths appeared in the hall.

Although Han Yufeng's complexion was still pale, it was obviously no big deal.

"Oh, son Yao, this time, I really don't know how to thank you!" Father Han said excitedly.

The elders of the Han family were also thankful.

That Han Donger, when the younger generation's younger brother Xun to Xiao Yun, all show respect.

It is hard to imagine that such a young man has such a means.

"The battle for hegemony is still going to start in a month!" Finally, the crowd turned around and mentioned the war for hegemony.

"Yao Gongzi can enter it as my clan guest." Father Han smiled. "I will also ask you to take care of Yufeng and Donger a lot." His eyes are full of talents. If he is two younger generations, Having his care will be much safer.

At least facing the genius of the Wu family can be safe.

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