Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 983: Phantom cloud

Above the sky, Jieyun condenses.

At this moment, Xiao Yun's eyes flickered, and Wuhun Wuxing appeared above his head.

This time he began to cross the fire and martial arts.

In the void, the cloud robbery squirms, with ice and fire, like the polar yin and yang, with infinite mystery.

The yin and yang flow, although it is ice and fire, is also extremely mysterious.

In the void, Jieyun seems to contain the mystery of the birth of heaven and earth.


Tian Jie fell, Dao Yun was pervasive, and Xiao Yun was inducting.

At this point, he realized that the Wuhuo Soul was becoming more and more mysterious.

"Maybe the two poles of ice and fire can be traced back to the beginning of the world?" His heart moved slightly, seeming to realize.

If you go back to these mysteries, you will definitely make your vision wider.

But the avenue is like a mountain and it is like the sea.

The ice and fire plagued the fall, and the plague pattern was more profound than before.

This is not just the frozen world, the mystery of burning everything.

It began to touch the poles.

This is the real mystery. If you realize it, you can open the road.

boom! boom!

The loud noise trembled, and there was a constant fall.

Xiao Yun realizes carefully that the robbing pattern on the ice and fire souls has begun to turn into a tao pattern.

Xiao Yun also felt a little more aware of Binghuo Avenue.


Finally, Jieyun dissipated, and Xiao Yun's Binghuo Wuhun also entered the palace.

And the realm is not just as simple as the palace, it has reached the two realms of the palace.

"Now we must continue to consolidate!" Xiao Yun condensed, and continued to absorb the energy of ice and fire.

All the lotus seeds in the ice-fire lotus stand were taken by him.

The strong ice and fire was absorbed by him.

At this time, in the forbidden area of ​​Jinlong, the geniuses of all races began to look for their own opportunities.

Here the earth cracked and the ditch ran deep.

At this time, practitioners of all races looked for opportunities in this battlefield.

"There is a breath of God in this gully!"

"Stained with **** blood!"

"Go! Go inside!"

Next to a huge gully, many young people flocked in to find the opportunity left by the god.

Even if it is a drop of god's blood, the treasure it can give birth to will be quite bad.

"Ah!" However, before entering, there was a scream.

"what is that?"

"Is that an ancient beast?"

"That's a ghost dragon!"

In the abyss, there is a big mouth of a dragon that swallows and devours one by one.

Many people in the half-step infant market are scorned.


On the other side, there is a cave house with blooms of magic, rendering the canyons into dazzling gold.

Seen from a distance, this place is like a blessed place for God.

"There is a corpse of gods inside!" From the fog, everyone saw a picture.

Among them, the corpse of the gods bloomed infinitely, with the bloom of the gods.

This is an evolved vision, seen by outsiders.

"If you get this **** bone and make it into a weapon, you will definitely surpass the royal soldiers!" Many people's eyes were hot.

However, it has not yet entered the cave, where the gods are blooming and there are horrible waves shaking.

As the ripples passed, a mist of blood burst out, and young men fell down.

Even if someone is wearing a treasure armour, you can't resist that divine power and be annihilated directly.


Screams rang through Jiuxiao.

"The corpse of God cannot be touched by me!" Seeing this, some practitioners in the distance couldn't help sighing.

"So powerful, I'm afraid that even the king will be destroyed?" Among the crowd, Xiao Lingyun and others sighed slightly.

"This god's corpse can survive to this point, it should have his reason." Xiao Feng also nodded slightly, and did not go to explore the cave, because there is a bloom of the **** pattern in it, it seems that the **** carved the formation, the outsider could not set foot Within a kilometer of the cave.


There are many monuments in this golden dragon battlefield.

There are treasures left by the emperor, as well as miracles.

It's just that the miracles are too difficult to reach, and are not accessible to ordinary people.

Therefore, some places sprinkled with the blood of the gods, or the wreckage of the gods, have become the places that the world longs for.

Rao is so, those places are still extremely dangerous.

At this time, in a vein, Xiao Yun's eyelids tilted and finally opened his eyes.

"Binghuo Wuhun, the triple peak of the palace!" At this moment, Xiao Yun's mouth evoked a smile.

After some accumulation, Binghuo Wuhun finally reached the triple palace palace.

At this time, Zhan Wuhun also reached the peak of the palace quadruple.

By virtue of Xiao Yun's cultivation at this time, it is enough to fight against those ordinary palace-level Seventh-places practitioners.

"It's time to search for the relics in this heaven and earth!" The body's breath was restrained, Xiao Yun's eyes moved quickly, his mind was released to the distance, he was previously trapped by the practitioner of the shadow gate, and the formation method came to In strange places, he didn't know where to start.

Xiao Yun looked around, but he could see the void mist lingering in front of him, covering the whole world.

With the naked eye, it is impossible to see the void in the distance.

"What is this place?" Xiao Yun groaned.

He was agitated, and began to determine which area was based on the terrain here, so that he could determine the next journey.

The celestial pupil force infiltrates forward through the heavy fog.

The pupil passed through ten miles, twenty miles, crossed a mountain trail and saw countless gully dangerous places.

Through these terrains, he finally got a general understanding of the area.

"This should be the area where Magic Clouds is located!" Xiao Yun was determined.

In the Golden Dragon Cemetery, there are three important lands.

One is the Golden Dragon Battlefield.

This is a vast battlefield, a treasured place for many people.

The other is the Golden Dragon Tomb.

The rest is the phantom cloud.

"Magic clouds, this is a dangerous place. Few people come here, and it is said that even the king dare not go deep into the clouds."

A little bit of information about the magic cloud came to Xiao Yun's mind.

At the same time, Tianyou's pupil strength was continuously released, reaching a hundred miles away.

At this time, Xiao Yun reached the palace state, and that day the pupil was already stronger than before.

"Those are?" Suddenly, Xiao Yun's eyes narrowed suddenly, and he saw several figures in front of him.

"That's the Yuwen clan?" Xiao Yun's eyes appeared with a little surprise, "Why are they here?"

He was suspicious.

This illusion is dangerous and many people are reluctant to come here to explore.

Because there is so much mystery here, few people can get treasures from it, so there are very few records about the magic cloud.

Without enough information to attract with treasures, naturally no one came here.

But the people of this Yuwen clan will come here, which is enough to explain some problems.

"Among them, there should be the treasure required by the Yuwen clan!" Xiao Yun moved slightly.

With this in mind, Xiao Yun did not take back Tian You's pupil power, but instead released his mind and wanted to listen to the words of these people. Under his heart's listening, some of the conversation words in the Yuwen clan were Known by him.

In front of it is a mountain stream, which is between two mountains. At this time, the people of the Yuwen clan are standing on a cliff and looking forward.

Among these people are Yuwen Tiancheng, Yuwen Jinghen, and so on.

In addition, there are many half-step baby market, strong infant market.

Although they did not reach the half-step infant market, Yuwen Tiancheng and Yuwen Jingchen also stood at the forefront.

They have a bloodline heritage value of 98. They are also rare geniuses in the Yuwen clan, and their status is naturally extraordinary.

Just in the center of them was a young man wearing a large brocade.

On this man, there was a spurt of domineering faintness, and there was a faint spread of divine power.

That power oppressed so many people beside him could not breathe.

This is truly a strong man in the quasi-baby market, named Yu Wenjingxiong!

"Front convenience is the magic cloud!" Yu Wenjing's eyes narrowed and he looked at the mountain stream in front of him and said lightly.

"Magic cloud!" Wen Yan said, the eyes of a few young people flashed.

In Yuwen Jingchen, Yuwen Tiancheng and others had fiery lights flashing in their eyes.

"There is a magic array evolution here, but every two hours, the array is weak, and you can enter it." Next, another young man in the quasi-baby market said, "This time we must enter the magic of gods. Inside the mirror. "

It was said that the people of the Yuwen clan were all hot.

Even Yuwen Tiancheng had a look of expectation.

"The legend has the inheritance of Phantom Eyes. If this eye merges with the Jinyang God Eyes of my Yuwen clan, the two eyes will complement each other, and they will be able to stand side by side, invincible in the same class!" Yu Wenjing marks also a smile .

And here the fog of illusion is also formed because of the existence of this phantom eye.

According to legend, this eye can create a fantasy, even the gods have been lost under this eye, and then easily killed.

If this eye is obtained, in coordination with the powerful attack power of the Jinyang god's eye of the Yuwen clan, who can fight against it.

"Phantom eyes?" In the distance, Xiao Yun could not help evoke a smile after hearing these words.

It sounds like there is a lot of opportunity in this magic cloud!

Then he was moved in that direction.

However, his mind was still there, and he wanted to hear more clues about the cloud.

At this time, next to the magic cloud, the figure flickered, and another practitioner came.

When these people appeared, the Yuwen clan's brows couldn't help bending.

"Three-eyed **** wolf, Qin's pulse!" Yu Wenjing mark glanced over his head, and there was a strange flash of light in those eyes. It didn't seem to welcome these people, but he had a strong alert and vigilance. Color emerges ~ ~ The three-eyed **** wolf has the **** eyes, and it seems that he wants to merge the phantom pupil! Zheng Yun's eyes moved slightly to this place. From this point of view, this phantom pupil must be very simple. Otherwise, would these children of the big family come here to search directly?

Thinking of this, his flying speed has become even faster.

At this time, the people with the three eyes of the wolf all fell on the edge of a cliff, juxtaposed with Yuwen's people.

Among them, Qin Guan is also here.

Time passed quietly.

The mountains in front were swayed by clouds, and the thick mist began to thin.

"The mist is thin, and the power of that magic begins to weaken." At this time, Yu Wenjing's eyes moved slightly, and a smile evoked from the corners of their mouths. Their Jinyang eyes could not only tear the heavens and the earth, but also see the imagination and sense the world Between small fluctuations.


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