Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 990: New Shinto!

The energy of yin and yang is the source of all things.

Even the phantom feels kind to it.

With the help of Yin and Yang Qi, Xiao Yun's integration seemed extremely smooth.

At the same time, Xiao Yun knew a little more about the use of yin and yang.

Based on this, he can fuse many martial spirits.

And when Xiao Yun merged with Phantom Eyes, time passed quietly.

Outside that passage, practitioners of all races have been waiting-pig-pig-island-small-said-www--waiting for ten days.

"This Xiao Yun hasn't come out yet, most of them have scoffed!" At this moment, some people began to get impatient.

"Are we here?" Someone said.

For them, it's better to wait here, and to find some in the Golden Dragon battlefield.

"Leave?" Yu Wenjingxiong frowned, his eyes hesitated, for some reason, he vaguely felt that Xiao Yun should not be ridiculed.

So he hesitated.

You know, the king of his veins and the king of war have a lot of grudges.

If Xiao Yun were to grow up, the consequences would be extremely bad.

"Wait for two more days, if this Xiao Yun hasn't moved yet, let's go!"

At this time, the three-eyed person didn't want to wait any longer, among them the young man headed by Guangguang Yining said.

"Huh!" Qin Guan nodded slightly, his heart sighing slightly.

This phantom of the Phantom Eye is extremely dangerous, and it is said that a king fell into it.

This Xiao Yuncai palace is too difficult to get inheritance.

Two days blinked, Xiao Yun still didn't come out.

"Let's go!" Said the monk who saw the three-eyed **** wolf in the vein and shook his head.

Qin Guan sighed slightly and left.


Suddenly, all the people with the three eyes of the wolf left.

"Xiong, should we also leave?" Someone with Yuwen's asked.

"Leave now?" Yu Wenjingxiong looked blank.

"If we continue to wait, I'm afraid it will be difficult to get a chance!" Said a youth of Yuwen's.

For them, time is opportunity.

"Waiting for two days!" Yu Wenjing sighed slightly after hesitating slightly.

"Hmm!" Next to it, Yuwen Tiancheng nodded.

At this moment he looked gloomy as he turned to the front passage.

"It would be best if Xiao Yun lay in it." He sneered at the corner of his mouth.

Xiao Yun didn't know about the situation outside.

At this time, in the mysterious vision of the Phantom Eye, Xiao Yun's mind was constantly fused with the Phantom Eye.

Finally, his mind was permeated in every regular **** pattern of Phantom Eyes.

At this moment, he is fully integrated into the phantom eyes.

In the heart of Xiao Yun's eyebrows, he can see that the **** pattern is wriggling, and a **** eye has to evolve.

"Open!" Xiao Yun's mind moved, and the divine pattern flickered into a gray eyes.

This vertical eye is dazzled with divine patterns, blooming a magical power.

When these eyes opened, Xiao Yun looked away, and his eyes began to squirm.

Under this **** pattern rule, there was a ripple in the void ahead.

Then there are some pictures emerging.

This is the picture of those kings who tried to fuse the phantom eyes.

"How did I see these pictures?" Xiao Yunmu was curious.

Just as the phantom's eyes flickered, those pictures turned and his own figure appeared.

How he brought the scene of the detained phantom's eyes in front of him.

"Does this phantom eye can record the past?",

Xiao Yun's eyes were curious.

Although the eye is fused, he does not fully know the magical power of the eye.

But Xiao Yun didn't think much.

He is quite happy to be able to integrate the success of God's eyes.

"Since I have Phantom Eyes, it seems superfluous." Soon, Xiao Yun's mind sank into the sea of ​​knowledge. Now he has two eyes, but Tianyou pupils come from the king, few of them The rule of God is not the true eye of God.

So in comparison, Tian You Pu is not as good as Phantom Eye.

However, Tianyou pupil also has its uniqueness.

Like that magical power.

The phantom eyes are just psychedelic, creating illusion.

"You can merge the two!" Xiao Yun secretly murmured.

If it had been before, he would have been afraid to have that idea.

But now, with the fusion of phantom eyes with the yin and yang qi, Xiao Yun has a little more control.

Only when the idea was born, Xiao Yun acted immediately.


Inside the sea, the eyes of the origin of Tianyou pupil emerged.

The origin of the Phantom Eye is also abrupt.

In momentum, it is obvious that the phantom eyes are stronger.

Under this mighty power, Tian Youtong didn't dare to move.

"Fusion!" As soon as Xiao Yun's mind moved, there was a yin and yang air in the soul.

This yin and yang qi pulled the two **** eyes together, and then tried to merge them.

This is a fusion of origins, and the process is complex and overbearing.

Xiao Yun urged Phantom Eyes to directly crush Tian You Pu.

If the power of the two eyes is similar, repulsion may still occur.

However, the phantom eyes were shocked, and the original power contained in the pupils that day was scared to resist.

In this way, the integration was surprisingly smooth.

Unconsciously, the origin of the sky pupil is fused by the phantom eyes.

The source of the **** pattern merges into a **** eye.

At this time, Xiao Yun's mind induction obviously felt a little more power in the phantom eyes.

This is the power of dementors.

"Now the two origins are fused together, the power of Phantom Eyes will be doubled!" Xiao Yun's mouth evoked a smile.

In the past, Phantom Eyes could only create illusions, and their attack power was not strong.

But at this time, with the magical power of Tian Youtong, it can show a powerful dementing magical power after confusing people.

Such as directly detaining human souls, performing soul attacks.

"God's eyes are here!" When both of them, Xiao Yun's mouth finally evoked a smile of satisfaction.

"Oh, what kind of monster are you?" At this moment, the helpless exclaimed, bound by the knowledge of the sea, it has been watching Xiao Yun's fusion of phantom eyes, and the whole process was seen by it. It shocked.

"Monster?" Xiao Yun smiled and said, "How about, have you considered it clearly?"

He didn't answer the phantom, but asked.

"Consider what?" Phantom Eye blinked.

"Give me a soulmark and surrender to me!" Xiao Yun said indifferently, full of majesty like the same master.

"Submit to you?" The Phantom Worm proudly said, "If the King is a heaven and earth worm, if he grows to the extreme to turn the worm into a dragon, how can he surrender to you as a human?" It squinted at Xiao Yun, and seemed to look down on these weak people. mortal.

"Turning insects into dragons?" Xiao Yun's eyes froze, "But you're just my prisoner now!"

"If you don't submit to me, stay here forever!" His tone was full of majesty.

Today, Xiao Yun has changed his temperament after he merged with the phantom eyes.

His eyes were bright, like the same deity, and he had an imposing look down on the sky.

Seeing Xiao Yun's tone so domineering, the phantom bug's eyes flickered, and it was also a bit embarrassing.

It is naturally arrogant and naturally unwilling to submit to others.

But letting it be imprisoned is extremely unwilling.

"You have to give me that yin and yang air first!" Phantom Moan groaned a little before he said.

It showed greed.

Just now, it clearly saw that Xiao Yun merged the phantom eyes with the yin and yang energy!

If this yin and yang air is present, it will undergo transformation.

"Yin and Yang Qi?" Wen Yan said, Xiao Yun's brow couldn't help bending. "Do you think you still have terms with me?"

This Phantom Worm is very strong, Xiao Yun naturally will not rush to give it the yin and yang air.

Moreover, planting a soulmark on this phantom is a risky act.

Because this Phantom Worm is too strong, it is close to the emperor. Once it backsteps at a critical moment, it will hurt Xiao Yun's mind.

So it has to be willing to surrender.

"Huh, there is no yin and yang, don't want to obey the king!" Phantom hummed coldly, then rolled his eyelids and closed his eyes.

Xiao Yun didn't bother about this either.

He was so moved that he withdrew from the sea of ​​knowledge.

"Now that the Phantom Eye is in hand, it's time to leave!" After muttering, Xiao Yun exited the illusion.

Returning the same way, I don't know how many times easier than when I came in.

At this time, outside the corridor, many people of Yuwen's had left.

That Yuwen Jingchen left here a day ago.

Although Yuwen Jingxiong is the main player here, many people do not necessarily follow him.

There are only four young people beside Yu Wenjingxiong.

Yuwen Tiancheng also left here.

Because he desperately wants to get a chance.

"Jingxiong, do we really have to wait here?" Said a young man from Yuwen's.

This person has the practice of quasi-baby market.

"Wait another day!" Yu Wenjingxiong groaned and said immediately.

At this time, the elders of his clan had urged him to find an opportunity to kill Xiao Yun.

Now that the people with the three eyes of the wolf are leaving, some other factions in Yuwen ’s family are not here. This is a good opportunity for him to shoot, so he wants to wait until Xiao Yun comes out. Of course, if Xiao Yun falls on It's even better with the secret territory of the Phantom Eye.

"Huh!" Wen Yan said, a few people nodded slightly.

They were also told by the elders.

They also have some understanding of some things of the year.

It can be said that the king of the war would have a great relationship with a certain big man in their veins.

At this time when Xiao Yun was out, he was also gifted against nature, so these people wanted to cut the grass and root out.

"But you all want to wait for me?" Just as Yu Wenjingxiong and others groaned secretly, a slightly cold words fluttered out. This speech made these people's hearts jump, and the soul felt inexplicable heart palpitations, quickly Look up.

When they waited, they looked up, but they saw a young man walking out of the channel ahead ~ ~, and this young man is naturally Xiao Yun.

"Xiao Yun!" After seeing this young man strolling out, Yuwen's youth were all surprised.

"You haven't died?" Yu Wenjing's eyes flashed coldly, and a color of surprise emerged.

"Why, do you really want me to die?" Xiao Yun glanced and glanced at these people.

At this moment, his eyes flickered, and there were scenes in front of him.

These pictures are just the pictures of Yuwen Jingxiong and others just chatting.

Not only that, but also a few days, but the picture ten days ago.

The conversations of these people were all taken in by Xiao Yun.

Therefore, Xiao Yun's face became extremely cold.

[God's eyes are all there, is there any reason not to go against the sky, ask for a monthly ticket]

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