Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 972: Ling Xi news

Feng Yuyao opened his mouth, causing an uproar.

The young geniuses in the audience were stuck in place.

"Is this Feng Yuyao showing to Xiao Yun?"

"Did Miss Feng Yuyao like Xiao Yun?" Many people were surprised.

"Well, it seems that I have no hope of pursuing Miss Yu Yao." Some youths were despairing.

If this Feng Yuyao likes Xiao Yun, what do they compare with Xiao Yun?

"It seems that we have no hope for competitors like the Pearl of the Wind." In addition to those young talents who are disappointed, some women of large ethnic groups are also sighing, although many people think they are unparalleled in appearance, and they are all over the country .

But compared to this Feng Yuyao is far less.

The other person's temperament is already refined, how many of them can be compared to it?

Hearing Feng Yuyao's words, beside Xiao Yun, Xiao Linger also pursed his lips secretly.

Obviously, the little girl is also a little unhappy.

But she didn't say much, just stared at Feng Yuyao secretly and watched her brother's reaction secretly.

"Oh, Princess Yuyao laughed. You have always been so beautiful and beautiful, why isn't you pretty?" When asked by Feng Yuyao, Xiao Yun was embarrassed and smiled. Things that happened to the Royal Family of the Wind also surfaced. In his mind.

Seeing Xiao Yun opening his mouth, Feng Yuyao didn't even boast.

She was vicious in that year, and the whole person was going to age.

It was also Xiao Yun's shot that saved her and restored her youth.

This friendship has always been remembered by Feng Yuyao, so she has always remembered Xiao Yun in recent years.

Even on this day, she met countless young handsome men, and countless people showed her the admiration.

But she all refused one by one.

Because there is always such a person in her heart.

Seeing now, she is also quite happy.

The people around looked at Princess Yuyao's expression, it seems that the two are really old knowledge, and what should have happened.

So those young people next to them are not good enough to disturb the atmosphere.

"Huh!" Only when Xiao Yun's words fell, a cold humming sounded extremely out of place.

It was a woman's voice, with a little dissatisfaction in the cold hum.

When the sound came through, many young people in the field couldn't help looking back.

"Well, isn't this the little princess of Jiuqing Palace?" After the crowd looked around, the surprise sounded.

"Little princess of Jiuqing Palace?" Wen Yan immediately looked at many young people.

After seeing the young girl moving with lotus steps, her mouth narrowed, her eyes full of anger, many people's heart could not help but slam.

This young girl is like a little fairy who walks in and out of the world, making people admire.

Xiao Yun looked surprised at the young girl who came forward.

This young girl is in her second or eighth year. She is wearing a long skirt, tall, with white skin like snow, and has a peerless look. The young Qiong nose wrinkled at this time, giving a playful look. It felt like she was walking with a rage.

"This woman?" Xiao Yun's eyes moved slightly, and her eyes were slightly bewildered when she looked at the woman.

From this woman he felt the shadow of another person.

And the figure of that person began to emerge in his mind.

That person is Ling Xi!

When Xiao Yun was stunned, there was a sound of discussion beside him.

"Why is Ling Yuner angry?"

"Is she jealous?" Many people's eyes were surprised, and he looked suspiciously at Ling Yun's childhood.

If not jealous, why did she make a cold hum just now?

And look at Ling Yuner's angry look at this moment, it seems very jealous!

Suddenly, after a little surprise, everyone looked at Xiao Yun with envious eyes.

"Why is this guy so lucky?" Many youths secretly thought.

"The treatment of geniuses is different!" Even Xiao Feng sighed, his eyes narrowed, and he looked envious to Xiao Yunshi. Although Ling Yuner was still young, he had already come out and moved. The sun was dazzling, like a fairy coming to the dust.

Many of these women dare not climb high.

But she was jealous of Xiao Yun at this time?

At this time, that Feng Yuyao's eyebrow was also a little frowned, and could not help looking at Ling Yuner who was walking there.

That look had a feeling of looking at love rivals.

Even Xiao Linger wrinkled Qiong nose.

"Ahem, I don't know if the girl is ...?" In this atmosphere, Xiao Yun also quickly awakened from that memory. He smiled awkwardly, and said to Ling Yuner who had come to him. Although this woman looks like an old man, he is not sure.

"Huh, you guys, thanks to my sister's heartbreak for the fact that you got stuck in the cracks in the space. Recently, you haven't been able to retreat. How could I fancy you? "

Seeing Xiao Yun asking, Ling Yuner narrowed her lips, her eyes raised, she said angrily.

Such words made some practitioners beside them feel inexplicable.

"Isn't she jealous?" Xiao Feng was surprised.

"Wait, her sister?" Xiao Lingyun frowned, and said, "Isn't her sister Miss Ling Xi?"

Speaking of this woman, Xiao Lingyun's eyes flashed a little.

This is a beauty recognized by the sky!

Legend has it that she is Chu Yunfei's fiancee!

It's just that Ling Xi rarely shows up recently, and his talent was not so bad.

Therefore, many people only heard of their names and have never seen Lingshan's true face.

But some people of the big clan know that this Ling Xi not only has a unique face, but also has an amazing physique.

That physique is not very amazing in the early days, but in the later period, it is enough to make countless days intimidating.

As for what physique it is, only a few people know.

Some even said that Chu Yunfei would like this Lingxi not only because of her peerless appearance, but also because of her physique.

So when Ling Yuner mentioned her sister, many people in the field were surprised.

"Did the Lingxi Fairy know Xiao Yun?" Many geniuses secretly thought.

Qingyuanzi and others are curious.

"Your sister?" Wen Yan said, Xiao Yun was shocked, and a little excited expression appeared on his face.

"Yeah!" Ling Yun'er frowned, proud like a swan.

"Your sister is Ling Xi?" Xiao Yun could not help asking.

At this meeting, a disciple from Jiuqing Palace came here, but Xiao Yun didn't see Ling Xi, he was naturally lost in his heart.

It was just this emotion that he did not reveal.

Now being brought up by this Ling Yuner, where can he suppress the feeling of missing in his heart.

"Exactly." Ling Yuner raised his head.

"Where is she now?" Xiao Yun was a little excited, and the breath on her body was released.

Seeing Xiao Yun's emotions made many people look surprised.

"Do they really know each other?" Some disciples in Tiangong were also surprised.

At this time, Chu Yang was injured, but Tiangong still left a few young people.

"My sister is now retreating." Ling Yun'er blinked his eyes and said, "Hee hee, but if you want to see her, you can ask for me." The little girl blinked and looked at Xiao Yun secretly, voila That ancient spirit looks like it is going to kill this future brother-in-law fiercely.

Xiao Yun moved slightly.

However, his eyes moved slightly, just to find his disorder.

At this moment, with so many people around, it is really hard to mention these private matters.

"Oh, how about you move together to drive me to the Battle King Pavilion?" Xiao Yun's eyes moved slightly, and he said to everyone.

"Jiuwen Zhanwang Pavilion is the residence of Zongwang. Among them are the martial arts uprisings left by Zhanwang. I have long wanted to go to see it." Seeing Xiao Yun's invitation, the young people beside him nodded. Invitation, I can't wait to see it. "

"Oh, so we leave !?" Xiao Yun smiled.

Subsequently, everyone nodded, and went to the Battle King Pavilion with Xiao Yun.

There are nearly two hundred youths heading towards the King of War.

War King Pavilion is large.

It can be compared to a small town here.

When the crowd settled down and saw the three characters of the battle king's pavilion, many of them were stunned.

"The meaning in the words is awesome!" Many youths sighed.

"There is the true meaning of martial arts!" Xiao Wu also followed, and Guangguang couldn't leave after seeing these three words.

In fact, many of Xiao's children are here for the first time.

Previously, this place was forbidden and was not accessible by ordinary people.

It was also Xiao Yun's presence here that gave them this opportunity.

Looking at those three words, Xiao Yun also booed.

But he was more of a belief.

Today, he is the first to overpower the geniuses of all ethnic groups in Tiandu.

One day, he will sweep through his contemporaries like his father, and be honored among his peers.

Only in this way can it live up to the name of the son of the King of War.

Staying a little, many people entered the house.

Everyone greeted the mountain road and kept moving forward.

Along the way, there were stone wall carvings and ancient sword marks.

This is all left by some ancients.

"It's true that Xiao's talents come out!" Seeing this, many people were very emotional.

Finally, everyone came to the top of the mountain, where the person in charge of Xiao Yun's daily life immediately began to entertain the geniuses of all ethnic groups.

The banquet was set up, and the geniuses of all ethnic groups gathered in a hall.

"I heard that Brother Xiao came from a barren place outside the territory. I wonder if Brother Xiao can tell you why you can come to this step under the difficult cultivation conditions?" Above the banquet, everyone inevitably discussed the martial arts opinions and wanted to ask some puzzles. Place.

At the moment, someone asked Xiao Yun ~ ~ At this time, many people moved their eyes slightly, and took a few moments to Xiao Yun.

From their point of view, the extraterritorial vitality is weak and the strong are scarce. How can we get out of such strong?

Even if the talents are different, if there are not enough resources and inheritance, the orb will only be grayed out, resulting in overshadowing.

So they want to know everything about Xiao Yun.

"Why can I come to this step?" Wen Yan said, Xiao Yun's eyes froze, many past events came to mind.

"If you know the trick, it's persistence!" Xiao Yun said, holding up the fine wine on the desk.

"Stuck?" Many eyes asked. "Yes, just persist!" Xiao Yundao said, "Besides, you have to have a martial arts heart, an obsession, and a fearless obsession in order to reach the peak of martial arts. Only then can you grasp it. Every opportunity goes step by step. " ()

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