Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 968: 0Yang Zhentian

Tianyang collapsed, the palm was split on Chuyang's fist.

Suddenly, Chu Yang felt his fist as if it had been cut by the hardest blade in the world, and his bones were aching.

A mysterious power and vast war will follow.


Under the impact of this kind of strength, his body receded again and again, and he retreated thirteen meters to stabilize his figure.

The vast aftermath also raged.

? Pig? Pig? Island? Novel w.uu Bang!

However, the vast aftermath was resisted by the golden light pattern blooming from the golden wheel above Chuyang's head.

Such a scene surprised many people.

How powerful is that aftermath?

But even Chu Yang's body didn't come close, he was resisted by the aperture evolved by the light pattern on his body.

"The son of Chuyang has Tianyang Shenhui's body, but he can't invade everything, and most people can't hurt himself at all!"

Seeing this, the practitioners in Tiangong looked indifferent.

The **** body of Tianyang is called the **** body because it has its own advantages.

If the body of the **** is complete, then the blooming of the gods can completely resist the ten thousand ways.

"This blow has a bit of strength." Chu Yang's soles of his feet gave him a flash of fiery light after stabilizing his shape. He slowly raised his head and looked forward, with a sense of war in those eyes. On the rise.

His body is so strong that his fist is comparable to a spirit soldier.

But this time the opposing party actually hurt his bones and seemed to break.

Such a situation rarely occurs in the duel of the same level!

At this time, Xiao Yun's body was also slightly shocked. He receded 17 meters, and the huge aftershock came. He quickly ran the sky to dissolve it, so he was much shocked and quit. A few meters seemed to fall into the downwind.

However, his internal bones and Tianyan Rune's peristalsis also absorbed a lot of aftermath.

So this blow, he was not injured.

"Can you withstand all kinds of aftermaths?" After stabilizing his body, Xiao Yunzheng appeared in the eyes of Chuyang with a look of surprise. This method is really amazing. It is a bit like the golden body of the ancient family similar.

However, Gu's body of war can consolidate the supreme golden body.

But compared to that, Chuyang's Tianyang deity is more wonderful.

He still has a lot of magical powers, but it's not just defense.

Of course, if the ancient battle system is Dacheng, it will be extremely scary.

"It seems that Xiao Yun is not much weaker than Chu Yang!" Seeing Xiao Yun had only retreated ten meters, many people on the viewing platform were also slightly relieved. Just now, they thought Xiao Yun would be directly affected by this Chu. Yang hit.

After all, this Chuyang has been famous for a long time, and that prestige has become popular.

"Maybe this Xiao Yun can compete with Chuyang!" Many young eyes of the Xiao family are hot.

"It's still early, but the son of Chuyang hasn't done his best yet." The monk in Tiangong smiled coldly.

For Chuyang, they have absolute confidence.

"Yes, I have a little bit of patience." At this moment, Chu Yang's mouth evoked a smile, and he turned to Xiao Yun when he was in a war.

"Next, come to the real showdown!" When the words fell, he stared.

Then, this step of Chu Yang was moving towards Xiao Yun ahead.

Tianyang is now!

After taking a step forward, in the round of Tianyang's light masterpiece above Chuyang's head, there was a mighty divine power to suppress Xiao Yun. Under this divine power, the void became inexplicably dignified. Xiaoyuan's true bondage.

At this point, Xiao Yun felt that there was a big mountain to press, and if Tianyang pressed, it became extremely difficult to breathe.

The fluctuation was permeating, and even the distant practitioners were a little shocked.

"This Tianyang has the potential!" Many people secretly thought.

"The mighty power of the gods can crush the real people, the soul, and the confrontation with them is completely looking for abuse!" Some young people said.

Anyone who understands this Tianyang deity has a look of astonishment.

Tianyang Boxing!

Then, Chu Yang continued, punching away.

This punch blasted out, and it was bound to break up.

"Battle!" However, Xiao Yun was not afraid, his eyebrows flashed with warfare, and a vast warfare burst out.

At the moment, his steps were also taken, his palms split forward.

Zhentian Sanshi!

Xiao Yun's palm moved towards Chuyang.

In a single blow, the void trembled, but this time the two were extremely sturdy, forcibly crushing the aftermath and continuing the confrontation.

Sweep the world!

When Xiao Yun moved, his leg shadow cracked, smashing the sun that day.

Chu Yang trembled, retreating hundreds of meters.

"This style has a bit of rhyme!" With a heavy shadow, Chu Yang's mouth evoked a smile.

"You're here to pick it up!"

Qianyang Town!

Waiting for the words to fall, he pulled both hands.

Then there were rounds of Tianyang evolution in his hands.

Suddenly, Tianyang rose, like a scorching sun, blooming with dazzling light.

The entire battlefield was shrouded in this scorching sun.

Chu Yang is just like the scorching sun goddess, and his whole body is shrouded in Tianyang Shenhui.


Then he drew with both hands, and the hundreds of scorching sun was carrying a domineering tendency to suppress Xiao Yun.

In the scorching sunset, the surrounding void seemed to be reduced to ashes.

The scorching sun was so hot that even the distant practitioners felt uncomfortable and seemed to be burned.

"Is this the Tianyang deity?" Many practitioners on the viewing platform were surprised.

"Tianyang?" Zhu Aotian's eyes narrowed, his eyes stared forward, seeming to realize.

He has the Sun Moon Martial Spirit, and also the essence of repairing the sun.

This Chuyang is a **** body of Tianyang and also repairs the power of the sun.

However, at this time, it seems that this Chuyang's use of this Tianyang power is obviously stronger than him.

The scorching sun evolved, and even heaven and earth seemed to be burned into nothingness.

"Burning?" Zhu Aotian's eyes flashed, and said, "It is said that the sun was transformed by the Jinwu Divine Bird, Jinwu was bred from the Zhiyang Divine Fire. Therefore, the Sun has the Divine Divine Fire, but it is far away from the earth. Got the Sun Essence? "

"But the origin of the sun is Jinwu Shenhuo!" Zhu Aotian seemed to realize.

He used to pull the sun.

But he failed to realize and didn't peep into its origin.

Without the root, how can the power of the Sun and Moon martial arts be brought into play?

"After returning, I have to retreat carefully." Zhu Aotian secretly thought.

View, let him also gain a lot.

Hundreds of scorching sun suppressed above the platform.

That scene was spectacular.

At this time, you can see the dazzling light blooming on this platform far away.

The hot wave shocked many people.

At this time, the practitioners of all races were staring closely at the front stage.

There, Lieyang suppressed and blocked the sky.

Xiao Yun was completely shrouded in that hot light.

There was no space left above his head.

Even if he wanted to exert that repression, there was no room to play.

This style is as insane as Xiao Yun's suppression of the world, and it is unavoidable.

"Thousands of towns in the sky?" Xiao Yun's eyes condensed, and an outrageous warfare burst out. "Since avoidance is inevitable, why not avoid it?"

At the moment, in Xiao Yun's eyebrows, the war lines flashed, and a vast war will be blessed. He took a step forward and slashed straight forward. He was completely blind to the scorching sun. Has an indomitable momentum.

Palm Splitting the Stars!

A simple one-off split contains Xiao Yun's strongest combat power at this time.

The palm was passing, the golden light in front was torn, and he tore a way out.

Then, Xiao Yun stepped forward and struck Chuyang ahead.

"Suppression!" However, Xiao Yun only found a way, that Chu Yang pulled with both hands, and that strong sun was suppressing towards Xiao Yun.

An astonishing fluctuation capsized down, even though Xiao Yun couldn't resist it.


In a hurry, Xiao Yun had to raise his hand to welcome him.

He split it with one palm, tearing a scorching sun, but there were successive cracks down one after another.

Such an attack is too aggressive, and it is not something ordinary people can resist.

Even if Xiao Yun's mighty combat power can't resist this attack.


In the end, the mighty heat of the sun suppresses Xiao Yun's warfare and begins to fall apart.

Even if the war is immortal, it cannot resist such a powerful force.

Zhan Wu Hun!

Xiao Yun stunned his eyes for a while, and within the sea, the war martial spirit emerged.

Then, Wu Hun moved his palm, turned his palm into a blade, and slashed away in the air.


Wu Hun's little hand moved, a light pattern bloomed, tearing the sun.

Taking advantage of this, Xiao Yun jumped up into the void.

In this way, he avoided the powerful blow.

But at this time, his face was also pale, and the blood in his body was rolling.

The blow just now is too powerful. If he wasn't strong enough, I'm afraid he has been suppressed.

"This Tianyang deity is really strong!" Xiao Yun's eyes condensed, his heart darkened.

Tianyang deity, combined with the martial arts left by the gods, the power it exerted is no longer comparable to Xiao Yun ’s own merged town and sky. This is the advantage of Chu Yang. He was born in Tiangong and not only has an amazing constitution And there is Ge Shiwu.

Based on this, who can compete with it?

"Avoid it?" Seeing that Xiao Yun avoided the attack, Chu Yang was a little hesitant, "You can be proud of being able to avoid my attack, but if your ultimate strength is like this, then you and me There is nothing to compare. "

"Next, I will use the power of the real Tianyang deity!"

Chu Yang's eyes rose, looking up at Xiao Yun who jumped into the void, with a hint of hegemony spreading in the corner of his mouth, and when the words fell, the light veins on his body bloomed, and the momentum began a little Climbing.

Tianyang's divine power was urged by him.


The power of Tianyang pervaded, making the light lines around Chuyang flicker. Those runes squirmed and turned into a round of Tianyang suspended above the head. The sun contained the breath of the avenue on that day ~ ~ He was like a son of God. Tianyang walks between heaven and earth, and his body is filled with divine power.

This time Tianyang became extremely solidified.

The immense power of the vastness spread out, shaking in all directions.

Those practitioners in the field changed their colors.

"Is this Tianyang deity in Chuyang already close to Xiaocheng?" On the viewing platform, Qin Guan's eyes flashed with a look of surprise, and he was defeated by his Tianyang deity in the first battle with Chuyang. It is useless to use three eyes.

Now that this son is shooting with all his strength, can Xiao Yun resist?

Not only Qin Guan, but even those practitioners who watched the battle couldn't help but give Xiao Yun a breath.

Just a blow, Xiao Yun obviously fell below.

Lien Chan's Wu Hun was forced to spur him out, which is enough to show him.

During the war with Qin Guan, Xiao Yun's war soul never came out of the sea!

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