Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 952: Genius Genius

The battle for young talents of all ethnic groups has not yet begun.

But above that platform, the smell of gunpowder is already very strong.

Most of these young people have been living in the clan and are not known to outsiders.

However, they are proud of their own tribe and are the best among their contemporaries.

So when I came here, it was inevitable that I was a little provocative like others.

"Oh, who came out of this first game?" At this moment, above the platform, the emperor of Tiangong smiled slightly and darted to the four sides.

"Since Xiao is the host, let it be from Xiao!" Beside, a large clan emperor smiled.

This is the Sun and Moon Wuhun, the emperor of the Zhu family.

"Um." Many emperors nodded.

Since it was an event hosted by Xiao, they naturally started.

"Oh, since everyone has this Yaxing, then the descendants of my tribe will start!" Xiao Wuya stood up and laughed loudly.

His eyes lightened and he looked forward.

In front of him, below the steps, a group of Xiao clan members stood by.

These are the young talents of Xiao.

Xiao Tian and Xiao Yifei are among them.

Beside them, there are several elders.

"Oh, since it is an epistemic consultation, how about letting the practitioners below the baby market talk about this time? Maybe these juniors will gain insights!" Below the steps, Xiao Chenglong smiled, facing the major throne Emperor, smile with a fist.

"So good!" The emperors of all races nodded.

"Xiao Tian, ​​go and talk with the geniuses of all races!" Xiao Chenglong's eyes condensed, and he said to Xiao Tian around him.

"Yes!" Xiao Tian's eyes lightened, and when the next step was taken, he was swept away on the front stage.

The battlefield ahead was huge, suspended in the air, with light ripples in it.

Xiao Tian strolled in the air, his clothes fluttered and landed on the platform.

After landing, his eyes were frozen and he looked around.

"Who are you going to discuss with me?" Xiao Tian glanced sharply and glanced at the Quartet. There was a bit of energy in it. After communicating with the stone statue of the emperor, he had a deeper understanding of the battle martial arts, and his accomplishments in martial arts. Is also improved.

Today, he is not the Xiao Tian who used to fight for the hegemony of all races.

He is confident that if he fights against those people with the current foundation, he can definitely sweep the strong.

"The palace double peak?" Seeing this, some of the emperor's eyes moved slightly on the platform.

Under their steps, there are also some juniors on standby.

"I'm coming!" On the right, a young man's eyes flickered, and now he was heading towards the high platform.

"Under the wind, for the children of the **** Rhino!"

The young man's eyes flickered and he fisted towards Xiao Tian.

There was a wild smell in his eyes.

"The Bashan Divine Rhino, with the blood of the Divine Rhino, is an ancient clan!"

As the young man rushed to the high stage, there was a rumbling of voices near this battlefield.

"Although this child is young, he has already entered the palace, and his forehead still has lines flowing, and it should have a very strong bloodline! Xiao Tian, ​​who participated in the battle for hegemony, but did not break into the twenty. The month goes by, but I don't know how he has improved? "

Some practitioners have shown their expectations, and began to analyze the strength gap between the two sides.

As for those emperors, their eyes were slightly squinting, and they all looked quite indifferent.

"Xiao, Xiao Tian!" Xiao Tian was carrying his hands on his shoulders, staring at the ox wind lightly.

Xiao Tian was still at the double peak of the palace at this time.

It's just that the breath that he exudes is stronger than that of ordinary palace repairers.

When the two introduced each other, the atmosphere on the battlefield condensed.

The flicker of Niu Feng's eyes flickered, his forehead had lines flowing, and a breath of wildness permeated from him.

That breath instantly swept the Quartet.

The momentum shook the void and frightened many people.

Suddenly, this Niu Feng step took a step forward, his eyes flashed, the corners of his mouth opened sharply.


A roar came out of his mouth.

The roar was thunderous, shaking the void, and the rolling waves turned into light ripples sweeping towards that front.

The vanity of that platform shuddered.

The sound wave shattered the Quartet clouds and mists, and those practitioners who watched felt that their blood vessels were about to burst.

"This is the roar of the **** rhino!" When this roar came out, all the parties moved, and many practitioners were frightened.

"It is said that the shout of the **** rhino shook the stars of the world, only inferior to Long Xiao!"

In the field, there were many practitioners from small forces. After hearing this sound wave, they were shocked inside.

The strength of the ancient clan is amazing.

"God of Rhinoceros, can't be underestimated!" Many kings nodded slightly.

Although it was just a roar, it was shocking.

The sound waves oscillated and turned into oceans, flooding the world.

Xiao Tian was on the stage, and the horror of sound waves he suffered was far more imaginable.

In front of him, the void was sunken, with cracks spreading.

I have to say that this bull style is very strong, although it is only the peak of the palace, but the combat power is comparable to the genius of the palace, the triple, or even the quadruple realm. Such a character can be called a genius, Xiao Tian The light of the eye is also condensed.

If he had never before, he would never be able to compete with such a character.

But now, his eyes were full of confidence.

"My battle intention is to kill the sky!" Xiao Tian flashed his eyes, a smile evoked in the corners of his mouth, but there was a sharp flash of light in those eyes, and his eyebrows wriggled in his eyebrows, with an amazing warfare spread Come, his feet follow suit.


Xiao Tian stepped forward, and when his feet moved, he stepped forward.

Then everyone saw that his palm was like a blade, from bottom to top, straight up.


The palm of his hand passed, the warfare was sky-high, the robes were dancing in the wind, the sky was filled with shock, and it was just an instant, and the warfare drowned the sound waves. The waves of his hands passed, and the sound of waves collapsed, and Xiao Tian shattered. And keep striding forward.


His people just flashed, and they appeared in front of the bullish wind ahead.

"Good domineering warfare!" Niu Fengmulu was surprised. This roar is one of the blood vessels. With a roar, many of the fellow practitioners' blood vessels can be cracked, and the heart can be shocked. It can be so easily broken. Too few people.

But at this time Xiao Tian had no influence under this roar.

Xiao weather was like a rainbow, and his palm was like a blade, chopped down towards the bull's wind.

Fight against the sky!

This was a kind of extremely hegemonic warfare. Only when he shot it made Niu Feng's face gloomy.

"Niu Chong!" Niu Feng's eyes flashed, his body's light and shadow flickered, and a **** rhino evolved.

The thick rhino skin is thick, but it has a glorious flicker and emits amazing fluctuations.


This is the oldest means of attack.

The gods rushed straight, although it seemed to have no rules, but it contained the oldest attack.

With one blow, the mountains can be knocked down.


At this time, the light pattern of the **** rhino flickered, and the rhino horn had an ancient pattern blooming, and was rushing towards Xiao Tian.

The rhino horn is like a spear, it can penetrate everything!

Coupled with the divine power that was born that day, this type of attack is by no means ordinary people.

"Xi Chong?" Niu Feng turned into a **** rhino in front of him, and Xiao Tian felt a tremendous pressure.

This attack is enough to crush many geniuses at the same level.

"Ancient clan is indeed powerful!" Xiao Tian's eyes flashed.

Although he was surprised, he couldn't move.

"Kill the sky!"

With a light spit and spit out, a palm slashed towards the god.


A palm print flashed on the battle platform, hitting the **** rhino, and a loud noise vibrated the world.

Then the dazzling light bloomed, the void trembled, and it sunken, almost cracks appeared.

A raging war sentiment permeated many people.

"This is killing war!"

"Does Xiao Tian inherit the war will of the old emperor Xiao?" After the war spread, many emperors near the battlefield moved their eyes slightly and looked towards Xiao Tian, ​​and they paid more attention to it. Meaning, the old emperor was quite famous at the time!

It is a pity that after all, the enemy is not destiny, so he sat down.

Only few of his inheritances have been obtained. This time, some people once again urged the battle of the sky to recall many memories.


When everyone was surprised, the gods shone on the battlefield, and they turned into a youth.


A bite of blood spit out of that cow's mouth.

On the other side, Xiao Tian had a cold face, and he stood there on the battlefield, like a **** of war, with a worldly appearance. Although he won, Xiao Tian didn't have much joy. For him, it was not enough to defeat anyone. Thought it was hi.

Unless it is to defeat the young man who came out with him from the race for hegemony.

Xiao Yun!

Only then can he be satisfied.

But at this time Xiao Yun was still fighting the soul hall, Xiao Tian's heart was still hanging.

Perhaps the young man could realize a stronger inheritance.


When the body landed, Niu Feng showed his face bitter.

How powerful is his pulse?

Just now, he evolved the body of the **** rhino with his blood, but he was smashed by a blow?

It was a shame to him.

It was the same, he struggled slightly, and gave up his plan to continue the war.

If he continues, he's just ashamed here.

"Xiao Clan, really outstanding!" Niu Feng stood up and held his fist, and then hurled towards the area where his clan was.

On the battle platform, only the grim Xiao Tian was left.

At this time, those practitioners who watched the war had not returned to God.

"Hehe, a **** of rhinoceros, a talent with different talents, Niu Fengxian's nephew is also a personal character, and he will surely dominate the same generation in the future."

Xiao Chenglong laughed loudly on the high platform. When he looked at Xiao Tian on the platform, his eyes were full of satisfaction. It's the edge of our pulse. "

"This Xiao's really strong!"

"That's nature. Xiao's war martial spirit ranks seventh among the ancient martial spirits!" At this moment, many people looked in awe.

For Xiao's ~ ~ everyone is full of fear.

On the high stage, several emperors such as Xiao Wuya nodded slightly.

What they want is this effect.

Through the discussions between the younger generations and younger brothers, this shows the heritage of the clan.

In this way, those forces will not dare to act wildly.

This saves a lot of trouble for the clan.

"But is there anyone else who wants to learn?" After a little while, Xiao Chenglong continued to ask.

"I'm coming!" At this moment, a young man ran out.

This is a young man from Yuwen's, named Yuwen Jinghen!

This man is extremely strong and a child of the Yuwen clan.


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