Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 950: Only immortality can grow ...

The artistic conception is constantly increasing, but Xiao Yun has not been condensed into a war pattern.

"Anytime forward, it can be the meaning of war, fearless can be the meaning of war, but this is momentum, not enough to destroy the enemy." Xiao Yun was pondering, he wanted to understand the strongest warfare, but can be crushed in battle Zhu Qiang, swept geniuses in all directions.

There are many kinds of warfare.

Such as the five elements, and so on.

But wanting to turn this warfare into my own Tao needs to be felt.

If you want to perceive, you must agree with your own heart, otherwise it is futile to let you perceive. : Pig: pig: island: fiction 3w.o

Xiao Yun is looking for the Tao that suits him.

"Before entering the idol, I had a firm will, even though my soul seemed to collapse, but my will would last forever, so I persisted to the end." Xiao Yun's eyes flashed, and the light of wisdom flashed. How about that? If there is indiscriminate warfare, who can fight me? "

Thinking of this, Xiao Yun's heart moved.

"Yes, it means invincible warfare. Only in this way can we be invincible!" Xiao Yun's eyes were extremely firm.

Only immortality.

"Then I will consolidate the battle pattern!" Thinking of this, Xiao Yun already has his own plan.

But then I have to be immortal.

Only in this way can the war pattern be condensed.

Otherwise, the empty shout will never die, that ’s just, it ca n’t be the Tao.

Not enlightenment, after all, in vain.

"Immortal?" Xiao Yun continued to realize, recalling the original scene.

"The will will last forever, and this is just a matter of touching. There is no real immortality." Xiao Yun kept understanding.

At this time, the breath of his war-textures was slowly changing.

Under this perception, time quietly passed.

Sometimes you do n’t see the truth for ten years.

Sometimes, instantaneous enlightenment, Daowen comes into being.

So Xiao Yun was not in a hurry, even he forgot the time and everything.

In his heart, there was only Enlightenment.


When Xiao Yun was enlightened, the light pattern of an emperor flickered outside, and finally hidden in the Hall of War Soul.

"Someone's enlightenment is over!" As the emperor's image dissipated, the outside practitioner's eyes turned bright.

Although Xuan Wang's birthday feast is being held in the clan at this time, there are still people waiting here.


When the emperor's image dissipated, the light veins on the gate of the War Soul Palace flickered, and a young man walked out of it.

The youth is very handsome, but his eyes are as sharp as a knife, revealing a striking wave.

At this moment, he walked, his clothes fluttered, and his eyes filled with the air of the king.

Although he has not yet become king, this person already has the temperament of a king!

"It's Yifei, Yifei's son is out!" When the young man stepped out, there was an elder man's eyes on the distant platform immediately.

Xiao Yifei's eyes narrowed and he walked towards his people.

"Oh, communication, yes, worthy of being my son!" One of the middle-aged men showed his face with relief. This is a practitioner who has successfully completed the baby market. He has not achieved much, but he has a heritage value of 100%. The son of 97.8.

The most important thing is that this son has a strong mind and a strong talent for martial arts.

"The child did not lose face to his father." Xiao Yifei's eyes moved slightly, and he saluted to his father.

Then they greeted several kings in their vein.

"Yifei, we can rely on you for this pulse in the future!" Several old kings next to him sighed and said.

There is no emperor in this vein, and they have been in a weak position.

It is gratifying to have such a genius now.

Communication of the statue of the emperor, if you become the emperor, the achievement is certainly unimaginable.

"I will work hard!" Xiao Yifei nodded, although he did well, he was not proud.

He knows his mission.

"What war pattern did you realize?" A king asked.

"My battle pattern is hidden!" Xiao Yifei's eyes flashed, said.

"Hidden?" After hearing the words, many kings were surprised.

Xiao Yifei evoked a faint smile at the corner of his mouth, and didn't say much.

This kind of thing, for his hole card, naturally will not be easily displayed.

"Someone actually communicated with the idol?" After a few chills with his immediate relatives in the clan, Xiao Yifei's eyes moved and his eyes fell on the battle soul peak in front. After seeing there were two stone statues of the emperor, one idol That frowns.

"Yifei, you don't have to have too much pressure," said one king. "Even if you can't honor the same generation, you can dominate."

"Yes, there are children like this, it is the pride of his father!" His father was also encouraging his son.

"Yifei knows!" Xiao Yifei nodded, and then said, "How many people are still there?"

He can come to this point and have his own heart.

I just saw someone communicate with the idol, and my heart was curious. I wanted to see that person was so amazing.

"Now there are still three of them!" Said one king. "These three are, Xiao Yun, Xiao Tian, ​​and Xiao Wu."

"Oh." Xiao Yifei's eyes narrowed slightly, and he didn't leave in a hurry, but stayed here.

A day later, another stone statue of the emperor disappeared.

Xiao Tian stepped forward and flashed out from the gate of the War Soul Palace.

"Oh, Xiao Tiangong!" When Xiao Tian stepped out, the elders who had the perfect state of the baby market greeted them.

This is, of course, the owner's vein.

Even some of the kings were smiling and polite.

"The son can communicate with the stone statue of the emperor, as a genius!" Many people smiled with a smile on their faces.

Can communicate with the statue of the emperor, and he is a genius of lilac golden dragon level. When he grows up, he will still have the opportunity to be the emperor.

Every genius who has the opportunity to call the emperor is the object.

Not even the king.

In the future, if you have been crowned as an emperor, your status and status will be detached!

"Thank you so much for elders." Xiao Tian was not arrogant, and he quickly saluted the elders.

Although he was full of self-confidence, he knew that a genius who has not grown up is not a genius after all.

Even if there is the potential to claim the emperor, everything will be utterly futile.

There are too many such examples.

Otherwise, why is Xiao's such a few royals sitting?

"Two more?" Xiao Tian's eyes flickered, staring ahead.

"Back to Brother Tian, ​​those two are Xiao Yun and Xiao Wu!" Beside Xiao Tian, ​​Xiao Qing looked charming and replied.

"Xiao Yun?" After hearing the name, Xiao Tian's eyes appeared complicated, "Does this guy really communicate successfully?"

He had previously despised Xiao Yun and thought he had a chance to surpass this person.

But in the middle of Xiao Yun's shock, he let Xiao Tian know that he should never underestimate the young man, so even if he succeeded in communicating with the stone statue of the King this time, he would not have the kind of pride mad.

He was afraid.

Afraid that he is most proud of being severely dropped.

At this time, after hearing that Xiao Yun was still inside, his heart was inexplicably tense.

"Idol ... will it be him?" Xiao Tian stared at the idol, his eyes bitter.

Looking ahead, even the kings frowned.

There are only two left now, and Xiao Yun has a great chance to get the idol inheritance.

"Now there are two people left, one is Xiao Yun, the other is Xiao Wu, huh, I see that the idol is mostly communicated by Xiao Yun." Above the platform, Xiao Yuanxun smiled, while he was still waiting here Xiao Yuanqing was also beside him.

As for Xiao Yuanlong, he has already left.

When Xiao Xuanmai entered Tongtian Realm, he became emperor, which made him feel a lot of pressure.

"The results will be announced soon!" Xiao Yuanqing was also Lulu's eyes.

Although it makes him a little depressed, if Xiao Yuan can communicate with the idol and gain something, then everything is nothing. You must know that Xiao Xuan only communicated the statue of the emperor. If Xiao Yun communicates with the idol later Said Emperor, still afraid of Xiao Xuan?

So at this time they had even more expectations for Xiao Yun.

Time passed quietly.

But in the end, the stone statue and idol of the emperor still did not dissipate.

The two youths are still learning.

This makes many people expect a little boring.

Many youths are leaving.

By this time, it was already the sixth day.

Outside the Xiao Wu City, silhouettes flickered from time to time.

There are even royal-level characters among them.

Those from all ethnic groups finally arrived.

"Is this the Xiao's Wucheng?" In the void, a chariot drove across the sky with two-winged snow leopards. The white-winged wings collapsed and descended slowly towards the giant city ahead. Suddenly, the temperature of that heaven and earth plummeted.

Nearby mountain forests began to have ice crystals.

"It's so cold!" Above Wucheng, a team of patrol practitioners couldn't help but snore.

"Yes, here it is!"

"Hurry up and meet!" In the city, a king came out to greet him immediately.

At this time, many people were sent to greet guests of all ethnic groups.

"Is that the Xiao's Wucheng?" On the chariot, wearing a purple dress, holding two purple spirit foxes in her arms, her eyes were smart and she was quite curious towards the front of the chariot. The huge glance away.

There are many young disciples beside her, and many of them are young talents.

At this moment, everyone saw that her maiden's eyes were moving and her mouth was smiling, she was almost demented.

Many youths were surprised.

How could this usually cold and quiet maiden become so cheerful now?

"This is Xiao's Wucheng, built in ancient times!" Within the chariot, a beautiful woman in a white palace costume opened her mouth and smiled at the corner of her mouth, but when the words spit out, a sense of coldness filled the air It seemed to freeze the world.

And this kind of breath made the King Xiao who came to meet and couldn't help but stop in the distance and dared not move forward for a long time.

"Xuemen Lord ~ ​​ ~ Please enter the city!" The king bowed, quite politely.

"Huh!" The chariot landed, and entered the city toward Wucheng along the gate.

At this time, among the four gates of Wucheng, from time to time, strong men came from far away.

Xiao's kings dispatched one by one and immediately greeted.

For these guests, it is only to be greeted by the king, otherwise it is neglect.

It is also the richness of the Xiao family. For ordinary clan, how can there be so many kings to welcome guests?

People from all major cities in Tiandu sent people here.

Most of them sent an emperor here.

Like the Xuetian Gate, there are very few incidents where the doorkeeper came here in person.

[Because of the New Year, I often have to go to relatives. The old demon is also crowded with time code words. The update is unstable. Please forgive me, but I will definitely try to update it every day. Do n’t forget to give a monthly pass.]

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