Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 966: No one dares to fight?

Xiao Yun was unstoppable like a dragon vacated.

The next moment, his hands moved, the light pattern flickered, and a huge giant palm now evolved.


The giant palm fell, and it has the potential of being in the sky.

This style blends Xiao Yun's war intentions with amazing power.

Although he is only in the palace palace, how can that battle martial spirit be so simple?

Endless war will be incorporated into it, this + pig + pig + island + fiction + www + z + palm falls and the sky shakes.

At this moment, the lower Qin Guan felt a terrible repression.

His blood vessels and bones showed signs of bursting and breaking.

"?" There was a fiery light flashing in Qin Guan's eyes.

"Cracking sky!" When the light flashed, he could only see the light lines on his eyebrow flicker, and one eye opened sharply.

It was a red eye.

Only to open it, there is a vast divine power filled in.

The emptiness of the battlefield was blooming with red light, and it seemed that the **** wolf was shouting in the sky, emitting a horrible divine power.

The **** wolf was torn when he moved.

This is a supernatural vision!

"Is this the god's eye?" When the god's eye opened, the practitioners watching from a distance couldn't help but be shocked.

Legend has it that this is the ultimate magical power of the three-eyed wolf.

In those distant years, God's eyes opened, the world broke.

This god's eyes don't stop many gods from bleeding.

At this time, even those kings on the battlefield were staring with dignity.

"There is really great power in it!" Xiao Yuanxun took a deep breath on the platform.

Xiao Yuanqing next to him was also astonished.

The blood of Qin Guan is too strong, so the power diffused by this eye is not comparable to ordinary people.

Now God looks out, as if there is a **** wolf.


At this moment, the light flashed across the void.

I could only see the red eyes passing by, and the void was directly penetrated.

Beside, waves of ripples emerged, and the astonishing fluctuations spread, which could drown the world.

The aftermath alone made many practitioners far away frightened.

Even those geniuses squinted.

"His eyes are more powerful!" Chu Yang's eyes froze slightly.

"Who will be stronger by two?"

At this moment, many people are staring ahead.

The void shuddered just as everyone stared at the front.


A loud noise came out, but the sight of the eye had hit Xiao Yun's giant hand.

The rune of the light of the god's eye flashes, containing a force of decomposition.

It is breaking down the runes that pervaded the palm.

"I don't want to die!" Xiao Yun's eyes flashed, and the giant hand fell, and the momentum did not weaken.


Then, the eye light began to shatter under the suppression of the big hand.

The red light dissipated, and the vast palm light suppressed.

Just momentarily, the giant hand appeared ten meters above Qin Guan's head.

"This ..." At this moment, Qin Guan's pupils shrank, and his eyes were frightened.

In panic, he waved his hand and rushed away.

Because it takes too much blood to spur God's eyes, he must save.

But how can you accumulate momentum at this time?


The big hand hit the air, but Xiao Yun's palm was unstoppable and directly suppressed.


With a loud noise, Qin Guan was severely suppressed.


At this point his bones were broken, some blood vessels were ruptured, and blood was flowing from him.

Then the wolf fell away and he became his deity.


On the battlefield, the palm print dissipated, and Xiao Yun floated to the ground.

At this time, Qin Guan's body was stained with blood, his momentum was weak, and he was seriously injured.

"I said, you will regret it!" Xiao Yun blinked, staring at Qin Guan.

"What regrets?" However, Qin Guan was staring at the light, supporting the body quite hard, and then he slowly raised his head, staring at Xiao Yun and saying, "I am really inferior to you at the same level, that is, Lost. If I overwhelm people, what will happen to my victory? "

Despite the defeat, Qin Guan still has no regrets.

"It's a character!" Xiao Yun smiled slightly.

This person's courage really made Xiao Yun's eyes look.

"Looking forward to breaking through the realm soon!" Qin Guan held his fist towards Xiao Yun, and then left to leave.

So, this battle Xiao Yunsheng.

"Xiao Yun is victorious?" Seeing this, many people in the field did not sigh.

"This Qin Guan is also a character!" Someone said with praise.

"If the son of Qin Guanguan, I'm afraid this Xiao Yun is also difficult to win." Sanmu was sighed.

"Qin Guangong's ambition is high, and he has invincibility. How could he overpower people in this kind of challenge?"

Others said.

"Oh, Qin Guan is really strong, but in the end it is not as good as Xiao Yun." Geniuses of various ethnic groups have commented.

Qin Guan's eyes were really strong just now.

His eyes widened, and the vision became apparent.

However, even though he is strong, he is still defeated.

At this time, Xiao Yun's expression on the battle platform remained.

He stood there, his eyes glanced around.

Qin Guan's blow just now was really strong.

If he does not realize the immortality, it will be difficult to resist such a powerful blow.

Not even if there is.

Unless he uses divine power.

"This Xiao Yun is victorious?" On that platform, many elders of Xiao's family were all frowning.

Qin Guan is a lot of powerful, but lost to Xiao Yun.

This shows that Xiao Yun is afraid that he can sweep the strong at the same level.

what does this mean?

This means that once Xiao Yun set foot on the royal road, he would sweep the kings and reproduce the invincible style of the war king.

If he set foot on the royal road, it would be unimaginable.

Maybe Xiao's life will be heyday because of his existence.

People who are just the owner's pulse are not so excited.

That Xiao Xuan's eyes were also a little gloomy.

"Okay!" The old emperor Xiao Xiong was quite excited and couldn't help screaming.

"Quite his father's style!" Next, Xiao Tingyuan nodded slightly, and was quite satisfied with Xiao Yun's performance.

Although the King of War is not their vein, he also has high hopes for this younger generation.

Beside this old man, Xiao Wu's eyes flickered with fiery light.

But his frown was slightly frowned, and his heart was shaking.

Previously he also wanted to learn from Xiao Yun.

But after seeing Xiao Yun so sturdy, his longing began to fade.

He knew that he might not be able to compete with this youth.

"Sure enough, there are many talented people. This Xiao Yun has a unique talent to defeat the enemy with martial arts. Later, I am afraid that he can be called the king of martial arts."

When Na Qinguan returned to the viewing platform, the eyes of the emperor with the three-eyed Sirius smiled, and said to the Emperor Xiao next to him.

Although the Qin Guan defeated, the old emperor still looked.

Because they knew that Qin Guan's defeat was not because he was not strong enough, but because his opponent was too powerful.

In this world, who dares to say that he can fight the world?

Geniuses like Qin Guan who are able to come out of this clan are already very satisfied.

"Hehe, the son of Qin Guan is also a dragon among people who will show the worldly style of the wolf in the future!" Xiao Wuya's eyes flickered and he gestured to the old emperor with the three eyes of the wolf. As I walked to the front of the stage, there was a little shade of Yin in my eyes.

"If you grow up in the future, you will be able to reproduce the style of the King of War!"

At this time, the elders of various ethnic groups could not help but secretly understand, and after two wars they also had a little understanding of Xiao Yun.

Although this Xiao Yun is not a descendant of his own clan, there are still many elders who are full of him.

Because the King of War was so amazing at that time, he was so jealous and talented that he fell into ancient times.

Now that his son has returned, he can't help making many people want to see if this youth can continue his legend?

"Oh, Xiao Yun is indeed a martial arts genius, but I do n’t know the arrogance of people of all races, but there are still people who want to learn from it?" Xiao Yuanqing looked around and smiled loudly. There was a smile of joy in the corner of his eyes. The matter was presided over by Xiao Chenglong, but at this time the latter had completely stunned and had a dark face, so Xiao Yuanqing ignored him and asked himself.

This kind of thing, if Xiao Yun asked, it would seem too arrogant.

This is obviously not good for the host Xiao's.

So at this time Xiao Yun was just looking around.

When Xiao Yuanqing's remarks ended, the audience was silent.

Even, geniuses like Qin Guan have all lost to Xiao Yun. Which genius on the field dares to compete with Xiao Yun?

Who in the same class has this combat power?

Suddenly, everyone's mind changed, and the eyes of Xiao Yunshi became more revered.

Obviously, this young man is above the talented children of many ancient clans.

There are few people in the same class who can compete with him even in Tianduyu.

If such a character grows up, he will dominate among his contemporaries.

"Is there no one to discuss?" Seeing the silence of the audience, Xiao Yuanqing laughed loudly, and some pride in his eyes inevitably emerged. In the past, when the king of war took the shot, almost the same generation of practitioners dared not compete with it. The scene and How similar?

"If only the King of War was alive?" Xiao Yuanxun sighed.

At this time he was also very excited inside.

Imagine if the King of War was alive, and their father and son were together to meet the enemy, what an exciting scene?

"It seems no one dares to fight this Xiao Yun!"

"There are too few such geniuses. Who dares to fight in the field?"

No one was on the field, and many people who watched the game were not very embarrassed.

"This guy has a lot of patience!" Ling Yun'er frowned at the location of the Jiuqing Palace. At this time, she was a little more glorious when she turned to Xiao Yun. She heard the name of this young man for a long time. Don't care, what's the concern of a young man from outside the region?

After she learned everything about Xiao Yun, she also had a hint of curiosity in her heart.

For example, it was surprising to have tried to cut off the palace repairers.

Such as Xiao Yun's victory in the war, shocking.

Just as Xiao Yunli defeated Xue Ye Ye just now, it was exciting.

After seeing Xiao Yunli defeating Qin Guan again at this time, Ling Yuner's heart also began to have subtle changes ~ ~ If this guy was born in the Xiaodu of the sky, perhaps this achievement is far from this. "Ling Yun'er was secretly in her heart.

Not only Ling Yuner.

At this time, many of the heavenly women in the field were very excited.

It is hard to imagine that a young man from outside the territory could actually come to this step.

How dare you dare to fight in this place where the ancient children gathered?

Such things are really rare in ancient times!

"I'm here to fight you!" Just then, a deep voice sounded loudly.

But in the area where Tiangong is located, a young man stepped forward.

"It's Chuyang!"

[Put a monthly ticket to see how Xiao Yun dominates the world, please come to the Creation World website, Tencent literature buckle reading support genuine]

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