"If I can't even guess who you are at this point, would I, the owner of the supreme flame, be too stupid?"

Gu Xuan looked at the black ball with a banter.

"Right? Eat the fire Shura. "

Hearing the ancient Xuan call out its name, the last fluke in the eyes of the black ball was also completely wiped out.

No one who practices fire will let go of a fire eating Shura.

"Brother Gu Xuan, did you catch it?"

The figure of Feihong fairy fell to Gu Xuan like a ray of sunlight.

Swallowing fire, Shura looked at Feihong fairy with some annoyance.

It's so delicious. Unfortunately, I can't eat it any more.

Feihong fairy frowned and stared at the fire eating Shura.

Even though it had been trapped by the ancient Xuan's icy spirit and cold inflammation, the sense of danger emanating from his body was like that from his soul, which was deeply imprinted in the heart of Feihong fairy.

"What is the fire eating Shura? Why am I afraid of it? But can't help but want to get close to it?

It's like something is attracting me! "

The expression on Feihong fairy's face is very complicated.

With a faint smile, Gu Xuan held out his right hand and pointed it in the void.

The stars, which seemed to be real and illusory, floated to the fairies and the fire eating Shura.

"You still have the power of my soul. Now, feel it.

I can only guess why you are afraid of it, because all firemen except me are afraid of it.

Eat fire Shura, eat fire. Every time you swallow a flame, it will have the ability of that flame.

Twist time and space, create darkness, split fire, should all come from this.

However, I can't guess why it is attractive to you.

The answer, perhaps only you know! Remember, I feel the breath of samsara from you

Gu Xuan held out his right index finger and pointed it on the eyebrow of Feihong fairy.

Feihong fairy only felt that the scene in front of her suddenly changed.

On her body, and on the body of devouring fire Shura, countless silk threads appeared.

These silk threads, they are closely linked together.

The color of surprise appeared in the eyes of devouring fire Shura.

"You have practiced the great cause and effect and become a prophet

When he said this, he seemed to realize that something was wrong, so he suddenly closed his mouth. There were some taboos. Even if it was, he could not say it at will.

Otherwise, it is likely to produce more terrible cause and effect than death.

Gu Xuan just glanced at the fire swallowing Shura and didn't say anything more.

When he heard the word "prophet", he clearly noticed that the space around him had changed a little.

The power of a taboo seems to come at any time.

This is a kind of warning, from a certain great power.

Therefore, Gu Xuan was very wise and did not ask more questions.

However, he became more and more curious about this fire eating Shura.

Generally speaking, an ordinary fire eating Shura should not know such a secret thing.

"I see! So it is! "

Feihong fairy's eyes twinkle with the essence of Taoism. Her breath has changed a little at this moment.

Gu Xuan looked at Feihong fairy with some surprise. He didn't expect that Feihong fairy had an epiphany so quickly.

"This kind of breath is just the kind of breath produced in the body of Feihong fairy when she was besieged by three black balls before! I'm afraid that even if I don't save her, she won't have anything. "

There was some emotion in Gu Xuan's heart.

Swallowing fire Shura looked at the fairy with some vigilance.

From this Terran woman, it suddenly felt a sense of danger.

This kind of breath even makes it feel more dangerous than the supreme flame of ancient Xuan.

Not only dangerous, but also very familiar!

Be familiar with making it want to surrender.

The light in the eyes of Feihong fairy flows, and she stares at the fire eating Shura.

"Give up your life, obey me, or be devoured by me!"

While speaking, the purple flame on Feihong fairy's body, like a Purple Royal robe, set off her elegant.

The eyes of the burning Shura were shocked.

Even if we guessed that the ancient Xuan was the supreme flame owner, it never shocked to this extent.

"Your honor, you can Can you prove your identity a little bit? "

The fire eating Shura is a little afraid, but more respect.

There was a sneer at the corners of her mouth.

"For the sake of being my first servant, I'll prove it a little bit. But remember, next time you have any doubts about me, I'll let you know what's really cruelWhoosh.

The purple flame was enveloped in the fairy.


A flame flew out and condensed into a string of tadpole shaped characters on the head of Feihong fairy.

Under this string of words, the fire eating Shura trembled with excitement.

Not because of fear, but because of excitement.

Gu Xuan also looked at this string of words. He could not understand the chill of the words. However, the power contained in the words made him feel a little dangerous.

"This is no ordinary writing! Even I can't copy this text! Even memory can only be forced to remember! "

Gu Xuan squinted.

In his mind, for no reason, a figure flashed.

It was the figure of Shura who was killed by him in the death of heaven.

Feihong fairy suddenly looked at Gu Xuan.

However, soon her eyes returned to the fire eating Shura.

Swallowing the fire, the Shura tried to hold back the shiver and spit out a flame respectfully.

This flame, only the size of a little thumb, is extremely pure.

"Your honor, please accept my life! May you be sent by your Lord for generations to come

The voice of burning Shura is very humble.

This sentence, in Gu Xuan's hearing, how to listen to how it seems to be flattering.

But the pious look of the burning Shura.

The corner of Gu Xuan's mouth twitched for a moment. Sure enough, Shura doesn't have a face. It's similar to people!

He felt Gu Xuan's eyes and gave him a contemptuous glance.

"If Shura is cheap, it will be invincible! Haven't you? The earth bag

This is what the fire eating Shura thought.

The fairy opened her mouth and swallowed the flame.

From then on, the life and death of fire eating Shura was between her thoughts.

What's more, accepting the true life of the fire eating Shura is equivalent to accepting all its strength. When you need it, you can mobilize it at will.

"Good! Enter my space treasure. I will draw your strength whenever I need it

"It's a great honor!"

Gu Xuan said:

Cheap enough! Invincible!

Put away the fire eating Shura, and the purple flame behind the Feihong fairy slowly turned into four and returned to the body of the Feihong fairy.

Gu Xuan looked at Feihong fairy curiously.

"Which reincarnation are you

Feihong fairy mysterious smile: "elder brother Gu Xuan is so clever, can't you guess?"

"Shura empress!"

"Right answer!"

"The Shura empress is also a fire eater?"

"No, I'm a" fire refiner ". Refining the world's flame in one is my way of true fire!"

"Then I will call you Feihong or the empress?"


Gu Xuan smile, Feihong fairy, after all, is the original Feihong fairy.

"Brother Gu Xuan, thank you this time. If it wasn't for you, I couldn't get three kinds of sky fire together

Feihong fairy looked at Gu Xuan gratefully.

She spread out her right hand.

Seven flames, in turn, lit up in her hands, and then began to fuse with each other.

Half saint's breath, suddenly appears in the Feihong fairy body!

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