"How can you refine the real magic core so easily

Eternal magic Saint looks suspicious and stares at Gu Xuan.

From Gu Xuan's face, he didn't see any difference in Gu Xuan.

This either shows that Gu Xuan is a liar, he did not refine the real magic core.

In other words, Gu Xuan could not be affected by the majestic spirit in the real magic core.

But if the latter, how can this be possible?

Even if it is the half step true devil of the demon clan, refining the true devil core, it may not be able to withstand the terrible evil Qi, and it may explode and die at any time.

Gu Xuan is not a demon family at all. Relying on the pseudo God body, he can refine half step real demons. It's just liquid magic core. How can he even refine true magic core without paying any price?

This, whether it is eternal magic saint or devil fairy, will not believe it.

The devil fairy looked at Gu Xuan angrily: "you dare to play me, next time, I will let you die ten times worse!"

Gu Xuan shook his head. He told the truth, but nobody believed it.

As early as in the second space, Gu Xuan had already begun to refine the three true magic cores with the half holy stone.

He can't wait to know how much power of rules can be obtained by refining a real magic core.

At the same time, he is also studying the evil Qi in the real magic core, hoping to find a way to restrain the evil Qi.

His supreme flame, which is pure to Yang, has a certain restraining effect on the evil Qi.

However, the fire of rosefinch is also pure to Yang flame. Since the eternal devil saint is not afraid of the fire of rosefinch, the restraint effect of the supreme flame on the evil Qi will not be too great.

After all, not to mention the eternal devil saint, even the devil fairy is not afraid of the fire of the rosefinch, and can even copy it to fight.

Gu Xuan didn't stick to the flame, but put the focus of deduction on half of the sacred stone in the Dantian.

This half of the throne stone, it simply regards the real magic core as the most delicious food in the world.

The majestic spirit in the real magic core is just like marshmallow, which is swallowed by it in a moment.

Then, the force of thirty rules appears around half of the tablet and spins.

The force of the thirty silk rule is more pure than the previous three silk rule force.

The power of three silk rules can repair 1% of the incomplete part of the holy throne stone.

Thirty silk throne stone, can repair at least one tenth!

You can imagine the excitement in Gu Xuan's heart.

Therefore, after arriving at the first space, Gu Xuan began to refine the second true magic core of the holy throne stone, while holding off time.

At this time, Gu Xuan was acutely aware that the second true magic core had an instinctive resistance to the power of approaching the thirty silk rules.

Or fear!

This discovery made Gu Xuan more excited.

He controlled the power of the thirty rules and flew towards the real magic core.

The real devil's core trembled, as if seeking advantages and avoiding disadvantages, trying to stay away from the power of these rules.

However, how can ancient Xuan let it escape?

With a whoosh of the power of thirty silk rules, it entangled the real magic core and dragged it to the side of half a holy stone.

This time, the throne stone seems to have had experience, devouring faster.

Soon, the second true magic core became the force of thirty rules.

Gu Xuan immediately took out the third true magic core.

A moment later, the full force of 90 silk rules was already floating beside half of the holy stone.

At this time, the eternal devil Saint finally could not bear it.

Originally, the eternal devil Saint had already begun to retreat, but the fact that Gu Xuan could easily refine the real devil core made him too concerned.

This matter, whether true or false, Gu Xuan must die!

He couldn't take the risk, even if one in ten thousand could be true.

Terran, can't produce a person who can refine the true magic core without being eaten back.

The eternal devil Saint let the devil fairy use the real magic core to lure Gu Xuan to join in, but he didn't have a good intention at all.

Because he believed that after absorbing the true magic core, Gu Xuan would either die or become a demon family and be controlled by himself.

But now, Gu Xuan is not dead, even a little bit of the performance of being eaten back, which has to be prevented.

The idea of retreating just sprouted is forcibly dispelled from the mind by the eternal devil saint.

Even if it is to pay a certain price, we must take down Zhuque princess in one fell swoop, occupy the secret place of rosefinch, and kill Gu Xuan at the same time!

"Princess rosefinch's arrow is the only way to hurt me. What is more hateful is that the long arrow did not consume her much.

In other words, I'm afraid she can shoot many arrows to hurt me

The eternal magic saint's eyes swept past the ancient Xuan and the flying fairy."But I don't have to touch her. As long as I can delay until it is completely swallowed up, I will be the final winner!

Without the blessing of the secret land of the rosefinch, the strength of the princess of the rosefinch can not be saved at all!

At that time, I will catch her and I will kill her if I want to kill her. Everything is under my control

A wisp of killing opportunity, gushing from the eternal devil saint.

His figure, instantly disappeared in the original place, even in an instant, appeared behind the rosefinch princess.


The pupil of Princess rosefinch shrinks. I didn't expect that the eternal devil Saint could burst out at such a speed!

That is to say, he has not used his full strength just now!


The fist of eternal magic Saint collides with the wings of Princess rosefinch.

After a huge explosion, the shape of Princess rosefinch flew backward.

"No! Gu Xuan, Fei Hong, retreat

Princess rosefinch is in a hurry.


The eternal demon Saint drank coldly, and his body moved, and he had already appeared behind the fairy!

Long fingernails, like an invincible magic treasure, stabbed at the heart of Feihong fairy!

If you want to delay time, you have to start with Feihong fairy and Gu Xuan.

As long as they chase after the fairy and the ancient Xuanda, the princess rosefinch can only run to save them!

In this way, the initiative will be in your own hands!

If you can kill Gu Xuan and Feihong fairy, you will be able to make Zhuque princess in a state of agitation and even go mad, which is very beneficial to her!

This is the plan of eternal magic saint!

He did it the first time!

Feihong fairy felt stiff all over, as if there was a big mountain. She pressed hard on her body and could not move.

A crisis of death completely enveloped her.

And she had no way to resist.

Feihong fairy even felt that this was the closest time she was really to death!

The pupil of Gu Xuan shrinks suddenly, and the eternal devil saint is worthy of being at the same level as Princess rosefinch.

This speed alone is beyond his reach.

However, how could it be possible to kill the fairy in front of him?

"The way of time and space!"

Gu Xuan gave a violent drink and gave full play to the power of time and space, which filled him with a distance of ten Zhang.

In this instant, the speed of the eternal devil saint's attack on Feihong fairy was five times slower.

"Why? You should have mastered such a pure way of time and space, such talents are not used by my demon clan, that's damned!

But before that, I'll show you the power!

Open your eyes and see how I killed your companion

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