Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 899: Comprehend Type 1?

Divine forbidden grounds were turbulent, and many geniuses came out of those ancient forbidden areas.

"Oh, palace, who can fight with me, Lei Zhentian?" A young man walked out in a thundercloud storm. This is a young man with long blue hair. The eyes were so sharp that they could tear the sky.

As soon as this talent came out, it caused the birds to cry.

Nearby, there was a restlessness in the forest.

"Who is it?" Many young men who passed by were surprised.

Afterwards, everyone's eyes turned, and they saw the youth coming out of a thundercloud storm ahead.

"This person is so strong!" A young eyebrow was surprised.

"This person is named Lei Zhentian, and he is a giant thunder spirit body. The spirit value is 99.2, which is the second genius in the Eastern Golden Dragon Rankings!" The breath of the times fluctuates, it seems that they have entered the palace realm! "

"Thunder spirit body?" Seeing this, many people were slightly surprised, "It seems that he has a chance to compete for the top ten in the Golden Dragon list!"


Just then, a roar came out.

The roar shook the sky, and it shook people.

"It's a red thunder tiger!" At the moment, everyone's eyes moved and they found a giant tiger with red light shining all over his body.

At this moment, the giant tiger leapt forward, and rushed towards Lei Zhentian who came out from the storm of Lei Yuan!

The giant red-red giant claws were detected in the air, and a thunder arc flashed above them, blasting the void with cracks.

Amazing fluctuations permeated the practitioners in the distance and felt scalp tingling.

"This is the red thunder tiger in the palace state!" Everyone was full of fear.

"Animal, do you want to be extravagant?" When seeing this red thunder tiger leaping, Lei Zhentian evoked a tyrannical smile.

"Lei Huang tied the dragon's seal!" Lei Zhentian's eyes flashed, and his hands were printed.

Suddenly, in front of him, Lei Yuan whistled, transformed into a mysterious rune, and then condensed into a seal in front of him.

This spirit seal is very mysterious, and the thunder arc flashes like a giant net, which seems to bind the world.

But the spirit seal was so powerful, and it had the power to suppress everything.


I saw that the Lingyin flashed and turned into an aperture of the size of a hundred feet, and when the air threw forward, the Red Thunder Tiger suppressed.

The giant seal fell, and the vitality of heaven and earth below was blocked.

A mysterious ripple permeated the fetters of the Red Thunder Tiger.

Then, this Lingyin suppressed.


A loud noise came, and the red thunder tiger's huge body sank and was severely suppressed.


Below, the mountains were crushed and the boulders rolled down, setting off a cloud of dust.

Under the dust, a giant tiger spit blood and lay on the ground rather embarrassed.

There was a flash of thunderbolt on it, and the Thunder Emperor Binding Dragon Seal suddenly bound the Red Thunder Tiger.


Then, a shadow of a distant void flashed, and a young man stepped in.

He stepped on the tiger, making the ground tremble.

A demon tiger in the palace realm was severely stepped on by his feet.

"This Lei Zhentian is so powerful!" In the distance, the hearts of those passing by were trembling.

This is a monster tiger in the palace realm!

But it was so vulnerable at this time.

It can be seen how powerful Lei Zhentian is?

"Red Thunder Tiger? The level is too low, otherwise it can be used as a mount." Lei Zhentian raised his eyebrows and twitched a corner of his mouth.

"Too low?" Wen Yan said, those practitioners nearby could not help rolling their eyes.


Divine sources are forbidden, and many geniuses have emerged.

Race for hegemony!

This is bound to be a world-renowned event.

At this time, within the heritage of God.

"Zhentian's three styles are too mysterious." Xiao Yun's eyes flashed, and his eyes stared at the front.

"Today's three types, I just fully understand the first type, the second type sweeps the world, and I lack some momentum."

Xiao Yun's eyes stared, and there was a little man practicing in his mind as he stared at the three types of sky in front of the town.

This is the battle martial arts soul practicing.

However, he always felt a bit wrong when practicing the second form.

"Why is this?" Xiao Yun sighed.

This formula seems to need a sense of synergy.

But he took part in enlightenment for a long time.

Even though he could use his martial arts truth for his own purposes, he lacked that flavor.

Of course, if you abandon some of the theology's uprights, Xiao Yun can now fully display these three forms.

But that power will diminish sharply.

After all, Xiao Yun's own understanding is still not comparable to the real martial arts.

In other words, Xiao Yun has now realized the first form, the true martial arts.

"The back is too difficult to understand, and I can't be too rushed. Anyway, the three types of the sky in this town have been imprinted in the sea of ​​knowledge at any time." Xiao Yun stood up, his eyes showed the light of wisdom, although he was eager to make the town Three types of thorough enlightenment.

But he knew that Ruth went step by step.

If you do it too quickly, you will fall into the magic barrier.

So he decided to leave first.

"You can leave now." Muguang swept through the martial arts room, Xiao Yun knew it. The so-called inheritance of the gods is estimated to be this set of martial arts. Although it seems ordinary, it can be used for a cultivation. For those who have mastered a set of martial arts, they have much more information to compete with others.

Out of this martial arts room, Shentai Shenhui was blooming outside, rushing towards Xiao Yun's body.

At this point, he practiced the martial arts of the gods, with a bit of divine breath in his body.

So these divine breathes are closer to Xiao Yun.

In this breath, Xiao Yun felt that his breath was also increasing.

"Reached the quasi-gong palace?" Xiao Yun looked inside, but found that the nine robbing patterns on his babies had already been connected together, and it would become a complete robbing pattern. It is considered to be merged into a dow pattern to reach the palace state.

And now, he's just in the palace palace.

"Presumably I was constantly comprehending the uprisings of heaven and earth while participating in the Three Kinds of Heaven and Earth in Zhenwu Town, and unknowingly stepped into the palace palace?

Xiao Yun's heart was dark.

It was also a good thing for him to be able to step into the quasi-palace.

Eventually Xiao Yun left this space and came to the edge of Shentai. Convenience in front was the ladder he stepped on.

"But I don't know what's going on outside now?" Standing on this ladder, Xiao Yun looked at the Quartet with little sigh in his heart.

At the beginning, many geniuses gathered, all of whom wanted to enter the stage of God and obtain the inheritance of God.

But those people all failed to retreat, leaving him alone.

Xiao Yun walked down from the ladder, and his mind was extremely clear.

He knew the vastness of heaven and earth only after seeing the martial arts of God.

He just realized how long the martial arts road was.

It was just a set of martial arts, but he could not fully comprehend it.

It can be seen how long he has to go in the future?

Stepping down step by step, unknowingly came under the god's stage.

At this time, the wide goddess could no longer see the figure.

"Have you all left?" Xiao Yun shook his head slightly, a slight smile appeared in the corner of his mouth.

There was a trace of loneliness in his eyes.

It was the loneliness of a strong man who reached the top.

"There are still twelve days of the race for ten thousand races to start completely!" Shaking his head, Xiao Yun took out the Xiaojinlong card. After taking out this waist card, a row of numbers appeared on it, which was in a line pattern. Sent and everyone will receive.

The purpose is to prevent someone from delaying retreat in the race for hegemony.

"This is the Golden Dragon City?" Xiao Yun turned his eyes and looked at a target point on his waistband.

He swipes his finger, and a map appears near that point.

It has the best route from here to Jinlong City.

"It takes thirteen days to fly all the way?" Xiao Yun's eyes light condensed. "However, this refers to the speed of ordinary heavenly order magical tools. I have a tassel and the soul strength has reached the palace level. It is by no means comparable to the average person, an eight-day visit? "

"However, you must leave this relic of God first." Xiao Yun blinked.

At this time, he was still in the mystery of God.

"There should be a teleportation array here, but people can leave." Finally, Xiao Yun found a teleportation array.

Based on this, he left this mysterious realm.

Leaving the mystery of God, and then under the vortex.

The whirlpool agitated at this time, sending out horrible waves.

The fluctuation was much stronger than when he entered.

This is the power of God's rules slowly recovering.

If, after some time, the power of God's rule is fully restored, it will not be so easy to leave.

Maybe we have to wait for the next rule to weaken.

That will be years, or ten years.

call out!

Siyuan ordered to urge, Xiao Yun turned into a ray of light directly into the vortex.


Outside, there was a rainbow in the swirling vortex.

Xiao Yun then did not show up.


Golden Dragon City belongs to the heart of the Forbidden City of Shenyuan.

This is a huge city.

It is suspended in the air, like a sky city.

There are dragons circling around the city walls, which dazzle with golden light.

This is an ancient city that is said to have originated from antiquity and has been in existence forever.

Many people want to occupy this city, but it will eventually be turned into a forbidden area and included here.

This ancient city can be clearly seen thousands of miles away from Jinlong City.

Hey, hey!

At this time, countless young people are coming together.

Three thousand miles away from Jinlong City is a huge mountain.

In this mountain range, ancient trees are towering, and from time to time, you can see some ancient heterogeneous lurking.

Of course, in addition to the ancient alien species, there are many precious spirits in it.

Some young people passing by can't help but look into it.

"Frontly convenient is the Golden Dragon City!" After arriving here, Xiao Yun's flying speed gradually slowed down.

That 遁 Tissot also changed into an ordinary pseudo-king level flying boat.

Because the level of Tissot is too high, it is unavoidable to attract attention.


Xiao Yun sounded softly as Xiao Yun looked ahead.

I could only see Yi Yi rushing out of the Tuntian Tower, and then rushing down.

Following Yun Yi's eyes, Xiao Yun saw a fire.

"There is actually a vein of fire here!" Xiao Yun's eyes were faintly condensed, and the flash of Tian You's pupils was the insight into everything.

The sea of ​​fire rolled down, burning the sky with a ripple of fire.

The fire waves slap ~ ~ and hit a rock wall.

There was a monster flower swaying in a crack in the rock wall of the rock wall.

At this moment Yi Yi was walking towards a fiery red demon flower.

It was a monster flower with a very high vintage, with a breath of kingliness in it.

This should be the demon fire that was contaminated with the blood of the king.


Looking at the demon flower, Yi Yi's saliva would flow out.

Its little paw extended, and it was about to take the demon flower.


However, at this moment, a fire dragon swept through and seemed to drown Yi Yi.


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