Gu Xuan's eyes were full of fierce light, and he stepped out with a flash of light.

His speed, fast to the extreme, is toward Lin Yue sword.

Lin Yuejian has been frightened by Gu Xuan Gang's attack. How dare he let Gu Xuan get close to him and fly back in a direction in a hurry to get away from him.


After a towering giant tree, Lin Yuejian was lost.

Ancient Xuan mouth hook.

"You dare to play in front of me. I can find you once. Do you think it's luck? You know, no one who has dealt with me can completely hide in front of me

Gu Xuan suddenly turned around and jumped out like lightning. He hit a big tree!


The tree burst.

Lin Yuejian's body shape flies out of it.

The power of Gu Xuan's fist made him feel absolutely unmatched.

"Damn it! Gu Xuan, how did you find me hiding in that tree? My art of concealment, in this magic array, even those who are strong in the holy land should not find me

Lin Yuejian asked, gritting his teeth as he changed his orientation.

He was chased by a half step real emperor like a dog who lost his family. He lost his face to such a degree. Let alone himself, no one dares to believe him, even others!

But that's how it happened.

The ancient Xuan was hanging in the void, and his eyes were like a torch, and he firmly locked Lin Yuejian.

"I said, no one can completely hide in front of me. Do you think I'm talking big?

From the moment you first appeared and I used the sword of Tao, I had already made a few numbers on you.

Do you think it's great if you block my sword? You are a holy land. No matter how strong my sword is, I can't hurt you.

But why do I have to cut that sword again? In addition to forcing you to stay away from the fairies, the main purpose is to leave my own mark on you

With a faint smile, Gu Xuan gazed at Lin Yuejian with his cat and mouse eyes.

"Originally, I wanted to save Feihong fairy first, and then slowly concoct you idiot. However, you forced me to kill you first with the life of Feihong fairy

Speaking of this, Gu Xuan's eyes became as sharp as an arrow!

He hated it the most. Others threatened him with the safety of his relatives and friends!

As Lin Yuejian said, attaching importance to emotion is the greatest weakness of ancient Xuan.

However, the biggest weakness is the scale of the ancient Xuan!

Touch it and die!

For this magic array, Gu Xuan still has too many doubts. Before these doubts are completely solved, he has no intention to expose the card of the star picking player.

Unfortunately, Lin Yuejian did not give him a chance.

It is difficult for him to ensure the safety of Feihong fairy without using star picking hand.

Therefore, he did not hesitate to use the star picking hand.

Even if he had already guessed that the controller of the magic array was not Lin Yuejian.

Even if, in this magic array, there may be a stronger existence, revealing their cards, is not a wise thing.

However, for the sake of a friend like Feihong fairy, how about exposure?

What if it's not wise!

"Damn it, damn Gu Xuan, what mark have you left on me? Why can't I find it! "

Lin Yuejian has been a little crazy, frantically exploring his body, the mark left by Gu Xuan.

Unfortunately, nothing.

Gu Xuan coldly smile: "the mark that I leave, if can be found so easily by you, that is strange!"


Gu Xuan's figure, once again disappeared in place.

"Star picking hand!"

A blow out, the mountain fell apart!

This square world, in this moment, all changed color.

"Not good!"

Lin Yuejian's face changed greatly. How could he not understand? Why did Gu Xuan suddenly go mad.

If you are mad, you will be mad. But how can you be so powerful?

"Fearless fist, you must kill!"

Lin Yuejian's right fist swings violently, and the majestic power gushes out of his body and condenses to the top of his right fist.

The power of heaven and earth was inspired by him, and turned into the purest energy, which was also condensed on his right fist!

This blow, aimed at Gu Xuan's fist, was to blow out!

Lin Yuejian looks ferocious. He wants to fight with Gu Xuan!


When the two fists collide, a terrible explosion is immediately produced, as if to destroy the whole space.

The power of the explosion, like a circle of ripples, grows from small to large, and instantly spreads to the range of thousands of feet.

The towering trees collapsed, but they had not touched the ground at all, and they had completely exploded. In this twisted space, they turned into dust and dispersed with the wind."How could it be!"

At the core of the explosion, Lin Yuejian's voice of unbelievable exclamation suddenly rings out.

Then, his body will fly out, fall to the ground, bang, hit a huge hole, dust and smoke everywhere.


A big mouthful of blood gushed from Lin Yuejian.

The strength of the holy land did not bring him any advantage in the face of the ancient Xuan. He was still hanged by the ancient Xuan.

Lin Yuejian's eyes were startled and inexplicable. He was afraid that Gu Xuan would pursue him again. He didn't take care of his injury, so he jumped up from the ground and was on guard.

"Idiot, behind you!"

The voice of Gu Xuan, in a burst of space fluctuation, rings from behind Lin Yuejian.

Lin Yuejian's pupil shrinks abruptly and kicks back when he raises his foot.

Under this foot, the air rustled and the space became twisted. Obviously, Lin Yuejian still displayed a very powerful leg technique in a hurry.

The power of this leg is enough to kick a mountain!

Unfortunately, in the face of this terrible foot, Gu Xuan did not change his face. He blocked the leg with his right fist.

"What is the matter? How can you have this kind of power as a half step real emperor? "

Lin Yuejian roared. The power of Gu Xuan's right fist was too powerful. It was not the strength that the martial arts under the holy land should have!

Gu Xuan sneered again.

"When you're dead, you can go to the nether to find the answer."

Gu Xuan's right fist suddenly opened and turned his fist into a palm. He seized Lin Yuejian's foot and threw it forward.


With a loud noise, Lin Yuejian fell to the ground and made a big hole.

"You forced me, Gu Xuan! Don't regret it

Lin Yuejian, with a face of embarrassment, got up from the pit and retreated abruptly, drawing a certain distance from Gu Xuan.

"Even if you burn half of Shouyuan today, I want you to die!"

Lin Yuejian's face is ferocious and his hands bear mysterious Dharma marks.

And his power surges out of him.

His longevity yuan decreased at a very fast rate. In the blink of an eye, he changed from a young man to a middle-aged man.

"You long annihilation seal , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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