"Gu Xuan, I'll fight with you!"

Prince Chen struggled to get up, but it was useless.

A scholar can be killed but not humiliated. His emperor Chen is the crown prince of the kingdom of heaven. He is recognized as the successor of the kingdom of heaven. He usually exists in the presence of stars and the moon.

But now, he was slapped by a humble half step real emperor?

It's worse than killing him!

So many people are watching!

Even the emperor roared madly.

"You can kill me! Gu Xuan, come on... "

With a frown on his brow and a stroke of his right hand in the void, the word "Feng" was suddenly formed.

"Seal it for me!"


The word "Feng" fell steadily on the prince Chen's lips.

"Woo Wu... "

The crown prince of Chen immediately couldn't even open his mouth. He could only make a whine.

His eyes were full of anger. If his eyes could kill people, Gu Xuan would be cut into pieces by him now.

"What the hell is the crown prince of heaven? Or will you not be my prisoner? "

Gu Xuan stares at the prince Chen and makes a mockery.

The crown prince of Chen sobbed a few times, struggled a few times, did not move.

He, unexpectedly, has been dizzy.

Gu Xuan sneered: "return the prince, I bah! Somebody, drag him to Tongtian tower and lock him up.

As I said, I'm very precious to be a high platform. Now I've made a crack. It's unreasonable.

If you don't take hundreds of high-quality spiritual treasures, you can't redeem this waste. "

Two yingtianzong disciples wiped sweat and went to the high platform to drag away the prince Chen.

Below, a group of martial arts of the hidden world forces have long been stunned.

Dan Di is Dan di. What a suffocating operation it is to detain the crown prince of Chen and ask the kingdom of Tianchen to take out hundreds of top-grade spiritual treasures?

I believe that after today, it will spread to the whole land of burning heaven at a very fast speed.

At that time, I'm afraid yingtianzong will not come with hundreds of Tianjie Lingbao, but the anger of Chen and Wang families.

Either of these two aristocratic families is the existence of Diao Dao men.

Although Gu Xuan can now use his own strength to defeat three primary martial artists in holy land.

However, there are more than three of them!

If you are capable of three enemies, they will send ten directly. How can you fight?

"I'm afraid that all the people in yingtianzong would pay for the recklessness of Gu Xuan."

"Don't think so far away. It's not clear whether Dan Di can hold on to the Chen family and Wang family."

"Yes, Li family, but it's still in the back!"

The future of Ying Tianzong is bleak in the eyes of all the people of the hidden world.

A crowd of sighs continued to ring.

Of course, Gu Xuan didn't care.

Everything, let the facts speak.

He likes to hit the face directly with facts, which is a hundred times better than any verbal victory.

Turning his head slightly, Gu Xuan looked at the road of the association of pharmacists.

His eyes, as if through a lot of obstacles, directly fell on the ten people sitting on the tripod.

Li Yuanfang suddenly opened his eyes on the top of a medicine tripod.

"That's enough rest. It's time for us to go. It seems that some people are impatient to wait. "

Li Yuanfang's eyes flashed a fine awn, do not know is to say their own people, or meaning.

After Li Yuanfang's ten members, ten members of the Taoist hundred old group continued to move forward.

Danyu, next to the boundary pillar.

Ouyang butterfly looks up at the sky as if thinking about something.

For a long time, she finally sighed.

"It seems that no one will come."

The withered grass nodded in agreement.

It's enough fun.

Chen family, Wang family, Li family, want to deal with Tianzong disadvantageous people, already enough.

"I didn't expect that the suzerain's strength has been so strong. But what do people in the Li family and Danyu want to do

The withered grass Bansheng seems to be talking to himself, but in fact, he deliberately said that Ouyang Huadie listened and wanted to get the answer from her mouth.

"What else can you do? In short, the Li family naturally came to Bidan road... "

Speaking of this, Ouyang flower butterfly has realized that the withered grass is half saint in the formula.

She cast a half holy glance at the withered grass.

The dead grass half saint has hair all over his body.

Holy land, you can't afford it!

"I really want to go in and see..."

Ouyang Huadie looks to the direction of the association of pharmacists.

Ten maids' faces changed."Holy daughter, the master has told you that you can't participate in the fight between Gu Xuan and other forces, otherwise..."

A maid said in a hurry.

"I know. If I want to interfere, can people from the kingdom of heaven and Wang's family, as well as Lu Jingjing's little witch, be able to mix in?"

Ouyang flower butterfly angry way.

The withered grass frowned.

It's no wonder that Ouyang's holy daughter only stayed at the boundary pillar to accompany him to welcome the guests. It turned out that it was the order of Ouyang aristocratic family.

"Even the Ouyang family is not willing to have a confrontation with other aristocratic families?

This is not the style of Ouyang family?

What do they care about a family that can compete with Zhongyuan

The withered grass half Saint fell into deep meditation.

On the high platform, the ancient Xuan is like a green pine, standing in place, motionless.

"Good time

Mo Jingyun's voice sounded from the association of pharmacists, inspiring the deaf and enlightening.




Three drums, deafening, this side of the world, as if all trembled three times.

On the top of the ancient Xuan's head, the sky is covered with colorful clouds and slowly rotates.

In Gu Xuan's eyes, there was a lot of splendor in his eyes, and his whole person was blooming with golden light, just like a God, standing still.

"I, Gu Xuan, announced in the name of the first Dan emperor of the ages -

from now on, the Danyu was founded!

From now on, the society of pharmacists will be established! "

The voice of the ancient Xuan, like the sound of the road, shocked everyone.

Danyu established!

The association of pharmacists was founded!

These two words, like the old drum and morning bell, impact on the soul of all people, printed into all people's minds.

"Ao --"

as soon as Gu Xuan's voice fell, two golden dragons flew out of him.

A golden dragon flies to the distant sky.

Another golden dragon, roaming the void, tossing among the clouds.

After a moment, two golden dragons hover in the void and fall down at the same time!

There is a golden dragon falling down on the tablet at the boundary of the Dan region and the stone tablet in front of the medicine refining Association.

On the two steles, dragon shaped patterns immediately appeared, lifelike.

Anyone who looks at the past for the first time will feel as if he has seen a golden dragon, which is making waves and playing with pearls.

's original stone as like as two peas at this moment became golden and brilliant. After a long time, it gradually became dim and became the same as the original color.

At this point, Danyu and the association of pharmacists were officially established!

It's not far from the guild of pharmacists.

Li looked at the direction of the two golden dragons in the sky from afar and was shocked!

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