Gu Xuan looked at the black pot in his hand and gave a faint smile.

The smell of black seemed to linger over the black jar.

When the crown prince Chen saw the black jar, his heart suddenly trembled.

It's like seeing something terrible.

Ji Shen Hai's face was a little surprised.

Just as Gu Xuan took out the black jar, even his heart beat violently.

He immediately realized that the things in it were extremely dangerous.

The prince of the Chen emperor, in general, was half lying on his back, constantly moving away.

He wanted to stay away from the black jar as much as he could.

Even if it's a little far away, it will make him feel more secure.

Of course, it's just psychological.

Where can he hide in this chamber?

"Gu Xuan, what is this?

What do you want to do with me? "

In the voice of the prince Chen, there is a little despair.

It's a pity that Xuangu can be cured easily by his kung fu.

Now the crown prince Chen has no ability to commit suicide.

On Gu Xuan's face, there was still a faint smile.

"Since you have asked so sincerely, I will tell you with great mercy.

I just hope you don't regret it when you hear it. "

Gu Xuan thought that something like black smoke came out of the black jar.

It turned into two little black arms.

Slowly lift the lid off.

Then, a black body, hands and feet, the whole body like a black fog of life, floated out of the jar.

At this moment, both the crown prince Chen and the sea of Ji Shen opened their eyes at the same time.

"Devil of the heart!"

The two exclaimed in unison.

Prince Chen pointed to Gu Xuan in horror.

"Are you keeping a demon in captivity? You want to control me with this heart demon? "

Gu Xuan shook his head.

"Control you with this heart demon? You look too high on yourself, Prince Chen.

Let me solemnly introduce it. This is not an ordinary heart demon, but the emperor among the heart demons.

It's called the heart demon king

"Heart demon emperor!"

The pupil of Ji Shen Hai shrank.

He had heard the legend that he cared about the devil emperor.

It was a creature to the extreme.

A common heart demon, as long as it can take advantage of the void, will be able to control the warrior, let the warrior go mad and die.

At the beginning, when Gu Xuan was promoted to Dandi, the Taoist school used a heart demon to try to control him.

Of course, with Gu Xuan's strong will and strong soul power, it will not be controlled by an ordinary heart demon.

However, if it was the heart demon emperor, even if it was Gu Xuan at that time, it was impossible to get rid of control easily.

No one can say clearly whether they are strong or not.

However, no matter who is small to ordinary people, big to holy land or even Xuansheng, as long as they are not careful to be taken advantage of by heart demons and don't get rid of them at the first time, they will end up in the end.

And the heart demon emperor, which is thousands of times stronger than ordinary heart demons, not only has a stronger ability to control the human heart, but also can control other heart demons.

"This heart demon emperor, I have been groping for a long time, until ten days ago, I completely controlled it."

Gu Xuan stretched out his right hand, and the heart demon emperor seemed to fly to Gu Xuan's hand.

"The heart demon emperor can control the heart demon.

So, from a long time ago, I began to catch the heart demons.

Don't you want to know why it took me so many days to heal you?

Because your body is so bad that you can only fuse one heart demon a day

"Every day, you Are they all melting into me?

What do you want to do when you control me?

Controlled by the heart demon, I will stop here in my life, and I will never be able to advance inch by inch.

What's the use of a common level of holy land, even if you control me? "

Gu Xuan looked appreciative.

"I thought you were scared out of your wits. I didn't expect that you were still quite clear headed.

Don't worry. The demons I put in your body will restrain each other and will not affect your cultivation.

As long as you have perseverance, maybe you will become a Xuansheng in the future. "

At this point, Gu Xuan couldn't help sighing.

"It's just that these five demons are strong and weak. Once one of them is swallowed up by other demons and can't restrain each other, you will become worse than dead.However, I also want to solve this problem.

One less, you can find one and make up for it

Chen Huang Prince numb way: "heart demon, where can I find to make up?"


Gu Xuan snapped his finger.

"You've got the point."

Gu xuanyang raised his hand, and the heart demon emperor flew to the prince Chen.

It disdains to stare at the crown prince Chen, open his mouth and spit out a breath of black gas, lingering in the head of the prince.

The crown prince of Chen panicked.

"What is this? Can I suffocate? "

As soon as he had finished his words, the black air had penetrated into his body.

"This is a little breath of the heart demon emperor, which has a special attraction to other heart demons.

Now, as long as you go back to heaven, there will be a steady stream of heart demons around you.

At that time, there will be more and more people with heart demons in your heaven, and you will have inexhaustible heart demons. "

Gu Xuan snapped his finger again.

The heart demon emperor flew back to the black jar and covered it with the cover.

The prince Chen looked at Gu Xuan with a ferocious look on his face.

"You are a devil! You won't come to a good end! "

The corner of ancient Xuan's mouth was slightly hooked.

"Don't you think it's funny to say that from your mouth?

You and I are enemies. Isn't it normal for me to deal with you?

It's you. Heaven is the land where you were born and raised. If you don't want to burn the coals to live, you can die.

In that case, no matter how strong the heart demon is, it will have no influence on you

The crown prince of Chen clenched his fist and bit his teeth. He did not speak again.

"It's almost time. I think the next time I will be redeemed by Tianzong is your father's.

Then, you will go back with your father.

If you don't have the courage to commit suicide, tell your father about you.

For heaven's sake, I think he would be happy to let you die for your country

With that, Gu Xuan and Ji Shen Hai went out of the chamber without looking back.

Prince Chen watched Gu Xuan disappear, as if they had become wooden people, lying on the ground, without any action for a long time.

Slowly, he bit his lips tightly.

The blood flowed out, but he didn't feel it, as if he couldn't feel the pain.

"Prince Chen, I can't die!

I want revenge, I want to break you into pieces!

I'm going to blow you out of your wits!

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