Time flies sometimes.

God, it's going to be light soon.

In the sky of yingtianzong, a colorful cloud suddenly appeared and expanded.

When the sun rises to the top of the tree, the sky over the whole Dan area has been filled with colorful clouds.

This scene makes the whole Danyu seem to be in a fairyland.

The light wind sways, all over the towering trees on both sides of danyunei Avenue, sending out the fragrance of flowers. Just smelling the fragrance, people will have a refreshing feeling.

On both sides of the avenue, there were already full of disciples to meet the guests.

One after another, also took out their own unique pills, let the danxiang diffuse out.

At the same time, the signboard with the name of Dan and its effect also hung high.

Ensure that every warrior walking on both sides of Danyu Avenue can see his own signboard.

The society of pharmacists was busier, and every pharmacist was in high spirits.

Either preparing for the upcoming pharmacist show, or elaborately preparing questions that you need to solve.

Shizong, the disciple of jiuzong, went to heaven to make medicine.

Today is destined to be a busy day.

It is also destined to be recorded in the history of burning sky mainland.

As if it was agreed, warships, boats, and all kinds of horses gathered from different directions towards the boundary stone of the Dan region.

A flying boat suddenly fell from the sky, and there was only one person standing on it.

The first official guest of the society of pharmacists has finally arrived.

This is an old man, dressed in a long robe of pharmacist, who is a symbol of his identity. His eyes are full of excitement and piety. He strides forward and walks steadily into the Dan region.

The withered grass half Saint smiles and leads the pharmacist to register. He finds another disciple and leads him to the pharmacist's guild.

The first guest, of course, was treated favorably.

If the guests come later, they need to form a group of at least 100 people, then there will be a special guide disciple to take them to the position of the pharmacists' Association.

Otherwise, if a disciple takes one of them, I'm afraid the number of leading disciples is not enough.

There are only one hundred disciples responsible for leading the task.

There's no way. To become a leading disciple, it's very important to have a good vision, determination, strength and all aspects.

The standard of consideration is very high.

There is no way.

The establishment of Danyu is a great event. The goal of guxuan is to attract more pharmacists, form a community of interests, and expand Danyu.

In this way, you can't build a car behind closed doors.

If you want to expand a power, you must get more people's recognition, so as to earn more wealth.

Alchemy is a very expensive business.

If you don't create a lot of wealth, you can't afford to raise so many pharmacists.

In fact, Danyu is only a layer of protection for yingtianzong to be passed down from generation to generation.

The ultimate goal is to make yingtianzong more powerful.

Therefore, on this important day, the disciples of yingtianzong are everywhere.

This is a great opportunity to broaden our horizons.

When Danyu was founded, Gu Xuan didn't send out invitation cards.

Because he knew that his strength had been recognized by all people from the moment he defeated daomen and killed their masters.

But this can not change the fact that Ying Tianzong is only a new force.

Since it is a new force, in the intertwined land of burning heaven, it is naturally the object that many forces want to attract.

Therefore, as long as he announced the establishment of Danyu today, countless forces, whether they regard yingtianzong as an enemy or want to make friends, have such a good opportunity to observe Ying Tianzong closely, observe the association of pharmacists and observe Gu Xuan, they can not miss the opportunity.

On the pretext of congratulating the establishment of the association of pharmacists, even the enemies of yingtianzong can enter the Danyu grandly today.

Ying Tianzong will not choose to tear his face with the people who wish to celebrate today.

Of course, it's not a special celebration, that's an exception.

The first guest did not attract much attention from the dead grass half saint.

He was just a pharmacist in his twilight days. His rank was not high, so ordinary.

More and more guests arrived.

Three boats fell down at the same time.

As soon as the withered grass half saint's eyes lit up, he met him.

"The Fang family leader of Shenyin Valley, the ancient master of Huagu mountain, the head of the demon clan, all the distinguished guests, have arrived at the same time. What a fate!

Dear guests, please come in

The withered grass half Saint smiles brightly.

"Ha ha, I didn't expect that the withered grass Taoist friend of Fei Yue Mountain Gate was here.

It seems that Feiyue Mountain Gate and yingtianzong have formed an alliance.Congratulations

The owner of the Fang family, with a smile on his face, bowed to the half saint of the withered grass.

"Ha ha, the owner of the Fang family is just joking. Congratulations on the alliance, but congratulations on the wrong direction.

You should be congratulated. It's the establishment of the association of pharmacists! "

The withered grass half Saint bowed his hand in return.

"That's right. Congratulations on the establishment of the association of pharmacists! A small gift, no respect

The master of the ancient family came up and handed over an antique wooden box and blinked his eyes towards the dead grass.

Withered grass half Saint also does not have a voice, responded several eyes.

Inside the wooden box is a space ring.

Outside the wooden box, carved inside the space ring gift list.

Most of the items on the list are regular gifts, such as Tian Yuan Dan and Xuan Jing, which are equivalent to money and are hard currency.

Of course, money is just a sum of money. The dead grass and half saint will not look at it.

His eyes, all of a sudden, swept to the bottom.

The real gift at the bottom of the box represents the heart.

At a glance, the eyes of the half sage of the withered grass brightened up. The owner of the ancient family did not let himself down.

"Nine younger martial brother, put it away!"

The half sage of withered grass handed the gift to a younger martial brother.

The ninth younger martial brother took the gift with a knowing smile and said in a loud voice:

"the master of the ancient family of Huagu mountain congratulates the establishment of the association of pharmacists, and presents a holy treasure and a Xuanyu bracelet to heaven!"

Ninth younger martial brother's voice spread far and wide, covering the whole Dan area.

Many yingtianzong disciples were excited.

Many of the followers who cooperated with yingtianzong were also envious.

"Thank you very much! Yingtianzong, you are a friend

The withered grass Bansheng laughed and patted the ancient family master on the shoulder.

The owner of the ancient family also laughed, and the two laughed happily.

The Fang family master and the group demon door master see the situation, at the same time, the heart of a Deng.

"No, it's a trust, the ancient master."

The withered grass's half saint's eyes turned to the two masters of the Fang family.

"I don't know. What kind of gift do you have?

Of course, there is no and there is no such thing. The master of the ancient Xuanzong said that all visitors are guests. No matter whether there is a gift or not, as long as someone can come, they are all distinguished guests! "

"Honored guest" two words, withered grass half Saint bite very heavy!

The master of Fang's family and the head of the group demon gate looked at each other and felt some liver pain at the same time.

It's a very distinguished guest. Can you give me some valuable gift?

As the hidden world forces, they all have a rich family background. Although it is painful, they can make friends with Gu Xuan. That doesn't exist!

"Congratulations, we have already prepared, ha ha ha!"

Two people ha ha a smile, took out "already prepared" congratulatory gift.

Seeing this, the ninth younger martial brother displays the lion roar skill again.

"The master of the Fang family in Shenyin Valley Send a piece of treasure and tortoise armor

"Demon sect leader A ring for the earth

The sound floated far and far away, making the air humming and shaking many boats that were about to approach the Dan area, and suddenly trembled.

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