"See the Lord!"


"I've met Lord Dandi!"

Yingtianzong and other high-level officials are very excited.

After all, this is the first time to see the ancient Xuan after experiencing the tongxuan Dan Jie.

In the past five days, there was a lot of rumors in the door that it was Gu Xuan who had been seriously damaged by the thunder because of his involvement in tongxuan Tianjie.

The fact that Gu Xuan did not appear for several days after that seems to confirm this rumor.

Even as the core figures of the sect, the elder Zi and others are extremely worried about the ancient Xuan.

Not only they, a number of newly joined imperial martial artists, but also the pharmacists who came to see and understand the ancient Xuandan path were also very worried.

If there was something wrong with ancient XuanZhen, I'm afraid we could not get all the benefits promised by Tianzong.

Many things, such as the eight grade pill and the nine grade pill, which are difficult to refine. I'm afraid it can't work without Gu Xuan himself.

Even if Gongsun goat and the great master of Wanhua and qianniuzi join hands, not to mention refining Jiupin Dan, it is only refining eight pindan, which is not comparable to Gu Xuan.

Besides, Gu Xuan is the core of the core of yingtianzong. It can be said that the whole yingtianzong is his speech. If something happens to him, it is hard to say whether yingtianzong can maintain it, let alone fulfill the previous agreement.

However, seeing Gu Xuan completely OK now, he is in a state of energetic spirit. There is no sign of injury at all. A group of yingtianzong senior officials finally let go.

Gu Xuan sat on the main seat, and the other high-rise people also sat down in turn.

With a faint smile, Gu Xuan said: "after defeating the Taoist school, I should be in the secular sect, and no one can compete.

Therefore, in addition to the normal refining of pills and the fulfillment of the promise made to the warriors in the imperial realm, the formal establishment of Danyu and the association of pharmacists can also be put on the agenda.

The pharmacists who had promised to join the Chinese medicine refiners' Association at the beginning, I would show my own elixir, and personally guide their doubts in the process of refining pills.

These matters can be solved at the same time. The time is five days later. "

Smell speech, a group of yingtianzong high-level face is showing the color of joy.

When Danyu and the association of pharmacists are established, Ying Tianzong's prestige will reach an unprecedented height.

At that time, even if zhongyuanyu wants to deal with Tianzong, he will have to weigh it. If he offends most of the pharmacists in the world, he will lose more than he gains.

Great master Wanhua was even more excited, and his face turned red. Unexpectedly, yingtianzong caught up with such good things.

Gongsun goat had a close relationship with him. Once the association was established, he would be one of the two vice presidents of the association!

Gongsun goat was so excited that his eyes filled with tears. He looked forward to the stars and the moon. I don't know how long it will be before the Danyu and the pharmacists' Association will be officially established.

Originally, according to Gongsun goat's expectation, it would take at least a few years, or even more than 10 years, for Danyu and the association of pharmacists to be established.

After all, the pharmacist is also a warrior. For a warrior, a few years or ten years is just a time to close down.

However, I never thought that it was less than a year from the preparation to the establishment.

The meeting lasted two hours.

After the meeting, Wanhua grand master could not wait to run out and went to the palace where the pharmacists were.

Then, the crowd was boiling.

The whole yingtianzong was filled with the cheers of pharmacists.

When the ancient Xuan appeared and came out from the tower of Tongtian, a group of martial artists who joined yingtianzong also cheered.

In recent days, there are rumors that Gu Xuan was injured, which made them suffer a lot. Now that Gu Xuan shows up, how can they not be excited?

Then, one after another of the herald runes flew up into the sky, and a messenger bird flew to all directions.

In a word, after five days, the news that Gu Xuan was about to set up Danyu and establish an association of pharmacists spread all over the land of burning heaven by various means within a few hours.

The whole burning land, once again boiling up.

Although he knew that yingtianzong had already planned to do so and knew that as long as Gu Xuan did not die, this day would come sooner or later, but no one expected that this day would come so quickly.

In contrast, the invitation of Zhongyuan Region to observe the ceremony of joining the WTO seems to have a moderate response.

Inside the gate of yingtianzong, above a sentry tower.

The withered grass half Saint looked worried, and the warm atmosphere of yingtianzong was out of place with him.

He looked at a direction, and after a long time, he sighed.

Suddenly, the withered grass half Saint clenched his teeth, and a fine light flashed in his eyes, as if he had made a major decision and wanted to go to the residence of Gu Xuan.

However, after only one step, the sentry tower still failed. The firm and incomparable look of the withered grass Bansheng just now collapsed completely."Well, it's strange that I don't have the ability. In the battle between daomen and yingtianzong, I didn't make much effort. Now, how can I invite Gu Xuan to Fei Yue Mountain Gate?"

The withered grass is half holy and distressed.

His mission this time is to sell Gu Xuan a big favor.

Unfortunately, I didn't expect that the Taoist school was so strong. Although I made a little contribution to the protection of yingtianzong, I couldn't say how much human feelings there were.

Just with this contribution, I would like to invite Dan Di to go to the gate of Fei Yue mountain with himself. It is unrealistic to be in the eye of Jiegu, which is about to be established in Danyu.

"But if I don't invite him, the curse of the master..."

The withered grass half saint's eyes were full of anxiety.

"It turns out that it is your master who has been cursed. No wonder you care so much. You'd rather be infected with the curse yourself and try to test me.

Don't worry. Since you joined yingtianzong, you've lost your life in the battle against daomen. To me, it is also a human relationship.

No matter how big or small, I will try my best to help. After the establishment of Danyu, I went to the gate of Fei Yue mountain

It was not until Gu Xuan spoke that the withered grass was half holy. Gu Xuan didn't know when he had come here and heard his own words.

After a brief surprise, the withered grass half saint's face appeared the color of ecstasy.

"Thank you, Lord! As long as the Lord is willing to help my master, my master will be fine. I don't think I can repay this great kindness, but I'll take it as an assignment in the future. "

The withered grass said respectfully.

With a smile, Gu Xuan said, "it's not necessary to go through fire and water. However, I should be Tianzong to establish a Dan domain, since it is a domain, naturally can not be too small.

The whole southeast region, from now on, will be the scope of Dan region.

However, there are many other forces in the southeast region.

Now, please go out and have a walk with me

A quarter of an hour later, the mighty four teams set out from the sky of yingtianzong and flew toward the four directions of southeast and northwest!

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