Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 897: Gate of inheritance

"Xiao Yun set foot on Shentai?"

Gu Tianying's exclamation immediately caused an uproar.

"Is Xiao Yun really going against the sky?"

"This person can already cut off the king of the same level. If he is to inherit the inheritance of God, wouldn't he have to be king in the king and enter the rank of the king?" Exclaimed one after another, those young people who were still somewhat lost felt The blood in my body seemed to be boiling.


This kind of character is the existence of a master level in Tiandu Yu!

, Pig, pig, island, fictionww.zhuzhuda

Any genius who has the potential to become the emperor will definitely attract worldwide attention.

"I would like to see if Xiao Yun can inherit it!" Someone looked fiery, waiting to see the result.

"The gap is too big, I still have to find another one." Some youths shook their heads.

At this point they felt a gap from those who were truly geniuses.

So they dare not delay.

Otherwise, they will only become mediocre.

"Let's go!" Gu Tianqiong said to Gu Tianying and others.

"Um." Gu Tianying nodded, and now he feels a tremendous pressure.

Xiao Yun had already been able to cut the strong man in the palace.

If he is to be given the heritage of God again, who can fight against him?

Suddenly, there were only a few practitioners left under this deity.

At this moment, on that **** stage, the endless Shenhui blooms, Xiao Yun seems to have come under a starry sky.

Looking up, I can't see the end of the world, and there are no mountains and rivers.

As he strolled, he could hardly see anything.

"This is Shentai?" Xiao Yun suddenly, this Shentai is completely different from his imagination.

Originally, there would be one person who set foot here, or the inheritance hall appeared.

But after he set foot, he seemed to come to the sky.

It's so vast here that it's purposeless.

"This is the God?" Xiao Yun simply stopped the pace of progress.

"Here is the inheritance of God, which must be related to God." After stopping the pace, Xiao Yun began to groan.

He recalled his experience along the way.

"The breath of God?" Xiao Yun's eyes flashed, revealing the light of wisdom. "First of all, I have to find the origin of the breath of God, otherwise how can I find the inheritance of God?" He just searched aimlessly. To inheritance.

"Although I don't have the breath of God, there is the origin of the source!" Xiao Yun's eyes groaned.

Then his mind sank into Siyuan Ling.


I saw the sea, and Siyuan Ling had an ancient **** pattern blooming.

"Rong!" After the **** pattern bloomed, Xiao Yun divided his soul into a ray, and then merged into the **** pattern.

In this way, his soul has the breath of God.

Or Siyuan God pattern.

A flash of divine pattern is the mind wrapped in Xiao Yun floating out of the sea.

Beware of the fusion of God and Divine Pattern, Xiao Yun felt that he had an inexplicable perception.

Feeling away, he can see that this starry sky is intertwined with some lines, which contains it.

He wanted to continue sensing, but that power shook it back.

He couldn't even touch the power of that rule, even with divine patterns.

After all, that is God's means.

"I don't know where the inheritance is?" Xiao Yun continued to feel with this heart.

Suddenly, in front of him, he felt a breath of God moving.

That breath is stronger than the breath of the nearby god.

The breath of God seems to have discovered something at this time, and then it will resonate.

"There!" Xiao Yun's mind moved and locked in that direction. Not only his divine pattern, but also the deity rushed towards there. He vaguely felt that there might be the gate of inheritance because the breath of God there was too Rich.

In front of the gods blooming, the light is gorgeous, like the dragon beasts circling around.

A Shentai condensed by Shenhui appeared in Xiao Yun's sight.

If you look closely, you can see vaguely that there is a light door in the Shenhui.

This light door is looming, as if it communicates with one party.

"This is the gate of inheritance?" Seeing this, Xiao Yun's heart moved slightly.

He had sensed it before, and there was no door to inheritance.

At this time, the door of inheritance appeared, apparently affected by the breath in the original source order.

This delighted Xiao Yun.

Soon after, he came to the edge of the Shentai.

The divine breath in this sacred platform is as magnificent as the sea.

In this atmosphere, Xiao Yun felt as small as the gravel in Xinghe.

Before he touched the inheritance platform, he felt a great deal.

Under that kind of oppression, he couldn't do anything, the real elements in his body seemed to freeze.

"It is worthy of the inheritance of God!" Xiao Yun secretly thought.

"Siyuan Ling!"

Xiao Yun was then moved.

Siyuan Ling emerged, blooming with a divine pattern.

That **** pattern contains the breath of the avenue.

Suddenly, the goddess in front, the radiance around the gate of inheritance, seemed to turn into a stream of light.

Want to get closer to Siyuan Ling.

It seems that they have a close breath in Siyuan Ling.

Even the horrible oppression in front of Xiao Yun disappeared inexplicably, but brought a soft breath.

"Siyuan's order really works!" Feeling the change of the atmosphere ahead, Xiao Yun nodded, and when he stepped forward, he walked forward, with a smile appearing in the corner of his mouth, but for a moment, he stepped on the stage In front of you is the gate of inheritance.

"The gate of inheritance?" Stepping on the stage of God, Xiao Yun stood in front of the gate of inheritance, and the light in those eyes appeared.

"But I don't know what heritage is in it?"

Flashing his eyes, Xiao Yun tried to move forward.

The front door of the inheritance is condensed by the **** pattern.

At this time, Xiao Yun's heart was suspended, causing a ripple of the gate of inheritance.

When Xiao Yun moved, he actually stepped into the gate of inheritance smoothly.


The next moment, Xiao Yun came into a mysterious space.

In it, there is a bout of martial arts.

"This is a martial arts room?" Xiao Yun looked at this space for a moment.

This space is surrounded by Shenhui, with a spar circle in the center. From the perspective of the pattern, it looks a bit like a martial arts room, but this kind of martial arts room makes him feel a little surprised. Is this the heritage of God? ?

Xiao Yun tried to approach the ground spar paved.


Before he approached there, a huge wave swept through, and there was also a powerful martial arts trend among them.

This martial arts situation swept through, and the blood of Xiao Yun seemed to be cracked.

Even with Siyuan's support, his heart could not stop trembling.

"This contains the will of God?" Xiao Yun continued to retreat ten meters, and his eyes were surprised.

The fluctuation just now contains not only the will of God, but also a will of martial arts.

Therefore, even if there is a source of order, it cannot completely resist it.

This waits for a sane being, and it is not so easy to rely on him.

"What will be left in the martial arts training room for the gods?" Xiao Yun stopped, and then sensed with her mind.

At this time, the wave ahead suddenly started.

At the center of the spar, there was a sudden flash of light and shadow.

The entire training room changed.

In front of Xiao Yun, a starry river emerged.

A magnificent man in a silver robe suddenly appeared.

The man stepped on the galaxy, his eyes darted in all directions, and the robe danced in the wind, with a magnificent momentum.

He turned his back to Xiao Yun and looked at the void ahead.

Although the person's face was not seen, the fluctuations emanating from this person shocked Xiao Yun's heart.

The fluctuation was stronger than the emperor he had ever seen.

That is a kind of mighty power!

"Is this God?" Xiao Yun felt like his heart was about to jump out.

The man was not tall, but in Xiao Yun's eyes, he was as powerful as a mountain.

He has a bloom of divine glory, which is completely covered by Guanghua. He floats like a fairy, making it impossible for him to see his appearance.

Suddenly, the man moved.

He stepped out with his right foot, and his right hand turned forward.

This is a starting gesture.

"He seems to be practicing?" Seeing this, Xiao Yun tightened his nerves and watched every movement of the man tightly.


The man's palm split forward, just as the light flickered in front of him, as if a meteorite was coming.


However, a flash of the palm split the meteorite.

The horrible waves trembled, and the galaxy in front was shaking.

"What a terrifying combat power!" Xiao Yun secretly praised.

Bang, bang!

The figure flashed ahead, and the man kept on.

Seems like a normal shot, but every move can break the stars.

Xiao Yun kept trying to figure out what he wanted to realize.

But he has been unable to understand.

"I shouldn't marvel at the horror of this god's fighting power, but should learn the essence of his moves?"

After a long time, Xiao Yun's eyes flashed and he groaned secretly.

God's combat power is naturally amazing, even if martial arts are not used, the mountain can be broken in hand.

He is in a low state today and cannot be compared with it at all.

If you immerse yourself in it, you will learn nothing.

"When learning the essence of his martial arts." Xiao Yun blinked.

At the same time, he began to compare what he had previously realized with this deity.

At that time, Xiao Yun had seen King Xiao Wu's views on martial arts.

Then he saw a mystery realized by a strong man in the Wujing.

Now comparing one by one, integration will have huge benefits.

Through such a comparison, Xiao Yun also had a little understanding of the martial arts evolved by this god.

"The martial arts of this deity is profound and unpredictable, and contains the power of rules!" Xiao Yun's eyes Guangning condensed ~ ~ felt the special nature of the god, in his martial arts, There is something else in the world.

Those things are not what Xiao Yun can understand at this time.


In the end, the man from Nai An's shot evolved a set of martial arts.

There are only three types of martial arts.

But each style was so powerful that Xiao Yun's heart jumped out.

"First style, palm splitting the stars!" The man spoke, his voice empty, as if from heaven.

Then, with a palm of his hand, he split the stars.

This palm is very powerful, Xiao Yun already remembered.

"Second style, sweeping the world!" After a split of the palm, the momentum of the person suddenly changed, and the right leg came out, as if a large column swept across, smashing a mountain of mountains and a sacred platform. That kind of momentum, really has the potential to sweep the world, people are daunting.

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