Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 873: Scourge of Tiansha

Xiao Yun shot and shot an arrow at Yin Chengfeng.

At this time, Yin Chengfeng was resisting the invading imperial consciousness.

"Don't resist, you and we are united, one day will rule the world!"

A hoarse and ruthless voice sounded in Yin Chengfeng's mind.

"Yin Chengfeng is a genius in the world, will I yield?"

He tried hard to resist. "Fiction" novel chapter updated fastest

"Not good!" Just then, he felt it.

When he was at ease, he urged the shield to resist.


The shield flashed, blocking Xiao Yun's arrow.

However, Yin Chengfeng's mind released a trace, causing the emperor's mind to invade.

"Oh, you and me merge!" The emperor successfully invaded.

"No!" Yin Chengfeng shouted.

"Did not kill him?" At this moment, Xiao Yun frowned.

"Their breath seems to be converging?" Hua Feng's eyes narrowed.

"Take the heavenly **** crystal first!" Xiao Yun moved with a heart, and rushed towards that day **** god crystal.

"Junior, this is the emperor's thing, it's perfect!" Husky's voice came out of Yin Chengfeng's mouth.

At the same time, Yin Chengfeng held a spear and killed Xiao Yun.

"Fusion?" Xiao Yun's eyes lightened, Tissot!

A light drink came out, and Tissot rushed towards the spear.


遁 Tissot collided with a spear.

The horrible waves oscillated, and the Tissot was hit and a vast wave swept across.


Xiao Yun retreated seven meters in a row.

Fortunately, he has a sling, and has resisted most of the fluctuations.

"Although the soul is fused, the strength of Yin Chengfeng has not strengthened." After this confrontation, Xiao Yun breathed a sigh of relief. It seems that the remnant soul of the emperor is not as scary as he imagined. A sky mine has crushed a lot of his soul power.


At this moment, Yi Yi appeared, with small crystals in his small paws.

Just now when Xiao Yun and Yin Chengfeng fought, the little guy took the opportunity to sweep the seven heavenly gods.

"Look for death!" Yin Chengfeng's eyes were cold, the long gun was picked, and the sharp point of the gun burst out, as if a dragon was swept towards Xiao Yun. Among the dragons, there was a mysterious flash of shading, which contained With a source of evil.

Today, Yin Chengfeng has become more comfortable with the control of evil spirits after he merges with the evil spirit of the emperor.

The rhyme on him is also improving.

"This Yin Chengfeng is a half-step palace. It also incorporates the remnants of the emperor, and the strength has been improved. I am not an enemy at this time."

Xiao Yun's eyes condensed.

"Withdraw!" Without a trace of hesitation, a golden waistband card appeared on the palm of Xiao Yun.

In the middle of the golden dragon pattern, Xiao Yun urged the formation of the waist card.


A golden cyclone evolved to wrap Xiao Yun.

This cyclone seemed to communicate the void, but Xiao Yun was immediately absorbed into it.


The golden light flickered and suddenly dissipated.

Xiao Yun could not be seen in this tomb.


At this time, Yin Chengfeng's attack hit Xiao Yun.

The loud noise shook the sky, and the tomb was shaking, as if to collapse.

"It is not appropriate to compete with Yin Chengfeng at this time!" When Xiao Yun urged the Golden Dragon card, Hua Feng's eyes flashed, and he also urged the Golden Dragon card. At the same time, he also sent a message to the two people next to him. The golden light flashed, and the three disappeared at the same time.

"Abominable!" Xiao Yun disappeared, making Yin Chengfeng frown.

Because he was just fused with the remnant of the emperor, his mind was a little confused, and he didn't think about it for a moment.

I didn't know that Hua Fengying also left here.

For a moment, only a few young people of the Yin family were left in the tomb.

Yin Chengfeng's eyes turned, and his eyes fell on the six young people.

"Kill these useless wastes!" In Yin Chengfeng's mind, a loud voice sounded.

"This is my tribe, how can you kill?" Yin Chengfeng said coldly, and was very dissatisfied with the remnant of this evil emperor.

"Those who make things happen, don't stick to the bar. If you let Zhīdào merge with you, I'm afraid they will be conspired by others in the future. The memory and knowledge of the emperor are things that countless warriors dream of!" Bewitching power.

"Memory, knowledge?" Yin Chengfeng moved.

At last, he turned his eyes and glanced at the six people next to him.

In that eye, there was a sensation of murder.

The fierce evil spirit permeated, making Yin Chengfeng's hair fly.

"Don't worry, don't be fooled!"

"Brother Chengfeng, I'm your cousin!" Seeing Yin Chengfeng's eyes were cold, all the six Yin clan members were afraid.

Yin Chengfeng had a slight shake.

"On the avenue, only Wu is true!" A confused voice came.

Under this voice, Yin Chengfeng's eyes were cold and he shot frightfully.


As soon as the gun moved, a young man was picked up.

"The rider is enchanted."

"Withdraw!" Two young men blinked, quickly urging Xiaojinlong to leave the place.

Several others were trapped in panic because of their minds, and they were directly beheaded by Yin Chengfeng.

"Escaped the two!" Yin Chengfeng's eyes flickered slightly, feeling slightly unpleasant.

"What are you afraid of? It's not too late to find them." A confused voice came.

"They are Yin's immediate children!" Yin Chengfeng was worried.

"Fear your feet, how do you become the emperor?" The emperor said, "I have the help, you will become the emperor. By then, who can fight with you? You are destined to be king!"

"King of heaven?" After hearing the words, Yin Chengfeng's eyes became firm.

"You are the emperor, but what else is passed on to me?" Yin Chengfeng asked.

"My things are in this tomb."

"In this tomb?" Yin Chengfeng was a little dissatisfied.

This place has now been destroyed, and even Tiansha Shenjing is not there. What is the legacy?

"If you win that day, it is enough to become a king," said the emperor.

"Tiansha Shenjing?" Yin Chengfeng's eyes were cold, Xiao Yun's figure appeared in his mind, "I will take it back sooner or later."

"You can rest assured that I am the emperor and have a strong induction with the **** of the day. As long as you are within a thousand miles, you will be able to find him. Then you will kill it again. Let you cultivate into a king. "

"Um." Yin Chengfeng nodded, and the pace moved out of the tomb.


Shenyuan Valley is unstable, there are storms in many places, and there are space cracks.

This is an extremely dangerous place.

Promoting the Little Golden Dragon card here can also be considered a very risky move.

Because not the little dragon dragon card will transfer you to somewhere.


In Shenyuan Valley, a golden light flashed, and Xiao Yun's figure suddenly appeared in the sky.

Then it fell into a valley.

"It's dangerous!" Xiao Yun let out a deep sigh of relief when she landed.

Just now he communicated the pattern with the golden dragon pattern and teleported out of the tomb.

However, during the transmission process, I almost encountered a disordered space, and also encountered a storm.

Even more, Xiao Yun sensed a dangerous breath.

Fortunately, the transmitting cyclone avoided the dangerous place, otherwise it was really unpredictable.

"Yeah, yeah!" Yi Yi scooped out of the towering tower, and the little boy blinked and stared at Xiao Yun fiercely after glancing at the Quartet. With a good appearance, Xiao Yun could not help but smile.

He Zhīdào, this little guy is asking for a gift.

Because just now it helped Xiao Yun get seven Tiansha **** crystals.

"Well, my brother won't treat you badly." Xiao Yun caressed Yi Yi's head with a smile.

This time he was able to get seven Tiansha **** crystals, which was totally beyond his expectation.

It can be said that he has achieved his goal during this trip to Shenyuan.

At least he got the fetish.

And that Tissot is also a rare treasure.

"Unfortunately, I'm not strong enough now." Xiao Yun sighed slightly.

遁 Tissot is definitely a very strong one, and it is estimated that it will reach the level of Huangdao.

It's just that too much energy is needed to activate this spirit.

With Xiao Yun's soul power at this time, the power of Escape Shuttle cannot be brought into play.

"Now, I have to raise my soul power first." Xiao Yun blinked.

During this trip he got a lot of shabby clover.

These are the spirit extracts that temper the soul.

And the year is very high.

"I can make it into Dan." Xiao Yun secretly thought.

Then his eyes moved slightly, and he glanced towards the Quartet.

Nearby, Xiao Yun saw a cave.

This is a natural cave with a vein of fire inside, in which the fire is intense and turned into a small sea of ​​fire.

Just entered it and saw the fire ganoderma.

"Yeah!" Yi Yi was so happy, the little guy leaped from Xiao Yun's shoulder, and when the little paw moved, he held a fire lingzhi larger than its body in his arms, and then the white teeth stunned, as if Radishes generally start to eat this fire ganoderma.

It seems that the little guy also doesn't need such spirit extraction now.

So it does n’t ask, it just eats.

"This is a good place." Xiao Yun smiled slightly, then began to refine the elixir.

First of all, he is refining soul spirit for himself.

Secondly, it is to refine some elixir with life dew for Yiyi.

Zi Yan Ding landed, the light flickered, and Xiao Ling was put into it by Xiao Yun.

It didn't take long for Dan Xiang to be pervasive and full of air dragons.

A pot of elixir, a total of eight, came out.

These elixir suddenly reached the level of panacea.

Because the medicinal materials here are rich in aura, far from the outside world.

"This time we must improve our strength." Three days later, Xiao Yun finished refining the elixir.

Ling Dan was in his hand, and Xiao Yun's eyes flashed with Zìxìn.

Yi Yi also took some elixir while eating.

At the time of Xiao Yun, the little guy didn't know how many spirits he was looking for.



Time passed, and outside this cave, Tianjie condensed.

With a thundering thunder ~ ~ Xiao Yun's soul burst out and began to thunder.

This is the robbery of the soul.

After taking a lot of elixir, his soul is changing.

Sky robbery fell, horrible, hundreds of roads.

The power of Xiao Yun's soul keeps getting stronger.

This time, it can be described as a thick accumulation of hair, and his soul has directly reached completion.

"It should be regarded as a terrible disaster." After crossing the disaster, Xiao Yun's eyes became clear.

At that time, he had also crossed the calamity, and the God of Destruction approached to completion.

But it has not been able to break through.

At this point, he tried his best to make his soul complete.

"We will soon reach the fifth level of the God of Destruction." The fifth level of the God of Destruction should be comparable to those in the palace.

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