Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 856: Broken? [Ask for the month ...

The swallowing bird hovered above Xiao Yun's head.

Compared to Yi Yi, where he glared at people nearby, Swallowtail was staring at the lines in front of him.

"Is Xiaoyunzi okay?" The swallow queen kept urging, and the flame flickered as the eyes turned, looking at its expression, looking quite anxious. Now it can't wait to enter the Lingchi to pick the spirits. Yeah.

"Don't worry." Xiao Yun looked indifferent, and many ancient grains appeared in his mind. "Fiction" novel chapters are updated the fastest

"These are indeed ancient runes, but the mystery is obviously not as deep as the three major protoss." Xiao Yun's decomposition of the ancient runes in his mind and the one-on-one verification at this time is finally in the middle of Zhiīdào. Upright.

Xiao Yun is an erudite ancient writing in the place of condemnation.

He has deep knowledge of runes.

All ancient runes are from that time.

Although there have been improvements in later generations, it is not as profound as it was then.

That's tantamount to a college student who has learned five rich cars and asked him to read the introductory article.

Isn't that proficient at first glance?

"The mystery in it should be so." Xiao Yun's eyes moved, his eyes fell on those runes, and he already had the most accurate route in his mind. He believed that as long as he went along the route he wanted, he would definitely not Touch the lines.

In this way, you can walk to the center of the Lingchi effortlessly.

"Let's go!" Xiao Yun stepped out.

"Did this guy break out?"

"Does he want to set foot in that pattern directly?" When Xiao Yun stepped out, those monks watching in the distance were shocked.

"Isn't this looking for death?" Someone widened his eyes.

Because someone had directly stepped on the lines before, they were swallowed up by a horrible cyclone and turned into powder.

So no one dares to do so.

"Then Xiao Yun has to set foot on that path." When Xiao Yun stepped out, Qin shouted.

"This." Seeing this, a shadow gate practitioner's face sank. "Don't let him be swallowed by the forbidden pattern, otherwise we won't be able to find the girl." These people looked anxiously, and hurriedly hurried to the spirit Poolside, trying to stop Xiao Yun.

At this moment, Xiao Yun set foot on a line in front of the trail.

When he settled down, the lines of light flashed, with ancient and obscure fluctuations permeating.


Seeing this, everyone at Lingchi couldn't help taking a deep breath.

Numerous eyes were gathered on Xiao Yun at this moment.

"Is he going to die?" Many people murmured in their hearts.

The entrance to the path in front is dense with runes. If you want to pass, you must set foot on these runes.

If the maggot flies past, the small fluctuations will trigger the lines.

At this point Xiao Yun set foot on the pattern, but that pattern was just a flash of light, and did not evolve a trace of attack.

"Passed safely?" Many people were surprised when they saw this.

The nearby practitioners stared at Xiao Yun with incredible faces.

So many people couldn't get over just now, but this Xiao Yun is okay?

Immediately afterwards, Xiao Yun stepped on the second rune in front. The rune was just a flash of light, and the ancient atmosphere was introverted. Seeing this, almost everyone was dumbfounded. The mystery of it!

"Does he also have extraordinary accomplishments on the front?" Qiu Haoxiang's eyes stared at Xiao Yun closely.

"These are ancient patterns. Few masters in the world can know this. How can Xiao Yun know this?" Shi Tianyan's eyes flickered and he was suspicious. Although he was suspicious, he could not help but look at the youth in front of him. A shock.

"Sure enough." At this point, after setting foot on the second rune, Xiao Yun was determined.

The direction, life and death of these runes are the same as he expected.

In this way, he can move on safely.

"Can't let him get through the pattern." At this moment, several figures appeared.

A violent breath swept through like a storm.

The whole people by Lingchi showed a look of surprise.

Then they saw seven young men wearing bucket hats.

"!" Said a shadow door practitioner with cold eyes.


A gloom across the sky, like a long river sweeping, hitting the stone beast directly.

After the wave swept away, only a flash of light was seen, and the formations near the stone beast were completely excited.

The ancient and horrifying atmosphere suddenly swept the Quartet.

"No!" Seeing this, Xiao Yun frowned, and then looked back.

"Xiao Yun!" When Xiao Yun turned around, a cold humming sounded.

That Qin would walk and appear outside the footpath.

The seven shadow gate practitioners also appeared one after another.

"This ..." At the same time, the practitioners in the vicinity were all confused.

Obviously everyone didn't expect anyone at this time.


Just at this moment, the lines wriggle.

First of all, Xiao Yun was soaring beside Xiao Yun, and turned into a horror cyclone to wipe him out.

In addition, the stone beast's light pattern flickered, and it also evolved two powerful beasts.

The beast roared and attacked the shadow gate repairer who had just appeared.

"Break me!" A young man stepped forward. He stretched out a giant hand with a dazzling light, and when he was empty, he shot it.

The giant hand appeared, dazzling with light, like an abyss falling down.

I saw the great abyss, and instantly swallowed up the beast shadow.

"This ..." Seeing this, many eyes were shocked.

That beast shadow can't even resist the infant Nine Realms.

But was so easily swallowed up at this time?

"Who is this person?" Shi Tianyan's eyes sank, and he looked surprised at the man wearing Douyi.

In his heart, there was a rough sea.

Such a combat power, I am afraid to reach the half-step palace state!


A few ripples rose, and the ghost of the stone beast disappeared.

In the path in front, Xiao Yun staggered, avoiding the breath that could engulf Yuanying Nine Realms.

When everything was calm, his eyes flashed, and he stared at the practitioners of the seven shadow gates.

From the breath of these people, he can be sure that this is the practitioner of Shadow Gate.

With the addition of the next member of the Sirius Range, everything is clear.

Suddenly, Xiao Yun and the practitioner of Shadow Gate.

The air by the pool seemed to freeze for it.

In this coagulation, there is a slight sense of murderous intentions constantly permeating.

That killing not only came from the shadow gate, but also from Xiao Yun.

"?" Seeing this, the nearby practitioners were even more curious.

"These seven people have amazing momentum, and their strength should be in the Ninth Realm of Yuanying. The person who shot just now has half the strength of the palace. Are these characters the Xiao Yun can compete with?" See Xiao Yunmu Many of the people in the neighborhood disapprove of the killing intention.

"This is a good show." Qiu Haoxiang pulled the corner of his mouth, his eyes narrowed slightly, Xiao Yun stared at him with a smile.

He had long wanted to see how Xiao Yun's combat power was.

It was just that Xiao Yun broke through the pattern with his confrontational skills, causing many people to lose because they could not see his fighting power. Now these shadow gate people came and gave it to everyone. They wanted to see this little What is the difference between the first person on the Golden Dragon list?

"How will Xiao Yun cope?" At the same time, many people were also curious.

When everyone was curious, Xiao Yun frowned, and retreated from the lines.

"This boy actually retreated?" Seeing that Xiao Yun did not hide in the path, but retreated, many people were surprised, "Don't he fear these people?" This makes people feel a little incredible, but the seven The strong!

Even though that Qin Society has reached the seventh level of Yuan Ying.

"Oh, ah!" Seeing everyone in the vicinity with scorn, disdain, and staring at Xiao Yun in amazement, Yi Yi's ears were erected, her eyes were fierce, and she could not wait to turn that Baoding to suppress those people Well, good lesson.

"Oh, this little beast is Bùcuò." Seeing Yi Yi's eyes exposed fiercely, many people laughed at the corners of their mouths.

"Oh!" Yi Yi sighed slightly, her heart was depressed, and she was cute?

At this time Xiao Yun stepped forward and went to Qin Hui and others.

"Xiao Yun." Seeing Xiao Yun coming, Qin Hui looked somber and his teeth were bitten tightly.

Xiao Yun and their Sirius Mountains are incompatible.

"Xiao Yun, don't let it go!" The strong man from Shadow Gate stepped out and said coldly.

"Since you're here to die, then I'll send you a ride!" Xiao Yun stopped outside the crowd, his tone seemed extremely calm, but there was a little killing in the calm, and the surrounding air followed his words It started to get cold.

"Why does this Xiao Yun feel extremely dangerous?" When the breath turbulence pervaded, the nearby practitioners could not help but take a few steps back, even someone shivered, and there was nothing in the eyes. Out of fear.

"I can't help it!" The practitioner in the half-step palace palace grinned.

Abyss hands!

He was also polite and took a step forward. When the big hand moved, the black light flickered, and he went down to Xiao Yun.

There seems to be an abyss descending from the sky, and the five fingers are like pillars, blocking the Quartet, so that there is no escape force at all.

"Tianyuan hand?" Shi Tianyan's eyes narrowed, "Isn't this an ancient secret?"

He was also scowling at the man with the fight.

Tianyuan fell, covering the Quartet.

"So strong!"

"Is this person a half-step palace?"

"How come there are such characters in the war?" The nearby practitioners retreated.

This attack is too strong, even comparable to the palace palace.

In fact, there are quite a few people who reach the half-step palace status at the age of 20.

It's just that few of the people who participated in this time ~ ~ have aroused even if there is.

"Tianyuan's hand? Break me!" Xiao Yun frowned, and an ancient bow appeared in his palm.

The ancient bow was pulled into a full moon by him, and when it was empty, he shot at Tian Yuan.

call out!

The long arrow burst through the air, shining bright red.

Where the red light passed, the void was penetrated, leaving a long tail flame.

The nearby practitioners saw the flash of the arrow and pierced the abyss that day.

Then the red tail flame swept away and wiped out the black light.

In the end, Yuanshou was completely drowned that day.

"This ..." Everyone was shocked to see this.

In this case, obviously Xiao Yun's arrow prevailed!

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