Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 943: Statue of the King?

Perseverance, pass!

The cold, deep voice sounded.

As the sound rang out, the hazy sky in front of it darted away and gradually dissipated.

The pressure on Xiao Yun was absent.


However, Xiao Yun saw a ripple in front of him, and he suddenly felt very relaxed.

After a closer look, his clothes are complete and full of energy. How can an injured [pig] [pig] [island] novel www.huhu.m look like?

"Is it just a fantasy?" Seeing this, Xiao Yun couldn't help it.

All this is incredible.

Because it was all true just now.

He still vaguely remembers the pain in the broken arm.

I still remember the kind of vitality brought about by the life martial spirit repairing the broken arm.

"Resolute, pass?" Xiao Yun was a little confused.

That's it?

"Warrior, there is only one who is forward and fearless. He is not afraid of life and death. He insists on breaking the mystery. He already has a warrior!" Just as Xiao Yun was suspicious, a mechanical voice was in his mind. It sounded.

"Who?" Xiao Yun was startled when the sound sounded.

Is there anyone in this War Soul Hall?

"I am the master consciousness bred by the master with great magical power!" The cold voice sounded, "I dominate all the operations of this Hall of War Soul. Your voice can be known to me, and you can also communicate with me, of course I Doesn't necessarily care about you. "

When Xiao Yun was suspicious, the cold voice continued to sound.

"Dominate consciousness?" Xiao Yun was shocked when he heard that.

"Is there such a thing?"

It was completely beyond his imagination.

Is the Emperor powerful to this point?

"Of course the emperor cannot reach this point, but the master can do it!" A cold voice came out.

"What state has your master reached?" Xiao Yun could not help but wonder.

"Beyond the Emperor!" The cold voice sounded again.

"Beyond the emperor? What is that realm?" Xiao Yun asked rather, "Is it God?"

At the same time, he was shocked in his heart and had a new understanding of Xiao's heritage.

"I refuse to answer this!" The cold voice sounded.

"Refused to answer?" Xiao Yun was speechless for a while, most of this guy himself didn't know.

Then his eyes moved and he looked around.

As far as the eye could see, Xiao Yun found himself in a hall.

And in front of the hall, there is a huge stone statue!

In front, there are forty-eight stone statues juxtaposed.

These stone statues are lifelike, and there is a horrific warfare permeating on each of them.

It was so terrifying that it was scary.

In addition, the war sentiment permeated in front of him seemed to turn into a field, making it impossible for people to move forward.

"It's so powerful!" Xiao Yun's eyes lightened, and he couldn't help looking at the stone statues carefully.

Soon, he set his sight straight ahead.

Because there is a stone statue standing on a stone platform.

He is like a lord, standing high, looking down at the octagonal.

The stone statues below cannot be juxtaposed with them.

"This is it?" Xiao Yun's eyes lightened and he couldn't help but look at the stone statue more.

This is a sturdy elder. His eyes are sharp, and the war in his body seems to break the void.

That war is too scary.

The void ahead trembled with this kind of warfare.

Xiao Yun looked at it from afar, and had an inexplicable feeling, as if the void would collapse at any moment.

"What kind of character is this?" Xiao Yun was surprised.

Just a stone statue, the waves emanating from it seemed to break the void.

"That's the master's idol!" The cold voice sounded.

"Idol of the master?" Xiao Yun glazed, "Is it the ancient ancestor of Xiao?"

With a little surprise, he glanced.

In front of each stone statue there is a strong wave permeating.

Those fluctuations contain the meaning of the road.

But no one is comparable to the stone statue on that stone platform.

"These stone statues are all emperors. When the limit came, they left their martial arts upright here for future generations to enlighten." The voice of the master opened up. Alas, it is not available to ordinary people. "

"The stone statue of the emperor?" Xiao Yun's eyes narrowed.

Forty-eight stone statues.

So, Xiao has already produced forty-eight kings?

"Not every emperor will stay in the clan to wait for alchemy when there is a big limit. More emperors are going in and out of the ancients, looking to break the destiny, but most people fall into the forbidden area!" The voice of the master! Sounded through the hall.

Hearing that, Xiao Yun nodded.

Want to come too.

Who would wait to die here?

In other words, Xiao's emperor is far from aware of such forty-eight.

"There is more than ten thousand years of Xiao's existence? Of course, there are more than just such a few emperors!" The voice of the master had a hint of pride.

"Also, the ancient clan, I don't know how many years have existed, the richness of the nature is naturally not comparable to ordinary forces."

Xiao Yun nodded.

Some clues can be seen from the pattern of Xiao's Wucheng.

"Looks like this is Xiao's inheritance?" Xiao Yun retracted his mind, his eyes fell into the stone statue in front of him.

"Each stone statue has a martial arts heritage. You have to choose well. These statues are strong and weak, weak and easy to access, strong war will be like a knife, and it can hurt people's lives. This is not a fantasy, it is a real meeting. It hurts and snarls. "

A cold voice came out.

"There can also be strong and weak inheritance in there?" Xiao Yun's eyes lightly moved, glancing towards the stone statue in front of him.

"That's nature." The voice of the master echoed in the hall. "Heritage here is the strongest of the master, but in the past 100 years, only one person has obtained the master's inheritance. I think it seems that the last person was in the twenties. How long ago? "

"Oh!" Wen Yan said for a moment, "Who is it?"

Twenty years ago?

"The young man seems to be named Xiao Zhantian!" The voice of the master said, "Yes, it is a guy named Xiao Zhantian. This person is extraordinary. His blood and martial arts are strange, unlike those in the world, very strange. Unfortunately, I am just a consciousness-born existence, I ca n’t find out what it is. Now that twenty years have passed, this person should have dominated the emperor? ”

"Xiao Zhantian?" Hearing the name, Xiao Yun felt the blood in his body boil.


It was his father!

The tall figure slowly pieced together in his mind.

"His blood, is Wu Wei's weird?" However, when thinking of these two sentences, Xiao Yun was surprised.

"What a weird way?"

This puzzled him.

Aren't they all?

What's weird?

"Exactly, his life pattern is weird!" The master's voice murmured, "the life pattern is not like the people in the world."

"Not like a decent person?" Xiao Yun was surprised, "How do you say that?"

"I refuse to answer this!" The voice of the master came out mechanically.

"If you don't know, you don't know. You also said you refused to answer, and said what was so nice?" Xiao Yunlian rolled his eyes.

"This ... I really don't know, because it's just a will that was bred." There was a bit of embarrassment in the voice of the machine, and then he said, "Did you think about the stone statue? The king on this edge The strength is slightly weaker, but they are all emperors. If they are inherited, they can also help you transform and realize the supreme mystery. "

"Which one to choose?" Xiao Yun frowned.

The statues in front are three feet apart.

But the momentum emanating from it was extremely strong.

"Since you are here, you should choose the strongest inheritance!" Xiao Yun's eyes condensed, his eyes fell on the stone statue on the stone platform in front of him. Just now he hadn't confirmed the idea, but he heard his father After choosing this stone statue, his heart has already decided.

As a son of man, how can you humiliate your father?

When the words fell, he walked forward.

The stone statue stands on the high platform and stands upright for the main hall.

In front is a spar road.

At this point, Xiao Yun stepped forward and set foot on this spar road.

"Do you want to choose this one?" Seeing this, a slightly surprised voice came out.

"Why, is there a problem?" Xiao Yun turned back and hurried toward the rear.

"You know, if you do n’t have enough talent, choosing this path will only make you ridiculed!" The voice of the master said, "how many geniuses in ancient times do not listen to the advice of this master, stubbornly choose this path, and finally ridicule Here you look. "

When the sound fell, the light and shadow in front of the void flashed.

There, there are young people here.

After setting foot on this road, the warfare ahead was astonishing, and everyone's minds collapsed.

The dignified Xiao's genius scorned here.

There are no fewer than hundreds of such people!

Seeing this, Xiao Yun's eyes flashed.

"Well, do you continue?" The picture dissipated, and the voice of the master came out.

"I am full of danger. If I want to move forward, I have to work hard. If I want to be above others, I have to pay for it. Even if it is life, as a warrior, I can be the world. It's up! "

The pace moved, Xiao Yun had almost no hesitation.

"It's a good seed!" The dominator of the War Soul Temple groaned secretly, "but I don't know where he can go?"


Xiao Yun walked forward.

When the stone statue was a hundred feet away, the vast front of war engulfed him, preventing him from advancing.

That warfare seemed to turn into a boundary wall, with invisible power blocking Xiao Yun.

"The mood of war should go forward, fearless, and have the potential to break the world, even if you are the war of God, you can't stop me from moving forward!" Xiao Yun's eyes condensed, and a strong war will spread out , That monstrous warfare made his long hair flying.


Xiao Yun's robes danced, and the soles of his feet moved forward.

His war was against the will in front.

This confrontation lasted for a long time ~ ~ Xiao Yun could not move forward for a long time.

Half an hour passes, one hour passes, four hours pass!


After three days and three nights, Xiao Yun still did not move forward.

The war tactics left by that ancient ancestor were too powerful and seemed to exclude everything.

At this time, Xiao Yun's forehead sweat slipped, and the blue tendons were protruding. There were already signs of exhaustion, but he still had no intention to give up. Since the father can get the inheritance from him, so can he, and he must also get .

Otherwise, how did he become a character like his father?

How to find a father in that ancient forbidden area?

[Happy New Year, the old demon wishes everyone a happy family, good luck, a lot of New Year's events, and temporarily change today, I hope everyone can be considerate, the old demon also wants to spend time with family and friends]

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