A storm seems to be raging on this small platform.

"Chirp -"

in the sky, the red tailed sparrow fluttered its wings and whirled, cheering for the ancient mystery.

Under the high platform, the crowd is the last. Princess yunyun and Shangguan Jun look worried and look at the ancient Xuan on the high platform.

A leading crutch suddenly inserted into the crowd.

"Give way, give way, I have old arms and legs, don't squeeze me."

An Ruhai smiles, and there seems to be an invisible force on the leader's crutches, so that the people in front can't help but scatter towards both sides.

A few of the loose repair face, feel that someone is pushing themselves, suddenly back, ferocious toward an Ruhai stare.

However, just in a moment, they became like quails, deeply lowered their heads, and did not even have the courage to look at the people in front of them.

They have little vision, but they are not blind.

An Ruhai and his party of ten people have seen the word Zhongyuan very clearly.

The word "Zhongyuan" is tattooed on the clothes. Only those in the Zhongyuan Region can do this, can they dare to do so.

Or, to describe it as zhongyuanyu, only they are qualified to do so.

An Ruhai continued to move forward, the crowd continued to disperse, but, a stool, quickly blocked in front of him.

On the stool, there is an old man with a fairyland, who is the leader of the Liuli clan.

He was watching with interest the drawing of the crossbow on the high platform.

Liu Li Zong's high-level officials saw this, and their faces changed greatly. They quickly lifted him up and gave way to an Ruhai and his party.

"Go away, what are you doing? Do you know that respecting the elderly is so urgent? "

An Ruhai side, a hundred old head of the old frown, the old man, really do not know.

A sense of killing poured out of him.

The faces of the high-level people of liulizong became more ugly.

"You are young. Why are you so angry. Don't I get out of the way? Nowadays, there is a great lack of education for young people. "

After drinking a sip of tea, the master of Liuli zongzong threw a big white eye on the murderous elder of the hundred old regiment.


The elder of the hundred year old regiment snorted coldly, moved his body, and plundered it towards the leader of the Liuli clan.

Just a half saint, also dare to be bold in front of him.

"An Ruhai, are you blind or deaf? Your people don't know how to respect the old and love the young. Don't you understand? "

The leader of Liuli clan suddenly scolded.

As soon as an Ruhai's pupil shrinks and steps out, he wants to catch the elder who rushes to the leader of Liuli clan.

But his hand was empty.


An Ruhai fixed his eyes on it, and the leader of Liuli Zong was still sitting steadily.

But the elder who rushed to him had already returned to his original place. He was staring at his hands, with a blank color in his eyes.


An Ruhai arched his hand towards the leader of Liuli Zong and pulled away the elder who was still at a loss.

A number of high-level Liuli Zong looked at each other, did not know what had just happened.

In their eyes, the elder of zhongyuanyu, who rushed to the patriarch, suddenly retreated from his original way.

The leader of Liuli Zong said with a smile: "look, people are the leaders. They know how to behave and respect the elderly.

However, when it comes to respecting the elderly, the leader of yingtianzong knows better. After disturbing Liuli Zong for a moment, he promised to send us so many pills. "

An Ruhai shook his head helplessly. With a shake of his right hand, he flew out of the palace with a whoosh and fell into the hands of the leader of the Liuli clan.

"I'll make amends to you."

An Ruhai gave a bitter smile.

The leader of Liuli clan took Lingbao and put it into the space ring.

"Sensible! You see, when people are so old, they still know how to respect them. You will find trouble for me all day long

The leader of Liuli Zong looked at all the disciples in front of him, but he didn't hit a place to come out.

Liulizong high-rise, how are all such a pair of goods?

Did you teach it yourself?

It's like lifting yourself just now, but it's not stable! I almost fell myself!

Not sensible!

A number of high-level Liuli Zong mouth Qi Qi twitch.

An Ruhai, a group of ten people, went to the front.

No matter how fierce the battle is on the stage, they are not afraid of it.

After an Ruhai, the dazed elder seems to suddenly react to come over, and his whole body is excited.

"Lord an, the old man just now..."

Before he finished his words, an Ruhai has stretched out a hand to stop him from going on.

"Don't mind. Don't bother him in the future."


"Take a good look at this battle, the battle of Dandao, I haven't seen it for many years."An Ruhai smiles lightly.

At this moment, tens of thousands of miles away from Dan.

A huge figure almost obscuring the sky was flying towards yingtianzong.

If you look at it carefully, it turns out to be a dragon tail whale.

However, this dragon tail whale is now a little bit miserable. Not only is it covered with blood everywhere, but also it is upside down, like a huge dead fish.

Under the tail whale, there are two figures. Compared with the tail whale, they are like two needle tips.

"Sir, your gift is really unique."

Li Xiyun's mouth has been twitching.

You can think of such a large dragon tail whale as a gift to Ying Tianzong!

"Ha ha ha ha, you think it's original, right!

My cousin Shenhai, of course, can't fall out of convention.

As the strongest one in the holy land thousands of years ago, I want to give gifts. Of course, I have to give the biggest one to be worthy of your master, who is the first Dandi of all ages!

Ha ha ha... "

The laughter of Ji Shen sea resounded through the sky.

Li Xiyun has no other way to express his feelings at the moment in addition to ha ha.

The biggest gift, the original "biggest" two words, refers to the volume?

Forgive me for being too young!

At the same time, Zhuque Xianzong.

On the ceremonial platform.

In one of the pavilions, Lauder opened his mouth wide and looked quietly at the glimmering light in the distance.

"No wonder Shizu asked me to say a word of congratulations. It turns out that someone in the rosefinch immortal sect is going to be canonized.

It's really terrible. Even the canonization platform can't completely cover up the glory of canonization.

Once this man is canonized, his future achievements will be limitless. "

Lauder thought in his heart.

But soon, a little doubt appeared in his mind.

"Why did the Shizu know that there were saints here? Is there any divination magic in liulizong? "

Lauder recalled his father's immoral appearance, but soon he shook his head.

If you look at your ancestors, you can't just look at your appearance.

Then, the master in his mind, his face appeared indecent color.

"Yes, this is what Shizu really looks like. It's not like practicing the magic of the unknown

Lauder was deeply in thought.

Danyu, on the platform next to the pharmacists' Association, has the breath of Dan Dao, which is just like Tianwei and countless mountains.

And these mountains are all pressing towards the ancient mystery.

From beginning to end, Gu Xuan didn't show a trace of elixir.

"You can't lose to the fairies."

With a faint smile, the ancient Xuan stepped out, and the breath of elixir rose from the ground!

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