
The puppet Gu Xuan was blown to pieces.

Feihong fairy's face was gloomy.

"At last I find a chance to kill you!"

Just before, although she had the upper hand in the battle with puppet Feihong and puppet Zhuque, she couldn't hit the target at all, which made her almost crazy.

"Now, it's easy to kill both of you!"

Feihong fairy turned around and coldly looked at the puppet Zhuque and puppet Feihong.

Without the puppet ancient Xuan, the broken eyes of the two will disappear.

In this way, it is not easy for Feihong fairy to kill them, but it is not far away.

With a faint smile, Gu Xuan's eyes re locked on the one horned girl.

The whole face of the one horned girl was twitching.

Thousands of defense, the result is only to guard against Gu Xuan, even the Feihong fairy near the puppet Gu Xuan did not find.

Now, even he can't use his broken eyes. Gu Xuan can't see through the next attack.

"I can't help it. I have to withdraw!"

There is only one thought in the unicorn girl's mind at the moment, that is to leave this heavy space.

As Gu Xuan had guessed before.

In the "endless abyss" of magic treasure, there are two spaces.

It is the second space that Gu Xuan and Feihong fairy came to.

And the rosefinch princess, trapped in the first space, is fighting against the eternal magic.

The idea is certain, the exclusive girl no longer hesitates, and even gives up the idea of taking back the water moon mirror of puppet Zhuque and puppet Feihong, and prepares to leave.

In fact, she had decided to leave from just now on.

However, Gu Xuan's broken false eyes are too easy to use, and she also wants to keep them as the only retention ability.

There is only one ability that can be copied by the water moon mirror, which can be preserved for a long time.

Other abilities can only be used in a day under certain circumstances.

In order to keep her broken eyes, the one horned girl must take back the puppet Gu Xuan first.

Unfortunately, Gu Xuan has been chasing her, so that she has no chance to get close to the puppet Gu Xuan.

Now, the puppet Gu Xuan has been killed by Feihong fairy. As for puppet Feihong and the fire of rosefinch, she has no idea to keep it.

One after another transmission stone, suddenly in the hands of the unicorn girl light up.

Waves of space fluctuations, suddenly wrapped up the unicorn girl.

"I don't want to accompany you any more. You are here and have a good time."

The one horned girl stares at Gu Xuan coldly.

She hoped that Gu Xuan had better stay here and never find a way out, although it was not realistic.

"You want to go, have you asked me?"

The figure of Gu Xuan suddenly disappeared from the eyes of the one horned girl.

There was a bad feeling in the one horned girl's heart.

At this moment, the transmission stone in her hand became dim and lost all its luster.

The voice of Gu Xuan came from behind the one horned girl.

"Do you think you still have a chance to try this teleport stone in front of me?

The space around you is completely closed by me. Of course you can rush out, but if you want to get out of this space, save it. "

Gu Xuan seemed to smile, and his hands formed a series of Dharma Seals, blocking the space.

A constant force of space came out of his hands.

The unicorn girl's face turned ugly again.

"If you want to close the space here, you have to constantly consume the power of space. You can't fight me with all your strength if you do this! "

The one horned girl's eyes were cold, as if she would rush to attack Gu Xuan at any time.

Ancient Xuan mouth hook.

If you can't use the space to attack me.

Since you can't use the space stone, I don't need to maintain the seal of this space. At that time, I can beat you all over the place. "

The corner of her mouth twitched a few times.

This is a dead circle!

The two can only stand in a stalemate, and neither can attack the other.

Once Gu Xuan attacks the unicorn girl, she can use the teleportation stone to escape first.

Once the one horned girl attacked Gu Xuan, she could also take the opportunity to fight back, and his counterattack could not be stopped.

The stalemate will not last long.

When Feihong fairy solved the puppet Feihong and puppet Zhuque, the one horned girl knew that her own end would come.

After pondering for a long time, the unicorn girl finally bit her teeth and seemed to have made a difficult decision.

"Maybe we can make a deal. I'll give you a real magic core. You let me go. And, as a sign of sincerity, I can tell you how to get out of here. How about? "

Gu Xuan's eyes narrowed slightly."I like your proposal very much, but a real magic core is not enough to attract me.

I want all the three real magic cores you just swallowed

The one horned girl's teeth itched with anger.

"Are you too greedy. Do you know the value of three true magic cores? "

Gu Xuan shook his head lightly.

"I don't care how valuable it is. My request, only one, is three true magic core. As for the way out, you don't have to tell me.

I don't believe it. I can't get out with my way of time and space! "

"Two, no more!"

"Three, no discussion!"



One horned girl:.... "

"Well, you win, three for three!"

The one horned girl clenched her teeth.

Just then, only a few distant explosions were heard.

Puppet rosefinch and puppet Feihong were blown to pieces.

Feihong fairy, with a cold face, flew to Gu Xuan's side and glared at the one horned girl, hoping for a whip.

Just now, she was upset by the self copied by the one horned girl.

The one horned girl, with a face full of discontent, took out three real magic cores and threw them directly to Gu Xuan.

In Gu Xuan's eyes, the essence flashed, and he reached for it.

"Yes, as an insidious and despicable demon, you have credibility."

With a faint smile, Gu Xuan withdrew the blockade of this space.

The one horned girl's mouth would be crooked.

Are you praising me or hurting me?

"Hum! You won this time. Next time, I will pay back the hatred I have today. "

The one horned girl clenched her fist and said fiercely.

"Wait, I want to ask you one more question before you leave."

Ancient Xuan suddenly said.

The unicorn pointed in a direction.

"Over there, go straight for ten miles. There's a space node where you can get out."

Gu Xuan shook his head.

"That's not the question I want to ask."

The one horned girl was stunned.

"What do you want to ask?"

Gu Xuan held his chin.

"Your strength is not inferior to that of the ordinary Holy Land warriors. According to the principle, a real devil should have the same strength as the real emperor.

However, there is a saying in the burning sky land that all ten real emperors are not necessarily the opponents of a warrior in the holy land, so... "

The one horned girl looks at Gu Xuan with a look at a fool. Before Gu Xuan finishes, she signals Gu Xuan to stop talking.

"Stupid, that's stupid. Don't you know that the natural calamity of your Terran warriors being promoted to the true emperor is much stronger than that of the holy land?

If the real emperor is not as strong as the martial arts in holy land, how did they survive the disaster?

I think you are worried about your IQ. I refuse to answer such a low IQ question! "

With that, the unicorn girl activated the stone in her hand and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

At this time, the pupil of Gu Xuan shrinks!

"Let's go too!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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