Danyu, yingtianzong.

In a pavilion.

Gu Xuan and Ji Shen Hai sat on the stone bench, drinking the fragrant herbal tea.

On the ground, lying an old man whose beard was dyed red.

Put down the cup, Ji Shen Hai Hu looked suspiciously at the poor and afraid of saints.

"It's been an hour. I'm afraid the elder hasn't waked up yet?

Is it that the pills just now don't work? "

The corner of his mouth trembled when he heard the speech.

Recalling the scene of the poor and afraid of saints standing upright outside Dan, even the ancient Xuan was shocked.

However, he soon realized that the scene of poor people afraid of saints spitting blood is not too grandiose?

How many injuries does it take to spit up blood like rain?

Soon, Gu Xuan tried to wake the poor and afraid of saints.

Unfortunately, the poor and afraid of saints is just like a person who is seriously injured to a coma, but does not wake up.

Gu Xuan turned his head slightly, took a look at the poor and afraid saint who was lying on the ground. With a crack, he put down his teacup.

This old man, there is no end to it!

What do you think about it?

"The pills just now must work.

I don't know why the old man didn't wake up

Gu Xuan was a little depressed. He couldn't expose that the old man was pretending to be unconscious.

Moreover, even if exposed, the old man will not wake up, it is not impossible.


A ring fell from Gu Xuan's hand to the ground, making a crisp sound.

The brow of the poor, afraid of the saints, picked a little imperceptible.

Unfortunately, no matter how subtle the action, how to escape from the eyes of ancient Xuan.

The poor fear of saints is to pretend to be in a coma. He has already made 200% sure.

Ji Shen sea a Leng, looking at the space ring on the ground, don't understand the meaning of ancient Xuan?

If we say that it was accidentally removed, it is simply the great fallacy of the desolate world.

A half step true emperor, even the middle level of the holy land can die in Yin. If the high-level Chen of the holy land is asked by heaven and the sky, will he accidentally drop a space ring?

Even if he dropped it accidentally, the instant from the release to the landing was enough for him to run back and forth from here to the gate of yingtianzong, but could he not catch it?

Therefore, Ji Shen Hai is sure that Gu Xuan intentionally threw the space ring.

As for the reason?

The God of Ji glanced at the poor and afraid of saints, and his heart became clear.

Gu Xuan suddenly stood up from the stone bench and looked into the distance.

"I didn't expect that the poor and afraid saints would be hurt so much for me?

For such a small ransom, I am really guilty of implicating the poor and fearing the saints to be injured! "

Gu Xuan covered his chest with a sad look.

Ji Shen Hai was startled.

I'll go!

What kind of acting is it?

Outside the pavilion is a small lake.

In the small lake, a jet of water suddenly erupted.

A whale, only one foot in size, peeped out his curious eyes from the water and looked at the pavilion.

When it saw the sea of Ji Shen, all of a sudden, its whole body was stiff, as if it had lost all its strength, motionless and sunk to the bottom of the water.

"I'm so sorry! Elder brother Ji, you say, if you are poor and afraid that the elder will not wake up in this life, what should we do?

Oh? All blame me, directly put the crown prince Chen, not all right, what ransom?

This ransom is the root of my guilt. I decided to destroy this space ring and banish all the Lingbao and Shengjing to the depth of time and space to express my deep apology to the elder

With that, Gu Xuan gently waved his hand, and the ring fell on the ground, and flew to Gu Xuan's hand with a whoosh.

A force of space was surging in Gu Xuan's hand, as if he would tear the space ring in his hand at any time.

However, at this critical moment, the poor and afraid of saints lying on the ground in a big font jumped up with a whoosh.

"Why, where is this? How can I be here?

Ask where the sky is, and I will fight him for another three hundred rounds!

Oh, I remember. I beat him away, and then I passed out.

Why, Gu Xuan, what are you doing

The poor and afraid of saints, who jumped up, finished a long conversation at a speed that ordinary people can't reach.

Ji Shenhai was stunned.

How can a high-level warrior in holy land have no lower limit?

It's a poor performance!

However, bad comments can only be played in the heart, see through and do not tell, is the ultimate meaning of life and death.

The power of space in the hands of Gu Xuan disappeared immediately."It's very kind of you to wake up, old man."

Gu Xuan was surprised.

"Yes, in fact, don't worry about me. Even though I'm old, you and I are of the same generation, which is only tens of thousands of years older than you, and still young.

This kind of injury is similar to acne.

By the way, what you have in your hand is a space ring for ransom. Let's divide it first when the sun is just right. "

The poor and afraid of saints are staring at the space ring in Gu Xuan's hand.

Ji Shenhai stood up and faced the small lake. The old and the young couldn't bear to look directly at him. His performance was so disgusting.

The process of dividing the stolen goods lasted half an hour.

Because the poor and afraid of saints have been in a coma for so long, they need some compensation - of course, this is strongly recommended by the poor and afraid of saints.

As a result, the ransom of the poor and afraid of saints increased from 30% to 40%.

Then, the two sides had a heated discussion on Chen Wentian's "face saving for the poor and afraid of saints".

At the beginning, Chen Wentian wanted to give more of these ten holy crystals, to a large extent, because he knew the essence of the miser of the poor and afraid of saints. He hoped that these ten holy crystals could bring great differences between the two sides.

It is better to be so different that the poor are afraid that the saints will slap Gu Xuan to death.

But obviously, he underestimated Gu Xuan's reason.

Gu Xuan soon made a decision. The ten sacred crystals were divided separately.

In the face of those who are poor and afraid of saints, they are divided into four and six accounts. Of course, the main reason is that the fists of the poor and afraid of saints are relatively large.

Finally, it is the ownership of the defensive tongxuan Lingbao and ditu Baojia.

Gu Xuan didn't mean to give in to this treasure. Even if the fist of the poor and afraid of saints was relatively large, however big it was, it was still too big. Now the space ring was in the hands of Gu Xuan.

Gu Xuan banished the things in the ring of space to the depth of time and space, and threatened by the two sides, he forced the poor and afraid of saints to compromise.

The price of the compromise is that this piece of tongxuan Lingbao is priced at 100 Shengjing, and guxuan needs to compensate the poor and afraid of saints for 40 holy crystals.

After settling the ownership of the emperor's treasure armour, all the ransom was quickly divided into two parts.

There are 120 pieces of ancient mystery and 80 pieces of poor and afraid saints.

There are 96 saints and 14 ancient Xuans.

Emperor Tu Bao Jia Gu Xuan collected it directly and didn't show it to the poor and afraid of saints.

God knows if the poor and afraid of saints will suddenly repent. If you take it out, it will be bad if you can't take it back.

After the division of the stolen goods, everyone is happy.

Gu Xuan and the poor afraid Saint looked at each other and laughed at the same time.

Laughter spread throughout yingtianzong.

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