A soft light, from the hands of Gu Xuan, flew to the empty right shoulder of yuesanren.

This light, with a little green, has a lot of vitality.

Several pills, atomized in the hands of the ancient Xuan, with the light, also into the wounds of the moon scattered.

The moon scattered man looked up at the sky and made a memory.

"A long time ago, in a place called burning heaven, there was a mountain gate with a long history, which was called Fei..."

Gu Xuan has a black thread.

"Please tell me the point. Why don't you start with Pangu

Yuesanren coughed a few times and laughed awkwardly.

"As soon as you tell a story, it seems that I go back to the scene that I once told a story to a few people with withered grass. I'm sorry.

By the way, there is an ancient language. I don't know if you have ever heard of it. "

Gu Xuan was stunned.

"What language?"

Strange sounds came out of the scattered population.

“Long long ago……”


Gu Xuan's left hand broke a branch beside him.

The black line on his forehead, thicker.

"No more bird talk! Talk to me!

I just want to know the story about that thing on your apprentice

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm easy to be confused when I'm old. Let's make a long story short."

Yuesanren laughed and began to organize his language again.

Gu Xuan's whole mouth was shaking. If he hadn't been a monk this month, he would have given him a few shudders if he was not his master!

A moment later, yuesanren finally spoke.

This time, his language was much more normal, and Gu Xuan finally understood.

The north peak of Fei Yue Mountain Gate has a secret that only the master can pass on from generation to generation.

That is, under the forbidden area, there is an underground pagoda.

To be exact, the pagoda is a cage.

The prisoner is a native spirit who has existed for many years.

Earth Spirit is a kind of spirit of the five elements. It is similar to the spirit of fire and has its own wisdom.

The Earth Spirit of Fei Yue Mountain Gate is even more exaggerated. He not only has wisdom, but also can practice by himself.

Of course, in the underground pagoda, it can not be cultivated.

As a progressive Earth Spirit, he was naturally angry because he couldn't practice.

In order not to waste the long life of the Earth Spirit, it began to constantly impact the pagoda, and wanted to break it out.

It's a pity, so many years, have not been able to rush out.

If it can't rush out, it will naturally become more angry, and then it will produce endless resentment.

These resentments even broke through the shackles of the underground pagoda and attracted the young withered grass to this forbidden area.

Then, the Earth Spirit controlled the resentment and entered the body of the half saint of the dead grass. He wanted to enslave him and let him practice slowly. When the cultivation was successful, he would release himself.

Fortunately, yuesanren found all this, and saved the withered grass in time.

Unfortunately, the grudges of the spirit of the dead grass half saint can not be removed, which makes the life of the dead grass half saint in danger.

In order to avoid the death of the half sage of withered grass, yuesanren used the seal technique to seal the Earth Spirit resentment in the withered grass semi holy body.

Although he succeeded in the end, yuesanren was also counterattacked by the resentment of the Earth Spirit. One third of the Earth Spirit resentment in the withered grass and half holy body invaded the elixir field. As if he had been cursed, his strength and vitality began to decline.

Fortunately, the Earth Spirit was sealed because of resentment, and his vitality was damaged, and he began to sleep soundly.

Everything seems to be at peace.

Until recently, when life was about to run out.

Yuesanren knew that he couldn't hide it, so he told his disciples that he had been cursed, hoping to choose an heir from them.

However, when the disciples knew that yuesanren had been cursed, they were not in a mood to fight for the position of the sect leader. Instead, they went out to find a pharmacist to remove the curse for him.

The withered grass Bansheng did even better. He took advantage of yuesanren's suppression of the "Curse" in his body, quietly absorbed the black gas from his body, and made himself suffer from a slight "Curse". Then he took the "Curse" sample to yingtianzong.

At that time, the ancient Xuan was already the "first Dan emperor" who was granted by the way of heaven himself, and easily solved the "Curse" in the withered grass half holy body.

The withered grass half saint was overjoyed and sent the news back.

At this time, Yuesan did not know that the withered grass half Saint had absorbed a trace of "Curse" from his own discharge. At that time, he realized that things were going to be bad.

Sure enough, that trace of resentment aroused the resentment of the Earth Spirit sealed in the body of the half sage of the dead grass. Although the dead grass and the half Saint had no feeling, the Earth Spirit suppressed in the pagoda under the ground woke up from a deep sleep and was excited again to find the half sage of the dead grass.Fortunately, the withered grass was half holy at that time, which was far away from yingtianzong.

Tuling couldn't find the dead grass and the half saint, so he became angry again. He took advantage of a dark and windy night, and began to attack the pagoda under the ground crazily.

Although it still failed in the end, the seal of the underground pagoda was really loose, leading to the breath of Earth Spirit leaking out.

At that time, yuesanren felt that it was not good. However, no matter how bad it was, he could not do anything about it.

Moreover, he is still lucky. Few people know about the Earth Spirit in the burning land where everyone repairs fire. Even if the breath leaks, no one knows what it is, let alone fight for it.

After that, although the man who robbed the Earth Spirit didn't come, he disappeared. He didn't know how long Nanfeng was, but he killed him back.

Of course, at the beginning of the month scattered people, still did not notice.

Until he was attacked by a strange half saint in Nanfeng, the elixir field was injured, and the Earth Spirit resentment in his body became active again, which aggravated his injury.

After the injury worsened, although yuesanren had already emphasized with his disciples that this matter should never be told to the dead grass half saints who went out.

However, it was a matter of vital importance to yuesanren's life. The great apprentice around him was extremely anxious and sent someone to inform the other disciples.

Speaking of this, Gu Xuan had already figured out most things.

There's a little doubt, but it's not the point.

He looked at yuesanren and asked, "did the strange half saint who attacked you emerge from the soil and suddenly disappear from the soil and escape?"

Yuesanren looks at Gu Xuan in surprise.

"How do you know? Have you ever met the half saint

Gu Xuan nodded.

"I did. I sent him to the nether world by the way.

But, I don't understand. Even if you are injured, you will not be attacked by a half saint, right? "

Yuesanren frowned.

"Because he appeared in a place I thought was absolutely safe, which is my cave.

At that time, I was suppressing the resentment of the earth spirits, and I was not prepared at all.

He used the power of earth and hit me in the elixir field. With his strength, I didn't even do heavy damage.

I was about to kill him, but he suddenly got into the ground and ran away.

However, I failed to suppress the resentment of the Earth Spirit, which led to the damage of the elixir field. "

Gu Xuan held up his chin with a funny smile in his mouth.

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