This leaf flying boat is itself a dragon vine.

Suddenly, a root of vines from the boat drilling out, gushing out of the ground.

"It's no use. I've been integrated into this mire. I'm invisible. It's beyond your power if you want to catch me out!"

Underground, the rampant voice came again.

The sound was so erratic that it couldn't tell where it was coming from.

Gu Xuan photographed the boat again.

Dong, Dong, Dong.

The sound of percussion forms a circle of ripples, rippling in the whole mire.

"I told you to keep your dog alive for a while and not be so arrogant. You don't believe it, do you?"

There was a sneer at the corner of his mouth.

"Since you challenge me, I will find you out.

Do you really think I can't hold you? "

As soon as Gu Xuan's voice fell, the whole mire began to boil.

A voice of terror came from the bottom of the earth.

"How could it be? Is there such a powerful soul attack in this sonic attack?

My body can't move... "

A moment later, only to hear a few whish, a few vines out of the mud.

A seemingly embarrassed warrior with mud all over his body is drooping his head and his hands are hanging weakly on his chest.

"You can rely on your soul to attack and force me to act. Who are you?"

The embarrassed warrior's voice is weak.

The attack on his soul just now was so powerful that his whole body seemed to be shocked suddenly. He could not even move.

At that time, the Dragon vine accurately caught him out.

"Finally out."

With a sigh of relief, the withered grass took the lead in climbing the boat.

At the same time, with a wave of his right hand, a few of his energetic palms fell into the mire and lifted up several young disciples of Fei Yue Mountain Gate.

Gu Xuan did not answer the words of the embarrassed warrior in front of him. Instead, he lifted his mouth and looked at the sky.

More and more warriors have entered the gate of Fei Yue mountain.

A moment later, Gu Xuan looked at the embarrassed warrior again.

"Are you trying to talk to me? In other words, is the whole gate under the surveillance of the original creator behind the scenes? "

A cold smile from the embarrassed warrior.

"Now that you have seen through it, I can't ask you anything.

You'd better let me go, otherwise, the influence behind me will definitely make you have a lot to eat! "

Gu Xuan gazed at the embarrassed warrior with interest.

"Threatening me? significant. When it comes to the power behind you, I have to remind you of it.

From my boat, into this piece of mud marsh, everything here has been under my control.

In fact, you should have found out. Everything here has been covered up by me.

No one outside, no matter who, will know what's going on here.

So, you can stop talking nonsense and procrastinate. After all, it's useless. "

The embarrassed warrior's face changed greatly. No wonder he felt wrong from just now on.

No wonder, I was raised by these vines for such a long time, no companion came to rescue him.

This space, even by the people in front of me?

"What on earth do you want to do?"

There was a ferocious look in the eyes of the embarrassed warrior, who had to fight with Gu Xuan if he didn't agree.

Gu Xuan said with a smile: "I have a lot of problems, but to sum up, there are only two.

Are you using earth force?

What is the power behind you? "

A little surprise flashed in the eyes of the embarrassed warrior, but he immediately covered it up.

If it is ordinary people, it may be really difficult to find out.

However, with the insight of ancient metaphysics, how could it not be discovered.

A fine light flashed through Gu Xuan's eyes.

It seems that at least the first problem can be confirmed.

"I don't know the power of earthly actions. I'm the one who burns the sky and the land. Naturally, I'm the one who builds fire.

As for the power behind me, I can tell you. Anyway, you will soon know.

Fury, the south peak of Fei Yue Mountain Gate, do you remember!

Today, we are here to collect the debt! "

The embarrassed warrior sneered and stared at the withered grass.

The withered grass half saint's face sank.

It's really these guys!

It's no wonder that he can make a waist token and easily deceive the guard disciple of the mountain gate.

This can only be achieved by the warriors of Nanfeng.

In the eyes of the dead grass half saint, there is a killing opportunity, and he stares at the embarrassed warrior."At that time, Nanfeng was fighting for the position of orthodoxy, which caused numerous deaths and injuries in the whole Feiyue Mountain Gate. Even the only two middle level elders in the Holy Land woke up from the state of sealing blood and suppressing longevity to participate in the war and then fell down.

Otherwise, how strong should I be now?

This is all caused by your Nanfeng. How dare you come back? "

The embarrassed warrior snorted with disdain.

"Once you won, you won, but now, when I come back from Nanfeng, it's you who failed.

What's more, this time, my Southern peak will drive you away from the north peak, so as to avoid future trouble! "

"You are talking about dreams. This time, you will still be defeated in the same way as you in Nanfeng!"

Withered grass half Saint stretched out his neck, a posture of never admit defeat.

Gu Xuan shook his head and waved his hand.

"Stop fighting. The enmity between Nanfeng and Beifeng is none of your business.

If I guess correctly, you are not from Nanfeng at all. Is it interesting to pretend like this? "

Gu Xuan stared at the embarrassed warrior with a smile.

"What do you mean?"

The embarrassed warrior looked at Gu Xuan suspiciously.

Gu Xuan sighed and pointed to the mud under his feet.

"If it's an ordinary half saint, I'm afraid you've cheated me."

At this point, Gu Xuan made a slight stroke of his left palm in the void, and a path of holy power hovered and fell on the embarrassed warrior.

The pupil of the embarrassed warrior suddenly shrinks.

"Saint Holy Land... "

Then he began to laugh bitterly.

"I didn't lose right."

Gu Xuan gave a faint smile.

"So, you'd better tell the truth, or I've wasted so much time, isn't it meaningless.

The mud, even if I want to make it so natural, is not as clean as you.

You say you are from Nanfeng. Are you testing my IQ? "

As soon as the embarrassed warrior gritted his teeth, a fierce light flashed in his eyes.

"This mire is not my skill, I just use the charm.

Not only that, my method of concealment is also the talisman used.

When you see the method that can really use this skill, it will be your death time! "

As soon as the voice fell, the yellow light suddenly broke out on the embarrassed warrior.

"Well? Want to escape? "

Gu Xuan was stunned. This guy is too self defeating, isn't he?


Gu Xuan was about to seal this space with another layer of seal. Unexpectedly, the embarrassed warrior showed a look of astonishment, and then turned into powder in the light of yellow earth. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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