Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 884: Kambuchi?

Within the secret territory of God, a group of huge spiders came towards Xiao Yun.

Yi Yi raised Baoding to deal with the existence of two palaces.

Xiao Yun urged various monsters.

",!" After the monsters were urged out, Xiao Yuntian's pupils flickered, with a strong pupil spreading in front of him, and the terrifying pupils spread in front of him. Bursts of pupil lines.

Under these pupil lines, the spiders in front of them suffer, and their actions begin to slow down.

Heaven [pig] [pig] [island] novel www.huhu.m Youtong is aimed at the level of the soul, so even if you have a little restraint, you can still catch the spiders, but there are still twenty heads in front. The huge spider was affected by Xiao Yun, and the original offensive stopped suddenly.

"Tian You Tong is effective!" Seeing this, Xiao Yun was glad.

"Soul Seal!" Then, Xiao Yun began to evolve the Soul Seal.

Twenty-one soul seals were formed in an instant and injected into those spiders.

Suddenly, Xiao Yun had an intimate connection with these spiders.

"Success!" Xiao Yun's eyes narrowed, his eyes fell aside.

At this point, Yi Yi was at full strength.

The little boy turned colorful Baoding and blasted the two spiders in the palace.

It was very imposing, with a small claw, and a hot flame swept out.

The flames swept through and evolved into a fire unicorn pounced, so that the momentum made the two spiders irresistible.

This is the Fusion Unicorn Real Fire.

"The two spiders remain for the time being." Xiao Yun said to Yi Yi with a movement of his mind.


Yi Yi nodded, the little paw rounded Baoding, and the whole body was in flames, and the momentum was quite aggressive.

Tian Youtong!

When the two spiders were hit, Xiao Yun swept away and quickly urged Tian Youtong.

The sky's pupils pervaded, making the two spiders startled.

"Soul Seal!" Taking advantage of this, Xiao Yun immediately evolved the Soul Seal.

Two soul seals were evolved and injected into the spider's mind.


The spider's mind trembled, and the soul was directly imprinted by the spirit.

"It's enough to control the two spiders in the palace." Xiao Yun chuckled a small smile.

Then his eyes moved slightly, and he squinted forward.

At this time, a large number of spiders rushed, dancing to Xiao Yun with the spear like a spear.

"Dementor!" Xiao Yun was moved.

Tian Youtong's power pervaded.

A group of spiders in front of them was shocked.

"Flying blood bats, shoot!" After controlling the spiders, Xiao Yun controlled the flying blood bats.

These are all ancient aliens and very powerful.

At this time, Xiao Yun controlled and flew to the spiders.

Although they were slightly weakened, they immediately fell on the spiders.

The flying blood bat's mouthpiece moved out, and turned toward the softest part of the green hair spider.


A clear voice came out, as if steel clashes.

There was a burst of fire at the confrontation.

"The shell of this green hairy spider is so hard!" Xiao Yun was startled.

Fortunately, cracks still appeared on that shell.

Then the flying blood bat began to absorb the essence of it.

Hundreds of flying blood bats shot together, but just sucked up a spider.

Then, the second, the third ...

At the same time, Xiao Yun controlled the shots of the two green hairy spiders in the palace.

Yi Yi also smashed Baoding.

Eyes flickered and shot.

Xiao Yun controls the blood of the green hair spiders.

"These green hairy spiders are species in this mysterious realm. They should not be taken outside or they will be wiped out."

Looking at those green-haired spiders that were eaten away, Xiao Yun's eyes were slightly regretful.

From the information he obtained.

The living things inside cannot be taken out at all.

Because these creatures are born with divine rules, which are inconsistent with the outside world.

Some people brought out some souls at that time, and as a result, they directly attracted Heavenly Calamity and were blasted into ashes.

"After swallowing the blood of these green hair spiders, the breath of the flying blood bats became significantly stronger, and the suppression of it during this time also became smaller, as was the poisonous fire toad, which absorbed the venom in the green hair spider's venom, That poisonous power has also become stronger. "With the imprint of the spirit and soul, Xiao Yun's situation about these monsters under his control changed.

After a while, the swarm of spiders was resolved.

The breath of the flying blood bats has increased significantly, and it is comparable to Yuan Ying's Yae, even Jiu's momentum.

The momentum of the three poisonous fire toads increased even more, and the influence of the rules of this heaven and earth gradually weakened.

"It seems that devouring the blood of the monsters here can indirectly fuse the atmosphere of this place and make the power of the rules dissipate."

Xiao Yun nodded slightly.

"There is spirit extract in front of me, which I can take."

After the eyes flashed, and several spirit extracts in front were locked, Xiao Yun started to move forward.

With two green hairy spiders opening the road, it saves a lot of trouble.

After a short while, Xiao Yun picked up a Lingshen.

This ginseng is not big, but it is full of gloss and lines.

"With divinity, the effect should be better than that." Xiao Yun carefully sensed the breath of this ginseng.

The place of condemnation, where the divinity has dissipated, even though the spirit extract contains the energy of the origin, there is no such divine power.

So in general, it is not comparable to the spirits here.

Of course, the spirit of origin in those spiritual extracts is also quite rare for Xiao Yun.

So far, he has left the spirit of condemnation and has not rushed to take it.

I was afraid that one day the source gas would be depleted after it was exhausted.

After collecting Lingshen, Xiao Yun rolled her knees and started taking it.

The spirit is infused into the body, and the medicine is strong, as if taking Lingtan.

On Xiao Yun's body, there is a strong essence transpiration, turning into an air dragon.

A spirit joined the body, Xiao Yun's soul and body began to blend into a breath of divinity.

Suddenly, he felt that much of what he had suffered had disappeared.

Not only that, his foundation has become more solid.

"Keep moving on." Xiao Yun's eyes lightened and he started.

This mountain is very large, in which Xiao Yun encountered many monsters.

Fortunately, the monster beasts here are no more than the palace realm.

Otherwise, relying on his heritage will be troublesome.

After a day, he turned over the mountain and saw a wide field.

The ground was cracking in front, the gully was deep, and some broken veins could be seen faintly. In many places, there was a dark wind, and there was a storm. At the far end, it was hazy, so that people could not see the end. With a little bit of starlight.

"Have there ever been a war here?" Xiao Yun was shocked. Seeing the extent of the damage caused by this war, it was not caused by ordinary people. Besides, this is the mystery of God. Who can enter? But there exists outside, the king will be suppressed!

"Is it a war that happened in ancient times?" Xiao Yun groaned secretly.

"The fluctuation has a divine breath."

Xiao Yun went forward, full.

There he felt a wave beyond the Emperor.

Xiao Yun came to the battlefield.

Here, spirit extracts can be found from time to time, and each strain contains a strong divine breath.

Xiao Yun was rude and picked it immediately.

After he walked for four hundred miles, he clearly felt that the suppression of him had disappeared.

Swallowing Sky Sparrow and Yi Yi also took a lot of spirit extract.


In front of the hurricane howling, each wind was like a howling wind, tearing the void.

That momentum was shocking.

Xiao Yun advanced on a strong hurricane.

"The breath ahead is getting stronger." Xiao Yun was beating inside.

There seemed to be a divine power ahead.

That kind of prestige was too familiar, and he had contacted it in the land of condemnation.

Such as the wave emitted when Shiyuan bow recovered.

"Someone!" Moving on for eighty miles, Xiao Yun saw someone in front.

This is a place of Linyuan.

The hurricane hurricane winds ahead.

Those terrible storms shocked the monks in the palace.

But at this moment, there are many young people standing here.

All of them stared ahead, their eyes staring.

Some even have bitter eyes and seem to want this place.

"Ah!" In the abyss ahead, a scream screamed loudly.

Then the sound came to an abrupt halt.

"Dead?" Seeing this, everyone on Lin Yuan frowned.

"You, try there!" At Lin Yuan, a young man in a brocade glared coldly and yelled at a young man next to him.

There is a strong volatile wave permeating on this person, and the unquestionable tone shows his domineering.

This is a strong man who stepped into the palace realm. He participated in the last session and did not leave.

"Go to the other side?" The commanded young man's eyes flashed, full of panic, "This abyss is too scary, the storm is strong, and I can enter it!" Three people have just stunned, let him Go, how dare he leave?

"If you don't go, you'll die!" Li Qiandi said coldly, word by word.

His eyes were as sharp as a blade, as if they could kill, without a touch of emotion.

Seeing this, many people nearby couldn't help but be frightened.

There are thirty or more people here.

Most of them were captured by this Li Qianzhang to detect the reality of Shenyuan.

"But it's too dangerous there!" The young man frowned.

"The storm in that direction has obviously weakened, and you should try it!" Li Qianyi said, "But there is a corpse of gods in it. If you get anything deep in it, it will definitely make you fly into the sky. How can you miss this opportunity? "

"This is a princely weapon." After speaking, he took out a princely weapon and threw it to the young man.

"With this bodyguard, you should be able to enter it."

The man took the king, and after a little groaning, he had to walk slowly towards the abyss.

"Here is the body of this god?" At this time Xiao Yun was walking towards this place, and he just heard the words of Li Qianyu.

This made him startled heartily ~ ~ At this time, the young man had already taken over the Wang Daozhen Qi and walked forward.

The array device urged him into a cyclone to protect him, and the storms outside were smashed by the cyclone.

Then, in the eyes of everyone, the man jumped into the abyss ahead.

At this point, everyone next to Shenyuan is looking up.

Although they are full of fears about this abyss, they also want to go deep into it.

After all, there is a corpse of gods in it. If there is any gain, the benefits it brings are unimaginable.

"God's Corpse, if it can be made into a beast-killer, how bad is it against the sky?" Beside the young man, Hua Feng's eyes were hot.

The Li family where Li Qianzhen is is a family of refiners, and they just have some friendship with Fahrenheit.

Fortunate to have met this time, Hua Fengyu followed here.

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