Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 996: The Emperor's Law Shows Prestige [...

After Liu Hanyan's life card emerged from his jade hand, a vast royal power also began to spread.

"This is Huangwei!" After feeling the fluctuation, those practitioners nearby were all surprised.

"Is the life card left by the emperor?" Seeing this, even Xiao Yun's eyes could not help but condense.

He has a similar life card.

But at this time, he did not intend to urge it.

"Watch it first." Xiao Yun receded to the back, groaning secretly.

& nbsp (pig) (pig) (island) novel; if this shot at this time is not good for him.

Emperor's mighty, the youth in the lake receded.

No one dared to strike at this moment.

At this moment, everyone also understood why this Liu Hanyan would be so restless and let that follow her.

With the life card left by the emperor in hand, what can be feared?

"Huangwei?" When the Ming card appeared, even the eyes of the long-lived turtle appeared a dignified color.

"If you surrender to me at this time, there is still a chance." Liu Hanyan strolled away, she was like a blue wave fairy, she seemed extremely quiet, Rao was at this time, and she was still so, giving a kind of extraordinary Refined feeling.

"In my tribe, there are a lot for you to enjoy!" She walked step by step, speaking softly, and the words in the mouth were full of confidence, although with a bit of questioning, in this tone, But it is not difficult to hear the determination to subdue the longevity turtle.

"Huh, it's just the life card left by the emperor. It's just a joke to want to yield to the gods!" Seeing Liu Hanyan step by step, the long-lived turtle is not afraid, it is a divine heaven and earth tortoise, blood veins Noble, how could she be fooled by a little girl?

"Then, blame me for being ruthless." Liu Hanyan's eyes lightened, and the light pattern of the signboard in front of him flickered in the void. When the signboard floated in the void, a blue light bloomed, a figure The plump beauty woman emerged.

The woman was dressed in a long skirt, full of body and full of maturity.

She went forward step by step, and there was a majesty in her eyes.

That majesty makes young people near the lake dreadful.

The power of the emperor is enough.

Besides, they are only low-level practitioners in some palaces and quasi-baby markets.

What is life card?

This is a card left by the Emperor with his own power.

Based on this, you can urge the peerless blow of the emperor.

You can also rely on the power of the source to evolve the Emperor's virtual shadow body to meet the enemy.

Although not as powerful as the deity, it is still enough to sweep the monks below the emperor.

Even the powerful attacks from the powerful Emperor's cards have been enough to deal with those who have just entered the Emperor's Road.

Judging from this life card urged by Liu Hanyan, the strength of this emperor is obviously not bad.

"This is Xuezu!" When the emperor appeared, many of Yao's youth eyes awed.

Although the emperor was dazzled by the blue light, she could not see her face, but the descendants of Yao's descendants could still feel the unique breath from that breath. This Xuezu, but an old emperor of Yao's, had already Almost five hundred years old.

Her strength is that she can dominate among the emperors.

The emperor stepped forward, and with a big hand, he grabbed at the long-lived turtle ahead.


The sky shivered and the blue light flickered. If you look closely, there is a branch of blue light extending out.

These branches turned into giant nets, blocked one side, and completely blocked the path of the long-lived turtle.

"Is that the branch?" Seeing this, Xiao Yun's heart moved, "Will the soul of life still be used this way?"

At this moment, the golden light veins of the longevity tortoise bloomed, and it was full of divine power.

The divine power swept away the blue light from the giant hand.

Not only that, the long-lived tree behind it flashed like a spear toward the giant hand.


A loud noise came out, and the long-lived tree moved the king's giant hand.

That void blue light pattern is intertwined with the golden light pattern, turning into a sea of ​​horrible storms.

"Retreat, retreat!" Almost all the geniuses of all races hurried away towards the distance.

"Does this long-lived turtle reach the rank of emperor?" When he left, everyone was surprised.

The emperor shot, but was shocked?

Such a combat power, obviously has reached the level of the Emperor!

A longevity turtle that has reached the rank of king?

Many people were shocked at the thought.

Who can overcome such a powerful existence?

"No, that long-lived turtle is also shaken back!" As he receded, someone's eyes moved, and the light shimmered in it.

At this moment, the long-lived turtle trembled, and was shocked to fly for 1,700 meters.

And the emperor who evolved from Liu Hanyan's life card just shook his palm slightly.

From this point of view, it is clear that the attack in Liu Hanyan's life card is stronger.

"This is a life card left by the old emperor!" At this moment, Changsheng's eyes moved, revealing a hint of timidity.

At this time, it only touched the emperor's way. It is not the true emperor, and it is simply not comparable to those old emperors.

Even the opponent's life card is very strong!

"Withdraw!" When Changsheng Turtle's eyes moved, he turned to run.

"Want to run?" When Liu Changyan was about to run, Liu Hanyan showed his chill.

All I saw was that the emperor stepped forward, his palms stretched out, but he appeared in the immediate vicinity of the long-lived turtle.

The emperor's shot was so fast that it reached an unthinkable level of ordinary people.

"Fuck, do you really think God is afraid you can't do it?" Longevity Turtle roared, and when its turtle claws moved, it turned into a giant palm and met the Emperor, only to hear a loud noise It seems that this space is about to collapse.

The river tumbled in the lake, and many islands and reefs collapsed.

The top is filled with lines, resisting a lot of aftershocks.

Otherwise, such a blow is enough to break the mountains.

"The formations in this Golden Dragon Tomb are really strong!" The distant practitioners secretly murmured.

At this moment they saw a flash of light on the top of the lake.

There was a touch of divinity in the light pattern.


Ripples and cracks spread in the void.

Such an attack, even Liu Yanyan frowned slightly.

However, she was not afraid, and the blue light flickered on her body, seeming to urge a treasure to resist those aftermaths.

She has been preparing for this long-lived turtle this time!

The emperor must not enter here, or the emperor of that tribe will come here in person.

After the blow, the Snow Queen continued to shoot.

She drew with both hands, dazzling blue light, as if turned into a world, to bind the long-lived turtle.

In that blue light, there is an obscure mystery.

"I'd like to see, how many times can your life card be urged?" Changsheng Turtle's eyes were angered, and its gold light flickered. It was originally a mill-sized body, and suddenly turned into a hundred-footed giant turtle on its back. The golden light dazzled and turned into a golden pattern.

Those golden veins turned into a huge turtle shell suspended in the air.

This turtle's shell is covered with divine patterns, exuding obscure breath fluctuations.

That kind of fluctuation is daunting.

Even though this long-lived tortoise has only initially touched Huangdao, it is enough by nature.

It is also that its realm is not stable, and it has not even reached the true royal level.

At best, it's just a puppet emperor.

Otherwise, who can fight it?

The appearance of the turtle's shell makes the long-lived turtle slap forward like a pillar.

The blue light in front was directly defeated.

At this time, the Snow Queen also shot.

Her hands were printed, and a huge glittering mark fell.

This giant Indian rune is surrounded by a giant tree in the sky, which is evolving the meaning of life and contains infinite rhyme.

"This is the seal of life!" In the distance, Yao's children exclaimed.

The seal of life contains the mystery of life, which cannot be urged by ordinary people.

Although it is only the meaning of life, it is still very powerful.

Among the giant seals, one came out through the branches.

The branches penetrated the void directly, hitting the turtle shell.

This is alas!

The green branch was like a gun, hitting the shell one by one. Even though the shell's defense was amazing, it couldn't withstand such a savage attack. Moreover, this was a blow from the emperor. If one side is empty, can it be resisted by ordinary practitioners?

But the evolving turtle shell of this long-lived turtle actually resisted.

Once, twice.

It fully resisted the attack of 67 blue branches before it began to fall into disuse.

At this time, the shell of the turtle's light flickered and shattered after resisting 98 attacks.

The seal of life was also suppressed.


The void trembled, and the water in the lake scattered, revealing the bottom of the lake, which was ten thousand meters deep.

There were cracks spreading on the bottom of the lake, and the whole area where the lake was located was trembling.

The youth in the lake have long been far away.

This is so, Xiao Yun and others at this time urged Wang Bing to resist the aftermath.


Under this attack, the long-lived turtle was shocked to fly, and the mouth blew golden blood.

A few cracks appeared on its back.

Even the everlasting tree was dim.

Obviously, this time it hurt him a lot.

Not only the long-lived turtle, but even that Liu Hanyan was shaken by the fly.

Even though she had the imprisonment left by the emperor and the treasure protection, she could not withstand the horrible aftermath.

She trembled, and was shaken by two kilometers, her lips turned on and she spit out blood.

At this time, her life card was faint, and the evolved figure of the emperor disappeared.

It's just that the breath of life is still there.

"Spirit-bound hand!" The life card was urged, and a virtual shadow evolved. She moved her hand and grabbed the longevity turtle.

"His mother, don't give you a terrible look. I thought the old turtle was bullying?" Longevity turtle was furious, its whole body was full of light patterns, and there was a flicker on the immortal tree, and when the **** pattern moved, it turned into one. The spear pierced the big hand.


A flash of divinity ~ ~ defeated that big hand.

A mighty divine sway agitated and directly defeated the Emperor's shadow.

A mighty divine power swept away towards that Liu Hanyan.

"Block!" At this moment, Liu Hanyan also showed his face completely.

As soon as her jade moves, a ban card appears in front of her.

However, the forbidden card was urged out and was penetrated by the longevity tree.

But under this buffer, the power of the evergreen tree also began to weaken.


The vast aftermath swept away and drowned Liu Hanyan.


Under this divine power, Liu Hanyan trembled with blood spit in his mouth.

This time, she was finally not badly injured.

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